

Even gap

Laminar flow

Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a laminar fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. See more information.

Turbulent flow

Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a laminar fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. See more information.

Overall flow

Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a laminar fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Content

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar kc_evenGapLaminar Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | laminar flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_KC kc_evenGapLaminar_KC Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | laminar flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar and kc_evenGapLaminar_KC
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar and kc_evenGapLaminar_KC
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall kc_evenGapOverall Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | overall flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures | surface roughness
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_KC kc_evenGapOverall_KC Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | overall flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures | surface roughness
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent kc_evenGapTurbulent Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | turbulent flow regime | developed fluid flow | heat transfer at BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | turbulent flow regime | developed fluid flow | heat transfer at BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent and kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent and kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC


Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | laminar flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures



Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a laminar fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d (Geometry figure for gap).


Constant inputs
kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_conIN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar
Variable inputs
kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_varIN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcConvective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2.K)]
PrandtlNumberPrPrandl number [1]
ReynoldsNumberReReynolds number [1]
NusseltNumberNuNusselt number [1]
RealfailureStatus0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results

Modelica definition

function kc_evenGapLaminar 
  "Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | laminar flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures"

  //SOURCE: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Gb 6-10

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar";

  //output variables
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Convective heat transfer coefficient";
  output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandl number";
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number";
  output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number";
  output Real failureStatus 
    "0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results";

  type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.kc_evenGap;

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  Real laminar=2200 "Maximum Reynolds number of laminar flow regime";

  SI.Area A_cross=IN_con.s*IN_con.h "Cross sectional area of gap";
  SI.Diameter d_hyd=2*IN_con.s "Hydraulic diameter";

  Real prandtlMax=if == TYP.UndevOne then 10 else if
       == TYP.UndevBoth then 1000 else 0 "Maximum Prandtl number";
  Real prandtlMin=if == TYP.UndevOne or == TYP.UndevBoth then 
            0.1 else 0 "Minimum Prandtl number";

  SI.Velocity velocity=abs(IN_var.m_flow)/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) 
    "Mean velocity in gap";

  //failure status
  Real fstatus[2] "Check of expected boundary conditions";

  Pr := abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda));
  Re := max(1, abs(IN_var.rho*velocity*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta)));
  kc := Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_KC(IN_con,
  Nu := kc*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda);

  //failure status
  fstatus[1] := if Re > laminar then 1 else 0;
  fstatus[2] := if == TYP.UndevOne or == TYP.UndevBoth then 
          if Pr > prandtlMax or Pr < prandtlMin then 1 else 0 else 0;

  failureStatus := 0;
  for i in 1:size(fstatus, 1) loop
    if fstatus[i] == 1 then
      failureStatus := 1;
    end if;
  end for;
end kc_evenGapLaminar;


Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | laminar flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures



Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a laminar fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d (Geometry figure for gap).


Constant inputs
kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_conIN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC
Variable inputs
kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_varIN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcOutput for function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC [W/(m2.K)]

Modelica definition

function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC 
  "Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | laminar flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures"

  //SOURCE: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Gb 6-10

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC";
  //output variables
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc 
    "Output for function kc_evenGapLaminar_KC";

  type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.kc_evenGap;

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  SI.Area A_cross=max(MIN, IN_con.s*IN_con.h) "Cross sectional area of gap";
  SI.Diameter d_hyd=2*IN_con.s "Hydraulic diameter";

  SI.Velocity velocity=abs(IN_var.m_flow)/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) 
    "Mean velocity in gap";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=max(1, IN_var.rho*velocity*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta));
  SI.PrandtlNumber Pr=abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda));

  //variables for mean Nusselt number
  //SOURCE: p.Gb 7, eq. 36/37
  SI.NusseltNumber Nu_1=if == TYP.DevOne or == TYP.UndevOne then 
            4.861 else if == TYP.DevBoth or == TYP.UndevBoth then 
            7.541 else 0 "First Nusselt number";
  //SOURCE: p.Gb 7, eq. 38
  SI.NusseltNumber Nu_2=1.841*(Re*Pr*d_hyd/(max(IN_con.L, MIN)))^(1/3) 
    "Second Nusselt number";
  //SOURCE: p.Gb 7, eq. 42
  SI.NusseltNumber Nu_3=if == TYP.UndevOne or ==
      TYP.UndevBoth then (2/(1 + 22*Pr))^(1/6)*(Re*Pr*d_hyd/(max(IN_con.L, MIN)))
      ^(0.5) else 0 "Third mean Nusselt number";
  SI.NusseltNumber Nu=((Nu_1)^3 + (Nu_2)^3 + (Nu_3)^3)^(1/3);

  kc := Nu*((IN_var.lambda/max(MIN, d_hyd)));
end kc_evenGapLaminar_KC;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con

Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar and kc_evenGapLaminar_KC


This record is used as  input record  for the heat transfer function  kc_evenGapLaminar and

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con (Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC).


Even gap
kc_evenGaptargetDissipation.Utilities.Types....Target variable of calculation
Lengthh0.1Height of cross sectional area [m]
Lengths0.05Distance between parallel plates in cross sectional area [m]
LengthL1Overflowed length of gap [m]

Modelica definition

record kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con 
  "Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar and kc_evenGapLaminar_KC"

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con;

end kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_con;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var

Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar and kc_evenGapLaminar_KC


This record is used as  input record  for the heat transfer function  kc_evenGapLaminar and

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var (Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC).


Fluid properties
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecp Specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)]
DynamicViscosityeta Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s]
ThermalConductivitylambda Thermal conductivity of fluid [W/(m.K)]
Densityrho Density of fluid [kg/m3]
MassFlowRatem_flow [kg/s]

Modelica definition

record kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var 
  "Input record for function kc_evenGapLaminar and kc_evenGapLaminar_KC"

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var;

end kc_evenGapLaminar_IN_var;


Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | overall flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures | surface roughness



Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for an overall fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d (Geometry figure for gap).


Constant inputs
kc_evenGapOverall_IN_conIN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall
Variable inputs
kc_evenGapOverall_IN_varIN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcConvective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2.K)]
PrandtlNumberPrPrandl number [1]
ReynoldsNumberReReynolds number [1]
NusseltNumberNuNusselt number [1]
RealfailureStatus0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results

Modelica definition

function kc_evenGapOverall 
  "Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | overall flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures | surface roughness"

  //SOURCE: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Gb 6-10

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d;

  import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
  import MIN = Modelica.Constants.eps;
  // import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.Stepsmoother;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall";

  //output variables
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Convective heat transfer coefficient";
  output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandl number";
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number";
  output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number";
  output Real failureStatus 
    "0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results";

  type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.kc_evenGap;

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  Real laminar=2200 "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime";
  Real turbulent=1e4 "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime";

  SI.Area A_cross=IN_con.s*IN_con.h "Cross sectional area of gap";
  SI.Diameter d_hyd=2*IN_con.s "Hydraulic diameter";

  Real prandtlMax=if == TYP.UndevOne then 10 else if
       == TYP.UndevBoth then 1000 else 0 "Maximum Prandtl number";
  Real prandtlMin=if == TYP.UndevOne or == TYP.UndevBoth then 
            0.1 else 0 "Minimum Prandtl number";

  SI.Velocity velocity=abs(IN_var.m_flow)/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) 
    "Mean velocity in gap";

  //failure status
  Real fstatus[2] "Check of expected boundary conditions";

  Pr := abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda));
  Re := max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.rho*velocity*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta)));
  kc := Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_KC(IN_con, IN_var);
  Nu := kc*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda);

  //failure status
  fstatus[1] := if == TYP.UndevOne or == TYP.UndevBoth then 
          if Pr > prandtlMax or Pr < prandtlMin then 1 else 0 else 0;
  fstatus[2] := if d_hyd/IN_con.L > 1.0 then 1 else 0;

  failureStatus := 0;
  for i in 1:size(fstatus, 1) loop
    if fstatus[i] == 1 then
      failureStatus := 1;
    end if;
  end for;

end kc_evenGapOverall;


Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | overall flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures | surface roughness



Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for an overall fluid flow through an even gap at different fluid flow and heat transfer situations. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d (Geometry figure for gap).


Constant inputs
kc_evenGapOverall_IN_conIN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall_KC
Variable inputs
kc_evenGapOverall_IN_varIN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall_KC


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcOutput for function kc_evenGapOverall_KC [W/(m2.K)]

Modelica definition

function kc_evenGapOverall_KC 
  "Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | overall flow regime | considering boundary layer development | heat transfer at ONE or BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures | surface roughness"

  //SOURCE: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Gb 6-10

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d;

  import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall_KC";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall_KC";

  //output variables
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc 
    "Output for function kc_evenGapOverall_KC";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  Real laminar=2200 "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime";
  Real turbulent=1e4 "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime";

  SI.Area A_cross=max(MIN, IN_con.s*IN_con.h) "Cross sectional area of gap";
  SI.Diameter d_hyd=2*IN_con.s "Hydraulic diameter";

  SI.Velocity velocity=abs(IN_var.m_flow)/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) 
    "Mean velocity in gap";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=max(1, IN_var.rho*velocity*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta));
  SI.PrandtlNumber Pr=abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda));

  kc := SMOOTH(
    IN_con, IN_var) + SMOOTH(
    IN_con, IN_var);
end kc_evenGapOverall_KC;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con

Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC


This record is used as  input record  for the heat transfer function  kc_evenGapOverall and

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.HeatTransfer.EvenGap (Input for even gap).


Even gap
kc_evenGaptargetDissipation.Utilities.Types....Target variable of calculation
Lengthh0.1Height of cross sectional area [m]
Lengths0.05Distance between parallel plates in cross sectional area [m]
LengthL1Overflowed length of gap [m]

Modelica definition

record kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con 
  "Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC"

        //even gap variables
        extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.HeatTransfer.EvenGap;

end kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var

Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC


This record is used as  input record  for the heat transfer function  kc_evenGapOverall and

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.FluidProperties (Base record for fluid properties).


Fluid properties
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecp Specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)]
DynamicViscosityeta Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s]
ThermalConductivitylambda Thermal conductivity of fluid [W/(m.K)]
Densityrho Density of fluid [kg/m3]
MassFlowRatem_flow [kg/s]

Modelica definition

record kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var 
  "Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC"

  //fluid property variables
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.FluidProperties;

  //input variable (mass flow rate)
  SI.MassFlowRate m_flow;

end kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var;


Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | turbulent flow regime | developed fluid flow | heat transfer at BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures



Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a developed turbulent fluid flow through an even gap at heat transfer from both sides. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d (Geometry figure for gap).


Constant inputs
kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_conIN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent
Variable inputs
kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_varIN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcConvective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2.K)]
PrandtlNumberPrPrandl number [1]
ReynoldsNumberReReynolds number [1]
NusseltNumberNuNusselt number [1]
RealfailureStatus0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results

Modelica definition

function kc_evenGapTurbulent 
  "Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | turbulent flow regime | developed fluid flow | heat transfer at BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures"

  //SOURCE: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Gb 7

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d;

  import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
  import MIN = Modelica.Constants.eps;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent";

  //output variables
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Convective heat transfer coefficient";
  output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandl number";
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number";
  output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number";
  output Real failureStatus 
    "0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  Real prandtlMax=100 "Maximum Prandtl number";
  Real prandtlMin=0.6 "Minimum Prandtl number";
  Real turbulentMax=1e6 "Maximum Reynolds number for turbulent flow regime";
  Real turbulentMin=3e4 "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent flow regime";

  SI.Area A_cross=max(MIN, IN_con.s*IN_con.h) "Cross sectional area of gap";
  SI.Diameter d_hyd=2*IN_con.s "Hydraulic diameter";

  SI.Velocity velocity=abs(IN_var.m_flow)/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) 
    "Mean velocity in gap";

  //failure status
  Real fstatus[3] "check of expected boundary conditions";

  Pr := abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda));
  Re := max(1, abs(IN_var.rho*velocity*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta)));
  kc := Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC(IN_con,
  Nu := kc*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda);

  //failure status
  fstatus[1] := if Re > turbulentMax or Re < turbulentMin then 1 else 0;
  fstatus[2] := if Pr > prandtlMax or Pr < prandtlMin then 1 else 0;
  fstatus[3] := if d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_con.L) > 1.0 then 1 else 0;

  failureStatus := 0;
  for i in 1:size(fstatus, 1) loop
    if fstatus[i] == 1 then
      failureStatus := 1;
    end if;
  end for;
end kc_evenGapTurbulent;


Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | turbulent flow regime | developed fluid flow | heat transfer at BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures



Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for a developed turbulent fluid flow through an even gap at heat transfer from both sides. See more information.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d (Geometry figure for gap).


Constant inputs
kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_conIN_con Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC
Variable inputs
kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_varIN_var Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC


CoefficientOfHeatTransferkcOutput for function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC [W/(m2.K)]

Modelica definition

function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC 
  "Mean heat transfer coefficient of even gap | turbulent flow regime | developed fluid flow | heat transfer at BOTH sides | identical and constant wall temperatures"

  //SOURCE: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Gb 7

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.HeatTransfer.Gap1_d;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC";

  //output variables
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc 
    "Output for function kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  SI.Area A_cross=max(MIN, IN_con.s*IN_con.h) "Cross sectional area of gap";
  SI.Diameter d_hyd=2*IN_con.s "Hydraulic diameter";

  SI.Velocity velocity=abs(IN_var.m_flow)/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) 
    "Mean velocity in gap";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=max(2.6, IN_var.rho*velocity*d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta));
  SI.PrandtlNumber Pr=abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/max(MIN, IN_var.lambda));

  //SOURCE: p.Ga 5, eq. 27
  Real zeta=1/max(MIN, 1.8*Modelica.Math.log10(abs(Re)) - 1.5)^2 
    "Pressure loss coefficient";

  //SOURCE: p.Gb 5, eq. 26
  //assumption according to Gb 7, sec. 2.4
  SI.NusseltNumber Nu=abs((zeta/8)*Re*Pr/(1 + 12.7*(zeta/8)^0.5*(Pr^(2/3) - 1))
      *(1 + (d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_con.L))^(2/3)));

  kc := Nu*(IN_var.lambda/max(MIN, d_hyd));

end kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con

Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent and kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC


This record is used as  input record  for the heat transfer function  kc_evenGapTurbulent and

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con (Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC).


Even gap
kc_evenGaptarget2Target variable of calculation
Lengthh0.1Height of cross sectional area [m]
Lengths0.05Distance between parallel plates in cross sectional area [m]
LengthL1Overflowed length of gap [m]

Modelica definition

record kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con 
  "Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent and kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC"

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_con
    ( final target=2);

end kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_con;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var

Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent and kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC


This record is used as  input record  for the heat transfer function  kc_evenGapTurbulent and

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var (Input record for function kc_evenGapOverall and kc_evenGapOverall_KC).


Fluid properties
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressurecp Specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)]
DynamicViscosityeta Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s]
ThermalConductivitylambda Thermal conductivity of fluid [W/(m.K)]
Densityrho Density of fluid [kg/m3]
MassFlowRatem_flow [kg/s]

Modelica definition

record kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var 
  "Input record for function kc_evenGapTurbulent and kc_evenGapTurbulent_KC"

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.Channel.kc_evenGapOverall_IN_var;

end kc_evenGapTurbulent_IN_var;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:31:19 2010.