Name | Description |
![]() | |
![]() | |
![]() | Closed approximation of lambert's w function for solving f(x) = x exp(x) for x |
![]() | Iterative form of lambert's w function for solving f(x) = x exp(x) for x |
![]() | calculation of Prandtl number |
![]() | calculation of Reynolds number |
![]() | Limiting the derivative of function y = if x>=0 then x^pow else -(-x)^pow |
![]() | The derivative of function SmoothPower |
![]() | Continuous interpolation for x |
![]() | Derivative of function Stepsmoother |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | Re_turbulent | ||
ReynoldsNumber | Re1 | [1] | |
ReynoldsNumber | Re2 | [1] | |
Real | Delta | ||
Real | lambda2 |
Type | Name | Description |
ReynoldsNumber | Re | [1] |
function CubicInterpolation_DP import Modelica.Math; input Real Re_turbulent; input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re1; input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re2; input Real Delta; input Real lambda2; output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re; // point lg(lambda2(Re1)) with derivative at lg(Re1) protected Real x1=Math.log10(64*Re1); Real y1=Math.log10(Re1); Real yd1=1; // Point lg(lambda2(Re2)) with derivative at lg(Re2) Real aux1=(0.5/Math.log(10))*5.74*0.9; Real aux2=Delta/3.7 + 5.74/Re2^0.9; Real aux3=Math.log10(aux2); Real L2=0.25*(Re2/aux3)^2; Real aux4=2.51/sqrt(L2) + 0.27*Delta; Real aux5=-2*sqrt(L2)*Math.log10(aux4); Real x2=Math.log10(L2); Real y2=Math.log10(aux5); Real yd2=0.5 + (2.51/Math.log(10))/(aux5*aux4); // Constants: Cubic polynomial between lg(Re1) and lg(Re2) Real diff_x=x2 - x1; Real m=(y2 - y1)/diff_x; Real c2=(3*m - 2*yd1 - yd2)/diff_x; Real c3=(yd1 + yd2 - 2*m)/(diff_x*diff_x); Real lambda2_1=64*Re1; Real dx=Math.log10(lambda2/lambda2_1); algorithm Re := Re1*(lambda2/lambda2_1)^(1 + dx*(c2 + dx*c3));end CubicInterpolation_DP;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ReynoldsNumber | Re | [1] | |
ReynoldsNumber | Re1 | [1] | |
ReynoldsNumber | Re2 | [1] | |
Real | Delta |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | lambda2 |
function CubicInterpolation_MFLOW import Modelica.Math; input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re; input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re1; input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re2; input Real Delta; output Real lambda2; // point lg(lambda2(Re1)) with derivative at lg(Re1) protected Real x1=Math.log10(Re1); Real y1=Math.log10(64*Re1); Real yd1=1; // Point lg(lambda2(Re2)) with derivative at lg(Re2) Real aux1=(0.5/Math.log(10))*5.74*0.9; Real aux2=Delta/3.7 + 5.74/Re2^0.9; Real aux3=Math.log10(aux2); Real L2=0.25*(Re2/aux3)^2; Real aux4=2.51/sqrt(L2) + 0.27*Delta; Real aux5=-2*sqrt(L2)*Math.log10(aux4); Real x2=Math.log10(Re2); Real y2=Math.log10(L2); Real yd2=2 + 4*aux1/(aux2*aux3*(Re2)^0.9); // Constants: Cubic polynomial between lg(Re1) and lg(Re2) Real diff_x=x2 - x1; Real m=(y2 - y1)/diff_x; Real c2=(3*m - 2*yd1 - yd2)/diff_x; Real c3=(yd1 + yd2 - 2*m)/(diff_x*diff_x); Real dx=Math.log10(Re/Re1); algorithm lambda2 := 64*Re1*(Re/Re1)^(1 + dx*(c2 + dx*c3));end CubicInterpolation_MFLOW;
This function calculates an approximation of the inverse for
f(x) = y = x * exp( x )
within ∞ > y > -1/e. The relative deviation of this approximation for lambert's w function x = W(y) is diplayed in the following graph.
For y > 10 and higher values the relative deviation is smaller 2%.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | y | f(x) |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | x | W(y) |
function LambertW "Closed approximation of lambert's w function for solving f(x) = x exp(x) for x" input Real y "f(x)"; output Real x "W(y)"; protected Real xl; algorithm if (y <= 500.0) then xl := Modelica.Math.log(y + 1.0); x := 0.665*(1 + 0.0195*xl)*xl + 0.04; else xl := 0; x := Modelica.Math.log(y - 4.0) - (1.0 - 1.0/Modelica.Math.log(y))* Modelica.Math.log(Modelica.Math.log(y)); end if; assert(y > -1/Modelica.Math.exp(1), "Lambert-w-function is only valid for inputs y > -1/Modelica.Math.exp(1)!");end LambertW;
This function calculates an approximation of the inverse for
f(x) = y = x * exp( x )
within ∞ > y > -1/e. Please note, that for negative inputs two solutions exists. The function currently delivers the result x = -1 ... 0 for that particular range.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | y | f(x) |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | x | W(y) |
Integer | iter |
function LambertWIter "Iterative form of lambert's w function for solving f(x) = x exp(x) for x" input Real y "f(x)"; output Real x "W(y)"; output Integer iter; protected Real w; Real prec=1e-12; Real c1; Real c2; Real dw; Real w1; /*Real wTimesExpW; Real wPlusOneTimesExpW;*/ Real dev; Integer i; algorithm w := if y > 0.1 then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.LambertW( y) else sqrt(5.43656*max(y, -1/Modelica.Math.exp(1)) + 2) - 1; dev := 1; i := 0; while prec < dev and i < 100 loop /*wTimesExpW := w*Modelica.Math.exp(w); wPlusOneTimesExpW := (w+1)*Modelica.Math.exp(w); w := w-(wTimesExpW-y)/(wPlusOneTimesExpW-(w+2)*(wTimesExpW-y)/(2*w+2)); dev := abs((y-wTimesExpW)/wPlusOneTimesExpW); i := i+1;*/ c1 := Modelica.Math.exp(w); c2 := w*c1 - y; w1 := if w <> 1 then w + 1 else w; dw := c2/(c1*w1 - ((w + 2)*c2/(2*w1))); w := w - dw; //dev := abs(dw)/(2+abs(w)); dev := abs((y - w*c1)/(w + 1)*c1); i := i + 1; end while; x := w; iter := i;end LambertWIter;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure | cp | specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)] | |
DynamicViscosity | eta | dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
ThermalConductivity | lambda | thermal conductivity of fluid [W/(m.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
PrandtlNumber | Pr | Prandtl number [1] |
function PrandtlNumber "calculation of Prandtl number" import SI = Modelica.SIunits; import MIN = Modelica.Constants.eps; //fluid properties input SI.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure cp "specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure"; input SI.DynamicViscosity eta "dynamic viscosity of fluid"; input SI.ThermalConductivity lambda "thermal conductivity of fluid"; output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandtl number"; algorithm Pr := eta*cp/max(MIN, lambda);end PrandtlNumber;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Area | A_cross | Cross sectional area [m2] | |
Length | perimeter | Wetted perimeter [m] | |
Density | rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] | |
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
MassFlowRate | m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
ReynoldsNumber | Re | Reynolds number [1] |
Velocity | velocity | Mean velocity [m/s] |
function ReynoldsNumber "calculation of Reynolds number" import SI = Modelica.SIunits; import MIN = Modelica.Constants.eps; //geometry input SI.Area A_cross "Cross sectional area"; input SI.Length perimeter "Wetted perimeter"; //fluid properties input SI.Density rho "Density of fluid"; input SI.DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity of fluid"; input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate"; output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number"; output SI.Velocity velocity "Mean velocity"; protected SI.Diameter d_hyd=4*A_cross/max(MIN, perimeter) "Hydraulic diameter"; algorithm Re := 4*abs(m_flow)/max(MIN, (perimeter*eta)); velocity := m_flow/max(MIN, (rho*A_cross));end ReynoldsNumber;
The function is used to limit the derivative of the following function at x=0:
y = if x ≥ 0 then xpow else -(-x)pow; // pow > 0
by approximating the function in the range -deltax< x < deltax with a third order polynomial that has the same derivative at abs(x)=deltax, as the function above.
In the picture below the input x is increased from -1 to 1. The range of interpolation is defined by the same range. Displayed is the output of the function SmoothPower compared to
y=x*|x|For |x| > 1 both functions return identical results.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | input variable | |
Real | deltax | range for interpolation | |
Real | pow | exponent for x |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | y | output variable |
function SmoothPower "Limiting the derivative of function y = if x>=0 then x^pow else -(-x)^pow" annotation(derivative=SmoothPower_der); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "input variable"; input Real deltax "range for interpolation"; input Real pow "exponent for x"; output Real y "output variable"; protected Real adeltax=abs(deltax); Real C3=(pow - 1)/2*adeltax^(pow - 3); Real C1=(3 - pow)/2*adeltax^(pow - 1); algorithm y := if x >= adeltax then x^pow else if x <= -adeltax then -(-x)^pow else (C1 + C3*x*x)*x;end SmoothPower;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | x | input variable | |
Real | deltax | range of interpolation | |
Real | pow | exponent for x | |
Real | dx | derivative of x | |
Real | ddeltax | derivative of deltax | |
Real | dpow | derivative of pow |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dy | derivative of SmoothPower |
function SmoothPower_der "The derivative of function SmoothPower" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "input variable"; input Real deltax "range of interpolation"; input Real pow "exponent for x"; input Real dx "derivative of x"; input Real ddeltax "derivative of deltax"; input Real dpow "derivative of pow"; output Real dy "derivative of SmoothPower"; protected Real C3; Real C1; Real adeltax; algorithm adeltax := abs(deltax); if noEvent(x >= adeltax) then dy := dx*pow*x^(pow - 1); elseif noEvent(x <= -adeltax) then dy := -dx*pow*(-x)^(pow - 1); else C3 := (pow - 1)/2*adeltax^(pow - 3); C1 := (3 - pow)/2*adeltax^(pow - 1); dy := (C1 + 3*C3*x*x)*dx; end if; end SmoothPower_der;
The function is used for continuous fading of variable inputs within a defined range. It allows a differentiable and smooth transition between function outputs, e.g., laminar and turbulent pressure drop or correlations for certain ranges.
The tanh-function is used, since it provides an existing derivative and the derivative is zero at the borders [nofunc, func] of the interpolation domain (smooth derivative for transitions).
In order to work correctly, the internal interpolation range in terms of the external arbitrary input x needs to be scaled such that:
f(func) = 0.5 π f(nofunc) = -0.5 π
In the picture below the input x is increased from 0 to 1. The range of interpolation is defined by:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | func | input value for that result = 100% | |
Real | nofunc | input value for that result = 0% | |
Real | x | input variable for continuous interpolation |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | result | output value |
function Stepsmoother "Continuous interpolation for x " annotation(derivative=Stepsmoother_der); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real func "input value for that result = 100%"; input Real nofunc "input value for that result = 0%"; input Real x "input variable for continuous interpolation"; output Real result "output value"; protected Real m=Modelica.Constants.pi/(func - nofunc); Real b=-Modelica.Constants.pi/2 - m*nofunc; Real r_1=tan(m*x + b); algorithm result := if x >= 0.999999*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and func > nofunc or x <= 0.999999*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and nofunc > func then 1 else if x <= 0.000001*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and func > nofunc or x >= 0.000001*( func - nofunc) + nofunc and nofunc > func then 0 else ((0.5*(exp(r_1) - exp( -r_1))/(0.5*(exp(r_1) + exp(-r_1))) + 1)/2);end Stepsmoother;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | func | input for that result = 100% | |
Real | nofunc | input for that result = 0% | |
Real | x | input for interpolation | |
Real | dfunc | derivative of func | |
Real | dnofunc | derivative of nofunc | |
Real | dx | derivative of x |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dresult |
function Stepsmoother_der "Derivative of function Stepsmoother" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real func "input for that result = 100%"; input Real nofunc "input for that result = 0%"; input Real x "input for interpolation"; input Real dfunc "derivative of func"; input Real dnofunc "derivative of nofunc"; input Real dx "derivative of x"; output Real dresult; protected Real m=Modelica.Constants.pi/(func - nofunc); Real b=-Modelica.Constants.pi/2 - m*nofunc; algorithm dresult := if x >= 0.999*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and func > nofunc or x <= 0.999*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and nofunc > func or x <= 0.001*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and func > nofunc or x >= 0.001*(func - nofunc) + nofunc and nofunc > func then 0 else (1 - Modelica.Math.tanh(Modelica.Math.tan(m* x + b))^2)*(1 + Modelica.Math.tan(m*x + b)^2)*m*dx;end Stepsmoother_der;