Extends from Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage (Icon for packages containing interfaces).
Name | Description |
![]() | Connector for Space Phasors |
![]() | Partial model for all machines |
![]() | Partial model for induction machine |
![]() | Interfaces and partial models for induction machines |
![]() | Partial model for DC machine |
![]() | Thermal ports of DC machines |
![]() | Partial model of threephase transformer |
![]() | Thermal port of transformers |
![]() | Power balance of transformers |
![]() | Shaft and support |
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | v_[2] | 1=real, 2=imaginary part [V] |
flow Current | i_[2] | 1=real, 2=imaginary part [A] |
connector SpacePhasor "Connector for Space Phasors" Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v_[2] "1=real, 2=imaginary part"; flow Modelica.SIunits.Current i_[2] "1=real, 2=imaginary part";end SpacePhasor;
Extends from Machines.Icons.TransientMachine.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Inertia | Jr | Rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] | |
Boolean | useSupport | false | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Inertia | Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] | |
Boolean | useThermalPort | false | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Losses | |||
FrictionParameters | frictionParameters | Friction losses |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Shaft |
Flange_a | support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
partial model PartialBasicMachine "Partial model for all machines" extends Machines.Icons.TransientMachine; constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle pi=Modelica.Constants.pi; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inertia Jr "Rotor's moment of inertia"; parameter Boolean useSupport=false "Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inertia Js(start=Jr) "Stator's moment of inertia"; parameter Boolean useThermalPort=false "Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port"; parameter Machines.Losses.FrictionParameters frictionParameters "Friction losses"; output Modelica.SIunits.Angle phiMechanical = flange.phi-internalSupport.phi "Mechanical angle of rotor against stator"; output Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity wMechanical(displayUnit="1/min") = der(phiMechanical) "Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator"; output Modelica.SIunits.Torque tauElectrical = inertiaRotor.flange_a.tau "Electromagnetic torque"; output Modelica.SIunits.Torque tauShaft = -flange.tau "Shaft torque";Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange "Shaft"; Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Components.Inertia inertiaRotor(final J=Jr); Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a support if useSupport "Support at which the reaction torque is acting"; Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Components.Inertia inertiaStator(final J=Js); Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Components.Fixed fixed if (not useSupport); Machines.Losses.Friction friction(final frictionParameters=frictionParameters); protected Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Support internalSupport; equationconnect(inertiaRotor.flange_b, flange); connect(inertiaStator.flange_b, support); connect(internalSupport, fixed.flange); connect(internalSupport, inertiaStator.flange_a); connect(inertiaRotor.flange_b, friction.flange); connect(friction.support, internalSupport); end PartialBasicMachine;
Extends from PartialBasicMachine (Partial model for all machines).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | p | Number of pole pairs (Integer) | |
Frequency | fsNominal | Nominal frequency [Hz] | |
Boolean | useSupport | false | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Inertia | Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] | |
Boolean | useThermalPort | false | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
PartialPowerBalanceInductionMachines | powerBalance | redeclare output Machines.In... | Power balance |
PartialThermalPortInductionMachines | thermalPort | redeclare Machines.Interface... | |
PartialThermalAmbientInductionMachines | thermalAmbient | redeclare Machines.Interface... | |
Operational temperatures | |||
Temperature | TsOperational | Operational temperature of stator resistance [K] | |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |||
Resistance | Rs | Stator resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] | |
Temperature | TsRef | Reference temperature of stator resistance [K] | |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 | alpha20s | Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC [1/K] | |
Inductance | Lszero | Lssigma | Stator zero sequence inductance [H] |
Inductance | Lssigma | Stator stray inductance per phase [H] | |
Losses | |||
CoreParameters | statorCoreParameters | Stator core losses | |
StrayLoadParameters | strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Shaft |
Flange_a | support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
PositivePlug | plug_sp | Positive stator plug |
NegativePlug | plug_sn | Negative stator plug |
PartialThermalPortInductionMachines | thermalPort |
partial model PartialBasicInductionMachine "Partial model for induction machine" final parameter Integer m=3 "Number of phases"; parameter Integer p(min=1, start=2) "Number of pole pairs (Integer)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency fsNominal(start=50) "Nominal frequency"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TsOperational(start=293.15) "Operational temperature of stator resistance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rs(start=0.03) "Stator resistance per phase at TRef"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TsRef(start=293.15) "Reference temperature of stator resistance"; parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20s( start=0) "Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lszero=Lssigma "Stator zero sequence inductance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lssigma(start=3*(1 - sqrt(1 - 0.0667))/(2*pi*fsNominal)) "Stator stray inductance per phase"; extends PartialBasicMachine(Jr(start=0.29), frictionParameters(wRef(start=2*pi*fsNominal/p))); parameter Machines.Losses.CoreParameters statorCoreParameters( final m=3, VRef(start=100), wRef=2*pi*fsNominal) "Stator core losses"; parameter Machines.Losses.StrayLoadParameters strayLoadParameters( IRef(start=100), wRef(start=2*pi*fsNominal/p)) "Stray load losses"; replaceable output Machines.Interfaces.InductionMachines.PartialPowerBalanceInductionMachines powerBalance( final powerStator = Machines.SpacePhasors.Functions.activePower(vs, is), final powerMechanical = wMechanical*tauShaft, final powerInertiaStator = inertiaStator.J*inertiaStator.a*inertiaStator.w, final powerInertiaRotor = inertiaRotor.J*inertiaRotor.a*inertiaRotor.w, final lossPowerStatorWinding = -sum(rs.heatPort.Q_flow), final lossPowerStatorCore = -statorCore.heatPort.Q_flow, final lossPowerStrayLoad = -strayLoad.heatPort.Q_flow, final lossPowerFriction = -friction.heatPort.Q_flow) "Power balance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vs[m] = plug_sp.pin.v - plug_sn.pin.v "Stator instantaneous voltages"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current is[m] = plug_sp.pin.i "Stator instantaneous currents"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current i_0_s( stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) = spacePhasorS.zero.i "Stator zero-sequence current"; // to be defined in model that extends from this partial (since airgap isn't included here) input Modelica.SIunits.Current idq_ss[2] "Stator space phasor current / stator fixed frame"; input Modelica.SIunits.Current idq_sr[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) "Stator space phasor current / rotor fixed frame"; input Modelica.SIunits.Current idq_rs[2] "Rotor space phasor current / stator fixed frame"; input Modelica.SIunits.Current idq_rr[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) "Rotor space phasor current / rotor fixed frame";Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.PositivePlug plug_sp(final m=m) "Positive stator plug"; Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.NegativePlug plug_sn(final m=m) "Negative stator plug"; Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Resistor rs( final m=m, final R=fill(Rs, m), final T_ref=fill(TsRef, m), final alpha=fill(Machines.Thermal.convertAlpha(alpha20s, TsRef), m), final useHeatPort=true, final T=fill(TsRef,m)); Machines.BasicMachines.Components.Inductor lssigma(final L=fill(Lssigma, 2)); Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Inductor lszero(final L=Lszero); Machines.Losses.InductionMachines.Core statorCore(final coreParameters=statorCoreParameters); Machines.SpacePhasors.Components.SpacePhasor spacePhasorS(final turnsRatio=1); Machines.Losses.InductionMachines.StrayLoad strayLoad(final strayLoadParameters= strayLoadParameters); replaceable Machines.Interfaces.InductionMachines.PartialThermalPortInductionMachines thermalPort(final m=m) if useThermalPort; replaceable Machines.Interfaces.InductionMachines.PartialThermalAmbientInductionMachines thermalAmbient( final useTemperatureInputs=false, final Ts=TsOperational, final m=m) if not useThermalPort; protected replaceable Machines.Interfaces.InductionMachines.PartialThermalPortInductionMachines internalThermalPort(final m=m); equationconnect(spacePhasorS.plug_n, plug_sn); connect(thermalPort, internalThermalPort); connect(thermalAmbient.thermalPort, internalThermalPort); connect(strayLoad.plug_n, rs.plug_p); connect(strayLoad.plug_p, plug_sp); connect(strayLoad.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_b); connect(strayLoad.support, internalSupport); connect(spacePhasorS.plug_p, rs.plug_n); connect(spacePhasorS.zero,lszero. p); connect(lszero.n, spacePhasorS.ground); connect(spacePhasorS.spacePhasor, lssigma.spacePhasor_a); connect(statorCore.spacePhasor, lssigma.spacePhasor_a); connect(statorCore.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortStatorCore); connect(strayLoad.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortStrayLoad); connect(rs.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortStatorWinding); connect(friction.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortFriction); end PartialBasicInductionMachine;
Extends from PartialBasicMachine (Partial model for all machines).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | useSupport | false | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Inertia | Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] | |
Boolean | useThermalPort | false | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
PartialPowerBalanceDCMachines | powerBalance | redeclare output Machines.In... | Power balance |
PartialThermalPortDCMachines | thermalPort | redeclare Machines.Interface... | |
PartialThermalAmbientDCMachines | thermalAmbient | redeclare Machines.Interface... | |
Operational temperatures | |||
Temperature | TaOperational | Operational armature temperature [K] | |
Nominal parameters | |||
Voltage | VaNominal | Nominal armature voltage [V] | |
Current | IaNominal | Nominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A] | |
AngularVelocity | wNominal | Nominal speed [rad/s] | |
Temperature | TaNominal | Nominal armature temperature [K] | |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |||
Resistance | Ra | Armature resistance at TRef [Ohm] | |
Temperature | TaRef | Reference temperature of armature resistance [K] | |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 | alpha20a | Temperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K] | |
Inductance | La | Armature inductance [H] | |
Losses | |||
CoreParameters | coreParameters | Armature core losses | |
StrayLoadParameters | strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses | |
BrushParameters | brushParameters | Brush losses |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Shaft |
Flange_a | support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
PositivePin | pin_ap | Positive armature pin |
NegativePin | pin_an | Negative armature pin |
PartialThermalPortDCMachines | thermalPort |
partial model PartialBasicDCMachine "Partial model for DC machine" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TaOperational(start=293.15) "Operational armature temperature"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VaNominal(start=100) "Nominal armature voltage"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IaNominal(start=100) "Nominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity wNominal(displayUnit="1/min", start=1425*2*pi/60) "Nominal speed"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TaNominal(start=293.15) "Nominal armature temperature"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Ra(start=0.05) "Armature resistance at TRef"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TaRef(start=293.15) "Reference temperature of armature resistance"; parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20a( start=0) "Temperature coefficient of armature resistance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance La(start=0.0015) "Armature inductance"; extends PartialBasicMachine(Jr(start=0.15), frictionParameters(wRef=wNominal)); parameter Machines.Losses.CoreParameters coreParameters(final m=1, VRef=ViNominal, wRef=wNominal) "Armature core losses"; parameter Machines.Losses.StrayLoadParameters strayLoadParameters( IRef=IaNominal, wRef=wNominal) "Stray load losses"; parameter Machines.Losses.BrushParameters brushParameters( ILinear=0.01*IaNominal) "Brush losses"; replaceable output Machines.Interfaces.DCMachines.PartialPowerBalanceDCMachines powerBalance( final powerArmature = va*ia, final powerMechanical = wMechanical*tauShaft, final powerInertiaStator = inertiaStator.J*inertiaStator.a*inertiaStator.w, final powerInertiaRotor = inertiaRotor.J*inertiaRotor.a*inertiaRotor.w, final lossPowerArmature = -ra.heatPort.Q_flow, final lossPowerCore = -core.heatPort.Q_flow, final lossPowerStrayLoad = -strayLoad.heatPort.Q_flow, final lossPowerFriction = -friction.heatPort.Q_flow, final lossPowerBrush = -brush.heatPort.Q_flow) "Power balance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage va = pin_ap.v-pin_an.v "Armature voltage"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current ia = pin_ap.i "Armature current";Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin pin_ap "Positive armature pin"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin pin_an "Negative armature pin"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Resistor ra( final R=Ra, final T_ref=TaRef, final alpha=Machines.Thermal.convertAlpha(alpha20a, TaRef), final useHeatPort=true, final T=TaRef); Machines.BasicMachines.Components.InductorDC la(final L=La, final quasiStationary = quasiStationary); Machines.Losses.DCMachines.Brush brush(final brushParameters=brushParameters); Machines.Losses.DCMachines.Core core(final coreParameters=coreParameters); Machines.Losses.DCMachines.StrayLoad strayLoad(final strayLoadParameters=strayLoadParameters); replaceable Machines.Interfaces.DCMachines.PartialThermalPortDCMachines thermalPort if useThermalPort; replaceable Machines.Interfaces.DCMachines.PartialThermalAmbientDCMachines thermalAmbient( final useTemperatureInputs=false, final Ta=TaOperational) if not useThermalPort; protected constant Boolean quasiStationary=false "No electrical transients if true"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage ViNominal "Nominal induced Voltage"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.MagneticFlux psi_eNominal "Nominal magnetic flux"; parameter Real turnsRatio = ViNominal/(wNominal*psi_eNominal) "Ratio of armature turns over number of turns of the excitation winding";replaceable Machines.Interfaces.DCMachines.PartialThermalPortDCMachines internalThermalPort; equation assert(ViNominal > Modelica.Constants.eps, "VaNominal has to be > (Ra[+Rse])*IaNominal");connect(la.p,ra. n); connect(thermalPort, internalThermalPort); connect(thermalAmbient.thermalPort, internalThermalPort); connect(brush.n, pin_an); connect(pin_ap, strayLoad.p); connect(strayLoad.n, ra.p); connect(strayLoad.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_b); connect(strayLoad.support, internalSupport); connect(la.p, core.p); connect(core.n, brush.p); connect(core.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortCore); connect(brush.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortBrush); connect(strayLoad.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortStrayLoad); connect(friction.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortFriction); connect(ra.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPortArmature); end PartialBasicDCMachine;
turns ratio n | 1 | |
nominal frequency fNominal | 50 | Hz |
nominal voltage per phase | 100 | V RMS |
nominal current per phase | 100 | A RMS |
nominal apparent power | 30 | kVA |
primary resistance R1 | 0.005 | Ohm per phase at reference temperature |
reference temperature T1Ref | 20 | °C |
temperature coefficient alpha20_1 | 0 | 1/K |
primary stray inductance L1sigma | 78E-6 | H per phase |
secondary resistance R2 | 0.005 | Ohm per phase at reference temperature |
reference temperature T2Ref | 20 | °C |
temperature coefficient alpha20_2 | 0 | 1/K |
secondary stray inductance L2sigma | 78E-6 | H per phase |
operational temperature T1Operational | 20 | °C |
operational temperature T2Operational | 20 | °C |
These values give the operational parameters: | ||
nominal voltage drop | 0.05 | p.u. |
nominal copper losses | 300 | W |
Extends from Machines.Icons.TransientTransformer.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | n | Ratio primary voltage (line-to-line) / secondary voltage (line-to-line) | |
Boolean | useThermalPort | false | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Operational temperatures | |||
Temperature | T1Operational | Operational temperature of primary resistance [K] | |
Temperature | T2Operational | Operational temperature of secondary resistance [K] | |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |||
Resistance | R1 | Primary resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] | |
Temperature | T1Ref | Reference temperature of primary resistance [K] | |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 | alpha20_1 | Temperature coefficient of primary resistance at 20 degC [1/K] | |
Inductance | L1sigma | Primary stray inductance per phase [H] | |
Resistance | R2 | Secondary resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] | |
Temperature | T2Ref | Reference temperature of secondary resistance [K] | |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 | alpha20_2 | Temperature coefficient of secondary resistance at 20 degC [1/K] | |
Inductance | L2sigma | Secondary stray inductance per phase [H] |
Type | Name | Description |
PositivePlug | plug1 | Primary plug |
NegativePlug | plug2 | Secondary plug |
ThermalPortTransformer | thermalPort |
partial model PartialBasicTransformer "Partial model of threephase transformer" extends Machines.Icons.TransientTransformer; final parameter Integer m(min=1) = 3 "Number of phases"; constant String VectorGroup="Yy00"; parameter Real n(start=1) "Ratio primary voltage (line-to-line) / secondary voltage (line-to-line)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance R1(start=5E-3/(if C1=="D" then 1 else 3)) "Primary resistance per phase at TRef"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T1Ref(start=293.15) "Reference temperature of primary resistance"; parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20_1( start=0) "Temperature coefficient of primary resistance at 20 degC"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance L1sigma(start=78E-6/(if C1=="D" then 1 else 3)) "Primary stray inductance per phase"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance R2(start=5E-3/(if C2=="d" then 1 else 3)) "Secondary resistance per phase at TRef"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T2Ref(start=293.15) "Reference temperature of secondary resistance"; parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20_2(start=0) "Temperature coefficient of secondary resistance at 20 degC"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance L2sigma(start=78E-6/(if C2=="d" then 1 else 3)) "Secondary stray inductance per phase"; parameter Boolean useThermalPort=false "Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T1Operational(start=293.15) "Operational temperature of primary resistance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T2Operational(start=293.15) "Operational temperature of secondary resistance"; output Machines.Interfaces.PowerBalanceTransformer powerBalance( final power1 = Machines.SpacePhasors.Functions.activePower(v1, +i1), final power2 = Machines.SpacePhasors.Functions.activePower(v2, -i2), final lossPower1 = -sum(r1.heatPort.Q_flow), final lossPower2 = -sum(r2.heatPort.Q_flow), final lossPowerCore = 0) "Power balance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v1[m]=plug1.pin.v "Primary voltage"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current i1[m]=plug1.pin.i "Primary current"; output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v2[m]=plug2.pin.v "Secondary voltage"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current i2[m]=plug2.pin.i "Secondary current"; protected constant String C1 = Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring(VectorGroup,1,1); constant String C2 = Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring(VectorGroup,2,2); parameter Real ni=n*(if C2=="z" then sqrt(3) else 2)*(if C2=="d" then 1 else sqrt(3))/(if C1=="D" then 1 else sqrt(3));public Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.PositivePlug plug1(final m=m) "Primary plug"; Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.NegativePlug plug2(final m=m) "Secondary plug"; Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Resistor r1( final m=m, final R=fill(R1,m), final T_ref=fill(T1Ref,m), final alpha=fill(Machines.Thermal.convertAlpha(alpha20_1, T1Ref), m), final useHeatPort=true, final T=fill(T1Ref,m)); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Inductor l1sigma(final m=m, final L=fill(L1sigma, m)); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Resistor r2( final m=m, final R=fill(R2,m), final T_ref=fill(T2Ref,m), final alpha=fill(Machines.Thermal.convertAlpha(alpha20_2, T2Ref), m), final useHeatPort=true, final T=fill(T2Ref,m)); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Inductor l2sigma(final m=m, final L=fill(L2sigma, m)); Machines.BasicMachines.Components.IdealCore core( final m=m, final n12=ni, final n13=ni); Machines.Interfaces.ThermalPortTransformer thermalPort(final m=m) if useThermalPort; Machines.Thermal.ThermalAmbientTransformer thermalAmbient(final useTemperatureInputs=false, final T1=T1Operational, final T2=T2Operational, final m=m) if not useThermalPort; protected Machines.Interfaces.ThermalPortTransformer internalThermalPort(final m=m); equationconnect(r1.plug_n,l1sigma.plug_p); connect(l2sigma.plug_n,r2.plug_p); connect(plug1, r1.plug_p); connect(r2.plug_n, plug2); connect(thermalPort, internalThermalPort); connect(thermalAmbient.thermalPort, internalThermalPort); connect(r1.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPort1); connect(r2.heatPort, internalThermalPort.heatPort2); end PartialBasicTransformer;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | m | 3 | number of phases |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | m | number of phases |
HeatPort_a | heatPort1[m] | Heat port of primary windings |
HeatPort_a | heatPort2[m] | Heat port of secondary windings |
HeatPort_a | heatPortCore | Heat port of (optional) core losses |
connector ThermalPortTransformer "Thermal port of transformers" parameter Integer m=3 "number of phases";Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort1[m] "Heat port of primary windings"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort2[m] "Heat port of secondary windings"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPortCore "Heat port of (optional) core losses"; end ThermalPortTransformer;
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
record PowerBalanceTransformer "Power balance of transformers" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; Modelica.SIunits.Power power1 "Primary power"; Modelica.SIunits.Power power2 "Secondary power"; Modelica.SIunits.Power lossPowerTotal = lossPower1 + lossPower2 + lossPowerCore "Total loss power"; Modelica.SIunits.Power lossPower1 "Primary copper losses"; Modelica.SIunits.Power lossPower2 "Secondary copper losses"; Modelica.SIunits.Power lossPowerCore "Core losses";end PowerBalanceTransformer;
This partial model defines shaft and housing connector for loss models.
Positive torque tau
acts as braking torque.
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Shaft end |
Flange_a | support | Housing and support |
partial model FlangeSupport "Shaft and support"Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange "Shaft end"; Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a support "Housing and support"; Modelica.SIunits.Angle phi "Angle between shaft and support"; Modelica.SIunits.Torque tau "Torque"; Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity w "Relative angular velocity of flange and support"; equation phi = flange.phi - support.phi; w = der(phi); tau = -flange.tau; tau = support.tau;end FlangeSupport;