
Library of functions operating on matrices


Library content

This library provides functions operating on matrices:

Function Description
isEqual(M1, M2) Determines whether two matrices have the same size and elements
norm(A) 1-, 2- and infinity-norm of matrix A
sort(M) Sort rows or columns of matrix in ascending or descending order
solve(A,b) Solve real system of linear equations A*x=b with a b vector
solve2(A,B) Solve real system of linear equations A*X=B with a B matrix
leastSquares(A,b) Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real system of
linear equations A*x=b in a least squares sense
equalityLeastSquares(A,a,B,b) Solve a linear equality constrained least squares problem:
min|A*x-a|^2 subject to B*x=b
(LU,p,info) = LU(A) LU decomposition of square or rectangular matrix
LU_solve(LU,p,b) Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*x=b with a
b vector and an LU decomposition from "LU(..)"
LU_solve2(LU,p,B) Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*X=B with a
B matrix and an LU decomposition from "LU(..)"
(Q,R,p) = QR(A) QR decomposition with column pivoting of rectangular matrix (Q*R = A[:,p])
eval = eigenValues(A)
(eval,evec) = eigenValues(A)
Compute eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors
for a real, nonsymmetric matrix
eigenValueMatrix(eigen) Return real valued block diagonal matrix J of eigenvalues of matrix A (A=V*J*Vinv)
sigma = singularValues(A)
(sigma,U,VT) = singularValues(A)
Compute singular values and optionally left and right singular vectors
det(A) Determinant of a matrix (do not use; use rank(..))
inv(A) Inverse of a matrix
rank(A) Rank of a matrix
balance(A) Balance a square matrix to improve the condition
exp(A) Compute the exponential of a matrix by adaptive Taylor series
expansion with scaling and balancing
(P, G) = integralExp(A,B) Compute the exponential of a matrix and its integral
(P, G, GT) = integralExpT(A,B) Compute the exponential of a matrix and two integrals

Most functions are solely an interface to the external LAPACK library ( The details of this library are described in:

Anderson E., Bai Z., Bischof C., Blackford S., Demmel J., Dongarra J., Du Croz J., Greenbaum A., Hammarling S., McKenney A., and Sorensen D.:
Lapack Users' Guide. Third Edition, SIAM, 1999.

See also


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).

Package Content

Modelica.Math.Matrices.isEqual isEqual Compare whether two Real matrices are identical
Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm norm Returns the norm of a matrix
Modelica.Math.Matrices.sort sort Sort rows or columns of matrix in ascending or descending order
Modelica.Math.Matrices.solve solve Solve real system of linear equations A*x=b with a b vector (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.solve2 solve2 Solve real system of linear equations A*X=B with a B matrix (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.leastSquares leastSquares Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real system of linear equations A*x=b in a least squares sense (A may be rank deficient)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.equalityLeastSquares equalityLeastSquares Solve a linear equality constrained least squares problem
Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU LU LU decomposition of square or rectangular matrix
Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU_solve LU_solve Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*x=b with a b vector and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))
Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU_solve2 LU_solve2 Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*X=B with a B matrix and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))
Modelica.Math.Matrices.QR QR QR decomposition of a square matrix with column pivoting (A(:,p) = Q*R)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.eigenValues eigenValues Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real, nonsymmetric matrix
Modelica.Math.Matrices.eigenValueMatrix eigenValueMatrix Return real valued block diagonal matrix J of eigenvalues of matrix A (A=V*J*Vinv)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.singularValues singularValues Compute singular values and left and right singular vectors
Modelica.Math.Matrices.det det Determinant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.inv inv Inverse of a matrix (try to avoid, use function solve(..) instead)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.rank rank Rank of a matrix (computed with singular values)
Modelica.Math.Matrices.balance balance Balancing of matrix A to improve the condition of A
Modelica.Math.Matrices.exp exp Compute the exponential of a matrix by adaptive Taylor series expansion with scaling and balancing
Modelica.Math.Matrices.integralExp integralExp Computation of the transition-matrix phi and its integral gamma
Modelica.Math.Matrices.integralExpT integralExpT Computation of the transition-matrix phi and the integral gamma and gamma1
Modelica.Math.Matrices.LAPACK LAPACK Interface to LAPACK library (should usually not directly be used but only indirectly via Modelica.Math.Matrices)

Modelica.Math.Matrices.isEqual Modelica.Math.Matrices.isEqual

Compare whether two Real matrices are identical



Matrices.isEqual(M1, M2);
Matrices.isEqual(M1, M2, eps=0);


The function call "Matrices.isEqual(M1, M2)" returns true, if the two Real matrices M1 and M2 have the same dimensions and the same elements. Otherwise the function returns false. Two elements e1 and e2 of the two matrices are checked on equality by the test "abs(e1-e2) ≤ eps", where "eps" can be provided as third argument of the function. Default is "eps = 0".


  Real A1[2,2] = [1,2; 3,4];
  Real A2[3,2] = [1,2; 3,4; 5,6];
  Real A3[2,2] = [1,2, 3,4.0001];
  Boolean result;
  result := Matrices.isEqual(M1,M2);     // = false
  result := Matrices.isEqual(M1,M3);     // = false
  result := Matrices.isEqual(M1,M1);     // = true
  result := Matrices.isEqual(M1,M3,0.1); // = true

See also

Vectors.isEqual, Strings.isEqual

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealM1[:, :] First matrix
RealM2[:, :] Second matrix (may have different size as M1
Realeps0Two elements e1 and e2 of the two matrices are identical if abs(e1-e2) <= eps


Booleanresult= true, if matrices have the same size and the same elements

Modelica definition

function isEqual "Compare whether two Real matrices are identical"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real M1[:, :] "First matrix";
  input Real M2[:, :] "Second matrix (may have different size as M1";
  input Real eps(min=0) = 0 
    "Two elements e1 and e2 of the two matrices are identical if abs(e1-e2) <= eps";
  output Boolean result 
    "= true, if matrices have the same size and the same elements";

  Integer nrow=size(M1, 1) "Number of rows of matrix M1";
  Integer ncol=size(M1, 2) "Number of columns of matrix M1";
  Integer i=1;
  Integer j;
  result := false;
  if size(M2, 1) == nrow and size(M2, 2) == ncol then
    result := true;
    while i <= nrow loop
      j := 1;
      while j <= ncol loop
        if abs(M1[i, j] - M2[i, j]) > eps then
          result := false;
          i := nrow;
          j := ncol;
        end if;
        j := j + 1;
      end while;
      i := i + 1;
    end while;
  end if;

end isEqual;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm

Returns the norm of a matrix



Matrices.norm(A, p=2);


The function call "Matrices.norm(A)" returns the 2-norm of matrix A, i.e., the largest singular value of A.
The function call "Matrices.norm(A, p)" returns the p-norm of matrix A. The only allowed values for p are

Note, for any matrices A1, A2 the following inequality holds:

Matrices.norm(A1+A2,p) ≤ Matrices.norm(A1,p) + Matrices.norm(A2,p)

Note, for any matrix A and vector v the following inequality holds:

Vectors.norm(A*v,p) ≤ Matrices.norm(A,p)*Vectors.norm(A,p)

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Input matrix
Realp2Type of p-norm (only allowed: 1, 2 or Modelica.Constants.inf)


Realresultp-norm of matrix A

Modelica definition

function norm "Returns the norm of a matrix"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, :] "Input matrix";
  input Real p(min=1) = 2 
    "Type of p-norm (only allowed: 1, 2 or Modelica.Constants.inf)";
  output Real result=0.0 "p-norm of matrix A";

  if p == 1 then
    // column sum norm
    for i in 1:size(A, 2) loop
      result := max(result, sum(abs(A[:, i])));
    end for;
  elseif p == 2 then
    // largest singular value
    result := max(singularValues(A));
  elseif p == Modelica.Constants.inf then
    // row sum norm
    for i in 1:size(A, 1) loop
      result := max(result, sum(abs(A[i, :])));
    end for;
    assert(false, "Optional argument \"p\" of function \"norm\" must be
1, 2 or Modelica.Constants.inf");
  end if;
end norm;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.sort Modelica.Math.Matrices.sort

Sort rows or columns of matrix in ascending or descending order



           sorted_M = Matrices.sort(M);
(sorted_M, indices) = Matrices.sort(M, sortRows=true, ascending=true);


Function sort(..) sorts the rows of a Real matrix M in ascending order and returns the result in sorted_M. If the optional argument "sortRows" is false, the columns of the matrix are sorted. If the optional argument "ascending" is false, the rows or columns are sorted in descending order. In the optional second output argument, the indices of the sorted rows or columns with respect to the original matrix are given, such that

   sorted_M = if sortedRow then M[indices,:] else M[:,indices];


  (M2, i2) := Matrices.sort([2, 1,  0;
                             2, 0, -1]);
       -> M2 = [2, 0, -1;
                2, 1, 0 ];
          i2 = {2,1};

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealM[:, :] Matrix to be sorted
BooleansortRowstrue= true if rows are sorted, otherwise columns
Booleanascendingtrue= true if ascending order, otherwise descending order


Realsorted_M[size(M, 1), size(M, 2)]Sorted matrix
Integerindices[if sortRows then size(M, 1) else size(M, 2)]sorted_M = if sortRows then M[indices,:] else M[:,indices]

Modelica definition

function sort 
  "Sort rows or columns of matrix in ascending or descending order"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real M[:,:] "Matrix to be sorted";
  input Boolean sortRows = true "= true if rows are sorted, otherwise columns";
  input Boolean ascending = true 
    "= true if ascending order, otherwise descending order";
  output Real sorted_M[size(M,1), size(M,2)] = M "Sorted matrix";
  output Integer indices[if sortRows then size(M,1) else size(M,2)] 
    "sorted_M = if sortRows then M[indices,:] else M[:,indices]";

  /* shellsort algorithm; should be improved later */
  Integer gap;
  Integer i;
  Integer j;
  Real wM2[size(M,2)];
  Integer wi;
  Integer nM1 = size(M,1);
  Boolean swap;
  Real sorted_MT[size(M,2), size(M,1)];

encapsulated function greater "Compare whether vector v1 > v2"
    import Modelica;
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    import Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare;
  input Real v1[:];
  input Real v2[size(v1,1)];
  output Boolean result;
  Integer n = size(v1,1);
  Integer i=1;
  result := false;
  while i <= n loop
     if v1[i] > v2[i] then
        result := true;
        i := n;
     elseif v1[i] < v2[i] then
        i := n;
     end if;
     i := i+1;
  end while;
end greater;

encapsulated function less "Compare whether vector v1 < v2"
    import Modelica;
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    import Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare;
  input Real v1[:];
  input Real v2[size(v1,1)];
  output Boolean result;
  Integer n = size(v1,1);
  Integer i=1;
  result := false;
  while i <= n loop
     if v1[i] < v2[i] then
        result := true;
        i := n;
     elseif v1[i] > v2[i] then
        i := n;
     end if;
     i := i+1;
  end while;
end less;
  if not sortRows then
      (sorted_MT,indices) := sort(transpose(M), ascending=ascending);
     sorted_M :=transpose(sorted_MT);
     indices :=1:size(M, 1);
     gap := div(nM1,2);
     while gap > 0 loop
        i := gap;
        while i < nM1 loop
           j := i-gap;
           if j>=0 then
              if ascending then
                 swap := greater(sorted_M[j+1,:], sorted_M[j+gap+1,:]);
                 swap := less(sorted_M[j+1,:], sorted_M[j+gap+1,:]);
              end if;
              swap := false;
           end if;

           while swap loop
              wM2 := sorted_M[j+1,:];
              wi := indices[j+1];
              sorted_M[j+1,:] := sorted_M[j+gap+1,:];
              sorted_M[j+gap+1,:] := wM2;
              indices[j+1] := indices[j+gap+1];
              indices[j+gap+1] := wi;
              j := j - gap;
              if j >= 0 then
                 if ascending then
                    swap := greater(sorted_M[j+1,:], sorted_M[j+gap+1,:]);
                    swap := less(sorted_M[j+1,:], sorted_M[j+gap+1,:]);
                 end if;
                 swap := false;
              end if;
           end while;
           i := i + 1;
        end while;
        gap := div(gap,2);
     end while;
  end if;
end sort;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.solve Modelica.Math.Matrices.solve

Solve real system of linear equations A*x=b with a b vector (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)





This function call returns the solution x of the linear system of equations

A*x = b

If a unique solution x does not exist (since A is singular), an exception is raised.

Note, the solution is computed with the LAPACK function "dgesv", i.e., by Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting.


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real b[3] = {10,22,12};
  Real x[3];
  x := Matrices.solve(A,b);  // x = {3,2,1}

See also

Matrices.LU, Matrices.LU_solve

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)] Matrix A of A*x = b
Realb[size(A, 1)] Vector b of A*x = b


Realx[size(b, 1)]Vector x such that A*x = b

Modelica definition

function solve 
  "Solve real system of linear equations A*x=b with a b vector (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)] "Matrix A of A*x = b";
  input Real b[size(A, 1)] "Vector b of A*x = b";
  output Real x[size(b, 1)] "Vector x such that A*x = b";

  Integer info;
  (x,info) := LAPACK.dgesv_vec(A, b);
  assert(info == 0, "Solving a linear system of equations with function
\"Matrices.solve\" is not possible, because the system has either
no or infinitely many solutions (A is singular).");
end solve;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.solve2 Modelica.Math.Matrices.solve2

Solve real system of linear equations A*X=B with a B matrix (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)





This function call returns the solution X of the linear system of equations

A*X = B

If a unique solution X does not exist (since A is singular), an exception is raised.

Note, the solution is computed with the LAPACK function "dgesv", i.e., by Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting.


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real B[3,2] = [10, 20;
                 22, 44;
                 12, 24];
  Real X[3,2];
  (LU, pivots) := Matrices.LU(A);
  X := Matrices.solve2(A, B1);  /* X = [3, 6;
                                        2, 4;
                                        1, 2] */

See also

Matrices.LU, Matrices.LU_solve2

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)] Matrix A of A*X = B
RealB[size(A, 1), :] Matrix B of A*X = B


RealX[size(B, 1), size(B, 2)]Matrix X such that A*X = B

Modelica definition

function solve2 
  "Solve real system of linear equations A*X=B with a B matrix (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)] "Matrix A of A*X = B";
  input Real B[size(A, 1),:] "Matrix B of A*X = B";
  output Real X[size(B, 1), size(B,2)] "Matrix X such that A*X = B";

  Integer info;
  (X,info) := LAPACK.dgesv(A, B);
  assert(info == 0, "Solving a linear system of equations with function
\"Matrices.solve2\" is not possible, because the system has either
no or infinitely many solutions (A is singular).");
end solve2;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.leastSquares Modelica.Math.Matrices.leastSquares

Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real system of linear equations A*x=b in a least squares sense (A may be rank deficient)



x = Matrices.leastSquares(A,b);


A linear system of equations A*x = b has no solutions or infinitely many solutions if A is not square. Function "leastSquares" returns a solution in a least squarse sense:

  size(A,1) > size(A,2):  returns x such that |A*x - b|^2 is a minimum
  size(A,1) = size(A,2):  returns x such that A*x = b
  size(A,1) < size(A,2):  returns x such that |x|^2 is a minimum for all
                          vectors x that fulfill A*x = b

Note, the solution is computed with the LAPACK function "dgelsx", i.e., QR or LQ factorization of A with column pivoting. If A does not have full rank, the solution is not unique and from the infinitely many solutions the one is selected that minimizes both |x|^2 and |A*x - b|^2.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Matrix A
Realb[size(A, 1)] Vector b


Realx[size(A, 2)]Vector x such that min|A*x-b|^2 if size(A,1) >= size(A,2) or min|x|^2 and A*x=b, if size(A,1) < size(A,2)

Modelica definition

function leastSquares 
  "Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real system of linear equations A*x=b in a least squares sense (A may be rank deficient)"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, :] "Matrix A";
  input Real b[size(A, 1)] "Vector b";
  output Real x[size(A, 2)] 
    "Vector x such that min|A*x-b|^2 if size(A,1) >= size(A,2) or min|x|^2 and A*x=b, if size(A,1) < size(A,2)";

  Integer info;
  Integer rank;
  Real xx[max(size(A,1),size(A,2))];
  (xx,info,rank) := LAPACK.dgelsx_vec(A, b, 100*Modelica.Constants.eps);
  x := xx[1:size(A,2)];
  assert(info == 0, "Solving an overdetermined or underdetermined linear system of
equations with function \"Matrices.leastSquares\" failed.");
end leastSquares;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.equalityLeastSquares Modelica.Math.Matrices.equalityLeastSquares

Solve a linear equality constrained least squares problem



x = Matrices.equalityLeastSquares(A,a,B,b);


This function returns the solution x of the linear equality-constrained least squares problem:

min|A*x - a|^2 over x, subject to B*x = b

It is required that the dimensions of A and B fulfill the following relationship:

size(B,1) ≤ size(A,2) ≤ size(A,1) + size(B,1)

Note, the solution is computed with the LAPACK function "dgglse" using the generalized RQ factorization under the assumptions that B has full row rank (= size(B,1)) and the matrix [A;B] has full column rank (= size(A,2)). In this case, the problem has a unique solution.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Minimize |A*x - a|^2
Reala[size(A, 1)]  
RealB[:, size(A, 2)] subject to B*x=b
Realb[size(B, 1)]  


Realx[size(A, 2)]solution vector

Modelica definition

function equalityLeastSquares 
  "Solve a linear equality constrained least squares problem"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:,:] "Minimize |A*x - a|^2";
  input Real a[size(A,1)];
  input Real B[:,size(A,2)] "subject to B*x=b";
  input Real b[size(B,1)];
  output Real x[size(A,2)] "solution vector";

  Integer info;
  assert(size(A,2) >= size(B,1) and size(A,2) <= size(A,1) + size(B,1),
         "It is required that size(B,1) <= size(A,2) <= size(A,1) + size(B,1)\n" +
         "This relationship is not fulfilled, since the matrices are declared as:\n" +
         "  A[" + String(size(A,1)) + "," + String(size(A,2)) + "], B[" +
         String(size(B,1)) + "," + String(size(B,2)) + "]\n");

  (x, info) := LAPACK.dgglse_vec(A, a, B, b);

  assert(info == 0, "Solving a linear equality-constrained least squares problem
with function \"Matrices.equalityLeastSquares\" failed.");
end equalityLeastSquares;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU

LU decomposition of square or rectangular matrix



(LU, pivots)       = Matrices.LU(A);
(LU, pivots, info) = Matrices.LU(A);


This function call returns the LU decomposition of a "Real[m,n]" matrix A, i.e.,

P*L*U = A

where P is a permutation matrix (implicitely defined by vector pivots), L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is an upper triangular matrix (upper trapezoidal if m < n). Matrices L and U are stored in the returned matrix LU (the diagonal of L is not stored). With the companion function Matrices.LU_solve, this decomposition can be used to solve linear systems (P*L*U)*x = b with different right hand side vectors b. If a linear system of equations with just one right hand side vector b shall be solved, it is more convenient to just use the function Matrices.solve.

The optional third (Integer) output argument has the following meaning: successful exit
info = 0:
info > 0: if info = i, U[i,i] is exactly zero. The factorization has been completed,
but the factor U is exactly singular, and division by zero will occur
if it is used to solve a system of equations.

The LU factorization is computed with the LAPACK function "dgetrf", i.e., by Gaussian elemination using partial pivoting with row interchanges. Vector "pivots" are the pivot indices, i.e., for 1 ≤ i ≤ min(m,n), row i of matrix A was interchanged with row pivots[i].


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real b1[3] = {10,22,12};
  Real b2[3] = { 7,13,10};
  Real    LU[3,3];
  Integer pivots[3];
  Real    x1[3];
  Real    x2[3];
  (LU, pivots) := Matrices.LU(A);
  x1 := Matrices.LU_solve(LU, pivots, b1);  // x1 = {3,2,1}
  x2 := Matrices.LU_solve(LU, pivots, b2);  // x2 = {1,0,2}

See also

Matrices.LU_solve, Matrices.solve,

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Square or rectangular matrix


RealLU[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)]L,U factors (used with LU_solve(..))
Integerpivots[min(size(A, 1), size(A, 2))]pivot indices (used with LU_solve(..))

Modelica definition

function LU "LU decomposition of square or rectangular matrix"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, :] "Square or rectangular matrix";
  output Real LU[size(A, 1), size(A,2)] = A 
    "L,U factors (used with LU_solve(..))";
  output Integer pivots[min(size(A, 1), size(A,2))] 
    "pivot indices (used with LU_solve(..))";
  output Integer info "Information";
  external "FORTRAN 77" dgetrf(size(A, 1), size(A, 2), LU, size(A, 1), pivots, info);

end LU;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU_solve Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU_solve

Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*x=b with a b vector and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))



Matrices.LU_solve(LU, pivots, b);


This function call returns the solution x of the linear systems of equations

P*L*U*x = b;

where P is a permutation matrix (implicitely defined by vector pivots), L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is an upper triangular matrix (upper trapezoidal if m < n). The matrices of this decomposition are computed with function Matrices.LU that returns arguments LU and pivots used as input arguments of Matrices.LU_solve. With Matrices.LU and Matrices.LU_solve it is possible to efficiently solve linear systems with different right hand side vectors. If a linear system of equations with just one right hand side vector shall be solved, it is more convenient to just use the function Matrices.solve.

If a unique solution x does not exist (since the LU decomposition is singular), an exception is raised.

The LU factorization is computed with the LAPACK function "dgetrf", i.e., by Gaussian elemination using partial pivoting with row interchanges. Vector "pivots" are the pivot indices, i.e., for 1 ≤ i ≤ min(m,n), row i of matrix A was interchanged with row pivots[i].


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real b1[3] = {10,22,12};
  Real b2[3] = { 7,13,10};
  Real    LU[3,3];
  Integer pivots[3];
  Real    x1[3];
  Real    x2[3];
  (LU, pivots) := Matrices.LU(A);
  x1 := Matrices.LU_solve(LU, pivots, b1);  // x1 = {3,2,1}
  x2 := Matrices.LU_solve(LU, pivots, b2);  // x2 = {1,0,2}

See also

Matrices.LU, Matrices.solve,

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealLU[:, size(LU, 1)] L,U factors of Matrices.LU(..) for a square matrix
Integerpivots[size(LU, 1)] Pivots indices of Matrices.LU(..)
Realb[size(LU, 1)] Right hand side vector of P*L*U*x=b


Realx[size(b, 1)]Solution vector such that P*L*U*x = b

Modelica definition

function LU_solve 
  "Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*x=b with a b vector and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real LU[:, size(LU,1)] 
    "L,U factors of Matrices.LU(..) for a square matrix";
  input Integer pivots[size(LU, 1)] "Pivots indices of Matrices.LU(..)";
  input Real b[size(LU, 1)] "Right hand side vector of P*L*U*x=b";
  output Real x[size(b, 1)] "Solution vector such that P*L*U*x = b";

  for i in 1:size(LU,1) loop
       assert(LU[i,i] <> 0, "Solving a linear system of equations with function
\"Matrices.LU_solve\" is not possible, since the LU decomposition
is singular, i.e., no unique solution exists.");
  end for;
  x := LAPACK.dgetrs_vec(LU, pivots, b);
end LU_solve;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU_solve2 Modelica.Math.Matrices.LU_solve2

Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*X=B with a B matrix and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))



Matrices.LU_solve(LU, pivots, B);


This function call returns the solution X of the linear systems of equations

P*L*U*X = B;

where P is a permutation matrix (implicitely defined by vector pivots), L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is an upper triangular matrix (upper trapezoidal if m < n). The matrices of this decomposition are computed with function Matrices.LU that returns arguments LU and pivots used as input arguments of Matrices.LU_solve2. With Matrices.LU and Matrices.LU_solve2 it is possible to efficiently solve linear systems with different right hand side matrices. If a linear system of equations with just one right hand side matrix shall be solved, it is more convenient to just use the function Matrices.solve2.

If a unique solution X does not exist (since the LU decomposition is singular), an exception is raised.

The LU factorization is computed with the LAPACK function "dgetrf", i.e., by Gaussian elemination using partial pivoting with row interchanges. Vector "pivots" are the pivot indices, i.e., for 1 ≤ i ≤ min(m,n), row i of matrix A was interchanged with row pivots[i].


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real B1[3] = [10, 20;
                22, 44;
                12, 24];
  Real B2[3] = [ 7, 14;
                13, 26;
                10, 20];
  Real    LU[3,3];
  Integer pivots[3];
  Real    X1[3,2];
  Real    X2[3,2];
  (LU, pivots) := Matrices.LU(A);
  X1 := Matrices.LU_solve2(LU, pivots, B1);  /* X1 = [3, 6;
                                                      2, 4;
                                                      1, 2] */
  X2 := Matrices.LU_solve2(LU, pivots, B2);  /* X2 = [1, 2;
                                                      0, 0;
                                                      2, 4] */

See also

Matrices.LU, Matrices.solve2,

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealLU[:, size(LU, 1)] L,U factors of Matrices.LU(..) for a square matrix
Integerpivots[size(LU, 1)] Pivots indices of Matrices.LU(..)
RealB[size(LU, 1), :] Right hand side matrix of P*L*U*X=B


RealX[size(B, 1), size(B, 2)]Solution matrix such that P*L*U*X = B

Modelica definition

function LU_solve2 
  "Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*X=B with a B matrix and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real LU[:, size(LU,1)] 
    "L,U factors of Matrices.LU(..) for a square matrix";
  input Integer pivots[size(LU, 1)] "Pivots indices of Matrices.LU(..)";
  input Real B[size(LU, 1),:] "Right hand side matrix of P*L*U*X=B";
  output Real X[size(B, 1), size(B,2)] "Solution matrix such that P*L*U*X = B";

  for i in 1:size(LU,1) loop
       assert(LU[i,i] <> 0, "Solving a linear system of equations with function
\"Matrices.LU_solve\" is not possible, since the LU decomposition
is singular, i.e., no unique solution exists.");
  end for;
  X := Modelica.Math.Matrices.LAPACK.dgetrs(
end LU_solve2;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.QR Modelica.Math.Matrices.QR

QR decomposition of a square matrix with column pivoting (A(:,p) = Q*R)



(Q,R,p) = Matrices.QR(A);


This function returns the QR decomposition of a rectangular matrix A (the number of columns of A must be less than or equal to the number of rows):

Q*R = A[:,p]

where Q is a rectangular matrix that has orthonormal columns and has the same size as A (QTQ=I), R is a square, upper triangular matrix and p is a permutation vector. Matrix R has the following important properties:

This means that if abs(R[i,i]) ≤ ε then abs(R[j,k]) ≤ ε for j ≥ i, i.e., the i-th row up to the last row of R have small elements and can be treated as being zero. This allows to, e.g., estimate the row-rank of R (which is the same row-rank as A). Furthermore, R can be partitioned in two parts

   A[:,p] = Q * [R1, R2;
                 0,  0]

where R1 is a regular, upper triangular matrix.

Note, the solution is computed with the LAPACK functions "dgeqpf" and "dorgqr", i.e., by Housholder transformations with column pivoting. If Q is not needed, the function may be called as: (,R,p) = QR(A).


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real R[3,3];
  (,R) := Matrices.QR(A);  // R = [-7.07.., -4.24.., -3.67..;
                                    0     , -1.73.., -0.23..;
                                    0     ,  0     ,  0.65..];

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Rectangular matrix with size(A,1) >= size(A,2)


RealQ[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)]Rectangular matrix with orthonormal columns such that Q*R=A[:,p]
RealR[size(A, 2), size(A, 2)]Square upper triangular matrix
Integerp[size(A, 2)]Column permutation vector

Modelica definition

function QR 
  "QR decomposition of a square matrix with column pivoting (A(:,p) = Q*R)"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, :] "Rectangular matrix with size(A,1) >= size(A,2)";
  output Real Q[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)] 
    "Rectangular matrix with orthonormal columns such that Q*R=A[:,p]";
  output Real R[size(A, 2), size(A, 2)] "Square upper triangular matrix";
  output Integer p[size(A, 2)] "Column permutation vector";

  Integer nrow=size(A, 1);
  Integer ncol=size(A, 2);
  Real tau[ncol];
  assert(nrow >= ncol, "\nInput matrix A[" + String(nrow) + "," + String(ncol) + "] has more columns as rows.
This is not allowed when calling Modelica.Matrices.QR(A).");
  (Q,tau,p) := LAPACK.dgeqpf(A);

  // determine R
  R := zeros(ncol,ncol);
  for i in 1:ncol loop
    for j in i:ncol loop
      R[i, j] := Q[i,j];
    end for;
  end for;

  // if isPresent(Q) then (not yet supported by Dymola)
  Q := LAPACK.dorgqr(Q, tau);
end QR;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.eigenValues Modelica.Math.Matrices.eigenValues

Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real, nonsymmetric matrix



                eigenvalues = Matrices.eigenValues(A);
(eigenvalues, eigenvectors) = Matrices.eigenValues(A);


This function call returns the eigenvalues and optionally the (right) eigenvectors of a square matrix A. The first column of "eigenvalues" contains the real and the second column contains the imaginary part of the eigenvalues. If the i-th eigenvalue has no imaginary part, then eigenvectors[:,i] is the corresponding real eigenvector. If the i-th eigenvalue has an imaginary part, then eigenvalues[i+1,:] is the conjugate complex eigenvalue and eigenvectors[:,i] is the real and eigenvectors[:,i+1] is the imaginary part of the eigenvector of the i-th eigenvalue. With function Matrices.eigenValueMatrix, a real block diagonal matrix is constructed from the eigenvalues such that

A = eigenvectors * eigenValueMatrix(eigenvalues) * inv(eigenvectors)

provided the eigenvector matrix "eigenvectors" can be inverted (an inversion is possible, if all eigenvalues are different; in some cases, an inversion is also possible if some eigenvalues are the same).


  Real A[3,3] = [1,2,3;
  Real eval;
  eval := Matrices.eigenValues(A);  // eval = [-0.618, 0;
                                    //          8.0  , 0;
                                    //          1.618, 0];

i.e., matrix A has the 3 real eigenvalues -0.618, 8, 1.618.

See also

Matrices.eigenValueMatrix, Matrices.singularValues

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)] Matrix


Realeigenvalues[size(A, 1), 2]Eigenvalues of matrix A (Re: first column, Im: second column)
Realeigenvectors[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)]Real-valued eigenvector matrix

Modelica definition

function eigenValues 
  "Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real, nonsymmetric matrix"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)] "Matrix";
  output Real eigenvalues[size(A, 1), 2] 
    "Eigenvalues of matrix A (Re: first column, Im: second column)";
  output Real eigenvectors[size(A,1), size(A,2)] 
    "Real-valued eigenvector matrix";

  Integer info;
  // replace with "isPresent(..)" if supported by Dymola
  Boolean onlyEigenvalues = false;
if size(A,1) > 0 then
  if onlyEigenvalues then
     (eigenvalues[:, 1],eigenvalues[:, 2],info) := LAPACK.dgeev_eigenValues(A);
     eigenvectors :=zeros(size(A, 1), size(A, 1));
     (eigenvalues[:, 1],eigenvalues[:, 2],eigenvectors, info) := LAPACK.dgeev(A);
  end if;
  assert(info == 0, "Calculating the eigen values with function
\"Matrices.eigenvalues\" is not possible, since the
numerical algorithm does not converge.");
end if;
end eigenValues;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.eigenValueMatrix Modelica.Math.Matrices.eigenValueMatrix

Return real valued block diagonal matrix J of eigenvalues of matrix A (A=V*J*Vinv)





The function call returns a block diagonal matrix J from the the two-column matrix eigenvalues (computed by function Matrices.eigenValues). Matrix eigenvalues must have the real part of the eigenvalues in the first column and the imaginary part in the second column. If an eigenvalue i has a vanishing imaginary part, then J[i,i] = eigenvalues[i,1], i.e., the diagonal element of J is the real eigenvalue. Otherwise, eigenvalue i and conjugate complex eigenvalue i+1 are used to construct a 2 by 2 diagonal block of J:

  J[i  , i]   := eigenvalues[i,1];
  J[i  , i+1] := eigenvalues[i,2];
  J[i+1, i]   := eigenvalues[i+1,2];
  J[i+1, i+1] := eigenvalues[i+1,1];

See also


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealeigenValues[:, 2] Eigen values from function eigenValues(..) (Re: first column, Im: second column)


RealJ[size(eigenValues, 1), size(eigenValues, 1)]Real valued block diagonal matrix with eigen values (Re: 1x1 block, Im: 2x2 block)

Modelica definition

function eigenValueMatrix 
  "Return real valued block diagonal matrix J of eigenvalues of matrix A (A=V*J*Vinv)"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real eigenValues[:, 2] 
    "Eigen values from function eigenValues(..) (Re: first column, Im: second column)";
  output Real J[size(eigenValues, 1), size(eigenValues, 1)] 
    "Real valued block diagonal matrix with eigen values (Re: 1x1 block, Im: 2x2 block)";

  Integer n=size(eigenValues, 1);
  Integer i;
  J := zeros(n, n);
  i := 1;
  while i <= n loop
    if eigenValues[i, 2] == 0 then
      J[i, i] := eigenValues[i, 1];
      i := i + 1;
      J[i, i] := eigenValues[i, 1];
      J[i, i + 1] := eigenValues[i, 2];
      J[i + 1, i] := eigenValues[i + 1, 2];
      J[i + 1, i + 1] := eigenValues[i + 1, 1];
      i := i + 2;
    end if;
  end while;
end eigenValueMatrix;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.singularValues Modelica.Math.Matrices.singularValues

Compute singular values and left and right singular vectors



         sigma = Matrices.singularValues(A);
(sigma, U, VT) = Matrices.singularValues(A);


This function computes the singular values and optionally the singular vectors of matrix A. Basically the singular value decomposition of A is computed, i.e.,

A = U S VT
  = U*Sigma*VT

where U and V are orthogonal matrices (UUT=I, VVT=I). S = diag(si) has the same size as matrix A with nonnegative diagonal elements in decreasing order and with all other elements zero (s1 is the largest element). The function returns the singular values si in vector sigma and the orthogonal matrices in matrices U and V.


  A = [1, 2,  3,  4;
       3, 4,  5, -2;
      -1, 2, -3,  5];
  (sigma, U, VT) = singularValues(A);
  results in:
     sigma = {8.33, 6.94, 2.31};
     Sigma = [8.33,    0,    0, 0;
                 0, 6.94,    0, 0;
                 0,    0, 2.31, 0]

See also


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Matrix


Realsigma[min(size(A, 1), size(A, 2))]Singular values
RealU[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)]Left orthogonal matrix
RealVT[size(A, 2), size(A, 2)]Transposed right orthogonal matrix

Modelica definition

function singularValues 
  "Compute singular values and left and right singular vectors"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, :] "Matrix";
  output Real sigma[min(size(A, 1), size(A, 2))] "Singular values";
  output Real U[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)]=identity(size(A, 1)) 
    "Left orthogonal matrix";
  output Real VT[size(A, 2), size(A, 2)]=identity(size(A, 2)) 
    "Transposed right orthogonal matrix ";

  Integer info;
  Integer n=min(size(A, 1), size(A, 2)) "Number of singular values";
if n>0 then
  (sigma,U,VT,info) := Modelica.Math.Matrices.LAPACK.dgesvd(A);
  assert(info == 0, "The numerical algorithm to compute the
singular value decomposition did not converge");
end if;
end singularValues;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.det Modelica.Math.Matrices.det

Determinant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition)





This function call returns the determinant of matrix A computed by a LU decomposition. Usally, this function should never be used, because there are nearly always better numerical algorithms as by computing the determinant. E.g., use function Matrices.rank to compute the rank of a matrix.

See also

Matrices.rank, Matrices.solve

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)]  


RealresultDeterminant of matrix A

Modelica definition

function det "Determinant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition)"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)];
  output Real result "Determinant of matrix A";
  Real LU[size(A,1),size(A,1)];
  Integer pivots[size(A,1)];

  (LU,pivots) := Matrices.LU(A);
  result:=product(LU[i,i] for i in 1:size(A,1))*
    product(if pivots[i]==i then 1 else -1 for i in 1:size(pivots,1));
end det;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.inv Modelica.Math.Matrices.inv

Inverse of a matrix (try to avoid, use function solve(..) instead)


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)]  


RealinvA[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)]Inverse of matrix A

Modelica definition

function inv 
  "Inverse of a matrix (try to avoid, use function solve(..) instead)"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)];
  output Real invA[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)] "Inverse of matrix A";
  Integer info;
  Integer pivots[size(A, 1)] "Pivot vector";
  Real LU[size(A, 1), size(A, 2)] "LU factors of A";
  (LU,pivots,info) := LAPACK.dgetrf(A);

  assert(info == 0, "Calculating an inverse matrix with function
\"Matrices.inv\" is not possible, since matrix A is singular.");

  invA := LAPACK.dgetri(LU, pivots);

end inv;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.rank Modelica.Math.Matrices.rank

Rank of a matrix (computed with singular values)


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, :] Matrix
Realeps0If eps > 0, the singular values are checked against eps; otherwise eps=max(size(A))*norm(A)*Modelica.Constants.eps is used


IntegerresultRank of matrix A

Modelica definition

function rank "Rank of a matrix (computed with singular values)"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, :] "Matrix";
  input Real eps=0 
    "If eps > 0, the singular values are checked against eps; otherwise eps=max(size(A))*norm(A)*Modelica.Constants.eps is used";
  output Integer result "Rank of matrix A";

  Integer n=min(size(A, 1), size(A, 2));
  Integer i=n;
  Real sigma[n];
  Real eps2;
  result := 0;
  if n > 0 then
    sigma := Modelica.Math.Matrices.singularValues(A);
    eps2 := if eps > 0 then eps else max(size(A))*sigma[1]*Modelica.Constants.eps;
    while i > 0 loop
      if sigma[i] > eps2 then
        result := i;
        i := 0;
      end if;
      i := i - 1;
    end while;
  end if;
end rank;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.balance Modelica.Math.Matrices.balance

Balancing of matrix A to improve the condition of A


The function transformates the matrix A, so that the norm of the i-th column is nearby the i-th row. (D,B)=Matrices.balance(A) returns a vector D, such that B=inv(diagonal(D))*A*diagonal(D) has better condition. The elements of D are multiples of 2. Balancing attempts to make the norm of each row equal to the norm of the belonging column.
Balancing is used to minimize roundoff errors inducted through large matrix calculations like Taylor-series approximation or computation of eigenvalues.


       - A = [1, 10,  1000; .01,  0,  10; .005,  .01,  10]
       - Matrices.norm(A, 1);
         = 1020.0
       - (T,B)=Matrices.balance(A)
       - T
         = {256, 16, 0.5}
       - B
         =  [1,     0.625,   1.953125;
             0.16,  0,       0.3125;
             2.56,  0.32,   10.0]
       - Matrices.norm(B, 1);
         = 12.265625

The Algorithm is taken from

H. D. Joos, G. Grbel:
RASP'91 Regulator Analysis and Synthesis Programs
DLR - Control Systems Group 1991
which based on the balanc function from EISPACK.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)]  


RealD[size(A, 1)]diagonal(D)=T is transformation matrix, such that T*A*inv(T) has smaller condition as A
RealB[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)]Balanced matrix (= diagonal(D)*A*inv(diagonal(D)))

Modelica definition

function balance 
  "Balancing of matrix A to improve the condition of A"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)];
  output Real D[size(A, 1)] "diagonal(D)=T is transformation matrix, such that
          T*A*inv(T) has smaller condition as A";
  output Real B[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)] 
    "Balanced matrix (= diagonal(D)*A*inv(diagonal(D)))";
  Integer na=size(A, 1);
  Integer radix=2 "Radix of exponent representation must be 'radix'
          or a multiple of 'radix'";
  Integer radix2=radix*radix;
  Boolean noconv=true;
  Integer i=1;
  Integer j=1;
  Real CO;
  Real RO;
  Real G;
  Real F;
  Real S;
  /*auxiliary variables*/

  // B = inv(D)*A*D, so that cond(B)<=cond(A)
  D := ones(na);
  B := A;
  while noconv loop
    noconv := false;
    for i in 1:na loop
      CO := sum(abs(B[:, i])) - abs(B[i, i]);
      RO := sum(abs(B[i, :])) - abs(B[i, i]);
      G := RO/radix;
      F := 1;
      S := CO + RO;
      while not (CO >= G or CO == 0) loop
        F := F*radix;
        CO := CO*radix2;
      end while;
      G := RO*radix;
      while not (CO < G or RO == 0) loop
        F := F/radix;
        CO := CO/radix2;
      end while;
      if not ((CO + RO)/F >= 0.95*S) then
        G := 1/F;
        D[i] := D[i]*F;
        B[i, :] := B[i, :]*G;
        B[:, i] := B[:, i]*F;
        noconv := true;
      end if;
    end for;
  end while;
end balance;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.exp Modelica.Math.Matrices.exp

Compute the exponential of a matrix by adaptive Taylor series expansion with scaling and balancing


This function computes

                            (AT)^2   (AT)^3
      Φ = e^(AT) = I + AT + ------ + ------ + ....
                              2!       3!

where e=2.71828..., A is an n x n matrix with real elements and T is a real number, e.g., the sampling time. A may be singular. With the exponential of a matrix it is, e.g., possible to compute the solution of a linear system of differential equations

    der(x) = A*x   ->   x(t0 + T) = e^(AT)*x(t0)

The function is called as

     Phi = Matrices.exp(A,T);
       M = Matrices.exp(A);
what calculates M as the exponential of matrix A.

Algorithmic details:

The algorithm is taken from

H. D. Joos, G. Gruebel:
RASP'91 Regulator Analysis and Synthesis Programs
DLR - Control Systems Group 1991

The following steps are performed to calculate the exponential of A:

  1. Matrix A is balanced
    (= is transformed with a diagonal matrix D, such that inv(D)*A*D has a smaller condition as A).
  2. The scalar T is divided by a multiple of 2 such that norm( inv(D)*A*D*T/2^k ) < 0.5. Note, that (1) and (2) are implemented such that no round-off errors are introduced.
  3. The matrix from (2) is approximated by explicitly performing the Taylor series expansion with a variable number of terms. Truncation occurs if a new term does no longer contribute to the value of Φ from the previous iteration.
  4. The resulting matrix is transformed back, by reverting the steps of (2) and (1).

In several sources it is not recommended to use Taylor series expansion to calculate the exponential of a matrix, such as in 'C.B. Moler and C.F. Van Loan: Nineteen dubious ways to compute the exponential of a matrix. SIAM Review 20, pp. 801-836, 1979' or in the documentation of m-file expm2 in Matlab version 6 ( where it is stated that 'As a practical numerical method, this is often slow and inaccurate'. These statements are valid for a direct implementation of the Taylor series expansion, but not for the implementation variant used in this function.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)]  


Realphi[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)]= exp(A*T)

Modelica definition

function exp 
  "Compute the exponential of a matrix by adaptive Taylor series expansion with scaling and balancing"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)];
  input Real T=1;
  output Real phi[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)] "= exp(A*T)";

  parameter Integer nmax=21;
  /*max number of iterations*/
  parameter Integer na=size(A, 1);
  Integer j=1;
  Integer k=0;
  Boolean done=false;
  Real Anorm;
  Real Tscaled=1;
  Real Atransf[na, na];
  Real D[na, na];
  /*D: dummy variable for psi*/
  Real M[na, na];
  /*M: dummy matrix*/
  Real Diag[na];
  /*diagonal transformation matrix for balancing*/

encapsulated function columnNorm 
    "Returns the column norm of a matrix"
  input Real A[:, :] "Input matrix";
  output Real result=0.0 "1-norm of matrix A";
   for i in 1:size(A, 2) loop
      result := max(result, sum(abs(A[:, i])));
   end for;
end columnNorm;

  // balancing of A
  (Diag,Atransf) := balance(A);

  // scaling of T until norm(A)*/(2^k) < 1
  Tscaled := T;
  /*Anorm: column-norm of matrix A*/
  Anorm := columnNorm(Atransf);
  Anorm := Anorm*T;
  while Anorm >= 0.5 loop
    Anorm := Anorm/2;
    Tscaled := Tscaled/2;
    k := k + 1;
  end while;

  // Computation of psi by Taylor-series approximation
  M := identity(na);
  D := M;
  while j < nmax and not done loop
    M := Atransf*M*Tscaled/j;
    //stop if the new element of the series is small
    if columnNorm((D + M) - D) == 0 then
      done := true;
      D := M + D;
      j := j + 1;
    end if;
  end while;

  // re-scaling
  for i in 1:k loop
    D := D*D;
  end for;

  // re-balancing: psi := diagonal(Diag)*D*inv(diagonal(Diag));
  for j in 1:na loop
    for k in 1:na loop
      phi[j, k] := D[j, k]*Diag[j]/Diag[k];
    end for;
  end for;
end exp;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.integralExp Modelica.Math.Matrices.integralExp

Computation of the transition-matrix phi and its integral gamma


The function uses a Taylor series expansion with Balancing and scaling/squaring to approximate the integral Ψ of the matrix exponential Φ=e^(AT):

                                 AT^2   A^2 * T^3          A^k * T^(k+1)
        Ψ = int(e^(As))ds = IT + ---- + --------- + ... + --------------
                                  2!        3!                (k+1)!

Φ is calculated through Φ = I + A*Ψ, so A may be singular. Γ is simple Ψ*B.

The algorithm runs in the following steps:

  1. Balancing
  2. Scaling
  3. Taylor series expansion
  4. Re-scaling
  5. Re-Balancing

Balancing put the bad condition of a square matrix A into a diagonal transformation matrix D. This reduce the effort of following calculations. Afterwards the result have to be re-balanced by transformation D*Atransf *inv(D).
Scaling halfen T  k-times, until the norm of A*T is less than 0.5. This garantees minumum rounding errors in the following series expansion. The re-scaling based on the equation  exp(A*2T) = exp(AT)^2. The needed re-scaling formula for psi thus becomes:

         Φ = Φ'*Φ'
   I + A*Ψ = I + 2A*Ψ' + A^2*Ψ'^2
         Ψ = A*Ψ'^2 + 2*Ψ'

where psi' is the scaled result from the series expansion while psi is the re-scaled matrix.

The function is normally used to discretize a state-space system as the zero-order-hold equivalent:

      x(k+1) = Φ*x(k) + Γ*u(k)
        y(k) = C*x(k) + D*u(k)

The zero-order-hold sampling, also known as step-invariant method, gives exact values of the state variables, under the assumption that the control signal u is constant between the sampling instants. Zero-order-hold sampling is discribed in

K. J. Astroem, B. Wittenmark:
Computer Controlled Systems - Theory and Design
Third Edition, p. 32
      (phi,gamma) = Matrices.expIntegral(A,B,T)
                       A,phi: [n,n] square matrices
                     B,gamma: [n,m] input matrix
                           T: scalar, e.g. sampling time

The Algorithm to calculate psi is taken from

H. D. Joos, G. Gruebel:
RASP'91 Regulator Analysis and Synthesis Programs
DLR - Control Systems Group 1991

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)]  
RealB[size(A, 1), :]  


Realphi[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)]= exp(A*T)
Realgamma[size(A, 1), size(B, 2)]= integral(phi)*B

Modelica definition

function integralExp 
  "Computation of the transition-matrix phi and its integral gamma"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)];
  input Real B[size(A, 1), :];
  input Real T=1;
  output Real phi[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)] "= exp(A*T)";
  output Real gamma[size(A, 1), size(B, 2)] "= integral(phi)*B";
  parameter Integer nmax=21;
  /*max number of iterations*/
  parameter Integer na=size(A, 1);
  Integer j=2;
  Integer k=0;
  Boolean done=false;
  Real Anorm;
  Real Tscaled=1;
  Real Atransf[na, na];
  Real Psi[na, na];
  /*Psi: dummy variable for psi*/
  Real M[na, na];
  /*M: dummy matrix*/
  Real Diag[na];
  /*diagonal transformation matrix for balancing*/

encapsulated function columnNorm 
    "Returns the column norm of a matrix"
  input Real A[:, :] "Input matrix";
  output Real result=0.0 "1-norm of matrix A";
   for i in 1:size(A, 2) loop
      result := max(result, sum(abs(A[:, i])));
   end for;
end columnNorm;
  // balancing of A
  (Diag,Atransf) := balance(A);

  // scaling of T until norm(A)*/(2^k) < 0.5
  Tscaled := T;
  /*Anorm: column-norm of matrix A*/
  // Anorm := norm(Atransf, 1);
  Anorm := columnNorm(Atransf);
  Anorm := Anorm*T;
  while Anorm >= 0.5 loop
    Anorm := Anorm/2;
    Tscaled := Tscaled/2;
    k := k + 1;
  end while;

  // Computation of psi by Taylor-series approximation
  M := identity(na)*Tscaled;
  Psi := M;
  while j < nmax and not done loop
    M := Atransf*M*Tscaled/j;
    //stop if the new element of the series is small
    // if norm((Psi + M) - Psi, 1) == 0 then
    if columnNorm((Psi + M) - Psi) == 0 then
      done := true;
      Psi := M + Psi;
      j := j + 1;
    end if;
  end while;

  // re-scaling
  for j in 1:k loop
    Psi := Atransf*Psi*Psi + 2*Psi;
  end for;

  // re-balancing: psi := diagonal(Diag)*D*inv(diagonal(Diag));
  for j in 1:na loop
    for k in 1:na loop
      Psi[j, k] := Psi[j, k]*Diag[j]/Diag[k];
    end for;
  end for;
  gamma := Psi*B;
  phi := A*Psi + identity(na);

end integralExp;

Modelica.Math.Matrices.integralExpT Modelica.Math.Matrices.integralExpT

Computation of the transition-matrix phi and the integral gamma and gamma1


The function calculates the matrices phi,gamma,gamma1 through the equation:

                                 [ A B 0 ]
[phi gamma gamma1] = [I 0 0]*exp([ 0 0 I ]*T)
                                 [ 0 0 0 ]
(phi,gamma,gamma1) = Matrices.ExpIntegral2(A,B,T) A,phi: [n,n] square matrices B,gamma,gamma1: [n,m] matrices T: scalar, e.g. sampling time

The matrices define the discretized first-order-hold equivalent of a state-space system:

      x(k+1) = phi*x(k) + gamma*u(k) + gamma1/T*(u(k+1) - u(k))
The first-order-hold sampling, also known as ramp-invariant method, gives more smooth control signals as the ZOH equivalent. First-order-hold sampling is discribed in
K. J. Astroem, B. Wittenmark:
Computer Controlled Systems - Theory and Design
Third Edition, p. 256

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)]  
RealB[size(A, 1), :]  


Realphi[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)]= exp(A*T)
Realgamma[size(A, 1), size(B, 2)]= integral(phi)*B
Realgamma1[size(A, 1), size(B, 2)]= integral((T-t)*exp(A*t))*B

Modelica definition

function integralExpT 
  "Computation of the transition-matrix phi and the integral gamma and gamma1"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real A[:, size(A, 1)];
  input Real B[size(A, 1), :];
  input Real T=1;
  output Real phi[size(A, 1), size(A, 1)] "= exp(A*T)";
  output Real gamma[size(A, 1), size(B, 2)] "= integral(phi)*B";
  output Real gamma1[size(A, 1), size(B, 2)] "= integral((T-t)*exp(A*t))*B";
  Integer nmax=200;
  /*max number of iterations*/
  parameter Integer na=size(A, 1);
  parameter Integer nb=size(B, 2);
  Integer j=1;
  Boolean done=false;
  Real F[na + 2*nb, na + 2*nb];

  F := [A, B, zeros(na, nb); zeros(2*nb, na), zeros(2*nb, nb), [identity(nb);
     zeros(nb, nb)]];
  F := exp(F, T);
  phi := F[1:na, 1:na];
  gamma := F[1:na, na + 1:na + nb];
  gamma1 := F[1:na, na + nb + 1:na + 2*nb];

end integralExpT;

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