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Xu, Peng, and Philip Haves. "Field Testing of Component-Level Model-Based Fault Detection Methods for Mixing Boxes and VAV Fan Systems." 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2002. LBNL-50678.
Xu, Peng, and Philip Haves. "Field Testing of Component-Level Model-Based Fault Detection Methods for Mixing Boxes and VAV Fan Systems." 2002 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, California, 2002. LBNL-50678.
Bazjanac, Vladimir, James Forester, Philip Haves, Darko Sucic, and Peng Xu. "HVAC Component Data Modeling Using Industry Foundation Classes." System Simulation in Buildings ’02 2002. LBNL-51365.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim. "Model-Based Automated Functional Testing-Methodology and Application to Air Handling Units." ASHRAE Transactions 111.Pt. 1 (2005). LBNL-55802.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim. "A Semi-Automated Functional Test Data Analysis Tool." 13th National Conference on Building Commissioning. New York City, NY, 2005. LBNL-58648.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Joseph J Deringer. "A Simulation-Based Testing and Training Environment for Building Controls." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation. Boulder, CO, 2005. LBNL-55801.