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"Validierung der eindimensionalen hygrothermischen Wandmodelle der Modelica-Bibliothek "BuildingPhysicsLibrary"." BauSIM 2006 2006: pp.144-146.
. "A Semi-automated Commissioning Tool for VAV Air Handling Units: Functional Test Analyzer." ASHRAE Transactions 113.Pt. 1 (2007) 380-391. LBNL-60979.
. "Use of Simulation Tools for Managing Buildings Energy Demand." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
. "Application of Machine Learning in Fault Diagnostics of Mechanical Systems." International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control 2008.
. "Fault Diagnostics and Supervised Testing: How Fault Diagnostic tools can be Proactive?." Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls 2008.
. "Gebäudesimulation mit adaptiven Modellierungsansätzen." BAUSIM 2008 2008.
. "Gebäudesimulation mit adaptiven Modellierungsansätzen." BAUSIM 2008 2008.
. "Object-oriented hygrothermal building physics library as a tool to predict and to ensure a thermal and hygric indoor comfort in building construction by using a Predicted-Mean-Vote (PMV) control ventilation system." 8th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries 2008 2008: pp.825-832.
. "Object-oriented hygrothermal building physics library as a tool to predict and to ensure a thermal and hygric indoor comfort in building construction by using a Predicted-Mean-Vote (PMV) control ventilation system." 8th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries 2008 2008: pp.825-832.
. "Overcoming the Complexity of Diagnostic Problems due to Sensor Network Architecture." Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls 2008.
. "Application of software tools for moisture protection of buildings in different climate zones." 6th International Conference on Cold Climate, Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning. Sisimiut, Groenland, 2009.
. "“The Monitoring,” Panel: Chill-Off." Silicon Valley Leadership Group Data Center Energy Efficiency Summit 2009.
. . . "Development of an isothermal 2D zonal air volume model with impulse conservation." Clima 2010, 10th Rehva World Congress "Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings". Antalya, Turkey, 2010.
. "Modeling and Measurement Constraints in Fault Diagnostics for HVAC Systems." ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Controls (2010).
. "A Statistical Pattern Analysis Framework for Rooftop Unit Diagnostics." International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research (2010).
. "Systems Approach to Energy Efficient Building Operation: Case Studies and Lessons Learned in a University Campus." 2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2010.
. .
"BACnet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed." Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference 2011: p. 294-301. LBNL-5446E.
. "Modeling of Heat Transfer in Rooms in the Modelica "Buildings" Library." 12th Conference of International Building Performance Ssimulation Association 2011: 1096-1103. LBNL-5563E.
. "Recent developments of the Modelica Buildings library for building energy and control systems." the 8th International Modelica Conference 2011. LBNL-4793E.
. "Validation and Application of the Room Model of the Modelica Buildings Library." Proc. of the 9th International Modelica Conference 2012. LBNL-5932E.
. Validation of the Window Model of the Modelica Buildings Library. 2012. LBNL-5735E.
. "Functional Mock-Up Unit Import in EnergyPlus For Co-Simulation." 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation 2013. LBNL-6413E.