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"Human-building interaction at work: Findings from an interdisciplinary cross-country survey in Italy." Building and Environment 132 (2018).
. "High performance computing for indoor air." 11th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2009) 2009: 244-249.
. "Halfway to Zero Energy in a Large Office Building." 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2006.
. "A hygrothermal building model based on the object-oriented modeling language Modelica." Ninth International IBPSA Conference. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
. "Heat transfer and natural ventilation from single-sided heated solar chimney for buildings." Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 3.2 (2004).
. "HVAC Component Data Modeling Using Industry Foundation Classes." System Simulation in Buildings ’02 2002. LBNL-51365.
. "The HVAC Costs of Fresh Air Ventilation." ASHRAE Journal 1988.
. "The HVAC Costs of Increased Fresh Air Ventilation Rates in Office Buildings." ASHRAE 1988 Annual Meeting. Ottawa, ON, Canada.: LBNL, 1988.
. "Heat Loss Rates from Wetted Tilted Surfaces." 1st International Passive and Hybrid Cooling Conference, November 6-16, 1981. . Miami Beach, FL: American Section of the International Solar Energy Society, 1981.
. "Heat Transfer in Passively Cooled Buildings." ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference 1980.
. "High Resolution Observations of Extended Radio Sources at 1666 MHz." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975).