Models of rooms in test cell X3A
This package contains models of rooms in test cell X3A of the FLEXLAB at LBNL. The following image is a drawing of test cell X3A. It shows how the different rooms in this example are connected, as well as providing the names used in this example for each of the rooms.
There are separate models for each room in test cell X3A. The model for the test cell itself is located in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.TestCell, the model for the connected closet is located at Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.Closet, and the model for the connected electrical room is located at Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.Electrical. Each of the models were developed using construction and parameter information taken from architectural drawings. Accurate use of the models will likely require combining all three room models to each other.
The models in this package are intended to be connected to each other to develop a model of the entirety of test cell X3A. Several of the connections are to be made between walls connecting the two spaces to each other. Detailed information on the wall in each test cell can be found in the documentation for that test cell. The connections between each room in the test cell are described below.
Physical significance of connection | Port 1 | Port 2 |
Heat transfer through the partition wall between the test cell and the closet | TestCell.surf_conBou[3] | Closet.surf_surBou[1] |
Heat transfer through the door in the partition wall between the test cell and the closet | TestCell.surf_conBou[4] | Closet.surf_surBou[2] |
Heat transfer through the wall separating the test cell and the electrical room | TestCell.surf_conBou[5] | Electrical.surf_surBou[1] |
Heat transfer through the wall separating the closet and the electrical room | Closet.surf_conBou[1] | Electrical.surf_surBou[2] |
An example of how these room models are connected to create full test cell model can be found in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.Examples.X3AWithRadiantFloor.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Package Content
Name | Description |
![]() |
Model of the closet connected to test cell X3A |
![]() |
Model of the closet connected to test cell X3A intended to be connected to ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet |
![]() |
Model of the electrical room attached to test cell X3A |
![]() |
Model of LBNL User Test Facility Cell X3A |
![]() |
Model of LBNL User Test Facility Cell X3A intended for connection with ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.TestCell |
Model of the closet connected to test cell X3A
This is a model for the closet attached to test cell 3A in the LBNL User Facility. This documentation describes the wall constructions used in the closet. Documentation describing how it should be connected to other models in the package to form a complete model of test cell X3A can be found in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.
There are four different wall sections connected to the closet modeled here. They are shown in the figure below.
The different wall sections are represented in the model according to the following table.
Wall Section Number | Description | Location in Model | Corresponding Layer |
1 | North wall on the exterior of the buildings | datConExt[1] | higIns |
2 | East wall connected to ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet | datConBou[2] | celDiv |
3 | Air space connected to partition wall and door in TestCell model | Wall: datSurBou[1] Door: datSurBou[2] |
4 | West wall connected to Electrical | datConBou[1] | higIns |
There are two additional surfaces which are not included in the diagram. One is the model of the roof. It is
modeled in datConExt[2] using the layer roo
. The other is the floor, which is modeled in
datConBou[1] using the layer slaCon
Several of the connections in this model are intended to be connected to specific surfaces in other room models. The following table describes the connections to models outside of the X3A package.. The connections in datConExt are not described in the table because they are connected to the external environment, and no additional heat port connections are necessary. A rationale for why the model is created this way is also provided if it is considered necessary.
Location in Closet | Description of External Connection | Location in External Model | Rationale |
surf_conBou[2] | X3B.Closet | References a data table | A data table is used, instead of a model of ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet, because the goal of this model is to be able to perform simulations of TestCell with minimal complexity, by simplifying the neighboring test cells. The wall separating the test cells is highly insulated, and it is believed that the error in simulations caused by using a data table will be negligible. |
surf_conBou[3] | Ground temperature | There is no specific connection which is appropriate connection for this construction. surf_conBou[3] represents the floor of the room, and must be connected to a heat port representing the ground temperature. |
Extends from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir (Model of a room in which the air is completely mixed).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ParameterConstructionWithWindow | datConExtWin[NConExtWin] | datConExtWin(each T_a_start=... | Data for exterior construction with window |
ParameterConstruction | datConPar[NConPar] | datConPar(each T_a_start=T_s... | Data for partition construction |
Brick120 | dummyCon | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
SingleClear3 | dummyGlaSys | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
replaceable package Medium | PartialMedium | Medium in the component | |
Area | AFlo | 3.93 | Floor area [m2] |
Length | hRoo | 3.6576 | Average room height [m] |
Boolean | linearizeRadiation | true | Set to true to linearize emissive power |
CellAndElectricalDividingWall | higIns | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | High insulation wall. Between X3A closet and exterior, X3A closet and electrical room |
TestCellDividngWall | celDiv | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Wall dividing the X3A closet and the X3B closet |
ASHRAE_901_2010Roof | roo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of the roof of the closet in X3A |
Generic | slaCon | slaCon(nLay=3, material={Bui... | Construction of the slab |
Exterior constructions | |||
Integer | nConExt | 2 | Number of exterior constructions |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of window constructions |
Partition constructions | |||
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Boundary constructions | |||
Integer | nConBou | 3 | Number of constructions that have their outside surface exposed to the boundary of this room |
Integer | nSurBou | 2 | Number of surface heat transfer models that connect to constructions that are modeled outside of this room |
Convective heat transfer | |||
InteriorConvection | intConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hIntFixed | 3.0 | Constant convection coefficient for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
ExteriorConvection | extConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hExtFixed | 10.0 | Constant convection coefficient for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
Nominal condition | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | V*1.2/3600 | Nominal mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Ports | |||
Boolean | use_C_flow | false | Set to true to enable input connector for trace substance that is connected to room air |
Dynamics | |||
Glazing system | |||
Boolean | steadyStateWindow | false | Set to false to add thermal capacity at window, which generally leads to faster simulation |
Zone air | |||
Dynamics | energyDynamics | Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamic... | Type of energy balance for zone air: dynamic (3 initialization options) or steady state |
Real | mSenFac | 1 | Factor for scaling the sensible thermal mass of the zone air volume |
Experimental (may be changed in future releases) | |||
Boolean | sampleModel | false | Set to true to time-sample the model, which can give shorter simulation time if there is already time sampling in the system model |
Initialization | |||
AbsolutePressure | p_start | Medium.p_default | Start value of zone air pressure [Pa] |
Temperature | T_start | Medium.T_default | Start value of zone air temperature [K] |
MassFraction | X_start[Medium.nX] | Medium.X_default | Start value of zone air mass fractions m_i/m [kg/kg] |
ExtraProperty | C_start[Medium.nC] | fill(0, Medium.nC) | Start value of zone air trace substances |
ExtraProperty | C_nominal[Medium.nC] | fill(1E-2, Medium.nC) | Nominal value of zone air trace substances. (Set to typical order of magnitude.) |
Type | Name | Description |
VesselFluidPorts_b | ports[nPorts] | Fluid inlets and outlets |
HeatPort_a | heaPorAir | Heat port to air volume |
HeatPort_a | heaPorRad | Heat port for radiative heat gain and radiative temperature |
input RealInput | uWin[nConExtWin] | Control signal for window state (used for electrochromic windows, removed otherwise) [1] |
HeatPort_a | surf_conBou[nConBou] | Heat port at surface b of construction conBou |
HeatPort_a | surf_surBou[nSurBou] | Heat port of surface that is connected to the room air |
input RealInput | qGai_flow[3] | Radiant, convective and latent heat input into room (positive if heat gain) [W/m2] |
Bus | weaBus | Weather data |
input RealInput | uSha[nConExtWin] | Control signal for the shading device (removed if no shade is present) |
input RealInput | C_flow[Medium.nC] | Trace substance mass flow rate added to the room air. Enable if use_C_flow = true |
Modelica definition
Model of the closet connected to test cell X3A intended to be connected to ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet
This is a duplicate model of Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.Closet with the wall separating this model and Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet removed. It is intended for use in simulations which include both room models to simulate the whole test bed. If the regular models are used the wall separating the closets will be modeled twice, so one model must have the wall removed. This documentation only describes the walls and connections which are different from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.Closet. For information on the rest of the walls and connections see that documentation.
There are four different wall sections connected to the closet modeled here. They are shown in the figure below. Only wall section 2 is described in this documentation.
The different wall sections are represented in the model according to the following table.
Wall Section Number | Description | Location in Model | Corresponding Layer |
2 | Dividing wall modeled in ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet | surBou[3] |
As a result of removing the dividing wall construction, the location of the construction of the floor has changed. The following table shows the old and new location of this wall construction.
Physical Description | Location in Closet | Location in ClosetNoCelDiv |
Construction modeling the floor | datConBou[3] | datConBou[2] |
Several of the connections in this model are intended to be connected to specific surfaces in other room models. The following table describes the connections to models outside of the X3A package. The connections in datConExt are not described in the table because they are connected to the external environment, and no additional heat port connections are necessary. A rationale for why the model is created this way is also provided if it is considered necessary.
Location in Closet | Description of External Connection | Location in External Model | Rationale |
surf_surBou[3] | X3B.Closet | X3B.Closet.surf_conBou[2] | X3B.Closet.surf_conBou[2] is the location of the cell dividing wall in the neighboring closet. Connecting X3A.ClosetNoCelDiv.surf_surBou[3] to this port models heat transfer from the wall in ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.Closet to the air in this space. |
Extends from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir (Model of a room in which the air is completely mixed).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ParameterConstructionWithWindow | datConExtWin[NConExtWin] | datConExtWin(each T_a_start=... | Data for exterior construction with window |
ParameterConstruction | datConPar[NConPar] | datConPar(each T_a_start=T_s... | Data for partition construction |
Brick120 | dummyCon | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
SingleClear3 | dummyGlaSys | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
replaceable package Medium | PartialMedium | Medium in the component | |
Area | AFlo | 3.93 | Floor area [m2] |
Length | hRoo | 3.6576 | Average room height [m] |
Boolean | linearizeRadiation | true | Set to true to linearize emissive power |
CellAndElectricalDividingWall | higIns | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | High insulation wall. Between X3A closet and exterior, X3A closet and electrical room |
TestCellDividngWall | celDiv | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Wall dividing the X3A closet and the X3B closet |
ASHRAE_901_2010Roof | roo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of the roof of the closet in X3A |
Generic | slaCon | slaCon(nLay=3, material={Bui... | Construction of the slab |
Exterior constructions | |||
Integer | nConExt | 2 | Number of exterior constructions |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of window constructions |
Partition constructions | |||
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Boundary constructions | |||
Integer | nConBou | 2 | Number of constructions that have their outside surface exposed to the boundary of this room |
Integer | nSurBou | 3 | Number of surface heat transfer models that connect to constructions that are modeled outside of this room |
Convective heat transfer | |||
InteriorConvection | intConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hIntFixed | 3.0 | Constant convection coefficient for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
ExteriorConvection | extConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hExtFixed | 10.0 | Constant convection coefficient for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
Nominal condition | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | V*1.2/3600 | Nominal mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Ports | |||
Boolean | use_C_flow | false | Set to true to enable input connector for trace substance that is connected to room air |
Dynamics | |||
Glazing system | |||
Boolean | steadyStateWindow | false | Set to false to add thermal capacity at window, which generally leads to faster simulation |
Zone air | |||
Dynamics | energyDynamics | Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamic... | Type of energy balance for zone air: dynamic (3 initialization options) or steady state |
Real | mSenFac | 1 | Factor for scaling the sensible thermal mass of the zone air volume |
Experimental (may be changed in future releases) | |||
Boolean | sampleModel | false | Set to true to time-sample the model, which can give shorter simulation time if there is already time sampling in the system model |
Initialization | |||
AbsolutePressure | p_start | Medium.p_default | Start value of zone air pressure [Pa] |
Temperature | T_start | Medium.T_default | Start value of zone air temperature [K] |
MassFraction | X_start[Medium.nX] | Medium.X_default | Start value of zone air mass fractions m_i/m [kg/kg] |
ExtraProperty | C_start[Medium.nC] | fill(0, Medium.nC) | Start value of zone air trace substances |
ExtraProperty | C_nominal[Medium.nC] | fill(1E-2, Medium.nC) | Nominal value of zone air trace substances. (Set to typical order of magnitude.) |
Type | Name | Description |
VesselFluidPorts_b | ports[nPorts] | Fluid inlets and outlets |
HeatPort_a | heaPorAir | Heat port to air volume |
HeatPort_a | heaPorRad | Heat port for radiative heat gain and radiative temperature |
input RealInput | uWin[nConExtWin] | Control signal for window state (used for electrochromic windows, removed otherwise) [1] |
HeatPort_a | surf_conBou[nConBou] | Heat port at surface b of construction conBou |
HeatPort_a | surf_surBou[nSurBou] | Heat port of surface that is connected to the room air |
input RealInput | qGai_flow[3] | Radiant, convective and latent heat input into room (positive if heat gain) [W/m2] |
Bus | weaBus | Weather data |
input RealInput | uSha[nConExtWin] | Control signal for the shading device (removed if no shade is present) |
input RealInput | C_flow[Medium.nC] | Trace substance mass flow rate added to the room air. Enable if use_C_flow = true |
Modelica definition
Model of the electrical room attached to test cell X3A
This is a model for the electrical room connected to test cell 3A in the LBNL User Facility. Other models are provided for the main space of the test cell and the connected closet. This documentation describes the wall constructions used in the electrical room model. For documentation describing how the room models are to be connected to develop a model of the entire X3A test cell see Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.
There are 4 different wall sections described in the model. They are shown in the figure below.
The different wall sections are entered into the model according to the following table.
Wall Section Number | Description | Location in Model | Corresponding Layer |
1 | North exterior wall | datConExt[1] | eleExt |
2 | East air space connecting to Closet | surBou[2] | |
3 | South air space connecting to TestCell | surBou[1] | |
4 | West exterior door and wall | Door: datConExt[3] Wall: datConExt[2] |
Door: eleExt Wall: extDooUn |
There are two additional surfaces which are not included in the diagram. One is the model of the roof. It is
modeled in datConExt[4] using the layer roo
. The other is the floor, which is modeled in
datConBou[1] using the layer slaCon
Several of the connections in this model are intended to be connected to specific surfaces in other room models. The following table describes the connections to rooms which are not in the X3A package. The constructions in datConExt are not described in the table because they are connected to the external environment, and no additional heat port connections are necessary. A rationale for why the model is created this way is also provided if it is considered necessary.
Location in Electrical | Description of External Connection | Rationale |
surf_conBou[1] | Connection to ground temperature model | This port represents the bottom of the floor in the space. It is to be connected to a heat port representing the temperature of the ground. |
Extends from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir (Model of a room in which the air is completely mixed).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ParameterConstructionWithWindow | datConExtWin[NConExtWin] | datConExtWin(each T_a_start=... | Data for exterior construction with window |
ParameterConstruction | datConPar[NConPar] | datConPar(each T_a_start=T_s... | Data for partition construction |
Brick120 | dummyCon | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
SingleClear3 | dummyGlaSys | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
replaceable package Medium | PartialMedium | Medium in the component | |
Area | AFlo | 2.39 | Floor area [m2] |
Length | hRoo | 3.6576 | Average room height [m] |
Boolean | linearizeRadiation | true | Set to true to linearize emissive power |
Construction3 | eleExt | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction describing the exterior walls in the electrical room |
ExteriorDoorUninsulated | extDooUn | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction describing the door in the electrical room |
ASHRAE_901_2010Roof | roo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction describing the roof of the electrical room |
Generic | slaCon | slaCon(nLay=3, material={Bui... | Construction of the slab |
Exterior constructions | |||
Integer | nConExt | 4 | Number of exterior constructions |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of window constructions |
Partition constructions | |||
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Boundary constructions | |||
Integer | nConBou | 1 | Number of constructions that have their outside surface exposed to the boundary of this room |
Integer | nSurBou | 2 | Number of surface heat transfer models that connect to constructions that are modeled outside of this room |
Convective heat transfer | |||
InteriorConvection | intConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hIntFixed | 3.0 | Constant convection coefficient for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
ExteriorConvection | extConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hExtFixed | 10.0 | Constant convection coefficient for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
Nominal condition | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | V*1.2/3600 | Nominal mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Ports | |||
Boolean | use_C_flow | false | Set to true to enable input connector for trace substance that is connected to room air |
Dynamics | |||
Glazing system | |||
Boolean | steadyStateWindow | false | Set to false to add thermal capacity at window, which generally leads to faster simulation |
Zone air | |||
Dynamics | energyDynamics | Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamic... | Type of energy balance for zone air: dynamic (3 initialization options) or steady state |
Real | mSenFac | 1 | Factor for scaling the sensible thermal mass of the zone air volume |
Experimental (may be changed in future releases) | |||
Boolean | sampleModel | false | Set to true to time-sample the model, which can give shorter simulation time if there is already time sampling in the system model |
Initialization | |||
AbsolutePressure | p_start | Medium.p_default | Start value of zone air pressure [Pa] |
Temperature | T_start | Medium.T_default | Start value of zone air temperature [K] |
MassFraction | X_start[Medium.nX] | Medium.X_default | Start value of zone air mass fractions m_i/m [kg/kg] |
ExtraProperty | C_start[Medium.nC] | fill(0, Medium.nC) | Start value of zone air trace substances |
ExtraProperty | C_nominal[Medium.nC] | fill(1E-2, Medium.nC) | Nominal value of zone air trace substances. (Set to typical order of magnitude.) |
Type | Name | Description |
VesselFluidPorts_b | ports[nPorts] | Fluid inlets and outlets |
HeatPort_a | heaPorAir | Heat port to air volume |
HeatPort_a | heaPorRad | Heat port for radiative heat gain and radiative temperature |
input RealInput | uWin[nConExtWin] | Control signal for window state (used for electrochromic windows, removed otherwise) [1] |
HeatPort_a | surf_conBou[nConBou] | Heat port at surface b of construction conBou |
HeatPort_a | surf_surBou[nSurBou] | Heat port of surface that is connected to the room air |
input RealInput | qGai_flow[3] | Radiant, convective and latent heat input into room (positive if heat gain) [W/m2] |
Bus | weaBus | Weather data |
input RealInput | uSha[nConExtWin] | Control signal for the shading device (removed if no shade is present) |
input RealInput | C_flow[Medium.nC] | Trace substance mass flow rate added to the room air. Enable if use_C_flow = true |
Modelica definition
Model of LBNL User Test Facility Cell X3A
This is a model for test cell 3A in the LBNL User Facility. This model is intended to represent the main space in test cell 3A. This documentation describes the wall constructions used to model test cell X3A. Documentation describing how it is to be combined to other room models to create a model of the full test cell can be found in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.
There are 7 different wall sections described in the model. They are shown in the figure below.
The different wall sections are entered into the model according to the following table.
Wall Section Number | Description | Location in Model | Corresponding Layer |
1 | The west wall is modeled in two parts. One part represents the dividing wall between test cells X3A and X2B. The other part represents a portion of the wall exposed to the ambient conditions. Wall 1 is the section of wall connected to test cell X2B. | datConBou[1] | bedDiv |
2 | The west wall is modeled in two parts. One part represents the dividing wall between test cell X3A and test cell X2B. The other part represents a portion of the wall exposed to the ambient conditions. Wall 2 is the section of wall exposed to ambient conditions. | datConExt[4] | bedDiv |
3 | This is the north exterior wall of test cell X3A. There are actually two constructions used here. One construction models the wall, the other construction models a door. The area calculation for the wall in the model shows the calculation of the total wall area minus the door area. | Door: datConExt[1]; Wall: datConExt[2] | Door: extDoo; Wall: R16p8Wal |
4 | This north wall borders an electrical room. It models the heat transfer between test cell X3A and the externally modeled electrical room. For an example see Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.Examples.X3AWithRadiantFloor. | datConBou[5] | R52Wal |
5 | This north wall borders an externally modeled closet. For an example see Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.Examples.X3AWithRadiantFloor. Similar to wall section 3 this wall section contains both a wall construction and a door construction. The wall area calculation shows the total wall area minus the door area. | Door: datConBou[4]; Wall: datConBou[3] | Door: parDoo; Wall: parCon |
6 | This east wall connects to test cell UF90X3B. This wall is removable, but this model was developed assuming that the wall is installed. | datConBou[2] | celDiv |
7 | This is the south wall of test cell X3A. It includes both a wall construction and windows. The bottoms of the windows are 3 ft above the floor. | datConExtWin[1] | Window: glaSys; Wall: R16p8Wal |
An eigth construction, not shown in the figure, models the ceiling. It is modeled in datConExt[3] using
the layer R20Wal
The test cell can be configured with several different floor types. The options include radiant conditioning, a slab on grade floor with no conditioning, or a raised floor. Because of this uncertainty in floor design, a model of the floor itself is not included in this model. The user must include a model for the floor in any applications of this model.
Several of the connections in this model are intended to be connected to specific surfaces in other room models. The following table describes the connections to models outside of the X3A package. The connections in datConExt are not described in the table because they are connected to the external environment, and no additional heat port connections are necessary. A rationale for why the model is created this way is also provided if it is considered necessary.
Location in TestCell | Description of External Connection | Location in External Model | Rationale |
surf_conBou[1] | Temperature of test cell X2B | References a data table | A data table is used, instead of a model of test cell X2B, because the goal of this model is to be able to perform simulations of TestCell with minimal complexity, by simplifying the neighboring test cells. The wall separating the test beds is highly insulated, and it is believed that the error in simulations caused by using a data table will be negligible. |
surf_conBou[2] | Temperature of test cell X3B | References a data table | See rationale for surf_ConBou[1] |
Extends from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir (Model of a room in which the air is completely mixed).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ParameterConstruction | datConPar[NConPar] | datConPar(each T_a_start=T_s... | Data for partition construction |
Brick120 | dummyCon | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
SingleClear3 | dummyGlaSys | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
replaceable package Medium | PartialMedium | Medium in the component | |
Area | AFlo | 60.97 | Floor area [m2] |
Length | hRoo | 3.6576 | Average room height [m] |
Boolean | linearizeRadiation | true | Set to true to linearize emissive power |
Construction10and23 | R16p8Wal | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
CellAndElectricalDividingWall | R52Wal | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
ASHRAE_901_2010Roof | R20Wal | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
ASHRAE901Gla | glaSys | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
PartitionWall | parCon | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
TestCellDividngWall | celDiv | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of wall connecting to cell UF90X3B |
TestBedDividingWall | bedDiv | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of wall connecting to cell UF90X2B |
PartitionDoor | parDoo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Door used in partition walls in FLEXLAB test cells |
ExteriorDoorInsulated | extDoo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of an exterior door |
Exterior constructions | |||
Integer | nConExt | 4 | Number of exterior constructions |
Integer | nConExtWin | 1 | Number of window constructions |
Partition constructions | |||
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Boundary constructions | |||
Integer | nConBou | 5 | Number of constructions that have their outside surface exposed to the boundary of this room |
Integer | nSurBou | 4 | Number of surface heat transfer models that connect to constructions that are modeled outside of this room |
Convective heat transfer | |||
InteriorConvection | intConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hIntFixed | 3.0 | Constant convection coefficient for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
ExteriorConvection | extConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hExtFixed | 10.0 | Constant convection coefficient for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
Nominal condition | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | V*1.2/3600 | Nominal mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Ports | |||
Boolean | use_C_flow | false | Set to true to enable input connector for trace substance that is connected to room air |
Dynamics | |||
Glazing system | |||
Boolean | steadyStateWindow | false | Set to false to add thermal capacity at window, which generally leads to faster simulation |
Zone air | |||
Dynamics | energyDynamics | Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamic... | Type of energy balance for zone air: dynamic (3 initialization options) or steady state |
Real | mSenFac | 1 | Factor for scaling the sensible thermal mass of the zone air volume |
Experimental (may be changed in future releases) | |||
Boolean | sampleModel | false | Set to true to time-sample the model, which can give shorter simulation time if there is already time sampling in the system model |
Initialization | |||
AbsolutePressure | p_start | Medium.p_default | Start value of zone air pressure [Pa] |
Temperature | T_start | Medium.T_default | Start value of zone air temperature [K] |
MassFraction | X_start[Medium.nX] | Medium.X_default | Start value of zone air mass fractions m_i/m [kg/kg] |
ExtraProperty | C_start[Medium.nC] | fill(0, Medium.nC) | Start value of zone air trace substances |
ExtraProperty | C_nominal[Medium.nC] | fill(1E-2, Medium.nC) | Nominal value of zone air trace substances. (Set to typical order of magnitude.) |
Type | Name | Description |
VesselFluidPorts_b | ports[nPorts] | Fluid inlets and outlets |
HeatPort_a | heaPorAir | Heat port to air volume |
HeatPort_a | heaPorRad | Heat port for radiative heat gain and radiative temperature |
input RealInput | uWin[nConExtWin] | Control signal for window state (used for electrochromic windows, removed otherwise) [1] |
HeatPort_a | surf_conBou[nConBou] | Heat port at surface b of construction conBou |
HeatPort_a | surf_surBou[nSurBou] | Heat port of surface that is connected to the room air |
input RealInput | qGai_flow[3] | Radiant, convective and latent heat input into room (positive if heat gain) [W/m2] |
Bus | weaBus | Weather data |
input RealInput | uSha[nConExtWin] | Control signal for the shading device (removed if no shade is present) |
input RealInput | C_flow[Medium.nC] | Trace substance mass flow rate added to the room air. Enable if use_C_flow = true |
Modelica definition
Model of LBNL User Test Facility Cell X3A intended for connection with ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.TestCell
This is a duplicate model of Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.TestCell with the wall separating X3A and X3B removed. It is designed for simulations where both X3A and X3B are used in the simulation to model the whole test bed. If a simulation is created using TestCell from both packages the dividing wall will be modeled twice, so one of the two models used must be created without the dividing wall in the model.
This documentation states only the items which are different from the Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3A.TestCell model. For documentation on the rest of the walls and connections see that documentation instead.
There are 7 different wall sections described in the model. They are shown in the figure below. This documentation only describes wall section 6.
The different wall sections are entered into the model according to the following table.
Wall Section Number | Description | Location in Model | Corresponding Layer |
6 | This east wall connects to test cell X3B. This model contains an air gap instead of a model of the wall. It is intended to be connected to the wall model in X3B. | surBou[2] |
Because wall section 6 was moved from datConBou[2] to surBou[2] the reference for other constructions in datConBou have changed as well. These changes are documented in the following table.
Wall Section Number | Physical Description | Location in TestCell | Location in TestCelNoDiv |
4 | Insulated wall separating the test cell and the electrical room | datConBou[5] | datConBou[4] |
5 | Partition wall and door separating the test cell and the closet | Wall: datConBou[3] Door: datConBou[4] |
Wall: datConBou[2] Door: datConBou[3] |
Several of the connections in this model are intended to be connected to specific surfaces in other room models. The following table describes the connections to models outside of the X3A package. The connections in datConExt are not described in the table because they are connected to the external environment, and no additional heat port connections are necessary. A rationale for why the model is created this way is also provided if it is considered necessary.
Location in TestCell | Description of External Connection | Location in External Model | Rationale |
surf_surBou[2] | Dividing wall modeled in ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.TestCell | X3B.TestCell.surf_conBou[1] | X3B.TestCell.surf_conBou[1] is the location of the cell dividing wall in the neighboring test cell. Connecting X3A.TestCellNoCelDiv.surf_surBou[2] to this port models heat transfer from the wall in ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.TestCell to the air in this space. |
Extends from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir (Model of a room in which the air is completely mixed).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ParameterConstruction | datConPar[NConPar] | datConPar(each T_a_start=T_s... | Data for partition construction |
Brick120 | dummyCon | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
SingleClear3 | dummyGlaSys | Dummy construction to assign a parameter to the instance | |
replaceable package Medium | PartialMedium | Medium in the component | |
Area | AFlo | 60.97 | Floor area [m2] |
Length | hRoo | 3.6576 | Average room height [m] |
Boolean | linearizeRadiation | true | Set to true to linearize emissive power |
Construction10and23 | R16p8Wal | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
CellAndElectricalDividingWall | R52Wal | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
ASHRAE_901_2010Roof | R20Wal | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
ASHRAE901Gla | glaSys | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
PartitionWall | parCon | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | |
TestCellDividngWall | celDiv | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of wall connecting to cell UF90X3B |
TestBedDividingWall | bedDiv | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of wall connecting to cell UF90X2B |
PartitionDoor | parDoo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Door used in partition walls in FLEXLAB test cells |
ExteriorDoorInsulated | extDoo | redeclare parameter Data.Con... | Construction of an exterior door |
Exterior constructions | |||
Integer | nConExt | 4 | Number of exterior constructions |
Integer | nConExtWin | 1 | Number of window constructions |
Partition constructions | |||
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Boundary constructions | |||
Integer | nConBou | 4 | Number of constructions that have their outside surface exposed to the boundary of this room |
Integer | nSurBou | 5 | Number of surface heat transfer models that connect to constructions that are modeled outside of this room |
Convective heat transfer | |||
InteriorConvection | intConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hIntFixed | 3.0 | Constant convection coefficient for room-facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
ExteriorConvection | extConMod | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Convective heat transfer model for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | hExtFixed | 10.0 | Constant convection coefficient for exterior facing surfaces of opaque constructions [W/(m2.K)] |
Nominal condition | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | V*1.2/3600 | Nominal mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Ports | |||
Boolean | use_C_flow | false | Set to true to enable input connector for trace substance that is connected to room air |
Dynamics | |||
Glazing system | |||
Boolean | steadyStateWindow | false | Set to false to add thermal capacity at window, which generally leads to faster simulation |
Zone air | |||
Dynamics | energyDynamics | Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamic... | Type of energy balance for zone air: dynamic (3 initialization options) or steady state |
Real | mSenFac | 1 | Factor for scaling the sensible thermal mass of the zone air volume |
Experimental (may be changed in future releases) | |||
Boolean | sampleModel | false | Set to true to time-sample the model, which can give shorter simulation time if there is already time sampling in the system model |
Initialization | |||
AbsolutePressure | p_start | Medium.p_default | Start value of zone air pressure [Pa] |
Temperature | T_start | Medium.T_default | Start value of zone air temperature [K] |
MassFraction | X_start[Medium.nX] | Medium.X_default | Start value of zone air mass fractions m_i/m [kg/kg] |
ExtraProperty | C_start[Medium.nC] | fill(0, Medium.nC) | Start value of zone air trace substances |
ExtraProperty | C_nominal[Medium.nC] | fill(1E-2, Medium.nC) | Nominal value of zone air trace substances. (Set to typical order of magnitude.) |
Type | Name | Description |
VesselFluidPorts_b | ports[nPorts] | Fluid inlets and outlets |
HeatPort_a | heaPorAir | Heat port to air volume |
HeatPort_a | heaPorRad | Heat port for radiative heat gain and radiative temperature |
input RealInput | uWin[nConExtWin] | Control signal for window state (used for electrochromic windows, removed otherwise) [1] |
HeatPort_a | surf_conBou[nConBou] | Heat port at surface b of construction conBou |
HeatPort_a | surf_surBou[nSurBou] | Heat port of surface that is connected to the room air |
input RealInput | qGai_flow[3] | Radiant, convective and latent heat input into room (positive if heat gain) [W/m2] |
Bus | weaBus | Weather data |
input RealInput | uSha[nConExtWin] | Control signal for the shading device (removed if no shade is present) |
input RealInput | C_flow[Medium.nC] | Trace substance mass flow rate added to the room air. Enable if use_C_flow = true |