Glazing system constructions commonly found in FLEXLAB test cells
This package contains data describing window constructions commonly found in FLEXLAB test cells.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).
Name | Description |
![]() |
XGL-1 window constuction used in cells 3A, 3B and RA. ASHRAE 90.1 minimally compliant |
XGL-1 window constuction used in cells 3A, 3B and RA. ASHRAE 90.1 minimally compliant
This is a model of a window construction used in FLEXLAB test cells. It is minimally compliant per the ASHRAE 90.1 specification.
Note: This model is not yet completed, and is currently a placeholder. See Buildings.Rooms.FLEXLAB.UsersGuide for more information.
Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.Generic (Thermal properties of glazing systems).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | haveExteriorShade | false | Set to true if window has an exterior shade (at surface a) |
Boolean | haveInteriorShade | false | Set to true if window has an interior shade (at surface b) |
Generic | glass[:] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of glass layers, starting from outside to room-side |
Generic | gas[:] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of glass layers, starting from outside to room-side |
Generic | shade | Shade | |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | UFra | 1.4 | U-value of frame [W/(m2.K)] |
Emissivity | absIRFra | 0.8 | Infrared absorptivity of window frame [1] |
Emissivity | absSolFra | 0.5 | Solar absorptivity of window frame [1] |