Name | Description |
![]() | High Mass Case: Exterior Wall |
![]() | High Mass Case: Floor |
![]() | Thermal properties of window glass |
![]() | Double pane, clear glass 3.175mm, air 13mm, clear glass 3.175mm |
![]() | ASHRAE Standard Results |
![]() | ASHRAE Standard Results |
![]() | Record that is used for summary of the results |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nLay | 3 | Number of layers |
Material | material[nLay] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of material, starting from outside to room-side |
Emissivity | absIR_a | 0.9 | Infrared absorptivity of surface a (usually outside-facing surface) [1] |
Emissivity | absIR_b | 0.9 | Infrared absorptivity of surface b (usually room-facing surface) [1] |
Emissivity | absSol_a | 0.6 | Solar absorptivity of surface a (usually outside-facing surface) [1] |
Emissivity | absSol_b | 0.6 | Solar absorptivity of surface b (usually room-facing surface) [1] |
SurfaceRoughness | roughness_a | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Exterior surface roughness |
record ExteriorWallCase900 = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic ( nLay=3, absIR_a=0.9, absIR_b=0.9, absSol_a=0.6, absSol_b=0.6, material={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Generic( x=0.009, k=0.140, c=900, d=530, nStaRef=nStaRef),Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Generic( x=0.0615, k=0.040, c=1400, d=10, nStaRef=nStaRef),Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Generic( x=0.100, k=0.510, c=1000, d=1400, nStaRef=nStaRef)}) "High Mass Case: Exterior Wall";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nLay | 2 | Number of layers |
Material | material[nLay] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of material, starting from outside to room-side |
Emissivity | absIR_a | 0.9 | Infrared absorptivity of surface a (usually outside-facing surface) [1] |
Emissivity | absIR_b | 0.9 | Infrared absorptivity of surface b (usually room-facing surface) [1] |
Emissivity | absSol_a | 0.6 | Solar absorptivity of surface a (usually outside-facing surface) [1] |
Emissivity | absSol_b | 0.6 | Solar absorptivity of surface b (usually room-facing surface) [1] |
SurfaceRoughness | roughness_a | Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types... | Exterior surface roughness |
record FloorCase900 = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic ( final nLay=2, absIR_a=0.9, absIR_b=0.9, absSol_a=0.6, absSol_b=0.6, material={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Generic( x=1.007, k=0.040, c=0, d=0, nStaRef=nStaRef),Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Generic( x=0.080, k=1.130, c=1000, d=1400, nStaRef=nStaRef)}) "High Mass Case: Floor";
This record declares the glass properties for the BESTEST model.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Length | x | 0.003175 | Thickness [m] |
ThermalConductivity | k | 1.06 | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
TransmissionCoefficient | tauSol | 0.86156 | Solar transimittance. It is tauSol in WINDOW5. [1] |
ReflectionCoefficient | rhoSol_a | 0.0434 | Solar reflectance of surface a (usually outside-facing surface). It is Rsol1 in WINDOW5. [1] |
ReflectionCoefficient | rhoSol_b | 0.0434 | Solar reflectance of surface b (usually room-facing surface). It is Rsol2 in WINDOW5. [1] |
TransmissionCoefficient | tauIR | 0 | Infrared infrared transmissivity of glass. It is Tir in WINDOW5. [1] |
Emissivity | absIR_a | 0.9 | Infrared infrared absorptivity of surface a (usually outside-facing surface). It is Emis1 in WINDOW5. [1] |
Emissivity | absIR_b | 0.9 | Infrared infrared absorptivity of surface b (usually room-facing surface). It is Emis2 in WINDOW5. [1] |
record Glass600 "Thermal properties of window glass" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length x=0.003175 "Thickness"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity k=1.06 "Thermal conductivity"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.TransmissionCoefficient tauSol = 0.86156 "Solar transimittance. It is tauSol in WINDOW5."; parameter Modelica.SIunits.ReflectionCoefficient rhoSol_a = 0.0434 "Solar reflectance of surface a (usually outside-facing surface). It is Rsol1 in WINDOW5."; parameter Modelica.SIunits.ReflectionCoefficient rhoSol_b = 0.0434 "Solar reflectance of surface b (usually room-facing surface). It is Rsol2 in WINDOW5."; parameter Modelica.SIunits.TransmissionCoefficient tauIR = 0 "Infrared infrared transmissivity of glass. It is Tir in WINDOW5."; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Emissivity absIR_a = 0.9 "Infrared infrared absorptivity of surface a (usually outside-facing surface). It is Emis1 in WINDOW5."; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Emissivity absIR_b = 0.9 "Infrared infrared absorptivity of surface b (usually room-facing surface). It is Emis2 in WINDOW5.";end Glass600;
This record declares the parameters for the window system for the BESTEST.
Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.Generic (Thermal properties of glazing systems).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nLay | 2 | Number of glass layers |
Boolean | haveExteriorShade | false | Set to true if window has an exterior shade (at surface a) |
Boolean | haveInteriorShade | false | Set to true if window has an interior shade (at surface b) |
Generic | glass[nLay] | {Buildings.Rooms.Examples.BE... | Layer by layer declaration of glass layers, starting from outside to room-side |
Generic | gas[nLay - 1] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of glass layers, starting from outside to room-side |
Generic | shade | Shade | |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | UFra | 1.4 | U-value of frame [W/(m2.K)] |
Emissivity | absIRFra | 0.8 | Infrared absorptivity of window frame [1] |
Emissivity | absSolFra | 0.5 | Solar absorptivity of window frame [1] |
record Win600 = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.Generic ( final glass={Buildings.Rooms.Examples.BESTEST.Data.Glass600(), Buildings.Rooms.Examples.BESTEST.Data.Glass600()}, final gas={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Gases.Air(x=0.013)}, UFra=1.4, final nLay=2) "Double pane, clear glass 3.175mm, air 13mm, clear glass 3.175mm";
For cases with heating and cooling, this record is used to compare the simulated results with the results published in the ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 140.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ResultSummary | annualHea | Annual heating energy | |
ResultSummary | annualCoo | Annual heating energy | |
ResultSummary | peakHea | Peak heating power | |
ResultSummary | peakCoo | Peak heating power |
record StandardResults "ASHRAE Standard Results" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; parameter ResultSummary annualHea(Min(unit="J"), Max(unit="J"), Mean(unit="J")) "Annual heating energy"; parameter ResultSummary annualCoo(Min(unit="J"), Max(unit="J"), Mean(unit="J")) "Annual heating energy"; parameter ResultSummary peakHea(Min(unit="W"), Max(unit="W"), Mean(unit="W")) "Peak heating power"; parameter ResultSummary peakCoo(Min(unit="W"), Max(unit="W"), Mean(unit="W")) "Peak heating power";end StandardResults;
For free-floating temperature cases, this record is used to compare the simulated results with the results published in the ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 140.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ResultSummary | minT | Minimum temperature | |
ResultSummary | maxT | Maximum temperature | |
ResultSummary | meanT | Mean temperature |
record StandardResultsFreeFloating "ASHRAE Standard Results" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; parameter ResultSummary minT(Min(unit="K"), Max(unit="K"), Mean(unit="K")) "Minimum temperature"; parameter ResultSummary maxT(Min(unit="K"), Max(unit="K"), Mean(unit="K")) "Maximum temperature"; parameter ResultSummary meanT(Min(unit="K"), Max(unit="K"), Mean(unit="K")) "Mean temperature";end StandardResultsFreeFloating;
Record that is used for reference results.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | Min | Minimum | |
Real | Max | Maximum | |
Real | Mean | Mean |
record ResultSummary "Record that is used for summary of the results" parameter Real Min "Minimum"; parameter Real Max "Maximum"; parameter Real Mean "Mean";end ResultSummary;