This package contains type definitions.
Name | Description |
SurfaceRoughness | Enumeration defining the surface roughness |
ExteriorConvection | Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for exterior surfaces |
InteriorConvection | Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for interior surfaces |
![]() | Enumeration for surface tilt |
![]() | Enumeration for surface azimuth |
type SurfaceRoughness = enumeration( VeryRough "Very rough", Rough "Rough", Medium "Medium rough", MediumSmooth "Medium smooth", Smooth "Smooth", VerySmooth "Very smooth") "Enumeration defining the surface roughness";
type ExteriorConvection = enumeration( Fixed "Fixed coefficient (a user-specified parameter is used)", TemperatureWind "Wind speed and temperature dependent") "Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for exterior surfaces";
type InteriorConvection = enumeration( Fixed "Fixed coefficient (a user-specified parameter is used)", Temperature "Temperature dependent") "Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for interior surfaces";