is used in the library to provide weather data to the different models.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).
Name | Description |
![]() | User's Guide |
![]() | Reader for TMY3 weather data |
![]() | Data bus that stores weather data |
![]() | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |
![]() | Package with base classes for Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData |
This component reads TMY3 weather data (Wilcox and Marion, 2008) or user specified weather data.
The following parameters are automatically read from the weather file:
, and
By default, the data bus contains the wet bulb temperature.
This introduces a nonlinear equation.
However, we have not observed an increase in computing time because
of this equation.
To disable the computation of the wet bulb temperature, set
This model has the option of using a constant value, using the data from the weather file, or using data from an input connector for the following variables: atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, dry bulb temperature, global horizontal radiation, diffuse horizontal radiation, wind direction and wind speed.
By default, all data are obtained from the weather data file,
except for the atmospheric pressure, which is set to the
parameter pAtm=101325
The parameter *Sou
configures the source of the data.
For the atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction,
the enumeration
is used as follows:
Parameter *Sou
Data used to compute weather data. |
File | Use data from file. |
Parameter | Use value specified by the parameter. |
Input | Use value from the input connector. |
Because global, diffuse and direct radiation are related to each other, the parameter
is treated differently.
It is set to a value of the enumeration
and allows the following configurations:
Parameter HSou
Data used to compute weather data. |
File | Use data from file. |
Input_HGloHor_HDifHor | Use global horizontal and diffuse horizontal radiation from input connector. |
Input_HDirNor_HDifHor | Use direct normal and diffuse horizontal radiation from input connector. |
Input_HDirNor_HGloHor | Use direct normal and global horizontal radiation from input connector. |
In HVAC systems, when the fan is off, changes in atmospheric pressure can cause small air flow rates
in the duct system due to change in pressure and hence in the mass of air that is stored
in air volumes (such as in fluid junctions or in the room model).
This may increase computing time. Therefore, the default value for the atmospheric pressure is set to a constant.
Furthermore, if the initial pressure of air volumes are different
from the atmospheric pressure, then fast pressure transients can happen in the first few seconds of the simulation.
This can cause numerical problems for the solver. To avoid this problem, set the atmospheric pressure to the
same value as the medium default pressure, which is typically set to the parameter Medium.p_default
For medium models for moist air and dry air, the default is
Different units apply depending on whether data are obtained from a file, or from a parameter or an input connector:
), the units must be the same as the original TMY3 file used by EnergyPlus (e.g.
The TMY3 data used by EnergyPlus are in both SI units and non-SI units.
If Resources/bin/ConvertWeatherData.jar
is used to convert the .epw
file to an .mos
file, the units of the TMY3 data are preserved and the file can be directly
used by this data reader.
The data reader will automatically convert units to the SI units used by Modelica.
For example, the dry bulb temperature TDryBul
in TMY3 is in degree Celsius.
The data reader will automatically convert the data to Kelvin.
The wind direction winDir
in TMY3 is degrees and will be automatically converted to radians.
for pressure,
for temperature,
for solar radiations and
for wind direction.
The ReaderTMY3 should only be used with TMY3 data. It contains a time shift for solar radiation data that is explained below. This time shift needs to be removed if the user may want to use the ReaderTMY3 for other weather data types.
To read weather data from the TMY3 weather data file, there are two data readers in this model. One data reader obtains all data except solar radiation, and the other data reader reads only the solar radiation data, shifted by 30 minutes. The reason for this time shift is as follows: The TMY3 weather data file contains for solar radiation the "...radiation received on a horizontal surface during the 60-minute period ending at the timestamp." Thus, as the figure below shows, a more accurate interpolation is obtained if time is shifted by 30 minutes prior to reading the weather data.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | computeWetBulbTemperature | true | If true, then this model computes the wet bulb temperature |
String | filNam | "" | Name of weather data file |
Data source | |||
DataSource | pAtmSou | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Atmospheric pressure |
Pressure | pAtm | 101325 | Atmospheric pressure (used if pAtmSou=Parameter) [Pa] |
DataSource | TDryBulSou | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Dry bulb temperature |
Temperature | TDryBul | 293.15 | Dry bulb temperature (used if TDryBul=Parameter) [K] |
DataSource | relHumSou | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Relative humidity |
Real | relHum | 0.5 | Relative humidity (used if relHum=Parameter) [1] |
DataSource | winSpeSou | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Wind speed |
Velocity | winSpe | 1 | Wind speed (used if winSpe=Parameter) [m/s] |
DataSource | winDirSou | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Wind direction |
Angle | winDir | 1.0 | Wind direction (used if winDir=Parameter) [rad] |
RadiationDataSource | HSou | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Radiation |
Sky temperature | |||
SkyTemperatureCalculation | calTSky | Buildings.BoundaryConditions... | Computation of black-body sky temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
input RealInput | pAtm_in | Input pressure [Pa] |
input RealInput | TDryBul_in | Input dry bulb temperature [K] |
input RealInput | relHum_in | Input relative humidity [1] |
input RealInput | winSpe_in | Input wind speed [m/s] |
input RealInput | winDir_in | Input wind direction [rad] |
input RealInput | HGloHor_in | Input global horizontal radiation [W/m2] |
input RealInput | HDifHor_in | Input diffuse horizontal radiation [W/m2] |
input RealInput | HDirNor_in | Input direct normal radiation [W/m2] |
Bus | weaBus | Weather Data Bus |
SolarSubBus | solBus | Sub bus with solar position |
block ReaderTMY3 "Reader for TMY3 weather data" parameter Boolean computeWetBulbTemperature = true "If true, then this model computes the wet bulb temperature"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Atmospheric pressure parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource pAtmSou=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter "Atmospheric pressure"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pAtm=101325 "Atmospheric pressure (used if pAtmSou=Parameter)";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pAtm_in( final quantity="Pressure", final unit="Pa", displayUnit="Pa") if (pAtmSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input pressure"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Dry bulb temperature parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource TDryBulSou=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Dry bulb temperature"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TDryBul(displayUnit="degC") = 293.15 "Dry bulb temperature (used if TDryBul=Parameter)";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TDryBul_in( final quantity="Temperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") if (TDryBulSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input dry bulb temperature"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Relative humidity parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource relHumSou=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Relative humidity"; parameter Real relHum( min=0, max=1, unit="1") = 0.5 "Relative humidity (used if relHum=Parameter)";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput relHum_in( min=0, max=1, unit="1") if (relHumSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input relative humidity"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Wind speed parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource winSpeSou=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Wind speed"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Velocity winSpe(min=0) = 1 "Wind speed (used if winSpe=Parameter)";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winSpe_in( final quantity="Velocity", final unit="m/s", min=0) if (winSpeSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input wind speed"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Wind direction parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource winDirSou=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Wind direction"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Angle winDir=1.0 "Wind direction (used if winDir=Parameter)";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winDir_in( final quantity="Angle", final unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") if (winDirSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input wind direction"; parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource HSou=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.File "Radiation"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Global horizontal radiationModelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HGloHor_in( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor) "Input global horizontal radiation"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Diffuse horizontal radiationModelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDifHor_in( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor) "Input diffuse horizontal radiation"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Direct normal radiationModelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDirNor_in(final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor or HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor) "Input direct normal radiation"; parameter String filNam="" "Name of weather data file"; final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Angle lon(displayUnit="deg")= Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getLongitudeTMY3( filNam) "Longitude"; final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Angle lat(displayUnit="deg")= Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getLatitudeTMY3( filNam) "Latitude"; final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time timZon(displayUnit="h")= Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getTimeZoneTMY3(filNam) "Time zone";Bus weaBus "Weather Data Bus"; BaseClasses.SolarSubBus solBus "Sub bus with solar position"; parameter Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation calTSky=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation.TemperaturesAndSkyCover "Computation of black-body sky temperature"; constant Real epsCos = 1e-6 "Small value to avoid division by 0";protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( final tableOnFile=true, final tableName="tab1", final fileName=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath(filNam), final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative, final columns={2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30}) "Data reader"; Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckTemperature cheTemDryBul "Check dry bulb temperature "; Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckTemperature cheTemDewPoi "Check dew point temperature"; Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertRelativeHumidity conRelHum "Convert the relative humidity from percentage to [0, 1] "; BaseClasses.CheckPressure chePre "Check the air pressure"; BaseClasses.CheckSkyCover cheTotSkyCov "Check the total sky cover"; BaseClasses.CheckSkyCover cheOpaSkyCov "Check the opaque sky cover"; BaseClasses.CheckRadiation cheGloHorRad "Check the global horizontal radiation"; BaseClasses.CheckRadiation cheDifHorRad "Check the diffuse horizontal radiation"; BaseClasses.CheckRadiation cheDirNorRad "Check the direct normal radiation"; BaseClasses.CheckCeilingHeight cheCeiHei "Check the ceiling height"; BaseClasses.CheckWindSpeed cheWinSpe "Check the wind speed"; BaseClasses.CheckRadiation cheHorRad "Check the horizontal radiation"; BaseClasses.CheckWindDirection cheWinDir "Check the wind direction"; SkyTemperature.BlackBody TBlaSky(final calTSky=calTSky) "Check the sky black-body temperature"; Utilities.SimulationTime simTim "Simulation time"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add "Add 30 minutes to time to shift weather data reader"; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant con30mins(final k=1800) "Constant used to shift weather data reader"; Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LocalCivilTime locTim( final lon=lon, final timZon=timZon) "Local civil time"; Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea1( final tableOnFile=true, final tableName="tab1", final fileName=Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath(filNam), final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative, final columns=8:11) "Data reader"; Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim1 "Convert simulation time to calendar time"; BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim "Convert simulation time to calendar time"; BaseClasses.EquationOfTime eqnTim "Equation of time"; BaseClasses.SolarTime solTim "Solar time"; // Conditional connectors Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pAtm_in_internal( final quantity="Pressure", final unit="Pa", displayUnit="bar") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TDryBul_in_internal( final quantity="Temperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput relHum_in_internal( final quantity="1", min=0, max=1) "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winSpe_in_internal( final quantity="Velocity", final unit="m/s") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winDir_in_internal( final quantity="Angle", final unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HGloHor_in_internal( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDifHor_in_internal( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDirNor_in_internal( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Needed to connect to conditional connector";Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_deg conWinDir "Convert the wind direction unit from [deg] to [rad]"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC conTDryBul; BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation conHorRad; Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC conTDewPoi "Convert the dew point temperature form [degC] to [K]"; BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation conDirNorRad; BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation conGloHorRad; BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation conDifHorRad; BaseClasses.CheckRelativeHumidity cheRelHum; SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.AltitudeAngle altAng "Solar altitude angle"; SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.ZenithAngle zenAng( final lat = lat) "Zenith angle"; SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.Declination decAng "Declination angle"; SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.SolarHourAngle solHouAng; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant latitude(final k=lat) "Latitude"; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant longitude(final k=lon) "Longitude"; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Optional instanciation of a block that computes the wet bulb temperature. // This block may be needed for evaporative cooling towers. // By default, it is enabled. This introduces a nonlinear equation, but // we have not observed an increase in computing time because of this equation.Buildings.Utilities.Psychrometrics.TWetBul_TDryBulPhi tWetBul_TDryBulXi( redeclare package Medium = Buildings.Media.PerfectGases.MoistAir, TDryBul(displayUnit="degC")) if computeWetBulbTemperature; equation //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select atmospheric pressure connector if pAtmSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter then pAtm_in_internal = pAtm; elseif pAtmSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File then connect(datRea.y[4], pAtm_in_internal); else connect(pAtm_in, pAtm_in_internal); end if; connect(pAtm_in_internal, chePre.PIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select dry bulb temperature connector if TDryBulSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter then TDryBul_in_internal = TDryBul; elseif TDryBulSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input then connect(TDryBul_in, TDryBul_in_internal); else connect(conTDryBul.y, TDryBul_in_internal); end if; connect(TDryBul_in_internal, cheTemDryBul.TIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select relative humidity connector if relHumSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter then relHum_in_internal = relHum; elseif relHumSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input then connect(relHum_in, relHum_in_internal); else connect(conRelHum.relHumOut, relHum_in_internal); end if; connect(relHum_in_internal, cheRelHum.relHumIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select wind speed connector if winSpeSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter then winSpe_in_internal = winSpe; elseif winSpeSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input then connect(winSpe_in, winSpe_in_internal); else connect(datRea.y[12], winSpe_in_internal); end if; connect(winSpe_in_internal, cheWinSpe.winSpeIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select wind direction connector if winDirSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter then winDir_in_internal = winDir; elseif winDirSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input then connect(winDir_in, winDir_in_internal); else connect(conWinDir.y, winDir_in_internal); end if; connect(winDir_in_internal, cheWinDir.nIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select global horizontal radiation connector if HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor then connect(HGloHor_in, HGloHor_in_internal) "Get HGloHor using user input file"; elseif HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor then HDirNor_in_internal*cos(zenAng.zen)+HDifHor_in_internal = HGloHor_in_internal "Calculate the HGloHor using HDirNor and HDifHor according to (A.4.14) and (A.4.15)"; else connect(conGloHorRad.HOut, HGloHor_in_internal) "Get HGloHor using weather data file"; end if; connect(HGloHor_in_internal, cheGloHorRad.HIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select diffuse horizontal radiation connector if HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor then connect(HDifHor_in, HDifHor_in_internal) "Get HDifHor using user input file"; elseif HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor then HGloHor_in_internal - HDirNor_in_internal*cos(zenAng.zen) = HDifHor_in_internal "Calculate the HGloHor using HDirNor and HDifHor according to (A.4.14) and (A.4.15)"; else connect(conDifHorRad.HOut, HDifHor_in_internal) "Get HDifHor using weather data file"; end if; connect(HDifHor_in_internal, cheDifHorRad.HIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select direct normal radiation connector if HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor or HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor then connect(HDirNor_in, HDirNor_in_internal) "Get HDirNor using user input file"; elseif HSou == Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor then (HGloHor_in_internal -HDifHor_in_internal)/Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax(x1=cos(zenAng.zen), x2=epsCos, deltaX=0.1*epsCos) = HDirNor_in_internal "Calculate the HDirNor using HGloHor and HDifHor according to (A.4.14) and (A.4.15)"; else connect(conDirNorRad.HOut, HDirNor_in_internal) "Get HDirNor using weather data file"; end if; connect(HDirNor_in_internal, cheDirNorRad.HIn);connect(chePre.POut, weaBus.pAtm); connect(cheTotSkyCov.nOut, weaBus.nTot); connect(cheOpaSkyCov.nOut, weaBus.nOpa); connect(cheGloHorRad.HOut, weaBus.HGloHor); connect(cheDifHorRad.HOut, weaBus.HDifHor); connect(cheDirNorRad.HOut, weaBus.HDirNor); connect(cheCeiHei.ceiHeiOut, weaBus.celHei); connect(cheWinSpe.winSpeOut, weaBus.winSpe); connect(cheHorRad.HOut, weaBus.radHorIR); connect(cheWinDir.nOut, weaBus.winDir); connect(cheOpaSkyCov.nOut, TBlaSky.nOpa); connect(cheHorRad.HOut, TBlaSky.radHorIR); connect(TBlaSky.TBlaSky, weaBus.TBlaSky); connect(simTim.y, weaBus.cloTim); connect(simTim.y, add.u2); connect(con30mins.y, add.u1); connect(add.y, conTim1.simTim); connect(conTim1.calTim, datRea1.u); connect(simTim.y, locTim.cloTim); connect(simTim.y, conTim.simTim); connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u); connect(simTim.y, eqnTim.nDay); connect(eqnTim.eqnTim, solTim.equTim); connect(locTim.locTim, solTim.locTim); connect(solTim.solTim, weaBus.solTim); connect(datRea.y[13], cheTotSkyCov.nIn); connect(datRea.y[14], cheOpaSkyCov.nIn); connect(datRea.y[16], cheCeiHei.ceiHeiIn); connect(datRea.y[11], conWinDir.u); connect(datRea1.y[1], conHorRad.HIn); connect(conHorRad.HOut, cheHorRad.HIn); connect(cheTemDryBul.TOut, TBlaSky.TDryBul); connect(datRea.y[1], conTDryBul.u); connect(datRea.y[2], conTDewPoi.u); connect(conTDewPoi.y, cheTemDewPoi.TIn); connect(cheTemDewPoi.TOut, weaBus.TDewPoi); connect(TBlaSky.TDewPoi, cheTemDewPoi.TOut); connect(datRea1.y[3], conDirNorRad.HIn); connect(datRea1.y[2], conGloHorRad.HIn); connect(datRea1.y[4], conDifHorRad.HIn); connect(conRelHum.relHumIn, datRea.y[3]); connect(cheRelHum.relHumOut, weaBus.relHum); connect(cheTemDryBul.TOut, weaBus.TDryBul); connect(decAng.decAng, zenAng.decAng); connect(solHouAng.solHouAng, zenAng.solHouAng); connect(solHouAng.solTim, solTim.solTim); connect(decAng.nDay, simTim.y); connect(zenAng.zen, altAng.zen); connect(altAng.alt, solBus.alt); connect(zenAng.zen, solBus.zen); connect(solBus, weaBus.sol); connect(decAng.decAng, solBus.dec); connect(solHouAng.solHouAng, solBus.solHouAng); connect(longitude.y, solBus.lon); connect(latitude.y, solBus.lat); // Connectors for wet bulb temperature. // These are removed if computeWetBulbTemperature = falseconnect(chePre.POut, tWetBul_TDryBulXi.p); connect(tWetBul_TDryBulXi.TWetBul, weaBus.TWetBul); connect(cheTemDryBul.TOut, tWetBul_TDryBulXi.TDryBul); connect(cheRelHum.relHumOut, tWetBul_TDryBulXi.phi); end ReaderTMY3;
This component is an expandable connector that is used to implement a bus that contains the weather data.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.SignalBus (Icon for signal bus).
expandable connector Bus "Data bus that stores weather data" extends Modelica.Icons.SignalBus;end Bus;