Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).
Name | Description |
![]() | Package with base classes for Buildings.Rooms.Examples.TestConditionalConstructions |
![]() | Test model for room model |
![]() | Test model for room model |
![]() | Test model for room model |
![]() | Test model for room model |
![]() | Test model for room model |
![]() | Test model for room model |
![]() | Test model for room model |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 1 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlyExteriorWallNoWindow "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=1, nConExtWin=0, nConPar=0, nConBou=0, nSurBou=0, roo( datConExt(layers={matLayExt}, each A=10, each til=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor, each azi=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Azimuth.W)));end OnlyExteriorWallNoWindow;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 2 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlyExteriorWallWithWindow "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=0, nConExtWin=2, nConPar=0, nConBou=0, nSurBou=0, roo( datConExtWin(layers={matLayExt, matLayExt}, each A=10, glaSys={glaSys, glaSys}, each AWin=4, each fFra=0.1, til={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor, Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Ceiling}, each azi=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Azimuth.W)));end OnlyExteriorWallWithWindow;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 2 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlyExteriorWallWithWindowExteriorShade "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=0, nConExtWin=2, nConPar=0, nConBou=0, nSurBou=0, roo( datConExtWin(layers={matLayExt, matLayExt}, each A=10, glaSys={glaSys, glaSys}, each AWin=4, each fFra=0.1, til={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor, Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Ceiling}, each azi=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Azimuth.W)), glaSys(haveExteriorShade=true));Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant uSha(k=0.5) "Control signal for the shading device"; Modelica.Blocks.Routing.Replicator replicator(nout=max(1,nConExtWin)); equationconnect(uSha.y,replicator. u); connect(roo.uSha,replicator. y); end OnlyExteriorWallWithWindowExteriorShade;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 2 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlyExteriorWallWithWindowInteriorShade "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=0, nConExtWin=2, nConPar=0, nConBou=0, nSurBou=0, roo( datConExtWin(layers={matLayExt, matLayExt}, each A=10, glaSys={glaSys, glaSys}, each AWin=4, each fFra=0.1, til={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor, Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Ceiling}, each azi=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Azimuth.W)), glaSys(haveInteriorShade=true));Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant uSha(k=0.5) "Control signal for the shading device"; Modelica.Blocks.Routing.Replicator replicator(nout=max(1,nConExtWin)); equationconnect(uSha.y,replicator. u); connect(roo.uSha,replicator. y); end OnlyExteriorWallWithWindowInteriorShade;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 1 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlyPartition "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=0, nConExtWin=0, nConPar=1, nConBou=0, nSurBou=0, roo( datConPar(layers={matLayPar}, each A=10, each til=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor, each azi=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Azimuth.W)));end OnlyPartition;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 1 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlyConstructionBoundary "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=0, nConExtWin=0, nConPar=0, nConBou=1, nSurBou=0, roo( datConBou(layers={matLayPar}, each A=12, each til=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor, each azi=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Azimuth.W)));Buildings.HeatTransfer.Sources.FixedTemperature TBou1[nConBou](each T=288.15) "Boundary condition for construction"; equationconnect(TBou1.port, roo.surf_conBou); end OnlyConstructionBoundary;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nConExt | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do not have a window |
Integer | nConExtWin | 0 | Number of exterior constructions that do have a window |
Integer | nConPar | 0 | Number of partition constructions |
Integer | nConBou | 0 | Number of surface that are connected to constructions that are modeled inside the room |
Integer | nSurBou | 1 | Number of surface that are connected to the room air volume |
model OnlySurfaceBoundary "Test model for room model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends BaseClasses.PartialTestModel( nConExt=0, nConExtWin=0, nConPar=0, nConBou=0, nSurBou=1, roo( surBou(each A=15, each absIR=0.9, each absSol=0.9, each til=Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.Tilt.Floor)));Buildings.HeatTransfer.Sources.FixedTemperature TBou[nSurBou](each T=288.15) "Boundary condition for construction"; HeatTransfer.Conduction.MultiLayer conOut[nSurBou](each A=15, redeclare Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Brick120 layers) "Construction that is modeled outside of room"; equationconnect(TBou.port, conOut.port_b); connect(roo.surf_surBou, conOut.port_a); end OnlySurfaceBoundary;