Name | Description |
![]() | |
![]() | Controller 1 for tank system (using expressions to control the valves) |
![]() | Controller 2 for tank system (using expressions to control the valves) |
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![]() |
partial model PartialControlledTank extends Modelica.Icons.Example; package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.ConstantPropertyLiquidWater;Modelica.Fluid.Valves.ValveDiscrete valve1( redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=40, dp_nominal=100000); Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.OpenTank tank1( level_start=0.05, redeclare package Medium = Medium, crossArea=6, height=4, nPorts=2, portsData={Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.BaseClasses.VesselPortsData( diameter=0.2, height=4, zeta_out=0, zeta_in=1),Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.BaseClasses.VesselPortsData( diameter=0.2, height=0, zeta_out=0, zeta_in=1)}, T_start=system.T_ambient, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, massDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial); Modelica.Fluid.Valves.ValveDiscrete valve2( redeclare package Medium = Medium, dp_nominal(displayUnit="Pa") = 1, m_flow_nominal=100); Modelica.Fluid.Valves.ValveDiscrete valve3( redeclare package Medium = Medium, dp_nominal(displayUnit="Pa") = 1, m_flow_nominal=10); Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.OpenTank tank2( level_start=0.05, redeclare package Medium = Medium, height=5, crossArea=6, nPorts=2, portsData={Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.BaseClasses.VesselPortsData( diameter=0.2, height=5, zeta_out=0, zeta_in=1),Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.BaseClasses.VesselPortsData( diameter=0.2, height=0, zeta_out=0, zeta_in=1)}, T_start=system.T_ambient, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, massDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial); Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT ambient( redeclare package Medium = Medium, nPorts=1, p=system.p_ambient, T=system.T_ambient); Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT reservoir( redeclare package Medium = Medium, nPorts=1, T=system.T_ambient, p=2500000); inner Modelica.Fluid.System system; equationconnect(reservoir.ports[1], valve1.port_a); connect(valve3.port_b, ambient.ports[1]); connect(tank2.ports[2],valve3. port_a); connect(valve2.port_b,tank2. ports[1]); connect(valve1.port_b,tank1. ports[1]); connect(tank1.ports[2],valve2. port_a); end PartialControlledTank;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Height | limit1 | 0.98 | Maximum level of tank 1 [m] |
Height | limit2 | 0.98 | Maximum level of tank 2 [m] |
Height | minLevel | 0.01 | Minimum fill level of a tank [m] |
Time | waitTime | 3 | Wait time to newly open a valve [s] |
Type | Name | Description |
input BooleanInput | start | |
input BooleanInput | stop | |
input BooleanInput | shut | |
input RealInput | level1 | |
input RealInput | level2 | |
output BooleanOutput | valve1 | |
output BooleanOutput | valve2 | |
output BooleanOutput | valve3 |
model TankController1 "Controller 1 for tank system (using expressions to control the valves)" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BlockIcon; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height limit1(min=0) = 0.98 "Maximum level of tank 1"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height limit2(min=0) = 0.98 "Maximum level of tank 2"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height minLevel(min=0) = 0.01 "Minimum fill level of a tank"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time waitTime=3 "Wait time to newly open a valve";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput start; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput stop; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput shut; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput level1; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput level2; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve1; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve2; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve3; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanExpression setValve1( and level1 <= 1.01*limit1); Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanExpression setValve2(y=( or or and level2 <= 1.01* limit2); Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanExpression setValve3( or; Parallel makeProduct( use_suspend=true, nIn=2, nEntry=1, nExit=0, nOut=0, use_outPort=false, use_inPort=true, nSuspend=1, nResume=1, initialStep=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step startStep( nOut=1, nIn=2); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T1( use_conditionPort=true, waitTime=0.01, delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step fillTank1( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T2( condition=level1 > limit1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step wait1( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step fillTank2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T3( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=waitTime); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T4( condition=level1 < minLevel); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step wait2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T5( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=waitTime); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step emptyTanks( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T6( condition=level2 < minLevel); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step initialStep( initialStep=true, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T7; Modelica_StateGraph2.Step stopStep1( nIn=1, nOut=2); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T8( use_conditionPort=true); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T9( use_conditionPort=true, delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T10( use_conditionPort=true, delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step shutTank1( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T13( delayedTransition=false, condition=level1 < minLevel); Parallel shutStep( use_inPort=true, use_outPort=true, use_suspend=true, nEntry=2, nExit=2, nOut=1, nSuspend=1, use_activePort=false, initialStep=false, nIn=1, nResume=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step shutTank2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step tank1Empty( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step tank2Empty( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T11( condition=level2 < minLevel, delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T12( delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T14( use_conditionPort=true, delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step stopStep2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T15( use_conditionPort=true, delayedTransition=false, waitTime=0); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step startWait( nOut=1, nIn=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T16( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=0.01, use_conditionPort=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step shutWait( nOut=1, nIn=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T17( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=0.01); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step shutWait2( nOut=1, nIn=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T18( waitTime=0.01, delayedTransition=true, use_conditionPort=false); equationconnect(start, T1.conditionPort); connect(fillTank1.outPort[1], T2.inPort); connect(T2.outPort, wait1.inPort[1]); connect(wait1.outPort[1], T3.inPort); connect(T3.outPort, fillTank2.inPort[1]); connect(fillTank2.outPort[1], T4.inPort); connect(T4.outPort, wait2.inPort[1]); connect(wait2.outPort[1], T5.inPort); connect(T5.outPort, emptyTanks.inPort[1]); connect(emptyTanks.outPort[1], T6.inPort); connect(T1.outPort, fillTank1.inPort[1]); connect(startStep.inPort[1], makeProduct.entry[1]); connect(startStep.outPort[1], T1.inPort); connect(T6.outPort, startStep.inPort[2]); connect(T7.outPort, makeProduct.inPort[1]); connect(T8.outPort, stopStep1.inPort[1]); connect(makeProduct.suspend[1], T8.inPort); connect(stop, T8.conditionPort); connect(initialStep.outPort[1], T7.inPort); connect(stopStep1.outPort[1], T9.inPort); connect(T10.inPort, stopStep1.outPort[2]); connect(setValve1.y, valve1); connect(setValve2.y, valve2); connect(setValve3.y, valve3); connect(start, T10.conditionPort); connect(shutStep.entry[1], shutTank1.inPort[1]); connect(shutStep.entry[2], shutTank2.inPort[1]); connect(shutTank1.outPort[1], T13.inPort); connect(T13.outPort, tank1Empty.inPort[1]); connect(shutTank2.outPort[1], T11.inPort); connect(T11.outPort, tank2Empty.inPort[1]); connect(tank1Empty.outPort[1], shutStep.exit[1]); connect(tank2Empty.outPort[1], shutStep.exit[2]); connect(shutStep.outPort[1], T12.inPort); connect(shutStep.suspend[1], T14.inPort); connect(T14.outPort, stopStep2.inPort[1]); connect(stopStep2.outPort[1], T15.inPort); connect(T12.outPort, makeProduct.inPort[2]); connect(shut, T9.conditionPort); connect(stop, T14.conditionPort); connect(shut, T15.conditionPort); connect(startWait.outPort[1], T16.inPort); connect(T16.outPort, makeProduct.resume[1]); connect(T10.outPort, startWait.inPort[1]); connect(T9.outPort, shutWait.inPort[1]); connect(shutWait.outPort[1], T17.inPort); connect(T17.outPort, shutStep.inPort[1]); connect(T15.outPort, shutWait2.inPort[1]); connect(shutWait2.outPort[1], T18.inPort); connect(T18.outPort, shutStep.resume[1]); end TankController1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Height | limit1 | 0.98 | Maximum level of tank 1 [m] |
Height | limit2 | 0.98 | Maximum level of tank 2 [m] |
Height | minLevel | 0.01 | Minimum fill level of a tank [m] |
Time | waitTime | 3 | Wait time to newly open a valve [s] |
Type | Name | Description |
SignalBus | bus |
model TankController2 "Controller 2 for tank system (using expressions to control the valves)" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BlockIcon; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height limit1(min=0) = 0.98 "Maximum level of tank 1"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height limit2(min=0) = 0.98 "Maximum level of tank 2"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height minLevel(min=0) = 0.01 "Minimum fill level of a tank"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time waitTime=3 "Wait time to newly open a valve";Modelica_StateGraph2.Step stopStep1( nIn=1, nOut=2); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T8( use_conditionPort= false, condition=bus.stop); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T9( use_conditionPort=false, condition=bus.shut, delayedTransition=false, waitTime=0); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T10( use_conditionPort=false, condition=bus.start, waitTime=0, delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T12( delayedTransition=false); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T14( delayedTransition=false, use_conditionPort=false, condition=bus.stop); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step stopStep2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T15( use_conditionPort=false, condition=bus.shut, delayedTransition=false, waitTime=0); MakeProduct makeProduct(nIn=1, nSuspend=1, limit1=limit1, limit2=limit2, waitTime=waitTime, initialStep=true, minLevel=minLevel, nResume=1); ShutStep shutStep( nSuspend=1, nOut=1, initialStep=false, nIn=1, nResume=1, minLevel=minLevel); SignalBus bus; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanExpression setValve1(y=makeProduct.valve1 and bus.level1 <= 1.01*limit1); Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanExpression setValve2(y=(makeProduct.valve2 or shutStep.valve2) and bus.level2 <= 1.01*limit2); Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.MathBoolean.Or setValve3( nu=2); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step waitShut( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T1( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=0.01); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step waitStop( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T2( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=0.01); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step waitShut2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T3( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=0.01); equationconnect(T8.outPort, stopStep1.inPort[1]); connect(stopStep1.outPort[1], T9.inPort); connect(T10.inPort, stopStep1.outPort[2]); connect(T14.outPort, stopStep2.inPort[1]); connect(stopStep2.outPort[1], T15.inPort); connect(makeProduct.suspend[1], T8.inPort); connect(shutStep.suspend[1], T14.inPort); connect(shutStep.outPort[1], T12.inPort); connect(T12.outPort, makeProduct.inPort[1]); connect(T9.outPort, waitShut.inPort[1]); connect(waitShut.outPort[1], T1.inPort); connect(T1.outPort, shutStep.inPort[1]); connect(T10.outPort, waitStop.inPort[1]); connect(waitStop.outPort[1], T2.inPort); connect(T2.outPort, makeProduct.resume[1]); connect(T15.outPort, waitShut2.inPort[1]); connect(waitShut2.outPort[1], T3.inPort); connect(T3.outPort, shutStep.resume[1]); connect(makeProduct.valve3, setValve3.u[1]); connect(shutStep.valve3, setValve3.u[2]); connect(setValve3.y, bus.valve3); connect(setValve1.y, bus.valve1); connect(setValve2.y, bus.valve2); connect(shutStep.bus, bus); connect(makeProduct.bus, bus); end TankController2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | initialStep | false | =true, if initial step (start state machine at entry ports of Parallel) |
Boolean | use_inPort | true | =true, if inPort enabled |
Boolean | use_outPort | false | =true, if outPort enabled |
Boolean | use_suspend | true | =true, if suspend and resume ports enabled |
Boolean | use_activePort | false | =true, if activePort enabled |
Height | limit1 | 0.98 | Maximum level of tank 1 [m] |
Height | limit2 | 0.98 | Maximum level of tank 2 [m] |
Height | minLevel | 0.01 | Minimum fill level of a tank [m] |
Time | waitTime | 3 | Wait time to newly open a valve [s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Step_in | inPort[nIn] | If enabled, port for one or more input transitions |
Step_out | outPort[nOut] | If enabled, port for one or more output transitions |
Composite_resume | resume[nResume] | If enabled, port for zero, one or more resume transitions |
Composite_suspend | suspend[nSuspend] | If enabled, port for zero, one or more suspend transitions |
output BooleanOutput | activePort | = true if Parallel component is active, otherwise it is not active |
SignalBus | bus | |
output BooleanOutput | valve1 | Value of Boolean output |
output BooleanOutput | valve2 | Value of Boolean output |
output BooleanOutput | valve3 | Value of Boolean output |
model MakeProduct extends Modelica_StateGraph2.PartialParallel( final use_inPort=true, final use_suspend=true, final use_activePort = false, final use_outPort = false, nEntry=1,nExit=1); parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height limit1(min=0) = 0.98 "Maximum level of tank 1"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height limit2(min=0) = 0.98 "Maximum level of tank 2"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height minLevel(min=0) = 0.01 "Minimum fill level of a tank"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time waitTime=3 "Wait time to newly open a valve";SignalBus bus; Modelica_StateGraph2.Step startStep( nOut=1, nIn=2); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T1( waitTime=0.01, delayedTransition=false, use_conditionPort=false, condition=bus.start); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step fillTank1( nIn=1, nOut=1, use_activePort=true); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T2( condition=bus.level1 > limit1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step wait1( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step fillTank2( nIn=1, nOut=1, use_activePort=true); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T3( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=waitTime); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T4( condition=bus.level1 < minLevel); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step wait2( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T5( delayedTransition=true, waitTime=waitTime); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step emptyTanks( nIn=1, nOut=1, use_activePort=true); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T6( condition=bus.level2 < minLevel); Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve1 "Value of Boolean output"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve2 "Value of Boolean output"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve3 "Value of Boolean output"; Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.MathBoolean.Or or1( nu=2); equationconnect(fillTank1.outPort[1],T2. inPort); connect(T2.outPort,wait1. inPort[1]); connect(wait1.outPort[1],T3. inPort); connect(T3.outPort,fillTank2. inPort[1]); connect(fillTank2.outPort[1],T4. inPort); connect(T4.outPort,wait2. inPort[1]); connect(wait2.outPort[1],T5. inPort); connect(T5.outPort,emptyTanks. inPort[1]); connect(emptyTanks.outPort[1],T6. inPort); connect(T1.outPort,fillTank1. inPort[1]); connect(startStep.outPort[1],T1. inPort); connect(T6.outPort,startStep.inPort[2]); connect(entry[1], startStep.inPort[1]); connect(fillTank1.activePort, valve1); connect(emptyTanks.activePort, valve3); connect(or1.y, valve2); connect(fillTank2.activePort, or1.u[1]); connect(emptyTanks.activePort, or1.u[2]); end MakeProduct;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | initialStep | false | =true, if initial step (start state machine at entry ports of Parallel) |
Boolean | use_inPort | true | =true, if inPort enabled |
Boolean | use_outPort | true | =true, if outPort enabled |
Boolean | use_suspend | true | =true, if suspend and resume ports enabled |
Boolean | use_activePort | false | =true, if activePort enabled |
Height | minLevel | 0.01 | Minimum fill level of a tank [m] |
Type | Name | Description |
Step_in | inPort[nIn] | If enabled, port for one or more input transitions |
Step_out | outPort[nOut] | If enabled, port for one or more output transitions |
Composite_resume | resume[nResume] | If enabled, port for zero, one or more resume transitions |
Composite_suspend | suspend[nSuspend] | If enabled, port for zero, one or more suspend transitions |
output BooleanOutput | activePort | = true if Parallel component is active, otherwise it is not active |
SignalBus | bus | |
output BooleanOutput | valve2 | Value of Boolean output |
output BooleanOutput | valve3 | Value of Boolean output |
model ShutStep extends Modelica_StateGraph2.PartialParallel( final use_suspend=true, final use_activePort = false, final use_inPort = true, final use_outPort = true, final nEntry=2, final nExit=2); parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height minLevel(min=0) = 0.01 "Minimum fill level of a tank";SignalBus bus; Modelica_StateGraph2.Step shutTank1( nIn=1, nOut=1, use_activePort=true); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T13( delayedTransition=false, condition=bus.level1 < minLevel); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step shutTank2( nIn=1, nOut=1, initialStep=false, use_activePort=true); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step tank1Empty( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Step tank2Empty( nIn=1, nOut=1); Modelica_StateGraph2.Transition T11( delayedTransition=false, condition= bus.level2 < minLevel); Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve2 "Value of Boolean output"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput valve3 "Value of Boolean output"; equationconnect(shutTank1.outPort[1],T13. inPort); connect(T13.outPort,tank1Empty.inPort[1]); connect(shutTank2.outPort[1],T11.inPort); connect(T11.outPort,tank2Empty.inPort[1]); connect(shutTank1.inPort[1], entry[1]); connect(shutTank2.inPort[1], entry[2]); connect(tank1Empty.outPort[1], exit[1]); connect(tank2Empty.outPort[1], exit[2]); connect(shutTank1.activePort, valve2); connect(shutTank2.activePort, valve3); end ShutStep;
Type | Name | Description |
Boolean | valve1 | |
Boolean | valve2 | |
Boolean | valve3 | |
Boolean | start | |
Boolean | stop | |
Boolean | shut | |
Length | level1 | [m] |
Length | level2 | [m] |
expandable connector SignalBus extends Modelica.Icons.SignalBus; Boolean valve1; Boolean valve2; Boolean valve3; Boolean start; Boolean stop; Boolean shut; Modelica.SIunits.Length level1; Modelica.SIunits.Length level2;end SignalBus;