
Connectors and partial models

Package Content

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Node Node Node of a state machine to communicate information between steps (for suspend/resume actions and to guarantee a valid graph)
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_in_base Step_in_base Input port of a step without icon
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_out_base Step_out_base Output port of a step without icon
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_in Step_in Input port of a step
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_out Step_out Output port of a step
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Composite_resume Composite_resume Resume port of a composite step
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Composite_suspend Composite_suspend Suspend port of a Composite
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_in_base Transition_in_base Input port of a transition without an icon
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_out_base Transition_out_base Output port of a transition without icon
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_in Transition_in Input port of a transition
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_out Transition_out Output port of a transition
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.EntryPort EntryPort Entry port of a composite, same as a transition outPort
Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.ExitPort ExitPort Exit connector of a composite, same as transition inPort
PartialParallelBase Base class of a parallel component (including a composite step as special case)


Node of a state machine to communicate information between steps (for suspend/resume actions and to guarantee a valid graph)

Modelica definition

record Node 
  "Node of a state machine to communicate information between steps (for suspend/resume actions and to guarantee a valid graph)"
   Boolean suspend 
    "= true, if the composite step is terminated via a suspend port";
   Boolean resume "= true, if the composite step is entered via a resume port";
   function equalityConstraint
      input Node node1;
      input Node node2;
      output Real residue[0];
      assert(node1.suspend == node2.suspend and 
             node1.resume == node2.resume,"Internal error");
   end equalityConstraint;
end Node;


Input port of a step without icon


input Booleanfiretrue, if transition fires and step is activated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
output BooleancheckUnaryConnectionIs used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible
input BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Step_in_base "Input port of a step without icon"
  input Boolean fire "true, if transition fires and step is activated";

  Node node 
    "Communicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.";

  // only for checking properties of the graph
  output Boolean checkUnaryConnection 
    "Is used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible";

  input Boolean checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop 
    "Is used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition";

end Step_in_base;


Output port of a step without icon


output Booleanavailable= true, if step is active and firing is possible
input Booleanfire= true, if transition fires and step is deactivated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
output BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Step_out_base "Output port of a step without icon"
  output Boolean available "= true, if step is active and firing is possible";
  input Boolean fire "= true, if transition fires and step is deactivated";

  Node node 
    "Communicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.";

  // only for checking properties of the graph
  output Boolean checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop 
    "Is used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition";
end Step_out_base;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_in Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_in

Input port of a step



Extends from Step_in_base (Input port of a step without icon).


input Booleanfiretrue, if transition fires and step is activated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
output BooleancheckUnaryConnectionIs used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible
input BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Step_in "Input port of a step"
  extends Step_in_base;

end Step_in;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_out Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Step_out

Output port of a step



Extends from Step_out_base (Output port of a step without icon).


output Booleanavailable= true, if step is active and firing is possible
input Booleanfire= true, if transition fires and step is deactivated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
output BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Step_out "Output port of a step"
  extends Step_out_base;

end Step_out;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Composite_resume Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Composite_resume

Resume port of a composite step


Extends from Step_in_base (Input port of a step without icon).


input Booleanfiretrue, if transition fires and step is activated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
output BooleancheckUnaryConnectionIs used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible
input BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Composite_resume "Resume port of a composite step"
   extends Step_in_base;
end Composite_resume;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Composite_suspend Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Composite_suspend

Suspend port of a Composite


Extends from Step_out_base (Output port of a step without icon).


output Booleanavailable= true, if step is active and firing is possible
input Booleanfire= true, if transition fires and step is deactivated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
output BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Composite_suspend "Suspend port of a Composite"
   extends Step_out_base;
end Composite_suspend;


Input port of a transition without an icon


input Booleanavailable= true, if step connected to the transition input is active and firing is possible
output Booleanfire= true, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
input BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Transition_in_base 
  "Input port of a transition without an icon"
  input Boolean available 
    "= true, if step connected to the transition input is active and firing is possible";

  output Boolean fire 
    "= true, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated";

  Node node 
    "Communicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.";

  // only for checking properties of the graph
  input Boolean checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop 
    "Is used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition";
end Transition_in_base;


Output port of a transition without icon


output Booleanfiretrue, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
input BooleancheckUnaryConnectionIs used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible
output BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Transition_out_base 
  "Output port of a transition without icon"
  output Boolean fire 
    "true, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active";

  Node node 
    "Communicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.";

  // only for checking properties of the graph
  input Boolean checkUnaryConnection 
    "Is used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible";

  output Boolean checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop 
    "Is used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition";
end Transition_out_base;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_in Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_in

Input port of a transition



Extends from Transition_in_base (Input port of a transition without an icon).


input Booleanavailable= true, if step connected to the transition input is active and firing is possible
output Booleanfire= true, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
input BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Transition_in "Input port of a transition"
  extends Transition_in_base;

end Transition_in;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_out Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.Transition_out

Output port of a transition



Extends from Transition_out_base (Output port of a transition without icon).


output Booleanfiretrue, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
input BooleancheckUnaryConnectionIs used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible
output BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector Transition_out "Output port of a transition"
  extends Transition_out_base;

end Transition_out;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.EntryPort Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.EntryPort

Entry port of a composite, same as a transition outPort




Extends from Transition_out_base (Output port of a transition without icon).


output Booleanfiretrue, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
input BooleancheckUnaryConnectionIs used to guarantee that only 1:1 connections are possible
output BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector EntryPort 
  "Entry port of a composite, same as a transition outPort"
  extends Transition_out_base;

end EntryPort;

Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.ExitPort Modelica_StateGraph2.Internal.Interfaces.ExitPort

Exit connector of a composite, same as transition inPort




Extends from Transition_in_base (Input port of a transition without an icon).


input Booleanavailable= true, if step connected to the transition input is active and firing is possible
output Booleanfire= true, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated
NodenodeCommunicates suspend/resume flags and is used to check the correct connection structure.
input BooleancheckOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIs used to check that every connection loop has at least one delayed transition

Modelica definition

connector ExitPort 
  "Exit connector of a composite, same as transition inPort"
  extends Transition_in_base;

end ExitPort;


Base class of a parallel component (including a composite step as special case)


Parallel splitting of execution path including special cases so that step is: autonomous, composed, parallel unsynchronized, parallel with synchronized outputs.


BooleaninitialStepfalse=true, if initial step (start state machine at entry ports of Parallel)
Booleanuse_inPorttrue=true, if inPort enabled
Booleanuse_outPortfalse=true, if outPort enabled
Booleanuse_suspendfalse=true, if suspend and resume ports enabled
Booleanuse_activePortfalse=true, if activePort enabled

Modelica definition

partial block PartialParallelBase 
  "Base class of a parallel component (including a composite step as special case)"

  parameter Integer nIn(min=0)=0 "Number of input connections";
  parameter Integer nOut(min=0)=0 "Number of output connections";
  parameter Integer nSuspend(min=0)=0 "Number of suspend ports";
  parameter Integer nResume(min=0)=0 "Number of resume ports";
  parameter Integer nEntry(min=0)=0 "Number of entry branches";
  parameter Integer nExit(min=0)=0 "Number of exit branches";

  parameter Boolean initialStep=false 
    "=true, if initial step (start state machine at entry ports of Parallel)";

  parameter Boolean use_inPort = true "=true, if inPort enabled";
  parameter Boolean use_outPort = false "=true, if outPort enabled";
  parameter Boolean use_suspend = false 
    "=true, if suspend and resume ports enabled";
  parameter Boolean use_activePort = false "=true, if activePort enabled";
  output Boolean active(final start=initialStep, fixed=true) 
    "= true if composite/parallel step is active, otherwise it is not active";
  parameter Integer nExit2 = if use_outPort then nExit else 0;
  parameter Integer nMinBranches = min(nEntry, nExit);
  Node node 
    "Node of Parallel component to handle rootIDs from inPort to outPort transitions";

  Boolean newActive(start=initialStep, fixed=true) 
    "Value of active in the next iteration";
  Boolean finished(start=not initialStep, fixed=true);

  Boolean inport_fire(start=false, fixed=true) "One of the inports fires";
  Boolean outport_fire "One of the outports fires";
  Boolean suspend_fire(start=false, fixed=true) 
    "One of the suspend ports fires";
  Boolean resume_fire "One of the resume ports fires";
  Boolean entry_fire(start=false, fixed=true) "One of the entry ports fires";
  Boolean startTransition(start=true, fixed=true) 
    "Initialize entry port for autonomous step";
  Boolean checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn;
  Integer firstActive(start=0, fixed=true) 
    "= 1, if step becomes the first time active, for future activations, its value is 2. Is used to correctly initialize if nIn=0 and nResume>0";
  Integer entryIndices[nEntry] "exit[i] belongs to entry[rootIndices[i]]";
  Boolean entry_restart[nEntry] 
    "elements corresponding to the entry array deciding whether or not they should be restarted upon resume when finished (information is collected from ";

  // Local connectors of conditional connectors
  Step_in local_inPort[nIn];
  Step_out local_outPort[nOut];
  Composite_suspend local_suspend[nSuspend];
  Composite_resume local_resume[nResume];
  EntryPort local_entry[nEntry];
  ExitPort local_exit[nExit2];

   Boolean oldActive(start=initialStep, fixed=true) 
    "Value of active when CompositeStep was aborted";
  if use_outPort then
     assert(nEntry >= nExit,
            "The number of entry branches is not greater or equal to the number of exit branches of a parallel step.");
     assert(nExit > 0, "Since outPort is enabled, there must be at least one connection to the exit port");
  end if;

  assert(nIn==0 and nResume==0 and initialStep or nIn > 0 or nResume > 0,
        "Parallel has neither an inPort, a resume port nor is set to be an initial step.\n" +
        "One of these must be true in order to initialize correctly");

  when {outport_fire, pre(entry_fire)} then
     finished = outport_fire;
  end when;

  when node.suspend then
    oldActive = active;
  end when;

  // Set active state
   if initialStep then
     startTransition = pre(startTransition) and not pre(inport_fire);
     inport_fire     = pre(startTransition) or Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
     startTransition = false;
     inport_fire     = Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
  end if;

  outport_fire = Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
  suspend_fire = Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
                                          local_inPort.node.suspend) or 
                                          local_resume.node.suspend) or 

  resume_fire  = Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
                                          local_inPort.node.resume) or 
                                          local_resume.node.resume) or 

  entry_fire   = Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
  active       = pre(newActive);
  newActive    = if Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
                                             local_inPort.node.resume) then oldActive else inport_fire or Modelica_StateGraph2.Blocks.BooleanFunctions.anyTrue(
                                                                                     or active and not outport_fire and not suspend_fire;

  for i in 1:nMinBranches loop
    entry_restart[entryIndices[i]] = true;
  end for;
  for i in nMinBranches+1:nEntry loop
    entry_restart[entryIndices[i]] = if nExit == 0 then true else false;
  end for;

  // Propagate flags between the connectors
// if initialStep or nIn  == 0 and nResume > 0 then
   if initialStep or nResume > 0 then
     //firstActive = if active and pre(firstActive) <= 1 then pre(firstActive) + 1 else
        firstActive = if (active and not suspend_fire) and pre(firstActive) <= 1 then pre(firstActive) + 1 else 
                   if resume_fire and finished then 0 else pre(firstActive);
     if firstActive == 1 then
// = fill(true, nEntry); = entry_restart;
     else = fill(inport_fire,  nEntry);
     end if;
     firstActive = 0; = fill(inport_fire, nEntry);
  end if;  = fill(outport_fire, nExit2);

  for i in 1:nOut loop
     local_outPort[i].available = if i == 1 then 
                                    active and 
                                                             local_exit.available) else 
                                    local_outPort[i-1].available and not local_outPort[i-1].fire;
  end for;

  for i in 1:nSuspend loop
     local_suspend[i].available = if i == 1 then active and not pre(suspend_fire) else 
                                     local_suspend[i-1].available and not 
  end for;

  // Check unary connections
  local_inPort.checkUnaryConnection = fill(true, nIn);
  local_resume.checkUnaryConnection = fill(true, nResume);

  // Check Modelica_StateGraph2 structure
  Connections.uniqueRoot(local_entry.node, "
The StateGraph has a wrong connection structure. Reasons:
(1) The StateGraph is initialized at two different locations (initial steps or entry ports).
(2) A transition is made wrongly out of a Parallel component.
(3) A transition is made between two branches of a Parallel component.
All these cases are not allowed.

   entryIndices = Connections.uniqueRootIndices(local_entry.node, local_exit.node, "
 The connection structure in a Parallel component is not correct:
 There must be exactly one unique path from every exit port to every entry port.
 This is not the case here.

  for i in 1:nEntry loop
     local_entry[i].node.suspend = active and suspend_fire or not active and pre(active);
//   local_entry[i].node.suspend = suspend_fire;
     local_entry[i].node.resume  = resume_fire and not entry_fire;
//   local_entry[i].node.resume  = resume_fire;
  end for;

  if initialStep then
    Connections.uniqueRoot(node, "uniqueRoot Error in Parallel");
    node.resume = false;
    node.suspend = false;
     // In order that check works (nIn=0), provide the missing equations
     if nIn==0 and nResume==0 then
        node.resume  = false;
        node.suspend = false;
     end if;
  end if;

  for i in 1:nIn loop
     Connections.branch(local_inPort[i].node, node);
     local_inPort[i].node = node;
  end for;

  for i in 1:nResume loop
     Connections.branch(local_resume[i].node, node);
     local_resume[i].node = node;
  end for;

  for i in 1:nOut loop
     Connections.branch(node, local_outPort[i].node);
     local_outPort[i].node = node;
  end for;

  for i in 1:nSuspend loop
     Connections.branch(node, local_suspend[i].node);
     local_suspend[i].node = node;
  end for;

  // Check loops of Modelica_StateGraph2
  if initialStep then
    checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn =
    checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn =
       and Utilities.propagateLoopCheck(local_resume.checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop);
  end if;

  local_suspend.checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = fill(checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn, nSuspend);

  if nOut == 0 or nEntry == 0 then
     // no outPort connector or no branches
     local_entry.checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop   = fill(checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn, nEntry);
     local_outPort.checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = fill(true, nOut);
//   local_entry[1].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn;
     local_entry[entryIndices[1]].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoopIn;

     // During initialization it is checked whether entry and exit port connections
     // are fine. The for-statements are made in such a form, that no translation
     // error occurs, if this case is present. Instead, during initialization
     // a meaningful error message is printed
     for i in 2:nMinBranches loop
        local_entry[entryIndices[i]].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = local_exit[i-1].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop;
//      local_entry[i].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = local_exit[i-1].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop;
     end for;
     for i in nMinBranches+1:nEntry loop
//      local_entry[i].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = true;
        local_entry[entryIndices[i]].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop = true;
     end for;
     local_outPort.checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop =
          fill(local_exit[nMinBranches].checkOneDelayedTransitionPerLoop, nOut);
  end if;

end PartialParallelBase;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 17:27:07 2010.