Name | Description |
![]() | Partial airgap model |
![]() | Airgap in stator-fixed coordinate system |
![]() | Airgap in rotor-fixed coordinate system |
![]() | Space phasor inductor |
![]() | Squirrel Cage |
![]() | Squirrel Cage |
![]() | Electrical excitation |
![]() | Permanent magnet excitation |
![]() | Permanent magnet excitation |
![]() | Ideal linear electrical inductor for electrical DC machines |
![]() | Partial airgap model of a DC machine |
![]() | Linear airgap model of a DC machine |
![]() | Compound excitation = shunt + series |
![]() | Partial model of transformer core with 3 windings |
![]() | Ideal transformer with 3 windings |
![]() | Partial model of three-phase transformer |
Name | Description |
m | Number of phases |
p | Number of pole pairs |
Name | Description |
flange | |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
spacePhasor_s | |
spacePhasor_r |
Name | Description |
Lm | Main field inductance [H] |
m | Number of phases |
p | Number of pole pairs |
Name | Description |
flange | |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
spacePhasor_s | |
spacePhasor_r |
Name | Description |
Lmd | Main field inductance d-axis [H] |
Lmq | Main field inductance q-axis [H] |
m | Number of phases |
p | Number of pole pairs |
Name | Description |
flange | |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
spacePhasor_s | |
spacePhasor_r |
Name | Description |
L[2] | Inductance of both axes [H] |
Name | Description |
spacePhasor_a | |
spacePhasor_b |
Model of a squirrel cage / symmetrical damper cage in two axis.
The squirrel cage has an optional (conditional) HeatPort, which can be enabled or disabled by the Boolean parameter useHeatPort. Temperatures of both axis are the same, both losses are added. Material properties alpha of both axis are the same.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).
Name | Description |
Lrsigma | Rotor stray inductance per phase translated to stator [H] |
Rr | Rotor resistance per phase translated to stator at T_ref [Ohm] |
T_ref | Reference temperature [K] |
alpha | Temperature coefficient of resistance at T_ref [1/K] |
useHeatPort | =true, if HeatPort is enabled |
T | Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K] |
Name | Description |
heatPort | |
spacePhasor_r |
Model of an asymmetrical damper cage in two axis.
The damper cage has an optional (conditional) HeatPort, which can be enabled or disabled by the Boolean parameter useHeatPort. Temperatures of both axis are the same, both losses are added. Material properties alpha can be set differently for both d- and q-axis, although reference temperature for both resistances is the same.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).
Name | Description |
Lrsigmad | Stray inductance in d-axis per phase translated to stator [H] |
Lrsigmaq | Stray inductance in q-axis per phase translated to stator [H] |
Rrd | Resistance in d-axis per phase translated to stator at T_ref [Ohm] |
Rrq | Resistance in q-axis per phase translated to stator at T_ref [Ohm] |
T_ref | Reference temperature of both resistances in d- and q-axis [K] |
alpha | Temperature coefficient of both resistances in d- and q-axis at T_ref [1/K] |
useHeatPort | =true, if HeatPort is enabled |
T | Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K] |
Name | Description |
heatPort | |
i[2] | Currents out from damper [A] |
lossPower | Damper losses [W] |
spacePhasor_r |
Name | Description |
turnsRatio | Ratio stator current / excitation current |
Name | Description |
spacePhasor_r | |
pin_ep | |
pin_en |
Name | Description |
Ie | Equivalent excitation current [A] |
Name | Description |
spacePhasor_r |
Name | Description |
Ie | Equivalent excitation current [A] |
m | Number of phases |
permanentMagnetLossParameters | Permanent magnet loss parameters |
useHeatPort | =true, if heatPort is enabled |
Name | Description |
spacePhasor_r | |
flange | Shaft end |
support | Housing and support |
heatPort | Optional port to which dissipated losses are transported in form of heat |
The linear inductor connects the branch voltage v with the branch current i by v = L * di/dt.
If quasiStationary == false
, the electrical transients are neglected, i.e., the voltage drop is zero.
Name | Description |
L | Inductance [H] |
quasiStationary | No electrical transients if true |
Name | Description |
p | Positive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v) |
n | Negative pin |
quasiStationary == false
, the electrical transients are neglected, i.e., the induced excitation voltage is zero.
Name | Description |
quasiStationary | No electrical transients if true |
turnsRatio | Ratio of armature turns over number of turns of the excitation winding |
Name | Description |
flange | |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
pin_ap | |
pin_ep | |
pin_an | |
pin_en |
Name | Description |
quasiStationary | No electrical transients if true |
turnsRatio | Ratio of armature turns over number of turns of the excitation winding |
Le | Excitation inductance [H] |
Name | Description |
flange | |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
pin_ap | |
pin_ep | |
pin_an | |
pin_en |
Name | Description |
excitationTurnsRatio | Ratio of series excitation turns over shunt excitation turns |
Name | Description |
pin_p | Positive pin to airgap |
pin_n | Negative pin to airgap |
pin_ep | Positive pin to shunt excitation |
pin_en | Negative pin to shunt excitation |
pin_sep | Positive pin to series excitation |
pin_sen | Negative pin to series excitation |
Name | Description |
m | Number of phases |
n12 | Turns ratio 1:2 |
n13 | Turns ratio 1:3 |
Name | Description |
plug_p1 | |
plug_n1 | |
plug_p2 | |
plug_n2 | |
plug_p3 | |
plug_n3 |
Name | Description |
m | Number of phases |
n12 | Turns ratio 1:2 |
n13 | Turns ratio 1:3 |
Name | Description |
plug_p1 | |
plug_n1 | |
plug_p2 | |
plug_n2 | |
plug_p3 | |
plug_n3 |
Name | Description |
n | Ratio primary voltage (line-to-line) / secondary voltage (line-to-line) |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Operational temperatures | |
T1Operational | Operational temperature of primary resistance [K] |
T2Operational | Operational temperature of secondary resistance [K] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
R1 | Primary resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] |
T1Ref | Reference temperature of primary resistance [K] |
alpha20_1 | Temperature coefficient of primary resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
L1sigma | Primary stray inductance per phase [H] |
R2 | Secondary resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] |
T2Ref | Reference temperature of secondary resistance [K] |
alpha20_2 | Temperature coefficient of secondary resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
L2sigma | Secondary stray inductance per phase [H] |
Name | Description |
plug1 | Primary plug |
plug2 | Secondary plug |
thermalPort |