
Operations on strings


Library content

Package Strings contains functions to manipulate strings.

In the table below an example call to every function is given using the default options.

len = length(string) Returns length of string
string2 = substring(string1,startIndex,endIndex) Returns a substring defined by start and end index
result = repeat(n)
result = repeat(n,string)
Repeat a blank or a string n times.
result = compare(string1, string2) Compares two substrings with regards to alphabetical order
identical = isEqual(string1,string2) Determine whether two strings are identical
result = count(string,searchString) Count the number of occurrences of a string
index = find(string,searchString) Find first occurrence of a string in another string
index = findLast(string,searchString) Find last occurrence of a string in another string
string2 = replace(string,searchString,replaceString) Replace one or all occurrences of a string
stringVector2 = sort(stringVector1) Sort vector of strings in alphabetic order
(token, index) = scanToken(string,startIndex) Scan for a token (Real/Integer/Boolean/String/Identifier/Delimiter/NoToken)
(number, index) = scanReal(string,startIndex) Scan for a Real constant
(number, index) = scanInteger(string,startIndex) Scan for an Integer constant
(boolean, index) = scanBoolean(string,startIndex) Scan for a Boolean constant
(string2, index) = scanString(string,startIndex) Scan for a String constant
(identifier, index) = scanIdentifier(string,startIndex) Scan for an identifier
(delimiter, index) = scanDelimiter(string,startIndex) Scan for delimiters
scanNoToken(string,startIndex) Check that remaining part of string consists solely of
white space or line comments ("// ...\n").
syntaxError(string,index,message) Print a "syntax error message" as well as a string and the
index at which scanning detected an error

The functions "compare", "isEqual", "count", "find", "findLast", "replace", "sort" have the optional input argument caseSensitive with default true. If false, the operation is carried out without taking into account whether a character is upper or lower case.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.length length Returns length of string
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring substring Returns a substring defined by start and end index
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.repeat repeat Repeat a string n times compare Compare two strings lexicographically
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.isEqual isEqual Determine whether two strings are identical
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.count count Count the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a string
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.find find Find first occurrence of a string within another string
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.findLast findLast Find last occurrence of a string within another string
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.replace replace Replace non-overlapping occurrences of a string from left to right
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.sort sort Sort vector of strings in alphabetic order
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanToken scanToken Scan for the next token and return it
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanReal scanReal Scan for the next Real number and trigger an assert if not present
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanInteger scanInteger Scan for the next Integer number and trigger an assert if not present
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanBoolean scanBoolean Scan for the next Boolean number and trigger an assert if not present
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanString scanString Scan for the next Modelica string and trigger an assert if not present
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanIdentifier scanIdentifier Scan for the next Identifier and trigger an assert if not present
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanDelimiter scanDelimiter Scan for the next delimiter and trigger an assert if not present
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanNoToken scanNoToken Scan string and check that it contains no more token
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.syntaxError syntaxError Print an error message, a string and the index at which scanning detected an error
Modelica.Utilities.Strings.Advanced Advanced Advanced scanning functions

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.length Modelica.Utilities.Strings.length

Returns length of string





Returns the number of characters of "string".

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).




IntegerresultNumber of characters of string

Modelica definition

function length "Returns length of string"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string;
  output Integer result "Number of characters of string";
external "C" result = ModelicaStrings_length(string);
end length;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring

Returns a substring defined by start and end index



string2 = Strings.substring(string, startIndex, endIndex);


This function returns the substring from position startIndex up to and including position endIndex of "string" .

If index, startIndex, or endIndex are not correct, e.g., if endIndex > length(string), an assert is triggered.


  string1 := "This is line 111";
  string2 := Strings.substring(string1,9,12); // string2 = "line"

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String from which a substring is inquired
IntegerstartIndex Character position of substring begin (index=1 is first character in string)
IntegerendIndex Character position of substring end


StringresultString containing substring string[startIndex:endIndex]

Modelica definition

function substring 
  "Returns a substring defined by start and end index"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String from which a substring is inquired";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1) 
    "Character position of substring begin (index=1 is first character in string)";
  input Integer endIndex(min=1) "Character position of substring end";
  output String result 
    "String containing substring string[startIndex:endIndex]";
external "C" result=ModelicaStrings_substring(string,startIndex,endIndex);
end substring;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.repeat Modelica.Utilities.Strings.repeat

Repeat a string n times



string2 = Strings.repeat(n);
string2 = Strings.repeat(n, string=" ");


The first form returns a string consisting of n blanks.

The second form returns a string consisting of n substrings defined by the optional argument "string".

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Integern1Number of occurences
Stringstring" "String that is repeated


StringrepeatedStringString containing n concatenated strings

Modelica definition

function repeat "Repeat a string n times"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Integer n(min=0) = 1 "Number of occurences";
  input String string=" " "String that is repeated";
  output String repeatedString "String containing n concatenated strings";
  repeatedString :="";
  for i in 1:n loop
     repeatedString := repeatedString + string;
  end for;
end repeat;

Compare two strings lexicographically



result =, string2);
result =, string2, caseSensitive=true);


Compares two strings. If the optional argument caseSensitive=false, upper case letters are treated as if they would be lower case letters. The result of the comparison is returned as:

  result = Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare.Less     // string1 < string2
         = Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare.Equal    // string1 = string2
         = Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare.Greater  // string1 > string2

Comparison is with regards to lexicographical order, e.g., "a" < "b";

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if case of letters is ignored


CompareresultResult of comparison

Modelica definition

function compare "Compare two strings lexicographically"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string1;
  input String string2;
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true "= false, if case of letters is ignored";
  output Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare result "Result of comparison";
external "C" result = ModelicaStrings_compare(string1, string2, caseSensitive);
end compare;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.isEqual Modelica.Utilities.Strings.isEqual

Determine whether two strings are identical



Strings.isEqual(string1, string2);
Strings.isEqual(string1, string2, caseSensitive=true);


Compare whether two strings are identical, optionally ignoring case.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for the comparison


BooleanidenticalTrue, if string1 is identical to string2

Modelica definition

function isEqual "Determine whether two strings are identical"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string1;
  input String string2;
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true 
    "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for the comparison";
  output Boolean identical "True, if string1 is identical to string2";
  identical :=compare(string1, string2, caseSensitive) == Types.Compare.Equal;
end isEqual;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.count Modelica.Utilities.Strings.count

Count the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a string



Strings.count(string, searchString)
Strings.count(string, searchString, startIndex=1,


Returns the number of non-overlapping occurrences of string "searchString" in "string". The search is started at index "startIndex" (default = 1). If the optional argument "caseSensitive" is false, for the counting it does not matter whether a letter is upper or lower case. /p>

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String that is analyzed
StringsearchString String that is searched for in string
IntegerstartIndex1Start search at index startIndex
BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for count


IntegerresultNumber of occurrences of 'searchString' in 'string'

Modelica definition

function count 
  "Count the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a string"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String that is analyzed";
  input String searchString "String that is searched for in string";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 "Start search at index startIndex";
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true 
    "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for count";
  output Integer result "Number of occurrences of 'searchString' in 'string'";
  Integer lenSearchString = length(searchString);
  Integer i = startIndex;
  result := 0;
  while i <> 0 loop
     i := find(string, searchString, i, caseSensitive);
     if i > 0 then
        result := result + 1;
        i := i + lenSearchString;
     end if;
  end while;
end count;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.find Modelica.Utilities.Strings.find

Find first occurrence of a string within another string



index = Strings.find(string, searchString);
index = Strings.find(string, searchString, startIndex=1,


Finds first occurence of "searchString" within "string" and return the corresponding index. Start search at index "startIndex" (default = 1). If the optional argument "caseSensitive" is false, lower and upper case are ignored for the search. If "searchString" is not found, a value of "0" is returned.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String that is analyzed
StringsearchString String that is searched for in string
IntegerstartIndex1Start search at index startIndex
BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for the search


IntegerindexIndex of the beginning of the first occurrence of 'searchString' within 'string', or zero if not present

Modelica definition

function find 
  "Find first occurrence of a string within another string"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String that is analyzed";
  input String searchString "String that is searched for in string";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 "Start search at index startIndex";
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true 
    "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for the search";
   output Integer index 
    "Index of the beginning of the first occurrence of 'searchString' within 'string', or zero if not present";
  Integer lengthSearchString = length(searchString);
  Integer len = lengthSearchString-1;
  Integer i = startIndex;
  Integer i_max = length(string) - lengthSearchString + 1;
  index := 0;
  while i <= i_max loop
     if isEqual(substring(string,i,i+len),
                searchString, caseSensitive) then
        index := i;
        i := i_max + 1;
        i := i+1;
     end if;
  end while;
end find;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.findLast Modelica.Utilities.Strings.findLast

Find last occurrence of a string within another string



index = Strings.findLast(string, searchString);
index = Strings.findLast(string, searchString,
                         startIndex=length(string), caseSensitive=true,


Finds first occurence of "searchString" within "string" when searching from the last character of "string" backwards, and return the corresponding index. Start search at index "startIndex" (default = length(string)). If the optional argument "caseSensitive" is false, lower and upper case are ignored for the search. If "searchString" is not found, a value of "0" is returned.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String that is analyzed
StringsearchString String that is searched for in string
IntegerstartIndex0Start search at index startIndex. If startIndex = 0, start at length(string)
BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for the search


IntegerindexIndex of the beginning of the last occurrence of 'searchString' within 'string', or zero if not present

Modelica definition

function findLast 
  "Find last occurrence of a string within another string"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String that is analyzed";
  input String searchString "String that is searched for in string";
  input Integer startIndex(min=0)=0 
    "Start search at index startIndex. If startIndex = 0, start at length(string)";
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true 
    "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored for the search";
  output Integer index 
    "Index of the beginning of the last occurrence of 'searchString' within 'string', or zero if not present";
  Integer lenString = length(string);
  Integer lenSearchString = length(searchString);
  Integer i;
  i := if startIndex == 0 then lenString-lenSearchString+1 else startIndex;
  index := 0;
  while i >= 1 loop
     if isEqual(substring(string,i,i+lenSearchString-1),
                searchString, caseSensitive) then
        index := i;
        i := 0;
        i := i-1;
     end if;
  end while;
end findLast;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.replace Modelica.Utilities.Strings.replace

Replace non-overlapping occurrences of a string from left to right



Strings.replace(string, searchString, replaceString);
Strings.replace(string, searchString, replaceString,
                startIndex=1, replaceAll=true, caseSensitive=true);


Search in "string" for "searchString" and replace the found substring by "replaceString".

The function returns the "string" with the performed replacements.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be modified
StringsearchString Replace non-overlapping occurrences of 'searchString' in 'string' with 'replaceString'
StringreplaceString String that replaces 'searchString' in 'string'
IntegerstartIndex1Start search at index startIndex
BooleanreplaceAlltrueif false, replace only the first occurrence, otherwise all occurrences
BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if lower and upper case are ignored when searching for searchString


StringresultResultant string of replacement operation

Modelica definition

function replace 
  "Replace non-overlapping occurrences of a string from left to right"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be modified";
  input String searchString 
    "Replace non-overlapping occurrences of 'searchString' in 'string' with 'replaceString'";
  input String replaceString "String that replaces 'searchString' in 'string'";
  input Integer startIndex=1 "Start search at index startIndex";
  input Boolean replaceAll=true 
    "if false, replace only the first occurrence, otherwise all occurrences";
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true 
    "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored when searching for searchString";
  output String result "Resultant string of replacement operation";
  Integer lenString = length(string);
  Integer lenSearchString = length(searchString);
  Integer i = startIndex;
  Integer i_found;
  result := if startIndex == 1 then "" else substring(string,1,startIndex-1);
  while i > 0 loop
     i_found := find(string, searchString, i, caseSensitive);
     if i_found > 0 then
        result := if i_found == 1 then 
                     replaceString else 
                     result + (if i_found-1<i then "" else substring(string, i, i_found-1)) + replaceString;
        i := i_found + lenSearchString;
        if i > lenString then
           i := 0;
        elseif not replaceAll then
           result := result + substring(string, i, lenString);
           i := 0;
        end if;
     elseif lenString<i then
        i := 0;
        result := result + substring(string, i, lenString);
        i := 0;
     end if;
  end while;
end replace;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.sort Modelica.Utilities.Strings.sort

Sort vector of strings in alphabetic order



stringVector2 = Streams.sort(stringVector1);
stringVector2 = Streams.sort(stringVector1, caseSensitive=true);


Function sort(..) sorts a string vector stringVector1 in lexicographical order and returns the result in stringVector2. If the optional argument "caseSensitive" is false, lower and upper case letters are not distinguished.


  s1 = {"force", "angle", "pressure"};
  s2 = Strings.sort(s1);
       -> s2 = {"angle", "force", "pressure"};

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


StringstringVector1[:] vector of strings
BooleancaseSensitivetrue= false, if lower and upper case are ignored when comparing elements of stringVector1


StringstringVector2[size(stringVector1, 1)]string1 sorted in alphabetical order

Modelica definition

function sort "Sort vector of strings in alphabetic order"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String stringVector1[:] "vector of strings";
  input Boolean caseSensitive=true 
    "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored when comparing elements of stringVector1";
  output String stringVector2[size(stringVector1,1)] 
    "string1 sorted in alphabetical order";
  /* shellsort algorithm; should be improved later */
  Integer gap;
  Integer i;
  Integer j;
  String tempString;
  Integer nStringVector1 = size(stringVector1,1);
  Boolean swap;
  stringVector2 := stringVector1;
  gap := div(nStringVector1,2);

  while gap > 0 loop
     i := gap;
     while i < nStringVector1 loop
        j := i-gap;
        if j >= 0 then
           swap := compare(stringVector2[j+1], stringVector2[j+gap+1], caseSensitive)
                   == Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare.Greater;
           swap := false;
        end if;

        while swap loop
           tempString := stringVector2[j+1];
           stringVector2[j+1] := stringVector2[j+gap+1];
           stringVector2[j+gap+1] := tempString;
           j := j - gap;
           if j >= 0 then
              swap := compare(stringVector2[j+1], stringVector2[j+gap+1], caseSensitive)
                      == Modelica.Utilities.Types.Compare.Greater;
              swap := false;
           end if;
        end while;
        i := i + 1;
     end while;
     gap := div(gap,2);
  end while;

end sort;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanToken Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanToken

Scan for the next token and return it



(token, nextIndex) = Strings.scanToken(string, startIndex, unsigned=false);


Function scanToken scans the string starting at index "startIndex" and returns the next token, as well as the index directly after the token. The returned token is a record that holds the type of the token and the value of the token:

token.tokenType Type of the token, see below
token.real Real value if tokenType == TokenType.RealToken
token.integer Integer value if tokenType == TokenType.IntegerToken
token.boolean Boolean value if tokenType == TokenType.BooleanToken
token.string String value if tokenType == TokenType.StringToken/IdentifierToken/DelimiterToken

Variable token.tokenType is an enumeration (emulated as a package with constants) that can have the following values:

   import T = Modelica.Utilities.Types.TokenType;
T.RealToken Modelica Real literal (e.g., 1.23e-4)
T.IntegerToken Modelica Integer literal (e.g., 123)
T.BooleanToken Modelica Boolean literal (e.g., false)
T.StringToken Modelica String literal (e.g., "string 123")
T.IdentifierToken Modelica identifier (e.g., "force_a")
T.DelimiterToken any character without white space that does not appear
as first character in the tokens above (e.g., "&")
T.NoToken White space, line comments and no other token
until the end of the string

Modelica line comments ("// ... end-of-line/end-of-string") as well as white space is ignored. If "unsigned=true", a Real or Integer literal is not allowed to start with a "+" or "-" sign.


  import Modelica.Utilities.Strings.*;
  import T = Modelica.Utilities.Types.TokenType;
  (token, index) := scanToken(string);
  if token.tokenType == T.RealToken then
     realValue := token.real;
  elseif token.tokenType == T.IntegerToken then
     integerValue := token.integer;
  elseif token.tokenType == T.BooleanToken then
     booleanValue := token.boolean;
  elseif token.tokenType == T.Identifier then
     name := token.string;
     syntaxError(string,index,"Expected Real, Integer, Boolean or identifier token");
  end if;

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of string at character startIndex
Booleanunsignedfalse= true, if Real and Integer tokens shall not start with a sign


TokenValuetokenScanned token
IntegernextIndexIndex of character after the found token; = 0, if NoToken

Modelica definition

function scanToken "Scan for the next token and return it"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1) = 1 
    "Start scanning of string at character startIndex";
  input Boolean unsigned=false 
    "= true, if Real and Integer tokens shall not start with a sign";
  output Types.TokenValue token "Scanned token";
  output Integer nextIndex 
    "Index of character after the found token; = 0, if NoToken";
  Integer startTokenIndex;
  // Initialize token
  token.real :=0.0;
  token.integer :=0;
  token.boolean :=false;
  token.string :="";

  // skip white space and line comments
  startTokenIndex := Advanced.skipLineComments(string, startIndex);
  if startTokenIndex > length(string) then
    token.tokenType := Modelica.Utilities.Types.TokenType.NoToken;
    nextIndex := startTokenIndex;
    // scan Integer number
      (nextIndex, token.integer) := Advanced.scanInteger(string, startTokenIndex, unsigned);
       token.tokenType := Types.TokenType.IntegerToken;

    // scan Real number
    if nextIndex == startTokenIndex then
      (nextIndex, token.real) :=Advanced.scanReal(string, startTokenIndex, unsigned);
       token.tokenType := Types.TokenType.RealToken;
    end if;

    // scan String
    if nextIndex == startTokenIndex then
       (nextIndex,token.string) := Advanced.scanString(string, startTokenIndex);
        token.tokenType:= Types.TokenType.StringToken;
    end if;

    // scan Identifier or Boolean
    if nextIndex == startTokenIndex then
       (nextIndex,token.string) := Advanced.scanIdentifier(string, startTokenIndex);
       if nextIndex > startTokenIndex then
          if token.string == "false" then
             token.string := "";
             token.boolean :=false;
             token.tokenType := Types.TokenType.BooleanToken;
          elseif token.string == "true" then
             token.string := "";
             token.boolean := true;
             token.tokenType := Types.TokenType.BooleanToken;
             token.tokenType := Types.TokenType.IdentifierToken;
          end if;
       end if;
    end if;

    // scan Delimiter
    if nextIndex == startTokenIndex then
       token.string :=substring(string, startTokenIndex, startTokenIndex);
       token.tokenType := Types.TokenType.DelimiterToken;
       nextIndex := startTokenIndex + 1;
    end if;
  end if;
end scanToken;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanReal Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanReal

Scan for the next Real number and trigger an assert if not present



             number = Strings.scanReal(string);
(number, nextIndex) = Strings.scanReal(string, startIndex=1,
                                            unsigned=false, message="");


The first form, "scanReal(string)", scans "string" for a Real number with leading white space and returns the value.

The second form, "scanReal(string,startIndex,unsigned)", scans the string starting at index "startIndex", checks whether the next token is a Real literal and returns its value as a Real number, as well as the index directly after the Real number. If the optional argument "unsigned" is true, the real number shall not have a leading "+" or "-" sign.

If the required Real number with leading white space is not present in "string", an assert is triggered.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of string at character startIndex
Booleanunsignedfalse= true, if Real token shall not start with a sign
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful


RealnumberValue of real number
IntegernextIndexindex of character after the found number

Modelica definition

function scanReal 
  "Scan for the next Real number and trigger an assert if not present"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of string at character startIndex";
  input Boolean unsigned=false 
    "= true, if Real token shall not start with a sign";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  output Real number "Value of real number";
  output Integer nextIndex "index of character after the found number";
  (nextIndex, number) :=Advanced.scanReal(string, startIndex, unsigned);
  if nextIndex == startIndex then
     nextIndex :=Advanced.skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
     if unsigned then
        syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected a Real number without a sign " + message);
        syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected a Real number " + message);
     end if;
  end if;
end scanReal;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanInteger Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanInteger

Scan for the next Integer number and trigger an assert if not present



             number = Strings.scanInteger(string);
(number, nextIndex) = Strings.scanInteger(string, startIndex=1,
                                               unsigned=false, message="");


Function scanInteger scans the string starting at index "startIndex", checks whether the next token is an Integer literal and returns its value as an Integer number, as well as the index directly after the Integer number. An assert is triggered, if the scanned string does not contain an Integer literal with optional leading white space.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of string at character startIndex
Booleanunsignedfalse= true, if Integer token shall not start with a sign
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful


IntegernumberValue of Integer number
IntegernextIndexIndex of character after the found number

Modelica definition

function scanInteger 
  "Scan for the next Integer number and trigger an assert if not present"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of string at character startIndex";
  input Boolean unsigned=false 
    "= true, if Integer token shall not start with a sign";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  output Integer number "Value of Integer number";
  output Integer nextIndex "Index of character after the found number";
  (nextIndex, number) :=Advanced.scanInteger(string, startIndex, unsigned);
  if nextIndex == startIndex then
     nextIndex :=Advanced.skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
     if unsigned then
        syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected an Integer number without a sign " + message);
        syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected an Integer number " + message);
     end if;
  end if;
end scanInteger;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanBoolean Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanBoolean

Scan for the next Boolean number and trigger an assert if not present



             number = Strings.scanBoolean(string);
(number, nextIndex) = Strings.scanBoolean(string, startIndex=1, message="");


Function scanBoolean scans the string starting at index "startIndex", checks whether the next token is a Boolean literal (i.e., is either the string "false" or "true", if converted to lower case letters) and returns its value as a Boolean number, as well as the index directly after the Boolean number. An assert is triggered, if the scanned string does not contain a Boolean literal with optional leading white space.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of string at character startIndex
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful


BooleannumberValue of Boolean
IntegernextIndexIndex of character after the found number

Modelica definition

function scanBoolean 
  "Scan for the next Boolean number and trigger an assert if not present"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of string at character startIndex";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  output Boolean number "Value of Boolean";
  output Integer nextIndex "Index of character after the found number";
  String identifier;
  (nextIndex, identifier) :=Advanced.scanIdentifier(string, startIndex);

  if nextIndex > startIndex then
     if identifier == "false" then
        number := false;
     elseif identifier == "true" then
        number := true;
        nextIndex := startIndex;
     end if;
  end if;

  if nextIndex == startIndex then
     nextIndex :=Advanced.skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
     syntaxError(string, nextIndex,
       "Expected a Boolean constant, i.e., \"false\" or \"true\" " + message);
  end if;
end scanBoolean;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanString Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanString

Scan for the next Modelica string and trigger an assert if not present



             string2 = Strings.scanString(string);
(string2, nextIndex) = Strings.scanString(string, startIndex=1, message="");


Function scanString scans the string starting at index "startIndex", checks whether the next token is a String literal and returns its value as a String, as well as the index directly after the String. An assert is triggered, if the scanned string does not contain a String literal with optional leading white space.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of string at character startIndex
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful


StringresultValue of string
IntegernextIndexIndex of character after the found string

Modelica definition

function scanString 
  "Scan for the next Modelica string and trigger an assert if not present"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of string at character startIndex";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  output String result "Value of string";
  output Integer nextIndex "Index of character after the found string";
  (nextIndex, result) :=Advanced.scanString(string, startIndex);
  if nextIndex == startIndex then
     nextIndex :=Advanced.skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
     syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected a string enclosed in double quotes " + message);
  end if;
end scanString;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanIdentifier Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanIdentifier

Scan for the next Identifier and trigger an assert if not present



             identifier = Strings.scanIdentifier(string);
(identifier, nextIndex) = Strings.scanIdentifier(string, startIndex=1, message="");


Function scanIdentifier scans the string starting at index "startIndex", checks whether the next token is an Identifier and returns its value as a string, as well as the index directly after the Identifier. An assert is triggered, if the scanned string does not contain an Identifier with optional leading white space.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of identifier at character startIndex
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful


StringidentifierValue of Identifier
IntegernextIndexIndex of character after the found identifier

Modelica definition

function scanIdentifier 
  "Scan for the next Identifier and trigger an assert if not present"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of identifier at character startIndex";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  output String identifier "Value of Identifier";
  output Integer nextIndex "Index of character after the found identifier";
  (nextIndex, identifier) :=Advanced.scanIdentifier(string, startIndex);
  if nextIndex == startIndex then
     nextIndex :=Advanced.skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
     syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected an identifier " + message);
  end if;
end scanIdentifier;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanDelimiter Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanDelimiter

Scan for the next delimiter and trigger an assert if not present



             delimiter = Strings.scanDelimiter(string);
(delimiter, nextIndex) = Strings.scanDelimiter(string, startIndex=1,
                                 requiredDelimiters={","}, message="");


Function scanDelimiter scans the string starting at index "startIndex", checks whether the next token is a delimiter string and returns its value as a string, as well as the index directly after the delimiter. An assert is triggered, if the scanned string does not contain a delimiter out of the list of requiredDelimiters. Input argument requiredDelimiters is a vector of strings. The elements may have any length, including length 0. If an element of the requiredDelimiters is zero, white space is treated as delimiter. The function returns delimiter="" and nextIndex is the index of the first non white space character.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of delimiters at character startIndex
StringrequiredDelimiters[:]{","}Delimiters that are searched
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful


StringdelimiterFound delimiter
IntegernextIndexIndex of character after the found delimiter

Modelica definition

function scanDelimiter 
  "Scan for the next delimiter and trigger an assert if not present"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of delimiters at character startIndex";
  input String requiredDelimiters[:]={","} "Delimiters that are searched";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  output String delimiter "Found delimiter";
  output Integer nextIndex "Index of character after the found delimiter";
  Integer lenString = length(string);
  Integer lenDelimiter;
  Integer nDelimiters = size(requiredDelimiters,1);
  Integer endIndex;
  Boolean found;
  Integer i;

  encapsulated function concatenate "Concatenate strings together"
     input String strings[:];
     output String string;
     string := "{\"";
     for i in 1:size(strings,1) loop
        if i == 1 then
           string := "{\"" + strings[1] + "\"";
           string := string + ", \"" + strings[i] + "\"";
        end if;
     end for;
     string := string + "}";
  end concatenate;
  nextIndex := Advanced.skipLineComments(string,startIndex);
  found := false;
  i := 1;
  while not found and i <= nDelimiters loop
     lenDelimiter :=length(requiredDelimiters[i]);
     if lenDelimiter == 0 then
        found := true;
        delimiter := "";
        endIndex :=nextIndex + lenDelimiter - 1;
        if endIndex <= lenString then
           if substring(string,nextIndex,endIndex) == requiredDelimiters[i] then
              found := true;
              delimiter := requiredDelimiters[i];
           end if;
        end if;
        i := i + 1;
     end if;
  end while;

  if found then
      nextIndex := nextIndex + lenDelimiter;
     if size(requiredDelimiters,1) == 1 then
        syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected delimiter \"" + requiredDelimiters[1] + "\"\n" + message);
        syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected a delimiter out of " +
                    concatenate(requiredDelimiters) + "\n" + message);
     end if;
  end if;
end scanDelimiter;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanNoToken Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanNoToken

Scan string and check that it contains no more token



Strings.scanNoToken(string, startIndex=1, message="");


Function scanNoToken scans the string starting at index "startIndex" and checks whether there is no more token in the string. An assert is triggered if this is not the case, using the "message" argument as additional explanation in the error text.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String to be scanned
IntegerstartIndex1Start scanning of string at character startIndex
Stringmessage""Message used in error message if scan is not successful

Modelica definition

function scanNoToken 
  "Scan string and check that it contains no more token"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String to be scanned";
  input Integer startIndex(min=1)=1 
    "Start scanning of string at character startIndex";
  input String message="" 
    "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
  Integer nextIndex;
  nextIndex :=Advanced.skipLineComments(string, startIndex);
  if nextIndex <= length(string) then
     syntaxError(string, nextIndex, "Expected no more token " + message);
  end if;
end scanNoToken;

Modelica.Utilities.Strings.syntaxError Modelica.Utilities.Strings.syntaxError

Print an error message, a string and the index at which scanning detected an error



Strings.syntaxError(string, index, message);


Function syntaxError prints an error message in the following form:

   Syntax error at column <index> of
       ^       // shows character that is wrong

where the strings withing <..> are the actual values of the input arguments of the function.

If the given string is too long, only a relevant part of the string is printed.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Stringstring String that has an error at position index
Integerindex Index of string at which scanning detected an error
Stringmessage""String printed at end of error message

Modelica definition

function syntaxError 
  "Print an error message, a string and the index at which scanning detected an error"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input String string "String that has an error at position index";
  input Integer index "Index of string at which scanning detected an error";
  input String message="" "String printed at end of error message";

  Integer maxIndex = 40;
  Integer maxLenString = 60;
  Integer lenString = length(string);
  String errString;
  Integer index2 = if index < 1 then 1 else if index > lenString then lenString else index;
// if "string" is too long, skip part of the string when printing it
   if index2 <= maxIndex then
     errString := string;
     errString := "... " + substring(string, index2-maxIndex, lenString);
     index2 := maxIndex + 5; // To mark right position
   end if;

   if length(errString) > maxLenString then
      errString := substring(errString, 1, maxLenString) + " ...";
   end if;

// Print error message
   Streams.error("Syntax error at character " + String(index) + " of\n" +
                 errString + "\n" +
                 repeat(index2-1, " ") + "*" + "\n" +
end syntaxError;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:31:49 2010.