This package contains type definitions used in Modelica.Utilities.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
Compare | Enumeration defining comparision of two strings |
FileType | Enumeration defining the type of a file |
TokenType | Enumeration defining the token type |
![]() | Value of token |
type Compare = enumeration( Less "String 1 is lexicographically less than string 2", Equal "String 1 is identical to string 2", Greater "String 1 is lexicographically greater than string 2") "Enumeration defining comparision of two strings";
type FileType = enumeration( NoFile "No file exists", RegularFile "Regular file", Directory "Directory", SpecialFile "Special file (pipe, FIFO, device, etc.)") "Enumeration defining the type of a file";
type TokenType = enumeration( RealToken, IntegerToken, BooleanToken, StringToken, IdentifierToken, DelimiterToken, NoToken) "Enumeration defining the token type";
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
record TokenValue "Value of token" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; TokenType tokenType "Type of token"; Real real "Value if tokenType == TokenType.RealToken"; Integer integer "Value if tokenType == TokenType.IntegerToken"; Boolean boolean "Value if tokenType == TokenType.BooleanToken"; String string "Value if tokenType == TokenType.StringToken/IdentifierToken/DelimiterToken";end TokenValue;