This package contains functions to work with files and directories. As a general convention of this package, '/' is used as directory separator both for input and output arguments of all functions. For example:
The functions provide the mapping to the directory separator of the underlying operating system. Note, that on Windows system the usage of '\' as directory separator would be inconvenient, because this character is also the escape character in Modelica and C Strings.
In the table below an example call to every function is given:
Function/type | Description |
list(name) | List content of file or of directory. |
copy(oldName, newName) copy(oldName, newName, replace=false) |
Generate a copy of a file or of a directory. |
move(oldName, newName) move(oldName, newName, replace=false) |
Move a file or a directory to another place. |
remove(name) | Remove file or directory (ignore call, if it does not exist). |
removeFile(name) | Remove file (ignore call, if it does not exist) |
createDirectory(name) | Create directory (if directory already exists, ignore call). |
result = exist(name) | Inquire whether file or directory exists. |
assertNew(name,message) | Trigger an assert, if a file or directory exists. |
fullName = fullPathName(name) | Get full path name of file or directory name. |
(directory, name, extension) = splitPathName(name) | Split path name in directory, file name kernel, file name extension. |
fileName = temporaryFileName() | Return arbitrary name of a file that does not exist and is in a directory where access rights allow to write to this file (useful for temporary output of files). |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | List content of file or directory |
![]() | Generate a copy of a file or of a directory |
![]() | Move a file or a directory to another place |
![]() | Remove file or directory (ignore call, if it does not exist) |
![]() | Remove file (ignore call, if it does not exist) |
![]() | Create directory (if directory already exists, ignore call) |
![]() | Inquire whether file or directory exists |
![]() | Trigger an assert, if a file or directory exists |
![]() | Get full path name of file or directory name |
![]() | Split path name in directory, file name kernel, file name extension |
![]() | Return arbitrary name of a file that does not exist and is in a directory where access rights allow to write to this file (useful for temporary output of files) |
If "name" is a regular file, the content of the file is printed.
If "name" is a directory, the directory and file names in the "name" directory are printed in sorted order.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | name | If name is a directory, list directory content. If it is a file, list the file content |
function list "List content of file or directory" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String name "If name is a directory, list directory content. If it is a file, list the file content"; //.............................................................. protected Types.FileType fileType;function listFile "List content of file" input String name; protected String file[Streams.countLines(name)] = Streams.readFile(name); algorithm for i in 1:min(size(file,1), 100) loop Streams.print(file[i]); end for; end listFile ;function sortDirectory "Sort directory in directories and files with alphabetic order" input String directory "Directory that was read (including a trailing '/')"; input String names[:] "File and directory names of a directory in any order"; output String orderedNames[size(names,1)] "Names of directories followed by names of files"; output Integer nDirectories "The first nDirectories entries in orderedNames are directories"; protected Integer nEntries = size(names,1); Integer nFiles; Integer lenDirectory = Strings.length(directory); String directory2; algorithm // Construct directory with a trailing "/" directory2 := if Strings.substring(directory,lenDirectory,lenDirectory) == "/" then directory else directory + "/"; // Distinguish directories and files nDirectories := 0; nFiles := 0; for i in 1:nEntries loop if Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( directory2 + names[i]) == Types.FileType.Directory then nDirectories := nDirectories + 1; orderedNames[nDirectories] := names[i]; else nFiles := nFiles + 1; orderedNames[nEntries - nFiles + 1] := names[i]; end if; end for; // Sort files and directories alphabetically if nDirectories > 0 then orderedNames[1:nDirectories] := Strings.sort(orderedNames[1:nDirectories], caseSensitive=false); end if; if nFiles > 0 then orderedNames[nDirectories+1:nEntries] := Strings.sort(orderedNames[nDirectories+1:nEntries], caseSensitive=false); end if; end sortDirectory ;function listDirectory "List content of directory" input String directoryName; input Integer nEntries; protected String files[nEntries]; Integer nDirectories; algorithm if nEntries > 0 then Streams.print("\nDirectory \"" + directoryName + "\":"); files := Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.readDirectory( directoryName, nEntries); (files, nDirectories) := sortDirectory(directoryName, files); // List directories if nDirectories > 0 then Streams.print(" Subdirectories:"); for i in 1:nDirectories loop Streams.print(" " + files[i]); end for; Streams.print(" "); end if; // List files if nDirectories < nEntries then Streams.print(" Files:"); for i in nDirectories+1:nEntries loop Streams.print(" " + files[i]); end for; end if; else Streams.print("... Directory\"" + directoryName + "\" is empty"); end if; end listDirectory ; algorithm fileType := Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( name); if fileType == Types.FileType.RegularFile then listFile(name); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.Directory then listDirectory(name, Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.getNumberOfFiles( name)); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.SpecialFile then Streams.error("Cannot list file \"" + name + "\"\n" + "since it is not a regular file (pipe, device, ...)"); else Streams.error("Cannot list file or directory \"" + name + "\"\n" + "since it does not exist"); end if;end list;
Files.copy(oldName, newName); Files.copy(oldName, newName, replace = true);
Function copy(..) copies a file or a directory to a new location. Via the optional argument replace it can be defined whether an already existing file may be replaced by the required copy.
If oldName/newName are directories, then the newName directory may exist. In such a case the content of oldName is copied into directory newName. If replace = false it is required that the existing files in newName are different from the existing files in oldName.
copy("C:/test1/directory1", "C:/test2/directory2"); -> the content of directory1 is copied into directory2 if "C:/test2/directory2" does not exist, it is newly created. If "replace=true", files in directory2 may be overwritten by their copy copy("test1.txt", "test2.txt") -> make a copy of file "test1.txt" with the name "test2.txt" in the current directory
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | oldName | Name of file or directory to be copied | |
String | newName | Name of copy of the file or of the directory | |
Boolean | replace | false | = true, if an existing file may be replaced by the required copy |
function copy "Generate a copy of a file or of a directory" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String oldName "Name of file or directory to be copied"; input String newName "Name of copy of the file or of the directory"; input Boolean replace=false "= true, if an existing file may be replaced by the required copy"; //.............................................................. protectedfunction copyDirectory "Copy a directory" input String oldName "Old directory name without trailing '/'; existance is guaranteed"; input String newName "New diretory name without trailing '/'; directory was already created"; input Boolean replace "= true, if an existing newName may be replaced"; protected Integer nNames = Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.getNumberOfFiles( oldName); String oldNames[nNames]; String oldName_i; String newName_i; algorithm oldNames :=Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.readDirectory( oldName, nNames); for i in 1:nNames loop oldName_i := oldName + "/" + oldNames[i]; newName_i := newName + "/" + oldNames[i]; Files.copy(oldName_i, newName_i, replace); end for; end copyDirectory ; //.............................................................. Integer lenOldName = Strings.length(oldName); Integer lenNewName = Strings.length(newName); String oldName2 = if Strings.substring(oldName,lenOldName,lenOldName) == "/" then Strings.substring(oldName,1,lenOldName-1) else oldName; String newName2 = if Strings.substring(newName,lenNewName,lenNewName) == "/" then Strings.substring(newName,1,lenNewName-1) else newName; Types.FileType oldFileType = Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( oldName2); Types.FileType newFileType; algorithm if oldFileType == Types.FileType.NoFile then Streams.error("It is not possible to copy the file or directory\n" + "\"" + oldName2 + "\" because it does not exist."); elseif oldFileType == Types.FileType.Directory then newFileType :=Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( newName2); if newFileType == Types.FileType.NoFile then createDirectory(newName2); elseif newFileType == Types.FileType.RegularFile or newFileType == Types.FileType.SpecialFile then if replace then Files.removeFile(newName2); Files.createDirectory(newName2); else Streams.error("Directory \"" + oldName2 + "\" should be copied to\n" + "\"" + newName2 + "\" which is an existing file.\n" + "Since argument replace=false, this is not allowed"); end if; end if; copyDirectory(oldName2, newName2, replace); else // regular or special file if replace then Files.removeFile(newName2); else Files.assertNew(newName2, "File \"" + oldName2 + "\" should be copied or moved to\n" + "\"" + newName2 + "\" which is an existing file or directory.\n" + "Since argument replace=false, this is not allowed"); end if; Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.copyFile( oldName2, newName2); end if;end copy;
Files.move(oldName, newName); Files.move(oldName, newName, replace = true);
Function move(..) moves a file or a directory to a new location. Via the optional argument replace it can be defined whether an already existing file may be replaced.
If oldName/newName are directories, then the newName directory may exist. In such a case the content of oldName is moved into directory newName. If replace = false it is required that the existing files in newName are different from the existing files in oldName.
move("C:/test1/directory1", "C:/test2/directory2"); -> the content of directory1 is moved into directory2. Afterwards directory1 is deleted. if "C:/test2/directory2" does not exist, it is newly created. If "replace=true", files in directory2 may be overwritten move("test1.txt", "test2.txt") -> rename file "test1.txt" into "test2.txt" within the current directory
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | oldName | Name of file or directory to be moved | |
String | newName | New name of the moved file or directory | |
Boolean | replace | false | = true, if an existing file or directory may be replaced |
function move "Move a file or a directory to another place" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String oldName "Name of file or directory to be moved"; input String newName "New name of the moved file or directory"; input Boolean replace=false "= true, if an existing file or directory may be replaced"; algorithm // if both oldName and newName are in the current directory // use Internal.renameFile if Strings.find(oldName,"/") == 0 and Strings.find(newName,"/") == 0 then Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.rename( oldName, newName); else Files.copy(oldName, newName, replace); Files.remove(oldName); end if;end move;
Removes the file or directory "name". If "name" does not exist, the function call is ignored. If "name" is a directory, first the content of the directory is removed and afterwards the directory itself.
This function is silent, i.e., it does not print a message.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | name | Name of file or directory to be removed |
function remove "Remove file or directory (ignore call, if it does not exist)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String name "Name of file or directory to be removed"; //.............................................................. protectedfunction removeDirectory "Remove a directory, even if it is not empty" input String name; protected Integer nNames = Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.getNumberOfFiles( name); Integer lenName = Strings.length(name); String fileNames[nNames]; // remove an optional trailing "/" String name2 = if Strings.substring(name,lenName,lenName) == "/" then Strings.substring(name,lenName-1,lenName-1) else name; algorithm fileNames :=Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.readDirectory( name2, nNames); for i in 1:nNames loop Files.remove(name2 + "/" + fileNames[i]); end for; Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.rmdir( name2); end removeDirectory ; //.............................................................. String fullName = Files.fullPathName(name); Types.FileType fileType=Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( fullName); algorithm if fileType == Types.FileType.RegularFile or fileType == Types.FileType.SpecialFile then Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.removeFile( fullName); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.Directory then removeDirectory(fullName); end if;end remove;
Removes the file "fileName". If "fileName" does not exist, the function call is ignored. If "fileName" exists but is no regular file (e.g., directory, pipe, device, etc.) an error is triggered.
This function is silent, i.e., it does not print a message.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | fileName | Name of file that should be removed |
function removeFile "Remove file (ignore call, if it does not exist)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String fileName "Name of file that should be removed"; protected Types.FileType fileType = Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( fileName); algorithm if fileType == Types.FileType.RegularFile then Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.removeFile( fileName); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.Directory then Streams.error("File \"" + fileName + "\" should be removed.\n" + "This is not possible, because it is a directory"); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.SpecialFile then Streams.error("File \"" + fileName + "\" should be removed.\n" + "This is not possible, because it is a special file (pipe, device, etc.)"); end if;end removeFile;
Creates directory "directorName". If this directory already exists, the function call is ignored. If several directories in "directoryName" do not exist, all of them are created. For example, assume that directory "E:/test1" exists and that directory "E:/test1/test2/test3" shall be created. In this case the directories "test2" in "test1" and "test3" in "test2" are created.
This function is silent, i.e., it does not print a message. In case of error (e.g., "directoryName" is an existing regular file), an assert is triggered.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | directoryName | Name of directory to be created (if present, ignore call) |
function createDirectory "Create directory (if directory already exists, ignore call)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String directoryName "Name of directory to be created (if present, ignore call)"; //.............................................................. protectedfunction existDirectory "Inquire whether directory exists; if present and not a directory, trigger an error" input String directoryName; output Boolean exists "true if directory exists"; protected Types.FileType fileType = Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( directoryName); algorithm if fileType == Types.FileType.RegularFile or fileType == Types.FileType.SpecialFile then Streams.error("Directory \"" + directoryName + "\" cannot be created\n" + "because this is an existing file."); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.Directory then exists :=true; else exists :=false; end if; end existDirectory ;function assertCorrectIndex "Print error, if index to last essential character in directory is wrong" input Integer index "Index must be > 0"; input String directoryName "Directory name for error message"; algorithm if index < 1 then Streams.error("It is not possible to create the directory\n" + "\"" + directoryName + "\"\n" + "because this directory name is not valid"); end if; end assertCorrectIndex ; //.............................................................. String fullName; Integer index; Integer oldIndex; Integer lastIndex; Boolean found; Boolean finished; Integer nDirectories = 0 "Number of directories that need to be generated"; algorithm // Ignore call, if directory exists if not existDirectory(directoryName) then fullName := Files.fullPathName(directoryName); // Remove a trailing "/" index :=Strings.length(fullName); if Strings.substring(fullName,index,index) == "/" then index :=index - 1; assertCorrectIndex(index,fullName); end if; lastIndex := index; fullName := Strings.substring(fullName,1,index); // Search upper directories until a directory is found that exists // ??? check the following while loop later, if also cases such as // "c:/", "c:", "//name" are handled correctly ??? found := false; while not found loop oldIndex := index; index := Strings.findLast(fullName,"/",startIndex=index); if index == 0 then index := oldIndex; found := true; else index := index - 1; assertCorrectIndex(index, fullName); found := existDirectory(Strings.substring(fullName,1,index)); end if; end while; index := oldIndex; // Create directories finished := false; while not finished loop Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.mkdir( Strings.substring(fullName,1,index)); if index >= lastIndex then finished := true; elseif index < lastIndex then index := Strings.find(fullName, "/", startIndex=index+2); if index == 0 then index :=lastIndex; end if; end if; end while; end if;end createDirectory;
result = Files.exist(name);
Returns true, if "name" is an existing file or directory. If this is not the case, the function returns false.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | name | Name of file or directory |
Type | Name | Description |
Boolean | result | = true, if file or directory exists |
function exist "Inquire whether file or directory exists" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String name "Name of file or directory"; output Boolean result "= true, if file or directory exists"; algorithm result := Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( name) > Types.FileType.NoFile;end exist;
Files.assertNew(name); Files.assertNew(name, message="This is not allowed");
Triggers an assert, if "name" is an existing file or directory. The error message has the following structure:
File "<name>" already exists. <message>
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | name | Name of file or directory | |
String | message | "This is not allowed." | Message that should be printed after the default message in a new line |
function assertNew "Trigger an assert, if a file or directory exists" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String name "Name of file or directory"; input String message="This is not allowed." "Message that should be printed after the default message in a new line"; protected Types.FileType fileType = Modelica.Utilities.Internal.FileSystem.stat( name); algorithm if fileType == Types.FileType.RegularFile then Streams.error("File \"" + name + "\" already exists.\n" + message); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.Directory then Streams.error("Directory \"" + name + "\" already exists.\n" + message); elseif fileType == Types.FileType.SpecialFile then Streams.error("A special file (pipe, device, etc.) \"" + name + "\" already exists.\n" + message); end if;end assertNew;
fullName = Files.fullPathName(name);
Returns the full path name of a file or directory "name".
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | name | Absolute or relative file or directory name |
Type | Name | Description |
String | fullName | Full path of 'name' |
function fullPathName "Get full path name of file or directory name" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String name "Absolute or relative file or directory name"; output String fullName "Full path of 'name'"; external "C" fullName = ModelicaInternal_fullPathName(name);end fullPathName;
(directory, name, extension) = Files.splitPathName(pathName);
Function splitPathName(..) splits a path name into its parts.
(directory, name, extension) = Files.splitPathName("C:/user/test/input.txt") -> directory = "C:/user/test/" name = "input" extension = ".txt"
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | pathName | Absolute or relative file or directory name |
Type | Name | Description |
String | directory | Name of the directory including a trailing '/' |
String | name | Name of the file without the extension |
String | extension | Extension of the file name. Starts with '.' |
function splitPathName "Split path name in directory, file name kernel, file name extension" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String pathName "Absolute or relative file or directory name"; output String directory "Name of the directory including a trailing '/'"; output String name "Name of the file without the extension"; output String extension "Extension of the file name. Starts with '.'"; protected Integer lenPath = Strings.length(pathName); Integer i = lenPath; Integer indexDot = 0; Integer indexSlash = 0; String c; algorithm while i >= 1 loop c :=Strings.substring(pathName, i, i); if c == "." then indexDot := i; i := 0; elseif c == "/" then indexSlash := i; i := 0; else i := i - 1; end if; end while; if indexSlash == lenPath then directory := pathName; name := ""; extension := ""; elseif indexDot > 0 then indexSlash :=Strings.findLast(pathName, "/", startIndex=indexDot - 1); if indexSlash == 0 then directory :=""; name :=Strings.substring(pathName, 1, indexDot - 1); else directory :=Strings.substring(pathName, 1, indexSlash); name :=Strings.substring(pathName, indexSlash + 1, indexDot - 1); end if; extension :=Strings.substring(pathName, indexDot, lenPath); else extension :=""; if indexSlash > 0 then directory :=Strings.substring(pathName, 1, indexSlash); name :=Strings.substring(pathName, indexSlash + 1, lenPath); else directory :=""; name :=pathName; end if; end if;end splitPathName;
fileName = Files.temporaryFileName();
Return arbitrary name of a file that does not exist and is in a directory where access rights allow to write to this file (useful for temporary output of files).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
String | fileName | Full path name of temporary file |
function temporaryFileName "Return arbitrary name of a file that does not exist and is in a directory where access rights allow to write to this file (useful for temporary output of files)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; output String fileName "Full path name of temporary file"; external "C" fileName=ModelicaInternal_temporaryFileName(0);end temporaryFileName;