
Base classes used in the Pipes package (only of interest to build new component models)


Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialStraightPipe PartialStraightPipe Base class for straight pipe models
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortFlow PartialTwoPortFlow Base class for distributed flow models
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.FlowModels FlowModels Flow models for pipes, including wall friction, static head and momentum flow
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.HeatTransfer HeatTransfer Heat transfer for flow models
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.CharacteristicNumbers CharacteristicNumbers Functions to compute characteristic numbers
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction WallFriction Different variants for pressure drops due to pipe wall friction

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialStraightPipe Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialStraightPipe

Base class for straight pipe models



Base class for one dimensional flow models. It specializes a PartialTwoPort with a parameter interface and icon graphics.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort (Partial component with two ports).


replaceable package MediumPartialMediumMedium in the component
RealnParallel1Number of identical parallel pipes
Lengthlength Length [m]
BooleanisCirculartrue= true if cross sectional area is circular
Diameterdiameter Diameter of circular pipe [m]
AreacrossAreaModelica.Constants.pi*diamet...Inner cross section area [m2]
LengthperimeterModelica.Constants.pi*diameterInner perimeter [m]
Heightroughness2.5e-5Average height of surface asperities (default: smooth steel pipe) [m]
Static head
Lengthheight_ab0Height(port_b) - Height(port_a) [m]
BooleanallowFlowReversalsystem.allowFlowReversal= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction (port_a -> port_b)


FluidPort_aport_aFluid connector a (positive design flow direction is from port_a to port_b)
FluidPort_bport_bFluid connector b (positive design flow direction is from port_a to port_b)

Modelica definition

partial model PartialStraightPipe 
  "Base class for straight pipe models"
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort;

  // Geometry

  // Note: define nParallel as Real to support inverse calculations
  parameter Real nParallel(min=1)=1 "Number of identical parallel pipes";
  parameter SI.Length length "Length";
  parameter Boolean isCircular=true 
    "= true if cross sectional area is circular";
  parameter SI.Diameter diameter "Diameter of circular pipe";
  parameter SI.Area crossArea=Modelica.Constants.pi*diameter*diameter/4 
    "Inner cross section area";
  parameter SI.Length perimeter=Modelica.Constants.pi*diameter 
    "Inner perimeter";
  parameter SI.Height roughness=2.5e-5 
    "Average height of surface asperities (default: smooth steel pipe)";
  final parameter SI.Volume V=crossArea*length*nParallel "volume size";

  // Static head
  parameter SI.Length height_ab=0 "Height(port_b) - Height(port_a)";

  // Pressure loss
  replaceable model FlowModel =
    "Wall friction, gravity, momentum flow";

  assert(length >= height_ab, "Parameter length must be greater or equal height_ab.");

end PartialStraightPipe;

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortFlow Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortFlow

Base class for distributed flow models



Base class for distributed flow models. The total volume is split into nNodes segments along the flow path. The default value is nNodes=2.

Mass and Energy balances

The mass and energy balances are inherited from Interfaces.PartialDistributedVolume. One total mass and one energy balance is formed across each segment according to the finite volume approach. Substance mass balances are added if the medium contains more than one component.

An extending model needs to define the geometry and the difference in heights between the flow segments (static head). Moreover it needs to define two vectors of source terms for the distributed energy balance:

Momentum balance

The momentum balance is determined by the FlowModel component, which can be replaced with any model extended from BaseClasses.FlowModels.PartialStaggeredFlowModel. The default setting is DetailedPipeFlow. This considers

Model Structure

The momentum balances are formulated across the segment boundaries along the flow path according to the staggered grid approach. The configurable modelStructure determines the formulation of the boundary conditions at port_a and port_b. The options include (default: av_vb): When connecting two components, e.g., two pipes, the momentum balance across the connection point reduces to

pipe1.port_b.p = pipe2.port_a.p

This is only true if the flow velocity remains the same on each side of the connection. Consider using a fitting for any significant change in diameter or fluid density, if the resulting effects, such as change in kinetic energy, cannot be neglected. This also allows for taking into account friction losses with respect to the actual geometry of the connection point.

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort (Partial component with two ports), Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialDistributedVolume (Base class for distributed volume models).


replaceable package MediumPartialMediumMedium in the component
IntegernnNodesNumber of discrete volumes
VolumefluidVolumes[n]{crossAreas[i]*lengths[i] fo...Discretized volume, determine in inheriting class [m3]
RealnParallel1Number of identical parallel flow devices
Lengthlengths[n] lengths of flow segments [m]
AreacrossAreas[n] cross flow areas of flow segments [m2]
Lengthdimensions[n] hydraulic diameters of flow segments [m]
Heightroughnesses[n] Average heights of surface asperities [m]
Static head
Lengthdheights[n]zeros(n)Differences in heigths of flow segments [m]
BooleanallowFlowReversalsystem.allowFlowReversal= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction (port_a -> port_b)
DynamicsenergyDynamicssystem.energyDynamicsFormulation of energy balances
DynamicsmassDynamicssystem.massDynamicsFormulation of mass balances
DynamicsmomentumDynamicssystem.momentumDynamicsFormulation of momentum balances
AbsolutePressurep_a_startsystem.p_startStart value of pressure at port a [Pa]
AbsolutePressurep_b_startp_a_startStart value of pressure at port b [Pa]
Booleanuse_T_starttrueUse T_start if true, otherwise h_start
TemperatureT_startif use_T_start then system.T...Start value of temperature [K]
SpecificEnthalpyh_startif use_T_start then Medium.s...Start value of specific enthalpy [J/kg]
MassFractionX_start[Medium.nX]Medium.X_defaultStart value of mass fractions m_i/m [kg/kg]
ExtraPropertyC_start[Medium.nC]fill(0, Medium.nC)Start value of trace substances
MassFlowRatem_flow_startsystem.m_flow_startStart value for mass flow rate [kg/s]
IntegernNodes2Number of discrete flow volumes
ModelStructuremodelStructureTypes.ModelStructure.av_vbDetermines whether flow or volume models are present at the ports
BooleanuseLumpedPressurefalse=true to lump pressure states together
BooleanuseInnerPortPropertiesfalse=true to take port properties for flow models from internal control volumes


FluidPort_aport_aFluid connector a (positive design flow direction is from port_a to port_b)
FluidPort_bport_bFluid connector b (positive design flow direction is from port_a to port_b)

Modelica definition

partial model PartialTwoPortFlow 
  "Base class for distributed flow models"

  import Modelica.Fluid.Types.ModelStructure;

  // extending PartialTwoPort
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort(
    final port_a_exposesState = (modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_b) or (modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_vb),
    final port_b_exposesState = (modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_vb) or (modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_vb));

  // distributed volume model
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialDistributedVolume(
    final n = nNodes,
    final fluidVolumes = {crossAreas[i]*lengths[i] for i in 1:n}*nParallel);

  // Geometry parameters
  parameter Real nParallel(min=1)=1 "Number of identical parallel flow devices";
  parameter SI.Length[n] lengths "lengths of flow segments";
  parameter SI.Area[n] crossAreas "cross flow areas of flow segments";
  parameter SI.Length[n] dimensions "hydraulic diameters of flow segments";
  parameter SI.Height[n] roughnesses "Average heights of surface asperities";

  // Static head
  parameter SI.Length[n] dheights=zeros(n) 
    "Differences in heigths of flow segments";

  // Assumptions
  parameter Types.Dynamics momentumDynamics=system.momentumDynamics 
    "Formulation of momentum balances";

  // Initialization
  parameter Medium.MassFlowRate m_flow_start = system.m_flow_start 
    "Start value for mass flow rate";

  // Discretization
  parameter Integer nNodes(min=1)=2 "Number of discrete flow volumes";

  parameter Types.ModelStructure modelStructure=Types.ModelStructure.av_vb 
    "Determines whether flow or volume models are present at the ports";

  parameter Boolean useLumpedPressure=false 
    "=true to lump pressure states together";
  final parameter Integer nFM=if useLumpedPressure then nFMLumped else nFMDistributed 
    "number of flow models in flowModel";
  final parameter Integer nFMDistributed=if modelStructure==Types.ModelStructure.a_v_b then n+1 else if (modelStructure==Types.ModelStructure.a_vb or modelStructure==Types.ModelStructure.av_b) then n else n-1;
  final parameter Integer nFMLumped=if modelStructure==Types.ModelStructure.a_v_b then 2 else 1;
  final parameter Integer iLumped=integer(n/2)+1 
    "Index of control volume with representative state if useLumpedPressure";

  // Advanced model options
  parameter Boolean useInnerPortProperties=false 
    "=true to take port properties for flow models from internal control volumes";
  Medium.ThermodynamicState state_a "state defined by volume outside port_a";
  Medium.ThermodynamicState state_b "state defined by volume outside port_b";
  Medium.ThermodynamicState[nFM+1] statesFM "state vector for flowModel model";

  // Pressure loss model
  replaceable model FlowModel =
    "Wall friction, gravity, momentum flow";
  FlowModel flowModel(
          redeclare final package Medium = Medium,
          final n=nFM+1,
          final states=statesFM,
          final vs=vsFM,
          final momentumDynamics=momentumDynamics,
          final allowFlowReversal=allowFlowReversal,
          final p_a_start=p_a_start,
          final p_b_start=p_b_start,
          final m_flow_start=m_flow_start,
          final nParallel=nParallel,
          final pathLengths=pathLengths,
          final crossAreas=crossAreasFM,
          final dimensions=dimensionsFM,
          final roughnesses=roughnessesFM,
          final dheights=dheightsFM,
          final g=system.g) "Flow model";

  // Flow quantities
  Medium.MassFlowRate[n+1] m_flows(
     each min=if allowFlowReversal then -Modelica.Constants.inf else 0,
     each start=m_flow_start) 
    "Mass flow rates of fluid across segment boundaries";
  Medium.MassFlowRate[n+1, Medium.nXi] mXi_flows 
    "Independent mass flow rates across segment boundaries";
  Medium.MassFlowRate[n+1, Medium.nC] mC_flows 
    "Trace substance mass flow rates across segment boundaries";
  Medium.EnthalpyFlowRate[n+1] H_flows 
    "Enthalpy flow rates of fluid across segment boundaries";

  SI.Velocity[n] vs = {0.5*(m_flows[i] + m_flows[i+1])/mediums[i].d/crossAreas[i] for i in 1:n}/nParallel 
    "mean velocities in flow segments";

  // Model structure dependent flow geometry
  SI.Length[nFM] pathLengths "Lengths along flow path";
  SI.Length[nFM] dheightsFM "Differences in heights between flow segments";
  SI.Area[nFM+1] crossAreasFM "Cross flow areas of flow segments";
  SI.Velocity[nFM+1] vsFM "Mean velocities in flow segments";
  SI.Length[nFM+1] dimensionsFM "Hydraulic diameters of flow segments";
  SI.Height[nFM+1] roughnessesFM "Average heights of surface asperities";

  assert(nNodes > 1 or modelStructure <> ModelStructure.av_vb,
     "nNodes needs to be at least 2 for modelStructure av_vb, as flow model disappears otherwise!");
  // staggered grid discretization of geometry for flowModel, depending on modelStructure
  if useLumpedPressure then
    if modelStructure <> ModelStructure.a_v_b then
      pathLengths[1] = sum(lengths);
      dheightsFM[1] = sum(dheights);
      if n == 1 then
        crossAreasFM[1:2] = {crossAreas[1], crossAreas[1]};
        dimensionsFM[1:2] = {dimensions[1], dimensions[1]};
        roughnessesFM[1:2] = {roughnesses[1], roughnesses[1]};
      else // n > 1
        crossAreasFM[1:2] = {sum(crossAreas[1:iLumped-1])/(iLumped-1), sum(crossAreas[iLumped:n])/(n-iLumped+1)};
        dimensionsFM[1:2] = {sum(dimensions[1:iLumped-1])/(iLumped-1), sum(dimensions[iLumped:n])/(n-iLumped+1)};
        roughnessesFM[1:2] = {sum(roughnesses[1:iLumped-1])/(iLumped-1), sum(roughnesses[iLumped:n])/(n-iLumped+1)};
      end if;
      if n == 1 then
        pathLengths[1:2] = {lengths[1]/2, lengths[1]/2};
        dheightsFM[1:2] = {dheights[1]/2, dheights[1]/2};
        crossAreasFM[1:3] = {crossAreas[1], crossAreas[1], crossAreas[1]};
        dimensionsFM[1:3] = {dimensions[1], dimensions[1], dimensions[1]};
        roughnessesFM[1:3] = {roughnesses[1], roughnesses[1], roughnesses[1]};
      else // n > 1
        pathLengths[1:2] = {sum(lengths[1:iLumped-1]), sum(lengths[iLumped:n])};
        dheightsFM[1:2] = {sum(dheights[1:iLumped-1]), sum(dheights[iLumped:n])};
        crossAreasFM[1:3] = {sum(crossAreas[1:iLumped-1])/(iLumped-1), sum(crossAreas)/n, sum(crossAreas[iLumped:n])/(n-iLumped+1)};
        dimensionsFM[1:3] = {sum(dimensions[1:iLumped-1])/(iLumped-1), sum(dimensions)/n, sum(dimensions[iLumped:n])/(n-iLumped+1)};
        roughnessesFM[1:3] = {sum(roughnesses[1:iLumped-1])/(iLumped-1), sum(roughnesses)/n, sum(roughnesses[iLumped:n])/(n-iLumped+1)};
      end if;
    end if;
    if modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_vb then
      //nFM = n-1;
      if n == 2 then
        pathLengths[1] = lengths[1] + lengths[2];
        dheightsFM[1] = dheights[1] + dheights[2];
        pathLengths[1:n-1] = cat(1, {lengths[1] + 0.5*lengths[2]}, 0.5*(lengths[2:n-2] + lengths[3:n-1]), {0.5*lengths[n-1] + lengths[n]});
        dheightsFM[1:n-1] = cat(1, {dheights[1] + 0.5*dheights[2]}, 0.5*(dheights[2:n-2] + dheights[3:n-1]), {0.5*dheights[n-1] + dheights[n]});
      end if;
      crossAreasFM[1:n] = crossAreas;
      dimensionsFM[1:n] = dimensions;
      roughnessesFM[1:n] = roughnesses;
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_b then
      //nFM = n
      pathLengths[1:n] = lengths;
      dheightsFM[1:n] = dheights;
      crossAreasFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, crossAreas[1:n], {crossAreas[n]});
      dimensionsFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, dimensions[1:n], {dimensions[n]});
      roughnessesFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, roughnesses[1:n], {roughnesses[n]});
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_vb then
      //nFM = n
      pathLengths[1:n] = lengths;
      dheightsFM[1:n] = dheights;
      crossAreasFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, {crossAreas[1]}, crossAreas[1:n]);
      dimensionsFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, {dimensions[1]}, dimensions[1:n]);
      roughnessesFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, {roughnesses[1]}, roughnesses[1:n]);
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_v_b then
      //nFM = n+1;
      pathLengths[1:n+1] = cat(1, {0.5*lengths[1]}, 0.5*(lengths[1:n-1] + lengths[2:n]), {0.5*lengths[n]});
      dheightsFM[1:n+1] = cat(1, {0.5*dheights[1]}, 0.5*(dheights[1:n-1] + dheights[2:n]), {0.5*dheights[n]});
      crossAreasFM[1:n+2] = cat(1, {crossAreas[1]}, crossAreas[1:n], {crossAreas[n]});
      dimensionsFM[1:n+2] = cat(1, {dimensions[1]}, dimensions[1:n], {dimensions[n]});
      roughnessesFM[1:n+2] = cat(1, {roughnesses[1]}, roughnesses[1:n], {roughnesses[n]});
      assert(true, "Unknown model structure");
    end if;
  end if;

  // Source/sink terms for mass and energy balances
  for i in 1:n loop
    mb_flows[i] = m_flows[i] - m_flows[i + 1];
    mbXi_flows[i, :] = mXi_flows[i, :] - mXi_flows[i + 1, :];
    mbC_flows[i, :]  = mC_flows[i, :]  - mC_flows[i + 1, :];
    Hb_flows[i] = H_flows[i] - H_flows[i + 1];
  end for;

  // Distributed flow quantities, upwind discretization
  for i in 2:n loop
    H_flows[i] = semiLinear(m_flows[i], mediums[i - 1].h, mediums[i].h);
    mXi_flows[i, :] = semiLinear(m_flows[i], mediums[i - 1].Xi, mediums[i].Xi);
    mC_flows[i, :]  = semiLinear(m_flows[i], Cs[i - 1, :],         Cs[i, :]);
  end for;
  H_flows[1] = semiLinear(port_a.m_flow, inStream(port_a.h_outflow), mediums[1].h);
  H_flows[n + 1] = -semiLinear(port_b.m_flow, inStream(port_b.h_outflow), mediums[n].h);
  mXi_flows[1, :] = semiLinear(port_a.m_flow, inStream(port_a.Xi_outflow), mediums[1].Xi);
  mXi_flows[n + 1, :] = -semiLinear(port_b.m_flow, inStream(port_b.Xi_outflow), mediums[n].Xi);
  mC_flows[1, :] = semiLinear(port_a.m_flow, inStream(port_a.C_outflow), Cs[1, :]);
  mC_flows[n + 1, :] = -semiLinear(port_b.m_flow, inStream(port_b.C_outflow), Cs[n, :]);

  // Boundary conditions
  port_a.m_flow    = m_flows[1];
  port_b.m_flow    = -m_flows[n + 1];
  port_a.h_outflow = mediums[1].h;
  port_b.h_outflow = mediums[n].h;
  port_a.Xi_outflow = mediums[1].Xi;
  port_b.Xi_outflow = mediums[n].Xi;
  port_a.C_outflow = Cs[1, :];
  port_b.C_outflow = Cs[n, :];
  // The two equations below are not correct if C is stored in volumes.
  // C should be treated the same way as Xi.
  //port_a.C_outflow = inStream(port_b.C_outflow);
  //port_b.C_outflow = inStream(port_a.C_outflow);

  if useInnerPortProperties and n > 0 then
    state_a = Medium.setState_phX(port_a.p, mediums[1].h, mediums[1].Xi);
    state_b = Medium.setState_phX(port_b.p, mediums[n].h, mediums[n].Xi);
    state_a = Medium.setState_phX(port_a.p, inStream(port_a.h_outflow), inStream(port_a.Xi_outflow));
    state_b = Medium.setState_phX(port_b.p, inStream(port_b.h_outflow), inStream(port_b.Xi_outflow));
  end if;

  // staggered grid discretization for flowModel, depending on modelStructure
  if useLumpedPressure then
    if modelStructure <> ModelStructure.av_vb then
      // all pressures are equal
      fill(mediums[1].p, n-1) = mediums[2:n].p;
    elseif n > 2 then
      // need two pressures
      fill(mediums[1].p, iLumped-2) = mediums[2:iLumped-1].p;
      fill(mediums[n].p, n-iLumped) = mediums[iLumped:n-1].p;
    end if;
    if modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_vb then
      port_a.p = mediums[1].p;
      statesFM[1] = mediums[1].state;
      m_flows[iLumped] = flowModel.m_flows[1];
      statesFM[2] = mediums[n].state;
      port_b.p = mediums[n].p;
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_b then
      port_a.p = mediums[1].p;
      statesFM[1] = mediums[iLumped].state;
      statesFM[2] = state_b;
      m_flows[n+1] = flowModel.m_flows[1];
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_vb then
      m_flows[1] = flowModel.m_flows[1];
      statesFM[1] = state_a;
      statesFM[2] = mediums[iLumped].state;
      port_b.p = mediums[n].p;
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_v_b then
      m_flows[1] = flowModel.m_flows[1];
      statesFM[1] = state_a;
      statesFM[2] = mediums[iLumped].state;
      statesFM[3] = state_b;
      m_flows[n+1] = flowModel.m_flows[2];
      assert(true, "Unknown model structure");
    end if;
    if modelStructure <> ModelStructure.a_v_b then
      vsFM[1] = vs[1:iLumped-1]*lengths[1:iLumped-1]/sum(lengths[1:iLumped-1]);
      vsFM[2] = vs[iLumped:n]*lengths[iLumped:n]/sum(lengths[iLumped:n]);
      vsFM[1] = vs[1:iLumped-1]*lengths[1:iLumped-1]/sum(lengths[1:iLumped-1]);
      vsFM[2] = vs[2:n-1]*lengths[2:n-1]/sum(lengths[2:n-1]);
      vsFM[3] = vs[iLumped:n]*lengths[iLumped:n]/sum(lengths[iLumped:n]);
    end if;
    if modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_vb then
      //nFM = n-1
      statesFM[1:n] = mediums[1:n].state;
      m_flows[2:n] = flowModel.m_flows[1:n-1];
      vsFM[1:n] = vs;
      port_a.p = mediums[1].p;
      port_b.p = mediums[n].p;
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.av_b then
      //nFM = n
      statesFM[1:n] = mediums[1:n].state;
      statesFM[n+1] = state_b;
      m_flows[2:n+1] = flowModel.m_flows[1:n];
      vsFM[1:n] = vs;
      vsFM[n+1] = m_flows[n+1]/Medium.density(state_b)/crossAreas[n]/nParallel;
      port_a.p = mediums[1].p;
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_vb then
      //nFM = n
      statesFM[1] = state_a;
      statesFM[2:n+1] = mediums[1:n].state;
      m_flows[1:n] = flowModel.m_flows[1:n];
      vsFM[1] = m_flows[1]/Medium.density(state_a)/crossAreas[1]/nParallel;
      vsFM[2:n+1] = vs;
      port_b.p = mediums[n].p;
    elseif modelStructure == ModelStructure.a_v_b then
      //nFM = n+1
      statesFM[1] = state_a;
      statesFM[2:n+1] = mediums[1:n].state;
      statesFM[n+2] = state_b;
      m_flows[1:n+1] = flowModel.m_flows[1:n+1];
      vsFM[1] = m_flows[1]/Medium.density(state_a)/crossAreas[1]/nParallel;
      vsFM[2:n+1] = vs;
      vsFM[n+2] = m_flows[n+1]/Medium.density(state_b)/crossAreas[n]/nParallel;
      assert(true, "Unknown model structure");
    end if;
  end if;

end PartialTwoPortFlow;

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialStraightPipe.FlowModel Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialStraightPipe.FlowModel

Wall friction, gravity, momentum flow



AbsolutePressuredp_nominal1e3*dp_smallNominal pressure loss (for nominal models) [Pa]
MassFlowRatem_flow_nominal1e2*m_flow_smallMass flow rate for dp_nominal (for nominal models) [kg/s]
Booleanfrom_dpmomentumDynamics >= Types.Dy... = true, use m_flow = f(dp), otherwise dp = f(m_flow)
AbsolutePressuredp_smallsystem.dp_smallWithin regularization if |dp| < dp_small (may be wider for large discontinuities in static head) [Pa]
MassFlowRatem_flow_smallsystem.m_flow_smallWithin regularization if |m_flows| < m_flow_small (may be wider for large discontinuities in static head) [kg/s]
BooleanuseUpstreamSchemetrue= false to average upstream and downstream properties across flow segments
Booleanuse_Ib_flowsmomentumDynamics <> Types.Dy...= true to consider differences in flow of momentum through boundaries
Booleanshow_Resfalse= true, if Reynolds numbers are included for plotting
Internal Interface
replaceable package MediumPartialMediumMedium in the component
Integern2Number of discrete flow volumes
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices
Static head
Accelerationgsystem.gConstant gravity acceleration [m/s2]
BooleanallowFlowReversalsystem.allowFlowReversal= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction (states[1] -> states[n+1])
DynamicsmomentumDynamicssystem.momentumDynamicsFormulation of momentum balance
MassFlowRatem_flow_startsystem.m_flow_startStart value of mass flow rates [kg/s]
AbsolutePressurep_a_start Start value for p[1] at design inflow [Pa]
AbsolutePressurep_b_start Start value for p[n+1] at design outflow [Pa]

Modelica definition

replaceable model FlowModel =
  "Wall friction, gravity, momentum flow";

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortFlow.FlowModel Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortFlow.FlowModel

Wall friction, gravity, momentum flow



AbsolutePressuredp_nominal1e3*dp_smallNominal pressure loss (for nominal models) [Pa]
MassFlowRatem_flow_nominal1e2*m_flow_smallMass flow rate for dp_nominal (for nominal models) [kg/s]
Booleanfrom_dpmomentumDynamics >= Types.Dy... = true, use m_flow = f(dp), otherwise dp = f(m_flow)
AbsolutePressuredp_smallsystem.dp_smallWithin regularization if |dp| < dp_small (may be wider for large discontinuities in static head) [Pa]
MassFlowRatem_flow_smallsystem.m_flow_smallWithin regularization if |m_flows| < m_flow_small (may be wider for large discontinuities in static head) [kg/s]
BooleanuseUpstreamSchemetrue= false to average upstream and downstream properties across flow segments
Booleanuse_Ib_flowsmomentumDynamics <> Types.Dy...= true to consider differences in flow of momentum through boundaries
Booleanshow_Resfalse= true, if Reynolds numbers are included for plotting
Internal Interface
replaceable package MediumPartialMediumMedium in the component
Integern2Number of discrete flow volumes
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices
Static head
Accelerationgsystem.gConstant gravity acceleration [m/s2]
BooleanallowFlowReversalsystem.allowFlowReversal= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction (states[1] -> states[n+1])
DynamicsmomentumDynamicssystem.momentumDynamicsFormulation of momentum balance
MassFlowRatem_flow_startsystem.m_flow_startStart value of mass flow rates [kg/s]
AbsolutePressurep_a_start Start value for p[1] at design inflow [Pa]
AbsolutePressurep_b_start Start value for p[n+1] at design outflow [Pa]

Modelica definition

replaceable model FlowModel =
  "Wall friction, gravity, momentum flow";

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:31:13 2010.