Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for laminar flow regime of single-phase fluid flow only. See more information.
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for turbulent flow regime of single-phase fluid flow only considering surface roughness. See more information.
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for laminar or turbulent flow regime of single-phase fluid flow only considering surface roughness. See more information.
Calculation of pressure loss for two phase flow in a horizontal or vertical straight pipe for an overall flow regime considering frictional, momentum and geodetic pressure loss. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).
Name | Description |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate pressure loss| laminar flow regime (Hagen-Poiseuille) |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate mass flow rate | laminar flow regime (Hagen-Poiseuille) |
![]() | Input record for function dp_laminar_DP and dp_laminar_MFLOW |
![]() | Input record for function dp_laminar_DP and dp_laminar_MFLOW |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness |
![]() | Input record for function dp_overall_DP and dp_overall_MFLOW |
![]() | Input record for function dp_overall_DP and dp_overall_MFLOW |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate pressure loss | turbulent flow regime | surface roughness |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate mass flow rate | turbulent flow regime | surface roughness |
![]() | Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP and dp_turbulent_MFLOW |
![]() | Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP and dp_turbulent_MFLOW |
![]() | Pressure loss of straight pipe for two phase flow | calculate (frictional, momentum, geodetic) pressure loss |
![]() | Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP |
![]() | Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP |
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for laminar flow regime of an incompressible and single-phase fluid flow only.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_laminar_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_laminar_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_laminar_DP | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_laminar_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_laminar_DP | |
Input | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | DP | Output for function dp_laminar_DP [Pa] |
function dp_laminar_DP "Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate pressure loss| laminar flow regime (Hagen-Poiseuille)" //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006. import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_laminar_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_laminar_DP"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_laminar_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_laminar_DP"; input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate"; //output variables output SI.Pressure DP "Output for function dp_laminar_DP"; protected Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.Diameter d_hyd=IN_con.d_hyd "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area"; SI.Velocity velocity=m_flow/max(MIN, IN_var.rho*A_cross) "Mean velocity"; //Documentation algorithm DP := 32*IN_var.eta*velocity*IN_con.L/d_hyd^2;end dp_laminar_DP;
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for laminar flow regime of an incompressible and single-phase fluid flow only.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case , where the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_laminar_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case if the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) and the pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_laminar_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_laminar_MFLOW | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_laminar_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_laminar_MFLOW | |
Input | |||
Pressure | dp | Pressure loss [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
MassFlowRate | M_FLOW | Output for function dp_laminar_MFLOW [kg/s] |
function dp_laminar_MFLOW "Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate mass flow rate | laminar flow regime (Hagen-Poiseuille)" //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006. import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_laminar_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_laminar_MFLOW"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_laminar_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_laminar_MFLOW"; input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss"; //output variables output SI.MassFlowRate M_FLOW "Output for function dp_laminar_MFLOW"; protected Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area"; //Documentation algorithm M_FLOW := IN_var.rho*A_cross*(dp*d_hyd^2/(32*IN_var.eta*IN_con.L));end dp_laminar_MFLOW;
Extends from Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.StraightPipe (Input for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Straight pipe | |||
Diameter | d_hyd | 0.1 | Hydraulic diameter [m] |
Length | L | 1 | Length [m] |
record dp_laminar_IN_con "Input record for function dp_laminar_DP and dp_laminar_MFLOW" extends Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.StraightPipe;end dp_laminar_IN_con;
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_var (Input record for function dp_overall_DP and dp_overall_MFLOW).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Fluid properties | |||
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
Density | rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] |
record dp_laminar_IN_var "Input record for function dp_laminar_DP and dp_laminar_MFLOW" extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_var;end dp_laminar_IN_var;
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for overall flow regime of an incompressible and single-phase fluid flow only considering surface roughness.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_overall_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_overall_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_overall_DP | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_overall_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_overall_DP | |
Input | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | DP | Output for function dp_overall_DP [Pa] |
function dp_overall_DP "Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness" import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother; //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_overall_DP"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_overall_DP"; input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate"; //output variables output SI.Pressure DP "Output for function dp_overall_DP"; protected Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area"; Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/IN_con.d_hyd) "Relative roughness"; SI.Length perimeter=PI*IN_con.d_hyd "Perimeter"; //SOURCE_1: p.81, fig. 2-3, sec 21-22: definition of flow regime boundaries SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_min=1e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=2090*(1/max(0.007, k))^0.0635 "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(Re_lam_min, 754* Modelica.Math.exp(if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re= Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.ReynoldsNumber( A_cross, perimeter, IN_var.rho, IN_var.eta, m_flow); //Documentation algorithm DP := SMOOTH( Re_lam_min, Re_lam_max, Re)*Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_laminar_DP( IN_con, IN_var, m_flow) + SMOOTH( Re_lam_max, Re_lam_min, Re)*Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_turbulent_DP( IN_con, IN_var, m_flow);end dp_overall_DP;
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for overall flow regime of an incompressible and single-phase fluid flow only considering surface roughness.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case , where the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_overall_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case if the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) and the pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_overall_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_overall_MFLOW | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_overall_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_overall_MFLOW | |
Input | |||
Pressure | dp | Pressure loss [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
MassFlowRate | M_FLOW | Output of function dp_overall_MFLOW [kg/s] |
function dp_overall_MFLOW "Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness" import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother; //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_overall_MFLOW"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_overall_MFLOW"; input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss"; //output variables output SI.MassFlowRate M_FLOW "Output of function dp_overall_MFLOW"; protected Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Area A_cross=max(MIN, PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4) "Circular cross sectional area"; Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/IN_con.d_hyd) "Relative roughness"; //SOURCE_1: p.81, fig. 2-3, sec 21-22: definition of flow regime boundaries SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_min=1e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=2090*(1/max(0.007, k))^0.0635 "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=4e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(Re_lam_min, 754* Modelica.Math.exp(if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)"; //determining darcy friction factor out of pressure loss calulation for straight pipe: //dp = lambda_FRI*L/d_hyd*(rho/2)*velocity^2 and assuming lambda_FRI == lambda_FRI_calc/Re^2 TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_calc=2*abs(dp)*d_hyd^3*IN_var.rho/(IN_con.L *IN_var.eta^2) "Adapted Darcy friction factor"; //SOURCE_3: p.Lab 1, eq. 5: determine Re assuming laminar regime (Blasius) SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam=lambda_FRI_calc/64 "Reynolds number assuming laminar regime"; //SOURCE_3: p.Lab 2, eq. 10: determine Re assuming turbulent regime (Colebrook-White) SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb=if IN_con.roughness == 1 then (max(MIN, lambda_FRI_calc)/0.3164)^(1/1.75) else -2*sqrt(max(lambda_FRI_calc, MIN)) *Modelica.Math.log10(2.51/sqrt(max(lambda_FRI_calc, MIN)) + k/3.7) "Reynolds number assuming turbulent regime"; //determine actual flow regime SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_check=if Re_lam < Re_lam_leave then Re_lam else Re_turb; //determine Re for transition regime SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_trans=if Re_lam >= Re_lam_leave then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.CubicInterpolation_DP( Re_check, Re_lam_leave, Re_turb_min, k, lambda_FRI_calc) else 0; //determine actual Re SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=if Re_lam < Re_lam_leave then Re_lam else if Re_turb > Re_turb_min then Re_turb else Re_trans; //Documentation algorithm M_FLOW := SMOOTH( Re_lam_min, Re_turb, Re)*Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_laminar_MFLOW( IN_con, IN_var, dp) + SMOOTH( Re_turb, Re_lam_min, Re)*Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_turbulent_MFLOW( IN_con, IN_var, dp);end dp_overall_MFLOW;
Extends from dp_turbulent_IN_con (Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP and dp_turbulent_MFLOW).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Straight pipe | |||
Roughness | roughness | Dissipation.Utilities.Types.... | Choice of considering surface roughness |
Diameter | d_hyd | 0.1 | Hydraulic diameter [m] |
Length | L | 1 | Length [m] |
Length | K | 0 | Roughness (average height of surface asperities) [m] |
record dp_overall_IN_con "Input record for function dp_overall_DP and dp_overall_MFLOW" //straight pipe variables extends dp_turbulent_IN_con;end dp_overall_IN_con;
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.PressureLoss (Base record for fluid properties for pressure loss).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Fluid properties | |||
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
Density | rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] |
record dp_overall_IN_var "Input record for function dp_overall_DP and dp_overall_MFLOW" //fluid property variables extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.PressureLoss;end dp_overall_IN_var;
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for turbulent flow regime of an incompressible and single-phase fluid flow only considering surface roughness.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_turbulent_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_turbulent_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_turbulent_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP | |
Input | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | DP | Output for function dp_turbulent_DP [Pa] |
function dp_turbulent_DP "Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate pressure loss | turbulent flow regime | surface roughness" //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006. //SOURCE_2: Miller, D.S.: INTERNAL FLOW SYSTEMS, 2nd edition, 1984. //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002. import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_turbulent_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_turbulent_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP"; input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate"; //output variables output SI.Pressure DP "Output for function dp_turbulent_DP"; protected type TYP1 = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.Roughness; Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_min=1; SI.Velocity v_min=Re_min*IN_var.eta/(IN_var.rho*IN_con.d_hyd); SI.Diameter d_hyd=IN_con.d_hyd "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area"; Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/IN_con.d_hyd) "Relative roughness"; //SOURCE_1: p.81, fig. 2-3, sec 21-22: definition of flow regime boundaries SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_min=1e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=2090*(1/max(0.007, k))^0.0635 "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=4e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(Re_lam_min, 754* Modelica.Math.exp(if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)"; SI.Velocity velocity=m_flow/(IN_var.rho*A_cross) "Mean velocity"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=max(Re_min, IN_var.rho*abs(velocity)*d_hyd/IN_var.eta); //SOURCE_2: p.191, eq. 8.4: determining darcy friction factor //assuming lambda_FRI == lambda_FRI_calc/Re^2 TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_smooth=0.3164*Re^(1.75) "Darcy friction factor neglecting surface roughness (Blasius)"; //here with lambda_FRI_rough == lambda_FRI*Re^2 TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_rough=0.25*(max(Re, Re_lam_leave)/ Modelica.Math.log10(k/3.7 + 5.74/max(Re, Re_lam_leave)^0.9))^2 "Darcy friction factor considering surface roughness"; TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI=if IN_con.roughness == TYP1.Neglected then lambda_FRI_smooth else lambda_FRI_rough "Darcy friction factor"; TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_calc=if Re < Re_lam_leave then 64/Re else if Re > Re_turb_min then lambda_FRI/Re^2 else Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.CubicInterpolation_MFLOW( Re, Re_lam_leave, Re_turb_min, k)/Re^2 "Darcy friction factor"; TYP.PressureLossCoefficient zeta_TOT=lambda_FRI_calc*IN_con.L/d_hyd "Pressure loss coefficient"; //Documentation algorithm DP := zeta_TOT*(IN_var.rho/2)* Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.SmoothPower( velocity, v_min, 2);end dp_turbulent_DP;
Calculation of pressure loss in a straight pipe for turbulent flow regime of an incompressible and single-phase fluid flow only considering surface roughness.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_turbulent_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_turbulent_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_turbulent_MFLOW | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_turbulent_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_turbulent_MFLOW | |
Input | |||
Pressure | dp | Pressure loss [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
MassFlowRate | M_FLOW | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
function dp_turbulent_MFLOW "Pressure loss of straight pipe | calculate mass flow rate | turbulent flow regime | surface roughness" //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006. //SOURCE_2: Miller, D.S.: INTERNAL FLOW SYSTEMS, 2nd edition, 1984. //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002. import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_turbulent_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_turbulent_MFLOW"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_turbulent_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_turbulent_MFLOW"; input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss"; //output variables output SI.MassFlowRate M_FLOW "Mass flow rate"; protected type TYP1 = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.Roughness; Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_min=1; SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area"; Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/IN_con.d_hyd) "Relative roughness"; //SOURCE_1: p.81, fig. 2-3, sec 21-22: definition of flow regime boundaries SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_min=1e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=2090*(1/max(0.007, k))^0.0635 "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=4e3 "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(Re_lam_min, 754* Modelica.Math.exp(if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)"; //determining darcy friction factor out of pressure loss calulation for straight pipe: //dp = lambda_FRI*L/d_hyd*(rho/2)*velocity^2 and assuming lambda_FRI == lambda_FRI_calc/Re^2 TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_calc=2*abs(dp)*d_hyd^3*IN_var.rho/(IN_con.L *IN_var.eta^2) "Adapted Darcy friction factor"; //SOURCE_3: p.Lab 1, eq. 5: determine Re assuming laminar regime (Hagen-Poiseuille) SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam=lambda_FRI_calc/64 "Reynolds number assuming laminar regime"; //SOURCE_3: p.Lab 2, eq. 10: determine Re assuming turbulent regime (Colebrook-White) SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb=if IN_con.roughness == TYP1.Neglected then (max(MIN, lambda_FRI_calc)/0.3164)^(1/1.75) else -2*sqrt(max(lambda_FRI_calc, MIN)) *Modelica.Math.log10(2.51/sqrt(max(lambda_FRI_calc, MIN)) + k/3.7) "Reynolds number assuming turbulent regime"; //determine actual flow regime SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_check=if Re_lam < Re_lam_leave then Re_lam else Re_turb; //determine Re for transition regime SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_trans=if Re_lam >= Re_lam_leave then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.CubicInterpolation_DP( Re_check, Re_lam_leave, Re_turb_min, k, lambda_FRI_calc) else 0; //determine actual Re SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=if Re_lam < Re_lam_leave then Re_lam else if Re_turb > Re_turb_min then Re_turb else Re_trans; //determine velocity SI.Velocity velocity=(if dp >= 0 then Re else -Re)*IN_var.eta/(IN_var.rho* d_hyd) "Mean velocity"; //Documentation algorithm M_FLOW := IN_var.rho*A_cross*velocity;end dp_turbulent_MFLOW;
Extends from Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.StraightPipe (Input for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Straight pipe | |||
Roughness | roughness | Dissipation.Utilities.Types.... | Choice of considering surface roughness |
Diameter | d_hyd | 0.1 | Hydraulic diameter [m] |
Length | L | 1 | Length [m] |
Length | K | 0 | Roughness (average height of surface asperities) [m] |
record dp_turbulent_IN_con "Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP and dp_turbulent_MFLOW" Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.Roughness roughness=Dissipation.Utilities.Types.Roughness.Neglected "Choice of considering surface roughness"; extends Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.StraightPipe; SI.Length K=0 "Roughness (average height of surface asperities)";end dp_turbulent_IN_con;
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_var (Input record for function dp_overall_DP and dp_overall_MFLOW).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Fluid properties | |||
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
Density | rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] |
record dp_turbulent_IN_var "Input record for function dp_turbulent_DP and dp_turbulent_MFLOW" extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_overall_IN_var;end dp_turbulent_IN_var;
Calculation of pressure loss for two phase flow in a horizontal or vertical straight pipe for an overall flow regime considering frictional, momentum and geodetic pressure loss.
Generally the pressure loss for two phase flow in a horizontal or a vertical straight pipe can be calculated for the following fluid flow regimes:
Horizontal fluid flow [(a) bubble flow, (b) stratified flow, (c) wavy flow, (d) slug flow, (e) annular flow]:
Vertical fluid flow [(a) bubble flow, (b) plug slug flow, (c) foam flow, (d) annular streak flow, (e) annular flow]:
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d (Geometry figure for straight pipe).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP | |
Variable inputs | |||
dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP | |
Input | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | DP | Two phase pressure loss [Pa] |
function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP "Pressure loss of straight pipe for two phase flow | calculate (frictional, momentum, geodetic) pressure loss" //SOURCE_1: Friedel,L.:IMPROVED FRICTION PRESSURE DROP CORRELATIONS FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL TWO PHASE PIPE FLOW, 3R International, Vol. 18, Issue 7, pp. 485-491, 1979 //SOURCE_2: Chisholm,D.:PRESSURE GRADIENTS DUE TO FRICTION DURING THE FLOW OF EVAPORATING TWO-PHASE MIXTURES IN SMOOTH TUBES AND CHANNELS, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 16, pp. 347-358, Pergamon Press 1973 //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 10th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2006. //SOURCE 4: J.M. Jensen and H. Tummescheit. Moving boundary models for dynamic simulations of two-phase flows. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Modelica Conference, pp. 235-244, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2002. The Modelica Association. //SOURCE_5: Thome, J.R., Engineering Data Book 3, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), 2009. //icon extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.StraightPipe_d; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.StraightPipe.dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP"; input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate"; //output variables output SI.Pressure DP "Two phase pressure loss"; protected type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.TwoPhaseFrictionalPressureLoss; Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.Area A_cross=max(MIN, IN_con.A_cross) "Cross sectional area"; SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, 4*A_cross/max(MIN, IN_con.perimeter)) "Hydraulic diameter"; Real mdot_A=abs(m_flow)/A_cross "Mass flux"; Real xflowEnd=min(1, max(0, abs(IN_var.x_flow_end))) "Mass flow rate quality at end of length"; Real xflowSta=min(1, max(0, abs(IN_var.x_flow_sta))) "Mass flow rate quality at start of length"; Real x_flow=(xflowEnd + xflowSta)/2 "Mean mass flow rate quality over length"; //SOURCE_5: p.17-1 to 17-5, sec. 17.1 to 17.2: Considering cross sectional void fraction [epsilon=A_g/(A_g+A_l)] Real epsilon= Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.PressureLoss.TwoPhase.VoidFraction( IN_con.voidFractionApproach, true, IN_var.rho_g, IN_var.rho_l, x_flow) "Void fraction"; //SOURCE_1: Considering frictional pressure loss w.r.t. to correlation of Friedel //SOURCE_2: Considering frictional pressrue loss w.r.t. to correlation of Chisholm SI.Pressure DP_fric=if IN_con.frictionalPressureLoss == TYP.Friedel then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.PressureLoss.TwoPhase.dp_twoPhaseFriedel_DP( IN_con, IN_var, m_flow) else if IN_con.frictionalPressureLoss == TYP.Chisholm then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.PressureLoss.TwoPhase.dp_twoPhaseChisholm_DP( IN_con, IN_var, m_flow) else 0 "Frictional pressure loss"; //SOURCE_3: p.Lba 4, eq. 22: Considering momentum pressure loss assuming heterogeneous approach for two phase flow //Evaporation >> positive momentum pressure loss (assumed vice versa at condenstation) SI.Pressure DP_mom=if IN_con.momentumPressureLoss then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.PressureLoss.TwoPhase.dp_twoPhaseMomentum_DP( IN_con.voidFractionApproach, IN_con.massFlowRateCorrection, IN_con.A_cross, IN_con.perimeter, IN_var.rho_g, IN_var.rho_l, IN_var.x_flow_end, IN_var.x_flow_sta, abs(m_flow)) else 0 "Momentum pressure loss"; //SOURCE_3: p.Lbb 1, eq. 4: Considering geodetic pressure loss assuming constant void fraction for flow length SI.Pressure DP_geo=if IN_con.geodeticPressureLoss then Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.PressureLoss.TwoPhase.dp_twoPhaseGeodetic_DP( IN_con.voidFractionApproach, true, IN_con.length, IN_con.phi, IN_var.rho_g, IN_var.rho_l, IN_var.x_flow) else 0 "Geodetic pressure loss"; //Documentation algorithm DP := DP_fric + DP_mom + DP_geo;end dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP;
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.TwoPhaseFlow_con (Base record for two phase Flow).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Choices | |||
TwoPhaseFrictionalPressureLoss | frictionalPressureLoss | Dissipation.Utilities.Types.... | Choice of frictional pressure loss approach |
Roughness | voidFractionApproach | Dissipation.Utilities.Types.... | Choice of void fraction approach |
Boolean | momentumPressureLoss | false | Considering momentum pressure loss |
Boolean | massFlowRateCorrection | false | Consider heterogeneous mass flow rate correction |
Boolean | geodeticPressureLoss | false | Considering geodetic pressure loss |
Geometry | |||
Area | A_cross | PI*0.1^2/4 | Cross sectional area [m2] |
Length | perimeter | PI*0.1 | Wettet perimeter [m] |
Length | length | 1 | Length in fluid flow direction [m] |
Angle | phi | 0 | Tilt angle to horizontal [rad] |
record dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_con "Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP" //choices Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.TwoPhaseFrictionalPressureLoss frictionalPressureLoss=Dissipation.Utilities.Types.TwoPhaseFrictionalPressureLoss.Friedel "Choice of frictional pressure loss approach"; Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.Roughness voidFractionApproach = Dissipation.Utilities.Types.VoidFractionApproach.Homogeneous "Choice of void fraction approach"; Boolean momentumPressureLoss=false "Considering momentum pressure loss"; Boolean massFlowRateCorrection=false "Consider heterogeneous mass flow rate correction"; Boolean geodeticPressureLoss=false "Considering geodetic pressure loss"; extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.TwoPhaseFlow_con; SI.Angle phi=0 "Tilt angle to horizontal";end dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_con;
Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.TwoPhaseFlow_var (Base record for two phase flow).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Fluid properties | |||
Real | x_flow_end | 0 | Mass flow rate quality at end of length |
Real | x_flow_sta | 0 | Mass flow rate quality at start of length |
Density | rho_g | Density of gas [kg/m3] | |
Density | rho_l | Density of liquid [kg/m3] | |
DynamicViscosity | eta_g | Dynamic viscosity of gas [Pa.s] | |
DynamicViscosity | eta_l | Dynamic viscosity of liquid [Pa.s] | |
SurfaceTension | sigma | Surface tension [N/m] | |
Input | |||
Real | x_flow | (x_flow_end + x_flow_sta)/2 | Mean mass flow rate quality over length |
record dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_var "Input record for function dp_twoPhaseOverall_DP" Real x_flow_end=0 "Mass flow rate quality at end of length"; Real x_flow_sta=0 "Mass flow rate quality at start of length"; extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.TwoPhaseFlow_var ( final x_flow=(x_flow_end + x_flow_sta)/2);end dp_twoPhaseOverall_IN_var;