
Package for pressure loss calculation of bends



Curved bend overall flow

Calculation of pressure loss in curved bends at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through circular cross sectional area considering surface roughness. See more information.

Edged bend overall flow

Calculation of pressure loss in edged bends with sharp corners at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through circular cross sectional area considering surface roughness. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Content

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_DP dp_curvedOverall_DP Pressure loss of curved bend | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW Pressure loss of curved bend | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_con dp_curvedOverall_IN_con Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP and dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_var dp_curvedOverall_IN_var Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP and dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_DP dp_edgedOverall_DP Pressure loss of edged bend | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW Pressure loss of edged bend | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_con dp_edgedOverall_IN_con Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP and dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_var dp_edgedOverall_IN_var Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP and dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW


Pressure loss of curved bend | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness


Calculation of pressure loss in curved bends at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through circular cross sectional area considering surface roughness.

Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.


Constant inputs
dp_curvedOverall_IN_conIN_con Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP
Variable inputs
dp_curvedOverall_IN_varIN_var Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP
MassFlowRatem_flow Mass flow rate [kg/s]


PressureDPOutput for function dp_curvedOverall_DP [Pa]

Modelica definition

function dp_curvedOverall_DP 
  "Pressure loss of curved bend | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness"
  //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006.
  //SOURCE_2: Miller, D.S.: INTERNAL FLOW SYSTEMS, 2nd edition, 1984.
  //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Lac 6 (Verification)
  //Notation of equations according to SOURCES

  import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend;
  import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP";
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate";

  //output variables
  output SI.Pressure DP "Output for function dp_curvedOverall_DP";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter";
  SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area";
  Real frac_RD=max(MIN, IN_con.R_0/d_hyd) "Relative curvature radius";
  Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/d_hyd) "Relative roughness";
  Real*180/PI "Angle of turning";
  SI.Length*IN_con.R_0 "Length of flow path";

  //SOURCE_1: p.336, sec.15: definition of flow regime boundaries
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_min=1 "Minium Reynolds number";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=6.5e3 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime (6.5e3)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=4e4 
    "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (4e4)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_max=3e5 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (3e5)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_const=1e6 
    "Reynolds number for independence on pressure loss coefficient (1e6)";

  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(1e2, 754*Modelica.Math.exp(
      if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) 
    "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.357, diag. 6-1: coefficients for local resistance coefficient [zeta_LOC]:
  //IN_con.R_0/IN_con.d_hyd <= 3
  Real A1=if delta <= 70 then 0.9*sin(delta*PI/180) else if delta >= 100 then 
      0.7 + 0.35*delta/90 else 1.0 
    "Coefficient considering effect for angle of turning on zeta_LOC";
  Real A2=if frac_RD > 2.0 then 6e2 else if frac_RD <= 2.0 and frac_RD >= 0.7 then 
            (if frac_RD > 1.0 then 1e3 else if frac_RD <= 1.0 and frac_RD > 0.7 then 
            3e3 else 6e3) else 4e3 
    "Coefficient considering laminar regime on zeta_LOC";
  Real B1=if frac_RD >= 1.0 then 0.21*(frac_RD)^(-0.5) else 0.21*(frac_RD)^(-2.5) 
    "Coefficient considering relative curvature radius (R_0/d_hyd) on zeta_LOC";
  Real C1=1.0 
    "Considering relative elongation of cross sectional area on zeta_LOC (here: circular cross sectional area)";
  TYP.LocalResistanceCoefficient zeta_LOC_sharp_turb=max(MIN, A1*B1*C1) 
    "Local resistance coefficient for turbulent regime (Re > Re_turb_max)";

  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=max(Re_min, 4*abs(m_flow)/(PI*IN_con.d_hyd*IN_var.eta)) 
    "Reynolds number";

  //mass flow rate boundaries for w.r.t flow regimes
  SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_smooth=Re_min*PI*IN_con.d_hyd*IN_var.eta/4;

  //SOURCE_1: p.357, diag. 6-1, sec. 2 / p.336, sec. 15 (turbulent regime + hydraulically rough):
  //IN_con.R_0/IN_con.d_hyd < 3
  Real C_Re=if frac_RD > 0.7 then 11.5/Re^0.19 else if frac_RD <= 0.7 and 
      frac_RD >= 0.55 then 5.45/Re^0.131 else 1 + 4400/Re 
    "Correction factor for hydraulically rough turbulent regime (Re_turb_min < Re < Re_turb_max)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.357, diag. 6-1
  //IN_con.R_0/IN_con.d_hyd < 3
  TYP.LocalResistanceCoefficient zeta_LOC_sharp=if Re < Re_lam_leave then A2/Re
       + zeta_LOC_sharp_turb else if Re < Re_turb_min then SMOOTH(
      Re)*(A2/max(Re_lam_leave, Re) + zeta_LOC_sharp_turb) + SMOOTH(
      Re)*(C_Re*zeta_LOC_sharp_turb) else if Re < Re_turb_max then SMOOTH(
      Re)*(C_Re*zeta_LOC_sharp_turb) + SMOOTH(
      Re)*zeta_LOC_sharp_turb else zeta_LOC_sharp_turb 
    "Local resistance coefficient for R_0/d_hyd < 3";

  TYP.LocalResistanceCoefficient zeta_LOC=zeta_LOC_sharp 
    "Local resistance coefficient";

  //SOURCE_2: p.191, eq. 8.4: considering surface roughness
  //restriction of lambda_FRI at maximum Reynolds number Re=1e6 (SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4)
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_rough=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(k/(3.7*
      IN_con.d_hyd) + 5.74/min(1e6, max(Re_lam_leave, Re))^0.9))^2 
    "Darcy friction factor considering surface roughness";

  //SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4: correction factors CF w.r.t.surface roughness
  Real CF_fri=1+SMOOTH(
      Re)*min(1.4, (lambda_FRI_rough*L/d_hyd/zeta_LOC)) + SMOOTH(
      Re) "Correction factor for surface roughness";

  TYP.PressureLossCoefficient zeta_TOT=max(1, CF_fri)*zeta_LOC 
    "Pressure loss coefficient";


  DP := zeta_TOT*(IN_var.rho/2)*
    2)/max(MIN, (IN_var.rho*A_cross)^2);
end dp_curvedOverall_DP;


Pressure loss of curved bend | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness


Calculation of pressure loss in curved bends at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through circular cross sectional area considering surface roughness.

Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_curvedOverall_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information .


Constant inputs
dp_curvedOverall_IN_conIN_con Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW
Variable inputs
dp_curvedOverall_IN_varIN_var Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW
Pressuredp Pressure loss [Pa]


MassFlowRateM_FLOWOutput for function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW [kg/s]

Modelica definition

function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW 
  "Pressure loss of curved bend | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness"
  //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006.
  //SOURCE_2: Miller, D.S.: INTERNAL FLOW SYSTEMS, 2nd edition, 1984.
  //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Lac 6 (Verification)
  //Notation of equations according to SOURCES

  import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend;
  import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW";
  input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss";

  //output variables
  output SI.MassFlowRate M_FLOW "Output for function dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter";
  SI.Area A_cross=PI*IN_con.d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area";
  Real frac_RD=max(MIN, IN_con.R_0/d_hyd) "Relative curvature radius";
  Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/d_hyd) "Relative roughness";
  Real*180/PI "Angle of turning";
  SI.Length*IN_con.R_0 "Length of flow path";

  //SOURCE_1: p.336, sec.15: definition of flow regime boundaries
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_min=1 "Minium Reynolds number";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=6.5e3 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime (6.5e3)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=4e4 
    "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (4e4)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_max=3e5 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (3e5)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_const=1e6 
    "Reynolds number for independence on pressure loss coefficient (1e6)";

  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(1e2, 754*Modelica.Math.exp(
      if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) 
    "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.357, diag. 6-1: coefficients for local resistance coefficient [zeta_LOC]:
  //IN_con.R_0/IN_con.d_hyd <= 3
  Real A1=if delta <= 70 then 0.9*sin(delta/180*PI) else if delta >= 100 then 
      0.7 + 0.35*delta/90 else 1.0 
    "Coefficient considering effect for angle of turning on zeta_LOC";
  Real A2=if frac_RD > 2.0 then 6e2 else if frac_RD <= 2.0 and frac_RD >= 0.7 then 
            (if frac_RD > 1.0 then 1e3 else if frac_RD <= 1.0 and frac_RD > 0.7 then 
            3e3 else 6e3) else 4e3 
    "Coefficient considering laminar regime on zeta_LOC";
  Real B1=if frac_RD >= 1.0 then 0.21*(frac_RD)^(-0.5) else 0.21*(frac_RD)^(-2.5) 
    "Coefficient considering relative curvature radius (R_0/d_hyd) on zeta_LOC";
  Real C1=1.0 
    "Considering relative elongation of cross sectional area on zeta_LOC (here: circular cross sectional area)";
  TYP.LocalResistanceCoefficient zeta_LOC_sharp_turb=max(MIN, A1*B1*C1) 
    "Local resistance coefficient for turbulent regime (Re > Re_turb_max)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.357, diag. 6-1: pressure loss boundaries for w.r.t flow regimes
  //IN_con.R_0/d_hyd <=3
  SI.AbsolutePressure dp_lam_max=(zeta_LOC_sharp_turb + A2/Re_lam_leave)*IN_var.rho
    "Maximum pressure loss for laminar regime";
  SI.AbsolutePressure dp_turb_min=zeta_LOC_sharp_turb*(if frac_RD > 0.7 then 
      11.5/Re_turb_min^0.19 else if frac_RD <= 0.7 and frac_RD >= 0.55 then 
      5.45/Re_turb_min^0.131 else 1 + 4400/Re_turb_min)*IN_var.rho/2*(
    "Minimum pressure loss for turbulent regime";
  SI.AbsolutePressure dp_turb_max=zeta_LOC_sharp_turb*(if frac_RD > 0.7 then 
      11.5/Re_turb_max^0.19 else if frac_RD <= 0.7 and frac_RD >= 0.55 then 
      5.45/Re_turb_max^0.131 else 1 + 4400/Re_turb_max)*IN_var.rho/2*(
    "Maximum pressure loss for turbulent regime";
  SI.AbsolutePressure dp_turb_const=zeta_LOC_sharp_turb*IN_var.rho/2*(
    "Pressure loss for independence of Reynolds number on pressure loss coefficient";

  //SOURCE_1: p.357, diag. 6-1: mean velocities for assumed flow regime
  //IN_con.R_0/d_hyd <=3
  SI.Velocity v_lam=(-A2/2*IN_var.eta + 0.5*sqrt(max(MIN, (A2*IN_var.eta)^2 + 8
      IN_var.rho/d_hyd "Mean velocity in laminar regime (Re < Re_lam_leave)";
  SI.Velocity v_tra=(-A2/2*IN_var.eta + 0.5*sqrt(max(MIN, (A2*IN_var.eta)^2 + 8
    "Mean velocity in transition regime (Re_lam_leave < Re_turb_min)";
  SI.Velocity v_turb=if frac_RD > 0.7 then (max(MIN, abs(dp))/(IN_var.rho/2*
      11.5*zeta_LOC_sharp_turb)*(IN_var.rho*IN_con.d_hyd/max(MIN, IN_var.eta))^
      0.19)^(1/(2 - 0.19)) else if frac_RD > 0.55 and frac_RD < 0.7 then (max(
      MIN, abs(dp))/(IN_var.rho/2*5.45*zeta_LOC_sharp_turb)*(IN_var.rho*IN_con.d_hyd
      /max(MIN, IN_var.eta))^0.131)^(1/(2 - 0.131)) else -2200/(IN_var.rho*
      IN_con.d_hyd/IN_var.eta) + ((-2200/(IN_var.rho*IN_con.d_hyd/max(MIN,
      IN_var.eta)))^2 + 2*abs(max(MIN, dp))/max(MIN, IN_var.rho))^0.5 
    "Mean velocity in turbulent regime with dependence on pressure loss coefficient (Re_turb_min < Re < Re_turb_max)";
  SI.Velocity v_turb_const=sqrt(max(MIN, 2*abs(dp)/(IN_var.rho*
    "Mean velocity in turbulent regime with independence on pressure loss coefficient (Re > Re_turb_max)";

  //mean velocity under smooth conditions w.r.t flow regime
  SI.Velocity v_smooth=if dp < dp_lam_max then v_lam else if dp < dp_turb_min then 
      dp)*v_lam + SMOOTH(
      dp)*v_turb else if dp < dp_turb_max then v_turb else SMOOTH(
      dp)*v_turb + SMOOTH(
    "Mean velocity under smooth conditions for R_0/d_hyd < 3";

  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_smooth=max(Re_min, IN_var.rho*v_smooth*d_hyd/IN_var.eta) 
    "Reynolds number under smooth conditions";

  //SOURCE_2: p.191, eq. 8.4: considering surface roughness
  //restriction of lambda_FRI at maximum Reynolds number Re=1e6 (SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4)
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_rough=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(k/(3.7*
      IN_con.d_hyd) + 5.74/min(1e6, max(Re_lam_leave, Re_smooth))^0.9))^2 
    "Darcy friction factor considering surface roughness";
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_smooth=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(5.74/max(
      Re_lam_leave, Re_smooth)^0.9))^2 
    "Darcy friction factor neglecting surface roughness";

  //SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4: correction factors CF w.r.t.surface roughness
  Real CF_3=1+SMOOTH(
      Re_smooth)*min(1.4, (lambda_FRI_rough*L/d_hyd/zeta_LOC_sharp_turb)) + SMOOTH(
      Re_smooth) "Correction factor for surface roughness";

  SI.Velocity velocity=v_smooth/max(1, CF_3)^(0.5) 
    "Corrected velocity considering surface roughness";


  M_FLOW := sign(dp)*IN_var.rho*A_cross*abs(velocity);

end dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_con Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_con

Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP and dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW


This record is used as  input record  for the pressure loss function
and  dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW .

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.Bend (Input for bend).


Diameterd_hyd0.1Hydraulic diameter [m]
Angledelta90*PI/180Angle of turning [rad]
LengthK0Roughness (absolute average height of surface asperities) [m]
RadiusR_00.5*d_hydCurvature radius [m]

Modelica definition

record dp_curvedOverall_IN_con 
  "Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP and dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW"

  //bend variables
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.Bend;

end dp_curvedOverall_IN_con;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_var Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_curvedOverall_IN_var

Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP and dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW


This record is used as  input record  for the pressure loss function
and  dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW .

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.PressureLoss (Base record for fluid properties for pressure loss).


Fluid properties
DynamicViscosityeta Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s]
Densityrho Density of fluid [kg/m3]

Modelica definition

record dp_curvedOverall_IN_var 
  "Input record for function dp_curvedOverall_DP and dp_curvedOverall_MFLOW"

  //fluid property variables
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.PressureLoss;

end dp_curvedOverall_IN_var;


Pressure loss of edged bend | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness



Calculation of pressure loss in edged bends with sharp corners at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through circular cross sectional area considering surface roughness.

There are larger pressure losses in an edged bend compared to a curved bend under the same conditions. The effect of a sharp corner in an edged bend on the pressure loss is much larger than the influence of surface roughness.

Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case, where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.BendEdged_d (Geometry figure of edged bend).


Constant inputs
dp_edgedOverall_IN_conIN_con Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP
Variable inputs
dp_edgedOverall_IN_varIN_var Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP
MassFlowRatem_flow Mass flow rate [kg/s]


PressureDPOutput for function dp_edgedOverall_DP [Pa]

Modelica definition

function dp_edgedOverall_DP 
  "Pressure loss of edged bend | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | surface roughness"

  //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006.
  //SOURCE_2: Miller, D.S.: INTERNAL FLOW SYSTEMS, 2nd edition, 1984.
  //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Lac 6 (Verification)
  //Notation of equations according to SOURCES

  import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend;
  import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother;

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.BendEdged_d;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP";
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate";

  //output variables
  output SI.Pressure DP "Output for function dp_edgedOverall_DP";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  SI.Diameter d_hyd=max(MIN, IN_con.d_hyd) "Hydraulic diameter";
  SI.Area A_cross=PI*d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area";
  Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/IN_con.d_hyd) "Relative roughness";
  Real*180/PI "Angle of turning";

  //definition of flow regime boundaries
  //SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4
  //SOURCE_3: p.Lac 6, fig. 16
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_min=1 "Minium Reynolds number";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_min=1e3 
    "Minimum Reynolds number for laminar regime (1e2)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=4e4 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime (1e3)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=1e5 
    "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (1e5)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_max=3e5 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (2e5)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_const=1e6 
    "Reynolds number for independence on pressure loss coefficient (1e6)";

  //SOURCE_1: p. 81, sec. 2-2-21: start of transition regime
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(Re_lam_min, 754*
      Modelica.Math.exp(if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) 
    "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.366, diag. 6-7
  Real A=0.95 + 33.5/max(MIN, delta) 
    "Coefficient considering effect of angle of turning on zeta_LOC";
  Real C1=1 
    "Considering relative elongation of cross sectional area on zeta_LOC (here: circular cross sectional area)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.366, diag. 6-7
  TYP.LocalResistanceCoefficient zeta_LOC=max(MIN, 0.95*sin(PI/180*delta/2)^2
       + 2.05*sin(PI/180*delta/2)^4) "Local resistance coefficient";

  //SOURCE_1: p.344, sec. 39/29: Correction w.r.t. effect of Reynolds number in laminar regime
  Real B=0.0292*(delta)^2 + 1.1995*delta 
    "Coefficient considering effect of Reynolds number in laminar regime";
  Real exp=1 "Exponent for Reynolds number correction in laminar regime";

  Real v_min=Re_min*IN_var.eta/(IN_var.rho*d_hyd) 
    "Minimum mean velocity for linear interpolation";

  SI.Velocity velocity=m_flow/(IN_var.rho*A_cross) "Mean velocity";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re=max(Re_min, IN_var.rho*abs(velocity)*d_hyd/IN_var.eta) 
    "Reynolds number";

  //SOURCE_2: p.191, eq. 8.4: considering surface roughness
  //restriction of lambda_FRI at maximum Reynolds number Re=1e6 (SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4)
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_rough=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(k/(3.7*
      IN_con.d_hyd) + 5.74/min(Re_turb_const, max(Re_lam_leave, Re))^0.9))^2 
    "Darcy friction factor considering surface roughness";
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_smooth=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(5.74/min(
      Re_turb_const, max(Re_lam_leave, Re))^0.9))^2 
    "Darcy friction factor neglecting surface roughness";

  //SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4: correction factors CF w.r.t.surface roughness
  //SOURCE_2: p.214, sec. 9.4.2: no correction w.r.t. surface roughness for angle of turning >= 45°
  Real CF_fri=if delta <= 45 then max(1, min(1.4, (lambda_FRI_rough/
      lambda_FRI_smooth))) else 1 "Correction factor for surface roughness";

  //SOURCE_2: p.208, diag. 9.3: Correction w.r.t. effect of Reynolds number
  Real CF_Re=SMOOTH(
      Re)*B/Re^exp + SMOOTH(
      Re) "Correction factor for Reynolds number";

  TYP.PressureLossCoefficient zeta_TOT=A*C1*zeta_LOC*CF_fri*CF_Re 
    "Pressure loss coefficient";


  DP := zeta_TOT*(IN_var.rho/2)*
end dp_edgedOverall_DP;


Pressure loss of edged bend | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness



Calculation of pressure loss in edged bends with sharp corners at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through circular cross sectional area considering surface roughness.

There are larger pressure losses in an edged bend compared to a curved bend under the same conditions. The effect of a sharp corner in an edged bend on the pressure loss is much larger than the influence of surface roughness.

Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_edgedOverall_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information .

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.BendEdged_d (Geometry figure of edged bend).


Constant inputs
dp_edgedOverall_IN_conIN_con Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW
Variable inputs
dp_edgedOverall_IN_varIN_var Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW
Pressuredp Pressure loss [Pa]


MassFlowRateM_FLOWOutput for function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW [kg/s]

Modelica definition

function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW 
  "Pressure loss of edged bend | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | surface roughness"
  //SOURCE_1: Idelchik, I.E.: HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, 3rd edition, 2006.
  //SOURCE_2: Miller, D.S.: INTERNAL FLOW SYSTEMS, 2nd edition, 1984.
  //SOURCE_3: VDI-Waermeatlas, 9th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002, Section Lac 6 (Verification)
  //Notation of equations according to SOURCES

  import FD = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend;
  import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother;

  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Icons.PressureLoss.BendEdged_d;

  //input records
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_con
    IN_con "Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW";
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_var
    IN_var "Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW";
  input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss";

  //output variables
  output SI.MassFlowRate M_FLOW "Output for function dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW";

  Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps;

  SI.Diameter d_hyd=IN_con.d_hyd "Hydraulic diameter";
  SI.Area A_cross=PI*d_hyd^2/4 "Circular cross sectional area";
  Real k=max(MIN, abs(IN_con.K)/IN_con.d_hyd) "Relative roughness";
  Real*180/PI "Angle of turning";

  //definition of flow regime boundaries
  //SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4
  //SOURCE_3: p.Lac 6, fig. 16
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_min=1 "Minium Reynolds number";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_min=1e3 
    "Minimum Reynolds number for laminar regime (1e2)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_max=4e4 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for laminar regime (1e3)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_min=1e5 
    "Minimum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (1e5)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_max=3e5 
    "Maximum Reynolds number for turbulent regime (2e5)";
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_turb_const=1e6 
    "Reynolds number for independence on pressure loss coefficient (1e6)";

  //SOURCE_1: p. 81, sec. 2-2-21: start of transition regime
  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_lam_leave=min(Re_lam_max, max(Re_lam_min, 754*
      Modelica.Math.exp(if k <= 0.007 then 0.0065/0.007 else 0.0065/k))) 
    "Start of transition regime for increasing Reynolds number (leaving laminar regime)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.366, diag. 6-7
  Real A=0.95 + 33.5/max(MIN, delta) 
    "Coefficient considering effect of angle of turning on zeta_LOC";
  Real C1=1 
    "Considering relative elongation of cross sectional area on zeta_LOC (here: circular cross sectional area)";

  //SOURCE_1: p.366, diag. 6-7
  TYP.LocalResistanceCoefficient zeta_LOC=max(MIN, 0.95*sin(PI/180*delta/2)^2
       + 2.05*sin(PI/180*delta/2)^4) "Local resistance coefficient";

  //SOURCE_1: p.344, sec. 39/29: Correction w.r.t. effect of Reynolds number in laminar regime
  Real B=0.0292*(delta)^2 + 1.1995*delta 
    "Coefficient considering effect of Reynolds number on zeta_TOT";
  Real exp=1 "Exponent for Reynolds number correction in laminar regime";
  Real pow=(2 - exp) "pressure loss = f(mass flow rate^pow)";

  SI.Pressure dp_min=1 
    "Linear smoothing of mass flow rate for decreasing pressure loss";
  SI.Velocity v_lam=Re_lam_leave*IN_var.eta/(IN_var.rho*d_hyd) 
    "Maximum mean velocity in laminar regime (Re < Re_lam_leave)";
  Real dp_lam=A*C1*zeta_LOC*(B/2)*(d_hyd/IN_var.eta)^(-exp)*IN_var.rho^(1 - exp)
    "Maximum pressure loss in laminar regime (Re < Re_lam_leave)";

  //mean velocity under smooth conditions w.r.t. flow regime
  SI.Velocity v_smooth=if abs(dp) > dp_lam then (2*abs(dp))^0.5*(A*C1*zeta_LOC*
      IN_var.rho)^(-0.5) else (2*(d_hyd/IN_var.eta)^exp/(A*C1*zeta_LOC*B*(
      IN_var.rho)^(1 - exp)))^(1/pow)*
      1/pow) "Mean velocity under smooth conditions";

  SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_smooth=max(Re_min, IN_var.rho*v_smooth*d_hyd/IN_var.eta) 
    "Reynolds number under smooth conditions";

  //SOURCE_2: p.191, eq. 8.4: considering surface roughness
  //restriction of lambda_FRI at maximum Reynolds number Re=1e6 (SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4)
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_rough=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(k/(3.7*
      IN_con.d_hyd) + 5.74/min(Re_turb_const, max(Re_lam_leave, Re_smooth))^0.9))
      ^2 "Darcy friction factor considering surface roughness";
  TYP.DarcyFrictionFactor lambda_FRI_smooth=0.25/(Modelica.Math.log10(5.74/min(
      Re_turb_const, max(Re_lam_leave, Re_smooth))^0.9))^2 
    "Darcy friction factor neglecting surface roughness";

  //SOURCE_2: p.207, sec. 9.2.4: correction factors CF w.r.t.surface roughness
  //SOURCE_2: p.214, sec. 9.4.2: no correction w.r.t. surface roughness for angle of turning >= 45°
  Real CF_fri=if delta <= 45 then max(1, min(1.4, (lambda_FRI_rough/
      lambda_FRI_smooth))) else 1 "Correction factor for surface roughness";

  SI.Velocity velocity=v_smooth/max(1, CF_fri)^(0.5) 
    "Corrected velocity considering surface roughness";


  M_FLOW := sign(dp)*IN_var.rho*A_cross*velocity;

end dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_con Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_con

Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP and dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW


This record is used as  input record  for the  pressure loss function
 dp_edgedOverall_DP  and
 dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW .

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.EdgedBend (Input for bend).


Diameterd_hyd0.1Hydraulic diameter [m]
Angledelta90*PI/180Angle of turning [rad]
LengthK0Roughness (absolute average height of surface asperities) [m]

Modelica definition

record dp_edgedOverall_IN_con 
  "Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP and dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW"

  //edged bend variables
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.PressureLoss.EdgedBend;

end dp_edgedOverall_IN_con;

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_var Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.PressureLoss.Bend.dp_edgedOverall_IN_var

Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP and dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW


This record is used as  input record  for the  pressure loss function
 dp_edgedOverall_DP  and
 dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW .

Extends from Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.PressureLoss (Base record for fluid properties for pressure loss).


Fluid properties
DynamicViscosityeta Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s]
Densityrho Density of fluid [kg/m3]

Modelica definition

record dp_edgedOverall_IN_var 
  "Input record for function dp_edgedOverall_DP and  dp_edgedOverall_MFLOW"

  //fluid property variables
  extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.PressureLoss;
end dp_edgedOverall_IN_var;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:31:21 2010.