Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with flat tubes and several fin geometries. See more information .
Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with round tubes and several fin geometries. See more information .
Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).
Name | Description |
![]() | |
![]() | |
![]() | Input record for function kc_flatTube and kc_flatTube_KC |
![]() | Input record for function kc_flatTube and kc_flatTube_KC |
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![]() | Input record for function kc_roundTube and kc_roundTube_KC |
![]() | Input record for function kc_roundTube and kc_roundTube_KC |
Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with flat tubes and several fin geometries. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information .
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
kc_flatTube_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function kc_flatTube | |
Variable inputs | |||
kc_flatTube_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function kc_flatTube |
Type | Name | Description |
Output | ||
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | kc | Convective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2.K)] |
PrandtlNumber | Pr | Prandl number [1] |
ReynoldsNumber | Re | Reynolds number [1] |
NusseltNumber | Nu | Nusselt number [1] |
Real | failureStatus | 0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results |
function kc_flatTube //SOURCE: A.M. Jacobi, Y. Park, D. Tafti, X. Zhang. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF THE ART, AND POTENTIAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS, FOR FLAT-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS IN AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS - PHASE I //icon //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function kc_flatTube"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function kc_flatTube"; //output variables output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Convective heat transfer coefficient"; output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandl number"; output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number"; output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number"; output Real failureStatus "0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results"; protected type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_flatTubes; SI.Area A_c=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then IN_con.A_fr*((IN_con.F_l - IN_con.delta_f)*(IN_con.F_p - IN_con.delta_f)/((IN_con.F_l + IN_con.D_m) *IN_con.F_p)) else if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then IN_con.A_fr *(h*s/((h + t + IN_con.D_m)*(s + t))) else 0 "Minimum flow cross-sectional area"; SI.Length h=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then IN_con.D_h*(1 + IN_con.alpha)/(2*IN_con.alpha) else 0 "Free flow height"; SI.Length l=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then t/ else 0 "Fin length"; SI.Length s=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then h*IN_con.alpha else 0 "Lateral fin spacing (free flow width)"; SI.Length t=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then s*IN_con.gamma else 0 "Fin thickness"; algorithm kc := Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube_KC(IN_con, IN_var); Pr := abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/IN_var.lambda); if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then Re := max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.m_flow)*IN_con.L_p/(IN_var.eta*A_c)); Nu := max(1e-3, kc*IN_con.L_p/IN_var.lambda); elseif IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then Re := max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.m_flow)*IN_con.D_h/(IN_var.eta*A_c)); Nu := max(1e-3, kc*IN_con.D_h/IN_var.lambda); end if; failureStatus := if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then if Re < 100 or Re > 3000 then 1 else 0 else if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then if Re < 300 or Re > 5000 then 1 else 0 else 0;end kc_flatTube;
Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with flat tubes and several fin geometries. See more information .
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
kc_flatTube_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function kc_flatTube_KC | |
Variable inputs | |||
kc_flatTube_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function kc_flatTube_KC |
Type | Name | Description |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | kc | Output for function kc_flatTubePlateFin_KC [W/(m2.K)] |
function kc_flatTube_KC //SOURCE: A.M. Jacobi, Y. Park, D. Tafti, X. Zhang. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF THE ART, AND POTENTIAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS, FOR FLAT-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS IN AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS - PHASE I //icon // import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.Stepsmoother; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function kc_flatTube_KC"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function kc_flatTube_KC"; //output variables output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Output for function kc_flatTubePlateFin_KC"; protected type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_flatTubes; Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; Real Phi=IN_con.Phi*180/PI "Louver angle"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_Dh=max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.m_flow)*IN_con.D_h/(IN_var.eta* A_c)) "Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter"; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_Lp=max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.m_flow)*IN_con.L_p/(IN_var.eta* A_c)) "Reynolds number based on louver pitch"; SI.PrandtlNumber Pr=IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/IN_var.lambda "Prandtl number"; Real j "Colburn j faktor"; SI.Area A_c=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then IN_con.A_fr*((IN_con.F_l - IN_con.delta_f)*(IN_con.F_p - IN_con.delta_f)/((IN_con.F_l + IN_con.D_m) *IN_con.F_p)) else if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then IN_con.A_fr *(h*s/((h + t + IN_con.D_m)*(s + t))) else 0 "Minimum flow cross-sectional area"; SI.Length h=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then IN_con.D_h*(1 + IN_con.alpha)/(2*IN_con.alpha) else 0 "Free flow height"; SI.Length l=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then t/ else 0 "Fin length"; SI.Length s=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then h*IN_con.alpha else 0 "Lateral fin spacing (free flow width)"; SI.Length t=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then s*IN_con.gamma else 0 "Fin thickness"; algorithm if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then j := Re_Lp^(-0.49)*(Phi/90)^0.27*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.L_p)^(-0.14)*(IN_con.F_l /IN_con.L_p)^(-0.29)*(IN_con.T_d/IN_con.L_p)^(-0.23)*(IN_con.L_l/IN_con.L_p) ^0.68*(IN_con.T_p/IN_con.L_p)^(-0.28)*(IN_con.delta_f/IN_con.L_p)^(-0.05); kc := j*(Re_Lp*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.L_p); elseif IN_con.geometry == TYP.RectangularFin then j := 0.6522*Re_Dh^(-0.5403)*(s/h)^(-0.1541)*(t/l)^0.1499*(t/s)^(-0.0678)*(1 + 5.269e-5*Re_Dh^1.340*(s/h)^0.504*(t/l)^0.456*(t/s)^(-1.055))^0.1; kc := j*(Re_Dh*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.D_h); else end if;end kc_flatTube_KC;
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
HeatExchanger | |||
HTXGeometry_flatTubes | geometry | Dissipation.Utilities.Types.... | Choice of fin geometry |
Area | A_fr | 0 | Frontal area [m2] |
Length | D_h | 0 | Hydraulic diameter [m] |
Length | D_m | 0 | Major tube diameter for flat tube [m] |
Length | F_l | 0 | Fin length [m] |
Length | F_p | 0 | Fin pitch, fin spacing + fin thickness [m] |
Length | L_l | 0 | Louver length [m] |
Length | L_p | 0 | Louver pitch [m] |
Length | T_d | 0 | Tube depth [m] |
Length | T_p | 0 | Tube pitch [m] |
Real | alpha | 0 | Lateral fin spacing (s) / free flow height (h) |
Real | gamma | 0 | Fin thickness (t) / lateral fin spacing (s) |
Real | delta | 0 | Fin thickness (t) / Fin length (l) |
Length | delta_f | 0 | Fin thickness [m] |
Angle | Phi | 0 | Louver angle [rad] |
record kc_flatTube_IN_con "Input record for function kc_flatTube and kc_flatTube_KC" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; protected type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_flatTubes; public Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_flatTubes geometry = Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_flatTubes.LouverFin "Choice of fin geometry"; SI.Area A_fr=0 "Frontal area"; SI.Length D_h=0 "Hydraulic diameter"; SI.Length D_m=0 "Major tube diameter for flat tube"; SI.Length F_l=0 "Fin length"; SI.Length F_p=0 "Fin pitch, fin spacing + fin thickness"; SI.Length L_l=0 "Louver length"; SI.Length L_p=0 "Louver pitch"; SI.Length T_d=0 "Tube depth"; SI.Length T_p=0 "Tube pitch"; Real alpha=0 "Lateral fin spacing (s) / free flow height (h)"; Real gamma=0 "Fin thickness (t) / lateral fin spacing (s)"; Real delta=0 "Fin thickness (t) / Fin length (l)"; SI.Length delta_f=0 "Fin thickness"; SI.Angle Phi=0 "Louver angle";end kc_flatTube_IN_con;
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records), Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.FluidProperties (Base record for fluid properties).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Fluid properties | |||
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure | cp | Specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)] | |
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
ThermalConductivity | lambda | Thermal conductivity of fluid [W/(m.K)] | |
Density | rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] | |
Input | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow | [kg/s] |
record kc_flatTube_IN_var "Input record for function kc_flatTube and kc_flatTube_KC" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; //fluid property variables extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.FluidProperties; //input variable (mass flow rate) SI.MassFlowRate m_flow;end kc_flatTube_IN_var;
Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with round tubes and several fin geometries. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information .
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
kc_roundTube_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function kc_roundTube | |
Variable inputs | |||
kc_roundTube_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function kc_roundTube |
Type | Name | Description |
Output | ||
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | kc | Convective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2.K)] |
PrandtlNumber | Pr | Prandl number [1] |
ReynoldsNumber | Re | Reynolds number [1] |
NusseltNumber | Nu | Nusselt number [1] |
Real | failureStatus | 0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results |
function kc_roundTube //SOURCE: A.M. Jacobi, Y. Park, D. Tafti, X. Zhang. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF THE ART, AND POTENTIAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS, FOR FLAT-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS IN AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS - PHASE I //icon //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function kc_roundTube"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function kc_roundTube"; //output variables output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Convective heat transfer coefficient"; output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandl number"; output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number"; output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number"; output Real failureStatus "0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningfull results"; protected type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_roundTubes; SI.Area A_c=IN_con.A_fr*((IN_con.F_p*IN_con.P_t - IN_con.F_p*IN_con.D_c - ( IN_con.P_t - IN_con.D_c)*IN_con.delta_f)/(IN_con.F_p*IN_con.P_t)) "Minimum flow cross-sectional area"; SI.Area A_tot=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then IN_con.A_fr*((IN_con.N *PI*IN_con.D_c*(IN_con.F_p - IN_con.delta_f) + 2*(IN_con.P_t*IN_con.L - IN_con.N*PI*IN_con.D_c^2/4))/(IN_con.P_t*IN_con.F_p)) else 0 "Total heat transfer area"; SI.Length D_h=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then 4*A_c*IN_con.L/A_tot else 0 "Hydraulic diameter"; /*SI.Length D_h= if IN_con.geometry==2 then 4*A_c/(IN_con.A_fr*(2*(IN_con.P_t-IN_con.D_c+IN_con.F_p)/(IN_con.F_p*(IN_con.P_t-IN_con.D_c)))) else 0 "Hydraulic diameter";*/ algorithm kc := Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube_KC(IN_con, IN_var); Pr := abs(IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/IN_var.lambda); if IN_con.geometry == TYP.PlainFin or IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin or IN_con.geometry == TYP.SlitFin or IN_con.geometry == TYP.WavyFin then Re := max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.m_flow)*IN_con.D_c/(IN_var.eta*A_c)); Nu := max(1e-3, kc*IN_con.D_c/IN_var.lambda); end if; failureStatus := if IN_con.geometry == TYP.PlainFin then if Re < 300 or Re > 8000 then 1 else 0 else if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then if Re < 300 or Re > 7000 then 1 else 0 else if IN_con.geometry == TYP.SlitFin then if Re < 400 or Re > 7000 then 1 else 0 else if IN_con.geometry == TYP.WavyFin then if Re < 350 or Re > 7000 then 1 else 0 else 0;end kc_roundTube;
Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with round tubes and several fin geometries.See more information .
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Constant inputs | |||
kc_roundTube_IN_con | IN_con | Input record for function kc_roundTube_KC | |
Variable inputs | |||
kc_roundTube_IN_var | IN_var | Input record for function kc_roundTube_KC |
Type | Name | Description |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | kc | Output for function kc_roundTube_KC [W/(m2.K)] |
function kc_roundTube_KC //SOURCE: A.M. Jacobi, Y. Park, D. Tafti, X. Zhang. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF THE ART, AND POTENTIAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS, FOR FLAT-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS IN AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS - PHASE I //icon import SMOOTH = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Functions.General.Stepsmoother; //input records input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function kc_roundTube_KC"; input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function kc_roundTube_KC"; //output variables output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Output for function kc_roundTube_KC"; protected type TYP = Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_roundTubes; Real MIN=Modelica.Constants.eps; SI.ReynoldsNumber Re_Dc=max(1e-3, abs(IN_var.m_flow)*IN_con.D_c/(IN_var.eta* A_c)) "Reynolds number based on fin collar diameter"; SI.PrandtlNumber Pr=IN_var.eta*IN_var.cp/IN_var.lambda "Prandtl number"; Real j "Colburn j faktor"; SI.Area A_c=IN_con.A_fr*((IN_con.F_p*IN_con.P_t - IN_con.F_p*IN_con.D_c - ( IN_con.P_t - IN_con.D_c)*IN_con.delta_f)/(IN_con.F_p*IN_con.P_t)) "Minimum flow cross-sectional area"; SI.Area A_tot=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then IN_con.A_fr*((IN_con.N *PI*IN_con.D_c*(IN_con.F_p - IN_con.delta_f) + 2*(IN_con.P_t*IN_con.L - IN_con.N*PI*IN_con.D_c^2/4))/(IN_con.P_t*IN_con.F_p)) else 0 "Total heat transfer area"; SI.Length D_h=if IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then 4*A_c*IN_con.L/A_tot else 0 "Hydraulic diameter"; /*SI.Length D_h= if IN_con.geometry==2 then 4*A_c/(IN_con.A_fr*(2*(IN_con.P_t-IN_con.D_c+IN_con.F_p-IN_con.delta_f)/(IN_con.F_p*IN_con.P_t))) else 0 "Hydraulic diameter";*/ Real J1=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J2=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J3=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J4=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J5=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J6=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J7=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; Real J8=0 "Exponent for computation of Colburn j faktor"; algorithm if IN_con.geometry == TYP.PlainFin then j := 0.991*(2.24*Re_Dc^(-0.092)*(IN_con.N/4)^(-0.031))^(0.607*(4 - IN_con.N)) *(0.14*Re_Dc^(-0.328)*(IN_con.P_t/IN_con.P_l)^(-0.502)*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.D_c) ^(0.0312))*(2.55*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.D_c)^(-1.28)); kc := j*(Re_Dc*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.D_c); elseif IN_con.geometry == TYP.LouverFin then if Re_Dc < 900 then J1 := -0.991 - 0.1055*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^3.1*log(IN_con.L_h/IN_con.L_p); J2 := -0.7344 + 2.1059*IN_con.N^0.55/(log(Re_Dc) - 3.2); J3 := 0.08485*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^(-4.4)*IN_con.N^(-0.68); J4 := -0.1741*log(IN_con.N); j := 14.3117*Re_Dc^J1*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.D_c)^J2*(IN_con.L_h/IN_con.L_p)^ J3*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.P_l)^J4*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^(-1.724); elseif Re_Dc > 1100 then J5 := -0.6027 + 0.02593*(IN_con.P_l/D_h)^0.52*IN_con.N^(-0.5)*log(IN_con.L_h /IN_con.L_p); J6 := -0.4776 + 0.40774*IN_con.N^0.7/(log(Re_Dc) - 4.4); J7 := -0.58655*(IN_con.F_p/D_h)^2.3*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^(-1.6)*IN_con.N ^(-0.65); J8 := 0.0814*(log(Re_Dc) - 3); j := 1.1373*Re_Dc^J5*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.P_l)^J6*(IN_con.L_h/IN_con.L_p)^ J7*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^J8*IN_con.N^0.3545; else J1 := -0.991 - 0.1055*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^3.1*log(IN_con.L_h/IN_con.L_p); J2 := -0.7344 + 2.1059*IN_con.N^0.55/(log(Re_Dc) - 3.2); J3 := 0.08485*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^(-4.4)*IN_con.N^(-0.68); J4 := -0.1741*log(IN_con.N); J5 := -0.6027 + 0.02593*(IN_con.P_l/D_h)^0.52*IN_con.N^(-0.5)*log(IN_con.L_h /IN_con.L_p); J6 := -0.4776 + 0.40774*IN_con.N^0.7/(log(Re_Dc) - 4.4); J7 := -0.58655*(IN_con.F_p/D_h)^2.3*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^(-1.6)*IN_con.N ^(-0.65); J8 := 0.0814*(log(Re_Dc) - 3); j := SMOOTH( 900, 1100, Re_Dc)*(14.3117*Re_Dc^J1*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.D_c)^J2*(IN_con.L_h/IN_con.L_p) ^J3*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.P_l)^J4*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^(-1.724)) + SMOOTH( 1100, 900, Re_Dc)*(1.1373*Re_Dc^J5*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.P_l)^J6*(IN_con.L_h/IN_con.L_p) ^J7*(IN_con.P_l/IN_con.P_t)^J8*IN_con.N^0.3545); end if; kc := SMOOTH( 100, 0, Re_Dc)*j*(Re_Dc*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.D_c); elseif IN_con.geometry == TYP.SlitFin then J1 := -0.674 + 0.1316*IN_con.N/log(Re_Dc) - 0.3769*IN_con.F_p/IN_con.D_c - 1.8857*IN_con.N/Re_Dc; J2 := -0.0178 + 0.996*IN_con.N/log(Re_Dc) + 26.7*IN_con.N/Re_Dc; J3 := 1.865 + 1244.03*IN_con.F_p/(Re_Dc*IN_con.D_c) - 14.37/log(Re_Dc); j := 1.6409*Re_Dc^J1*(IN_con.S_p/IN_con.S_h)^1.16*(IN_con.P_t/IN_con.P_l)^ 1.37*(IN_con.F_p/IN_con.D_c)^J2*IN_con.N^J3; kc := j*(Re_Dc*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.D_c); elseif IN_con.geometry == TYP.WavyFin then if Re_Dc < exp(2.921) then j := 1.201/(log(exp(2.921)^(A_c/IN_con.A_fr)))^2.921; kc := j*(exp(2.921)*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.D_c); else j := 1.201/((log(Re_Dc^(A_c/IN_con.A_fr)))^2.921); kc := j*(Re_Dc*Pr^(1/3)*IN_var.lambda/IN_con.D_c); end if; else end if;end kc_roundTube_KC;
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
HeatExchanger | |||
HTXGeometry_roundTubes | geometry | Dissipation.Utilities.Types.... | Choice of fin geometry |
Area | A_fr | 0 | Frontal area [m2] |
Length | D_c | 0 | Fin collar diameter [m] |
Length | F_p | 0 | Fin pitch, fin spacing + fin thickness [m] |
Length | L | 0 | Heat exchanger length [m] |
Length | L_h | 0 | Louver height [m] |
Length | L_p | 0 | Louver pitch [m] |
Integer | N | 0 | Number of tube rows |
Length | P_d | 0 | Pattern depth of wavy fin, wave height [m] |
Length | P_l | 0 | Longitudinal tube pitch [m] |
Length | P_t | 0 | Transverse tube pitch [m] |
Length | S_h | 0 | Slit height [m] |
Length | S_p | 0 | Slit pitch [m] |
Length | X_f | 0 | Half wave length of wavy fin [m] |
Length | delta_f | 0 | Fin thickness [m] |
record kc_roundTube_IN_con "Input record for function kc_roundTube and kc_roundTube_KC" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_roundTubes geometry = Dissipation.Utilities.Types.HTXGeometry_roundTubes.PlainFin "Choice of fin geometry"; SI.Area A_fr=0 "Frontal area"; SI.Length D_c=0 "Fin collar diameter"; SI.Length F_p=0 "Fin pitch, fin spacing + fin thickness"; SI.Length L=0 "Heat exchanger length"; SI.Length L_h=0 "Louver height"; SI.Length L_p=0 "Louver pitch"; Integer N=0 "Number of tube rows"; SI.Length P_d=0 "Pattern depth of wavy fin, wave height"; SI.Length P_l=0 "Longitudinal tube pitch"; SI.Length P_t=0 "Transverse tube pitch"; SI.Length S_h=0 "Slit height"; SI.Length S_p=0 "Slit pitch"; SI.Length X_f=0 "Half wave length of wavy fin"; SI.Length delta_f=0 "Fin thickness";end kc_roundTube_IN_con;
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records), Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.FluidProperties (Base record for fluid properties).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Fluid properties | |||
SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure | cp | Specific heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)] | |
DynamicViscosity | eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] | |
ThermalConductivity | lambda | Thermal conductivity of fluid [W/(m.K)] | |
Density | rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] | |
Input | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow | [kg/s] |
record kc_roundTube_IN_var "Input record for function kc_roundTube and kc_roundTube_KC" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; //fluid property variables extends Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.Records.General.FluidProperties; //input variable (mass flow rate) SI.MassFlowRate m_flow;end kc_roundTube_IN_var;