
Models and functions for 3-dim. animation

Package Content

Modelica.Utilities.Internal.PartialModelicaServices.Animation.PartialShape PartialShape Different visual shapes with variable size; all data have to be set as modifiers

Modelica.Utilities.Internal.PartialModelicaServices.Animation.PartialShape Modelica.Utilities.Internal.PartialModelicaServices.Animation.PartialShape

Different visual shapes with variable size; all data have to be set as modifiers


This model is documented at Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Shape.


ShapeTypeshapeType"box"Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)
OrientationRFrames.nullRotation()Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the object frame
Positionr[3]{0,0,0}Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame [m]
Positionr_shape[3]{0,0,0}Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame [m]
ReallengthDirection[3]{1,0,0}Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame [1]
RealwidthDirection[3]{0,1,0}Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame [1]
Lengthlength0Length of visual object [m]
Lengthwidth0Width of visual object [m]
Lengthheight0Height of visual object [m]
ShapeExtraextra0.0Additional size data for some of the shape types
Realcolor[3]{255,0,0}Color of shape
SpecularCoefficientspecularCoefficient0.7Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)

Modelica definition

partial model PartialShape 
  "Different visual shapes with variable size; all data have to be set as modifiers"

  import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
  import Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Frames;
  import Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Types;

  parameter Types.ShapeType shapeType="box" 
    "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)";
  input Frames.Orientation R=Frames.nullRotation() 
    "Orientation object to rotate the world frame into the object frame";
  input SI.Position r[3]={0,0,0} 
    "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame";
  input SI.Position r_shape[3]={0,0,0} 
    "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame";
  input Real lengthDirection[3](each final unit="1")={1,0,0} 
    "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame";
  input Real widthDirection[3](each final unit="1")={0,1,0} 
    "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame";
  input SI.Length length=0 "Length of visual object";
  input SI.Length width=0 "Width of visual object";
  input SI.Length height=0 "Height of visual object";
  input Types.ShapeExtra extra=0.0 
    "Additional size data for some of the shape types";
  input Real color[3]={255,0,0} "Color of shape";
  input Types.SpecularCoefficient specularCoefficient = 0.7 
    "Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)";
  // Real rxry[3, 2];

end PartialShape;

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