This package contains ideal sensor components that provide the connector variables as signals for further processing with the Modelica.Blocks library.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library2 (Icon for library where additional icon elements shall be added).
Name | Description |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angle |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angular velocity |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angular acceleration |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the relative angle between two flanges |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the relative angular velocity between two flanges |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the relative angular acceleration between two flanges |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the torque between two flanges (= flange_a.tau) |
![]() | Ideal sensor to measure the power between two flanges (= flange_a.tau*der(flange_a.phi)) |
Measures the absolute angle phi of a flange in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal phi (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialAbsoluteSensor (Partial model to measure a single absolute flange variable).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Flange of shaft from which sensor information shall be measured |
output RealOutput | phi | Absolute angle of flange |
model AngleSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angle" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialAbsoluteSensor;Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput phi "Absolute angle of flange"; equation phi = flange.phi;end AngleSensor;
Measures the absolute angular velocity w of a flange in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal w (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialAbsoluteSensor (Partial model to measure a single absolute flange variable).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Flange of shaft from which sensor information shall be measured |
output RealOutput | w | Absolute angular velocity of flange |
model SpeedSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angular velocity" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialAbsoluteSensor;Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput w "Absolute angular velocity of flange"; equation w = der(flange.phi);end SpeedSensor;
Measures the absolute angular acceleration a of a flange in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal a (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialAbsoluteSensor (Partial model to measure a single absolute flange variable).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | Flange of shaft from which sensor information shall be measured |
output RealOutput | a | Absolute angular acceleration of flange |
model AccSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angular acceleration" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialAbsoluteSensor; SI.AngularVelocity w "Absolute angular velocity of flange";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput a "Absolute angular acceleration of flange"; equation w = der(flange.phi); a = der(w);end AccSensor;
Measures the relative angle phi_rel between two flanges in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal phi_rel (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor (Partial model to measure a single relative variable between two flanges).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_a | Left flange of shaft |
Flange_b | flange_b | Right flange of shaft |
output RealOutput | phi_rel | Relative angle between two flanges (= flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi) |
model RelAngleSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the relative angle between two flanges" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor;Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput phi_rel "Relative angle between two flanges (= flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi)"; equation phi_rel = flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi; 0 = flange_a.tau;end RelAngleSensor;
Measures the relative angular velocity w_rel between two flanges in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal w_rel (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor (Partial model to measure a single relative variable between two flanges).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_a | Left flange of shaft |
Flange_b | flange_b | Right flange of shaft |
output RealOutput | w_rel | Relative angular velocity between two flanges (= der(flange_b.phi) - der(flange_a.phi)) |
model RelSpeedSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the relative angular velocity between two flanges" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor; SI.Angle phi_rel "Relative angle between two flanges (flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi)";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput w_rel "Relative angular velocity between two flanges (= der(flange_b.phi) - der(flange_a.phi))"; equation phi_rel = flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi; w_rel = der(phi_rel); 0 = flange_a.tau;end RelSpeedSensor;
Measures the relative angular acceleration a_rel between two flanges in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal a_rel (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor (Partial model to measure a single relative variable between two flanges).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_a | Left flange of shaft |
Flange_b | flange_b | Right flange of shaft |
output RealOutput | a_rel | Relative angular acceleration between two flanges |
model RelAccSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the relative angular acceleration between two flanges" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor; SI.Angle phi_rel "Relative angle between two flanges (flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi)"; SI.AngularVelocity w_rel "Relative angular velocity between two flanges";Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput a_rel "Relative angular acceleration between two flanges"; equation phi_rel = flange_b.phi - flange_a.phi; w_rel = der(phi_rel); a_rel = der(w_rel); 0 = flange_a.tau;end RelAccSensor;
Measures the cut-torque between two flanges in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal tau (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor (Partial model to measure a single relative variable between two flanges).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_a | Left flange of shaft |
Flange_b | flange_b | Right flange of shaft |
output RealOutput | tau | Torque in flange flange_a and flange_b (tau = flange_a.tau = -flange_b.tau) |
model TorqueSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the torque between two flanges (= flange_a.tau)" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor;Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput tau "Torque in flange flange_a and flange_b (tau = flange_a.tau = -flange_b.tau)"; equation flange_a.phi = flange_b.phi; flange_a.tau = tau;end TorqueSensor;
Measures the power between two flanges in an ideal way and provides the result as output signal power (to be further processed with blocks of the Modelica.Blocks library).
Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor (Partial model to measure a single relative variable between two flanges).
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_a | Left flange of shaft |
Flange_b | flange_b | Right flange of shaft |
output RealOutput | power | Power in flange flange_a |
model PowerSensor "Ideal sensor to measure the power between two flanges (= flange_a.tau*der(flange_a.phi))" extends Rotational.Interfaces.PartialRelativeSensor;Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput power "Power in flange flange_a"; equation flange_a.phi = flange_b.phi; power = flange_a.tau*der(flange_a.phi);end PowerSensor;