
Models of DC machines


This package contains models of DC machines:

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet DC_PermanentMagnet Permanent magnet DC machine
Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited DC_ElectricalExcited Electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine
Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited DC_SeriesExcited Series excited linear DC machine

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet

Permanent magnet DC machine



Model of a DC Machine with Permanent magnet.
Armature resistance and inductance are modeled directly after the armature pins, then using a AirGapDC model. Permanent magnet excitation is modelled by a constant equivalent excitation current feeding AirGapDC. Only losses in armature resistance are taken into account. No saturation is modelled.
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.15kg.m2
nominal armature voltage 100V
nominal armature current 100A
nominal speed 1425rpm
nominal torque 63.66Nm
nominal mechanical output 9.5kW
efficiency 95.0%
armature resistance 0.05Ohm in warm condition
armature inductance 0.0015H
Armature resistance resp. inductance include resistance resp. inductance of commutating pole winding and compensation windig, if present.

Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicDCMachine (Partial model for DC machine).


InertiaJrJr(start=0.15)rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
BooleanuseSupportfalseenable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
RealturnsRatio(VaNominal - Ra*IaNominal)/(...ratio of armature turns over number of turns of the excitation winding
Nominal parameters
VoltageVaNominal nominal armature voltage [V]
CurrentIaNominal nominal armature current [A]
AngularVelocitywNominal nominal speed [rad/s]
Nominal resistances and inductances
ResistanceRa warm armature resistance [Ohm]
InductanceLa armature inductance [H]


Flange_asupportsupport at which the reaction torque is acting

Modelica definition

model DC_PermanentMagnet "Permanent magnet DC machine"
  extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicDCMachine(
  final turnsRatio=(VaNominal-Ra*IaNominal)/(wNominal*Le*IeNominal));
  Components.AirGapDC airGapDC(final turnsRatio=turnsRatio, final Le=Le);
  final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Le(start=1) 
    "total field excitation inductance";
  constant Modelica.SIunits.Current IeNominal=1 "equivalent excitation current";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground eGround;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.ConstantCurrent ie(I=IeNominal);
  assert(VaNominal > Ra*IaNominal, "VaNominal has to be > Ra*IaNominal");
  connect(eGround.p, ie.p);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_ep, ie.n);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_en, eGround.p);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_ap, la.n);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_an, pin_an);
  connect(, internalSupport);

  connect(airGapDC.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a);
end DC_PermanentMagnet;

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited

Electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine



Model of a DC Machine with Electrical shunt or separate excitation.
Armature resistance and inductance are modeled directly after the armature pins, then using a AirGapDC model.
Only losses in armature and excitation resistance are taken into account. No saturation is modelled.
Shunt or separate excitation is defined by the user's external circuit.
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.15kg.m2
nominal armature voltage 100V
nominal armature current 100A
nominal torque 63.66Nm
nominal speed 1425rpm
nominal mechanical output 9.5kW
efficiency 95.0% only armature
efficiency 94.06% including excitation
armature resistance 0.05Ohm in warm condition
armature inductance 0.0015H
nominal excitation voltage 100V
nominal excitation current 1A
excitation resistance 100Ohm in warm condition
excitation inductance 1H
Armature resistance resp. inductance include resistance resp. inductance of commutating pole winding and compensation windig, if present.
Armature current does not cover excitation current of a shunt excitation; in this case total current drawn from the grid = armature current + excitation current.

Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicDCMachine (Partial model for DC machine).


InertiaJrJr(start=0.15)rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
BooleanuseSupportfalseenable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
RealturnsRatio(VaNominal - Ra*IaNominal)/(...ratio of armature turns over number of turns of the excitation winding
Nominal parameters
VoltageVaNominal nominal armature voltage [V]
CurrentIaNominal nominal armature current [A]
AngularVelocitywNominal nominal speed [rad/s]
Nominal resistances and inductances
ResistanceRa warm armature resistance [Ohm]
InductanceLa armature inductance [H]
CurrentIeNominal nominal excitation current [A]
ResistanceRe warm field excitation resistance [Ohm]
InductanceLe total field excitation inductance [H]


Flange_asupportsupport at which the reaction torque is acting

Modelica definition

model DC_ElectricalExcited 
  "Electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine"
  extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicDCMachine(
    final turnsRatio=(VaNominal-Ra*IaNominal)/(wNominal*Le*IeNominal));
  Components.AirGapDC airGapDC(final turnsRatio=turnsRatio, final Le=Le);
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IeNominal(start=1) 
    "nominal excitation current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Re(start=100) 
    "warm field excitation resistance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Le(start=1) 
    "total field excitation inductance";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage ve = pin_ep.v-pin_en.v 
    "Field excitation voltage";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Current ie = pin_ep.i "Field excitation current";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Resistor re(
    final R=Re,
    final T_ref=293.15,
    final alpha=0,
    final useHeatPort=false,
    final T=re.T_ref);
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin pin_ep;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin pin_en;

  assert(VaNominal > Ra*IaNominal, "VaNominal has to be > Ra*IaNominal");
  connect(re.p, pin_ep);
  connect(pin_en, airGapDC.pin_en);
  connect(re.n, airGapDC.pin_ep);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_ap, la.n);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_an, pin_an);
  connect(, internalSupport);
  connect(airGapDC.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a);
end DC_ElectricalExcited;

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited

Series excited linear DC machine



Model of a DC Machine with Series excitation.
Armature resistance and inductance are modeled directly after the armature pins, then using a AirGapDC model.
Only losses in armature and excitation resistance are taken into account. No saturation is modelled.
Series excitation has to be connected by the user's external circuit.
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.15kg.m2
nominal armature voltage 100V
nominal armature current 100A
nominal torque 63.66Nm
nominal speed 1410rpm
nominal mechanical output 9.4kW
efficiency 94.0% only armature
armature resistance 0.05Ohm in warm condition
armature inductance 0.0015H
excitation resistance 0.01Ohm in warm condition
excitation inductance 0.0005H
Armature resistance resp. inductance include resistance resp. inductance of commutating pole winding and compensation windig, if present.
Parameter nominal armature voltage includes voltage drop of series excitation;
but for output the voltage is splitted into:
va = armature voltage without voltage drop of series excitation
ve = voltage drop of series excitation

Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicDCMachine (Partial model for DC machine).


InertiaJrJr(start=0.15)rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
BooleanuseSupportfalseenable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
RealturnsRatio(VaNominal - (Ra + Re)*IaNom...ratio of armature turns over number of turns of the excitation winding
Nominal parameters
VoltageVaNominal nominal armature voltage [V]
CurrentIaNominal nominal armature current [A]
AngularVelocitywNominal.start1410*2*pi/60nominal speed [rad/s]
Nominal resistances and inductances
ResistanceRa warm armature resistance [Ohm]
InductanceLa armature inductance [H]
ResistanceRe warm field excitation resistance [Ohm]
InductanceLe total field excitation inductance [H]


Flange_asupportsupport at which the reaction torque is acting

Modelica definition

model DC_SeriesExcited "Series excited linear DC machine"
  extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicDCMachine(wNominal(start=1410*2*pi/60),
    final turnsRatio=(VaNominal-(Ra+Re)*IaNominal)/(wNominal*Le*IaNominal));
  Components.AirGapDC airGapDC(final turnsRatio=turnsRatio, final Le=Le);
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Re(start=0.01) 
    "warm field excitation resistance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Le(start=0.0005) 
    "total field excitation inductance";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage ve = pin_ep.v-pin_en.v 
    "Field excitation voltage";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Current ie = pin_ep.i "Field excitation current";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Resistor re(
    final R=Re,
    final T_ref=293.15,
    final alpha=0,
    final useHeatPort=false,
    final T=re.T_ref);
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin pin_ep;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin pin_en;
  assert(VaNominal > (Ra+Re)*IaNominal, "VaNominal has to be > (Ra+Re)*IaNominal");
  connect(re.p, pin_ep);
  connect(pin_en, airGapDC.pin_en);
  connect(re.n, airGapDC.pin_ep);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_ap, la.n);
  connect(airGapDC.pin_an, pin_an);
  connect(, internalSupport);
  connect(airGapDC.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a);
end DC_SeriesExcited;

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