
Package with utility functions


This package contains utility functions that are used in HVAC system templates.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Templates.Utilities.computeBalancingPressureDrop computeBalancingPressureDrop Compute the design pressure drop of a balancing valve

Buildings.Templates.Utilities.computeBalancingPressureDrop Buildings.Templates.Utilities.computeBalancingPressureDrop

Compute the design pressure drop of a balancing valve


Given the design mass flow rate, the design pressure drop of all equipment in series, the pump parameters and the pump speed, the function returns the pressure drop of a balancing valve at design flow, so that the total pressure drop is equal to the pump head.

The model Buildings.Templates.Plants.HeatPumps.Components.Validation.PumpsPrimaryDedicated serves as a validation model for this function and illustrates how the function can be used to calculate either the design pressure drop of balancing valves or the primary pump speed required to provide the design flow.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


MassFlowRatem_flow_nominal Design mass flow rate (target) [kg/s]
PressureDifferencedp_nominal Pressure drop of equipment in series at design flow rate [Pa]
PumpSingledatPum Pump parameters
Realr_N1Relative revolution, r_N=N/N_nominal [1]


PressureDifferencedpBal_nominalPressure drop of balancing valve at design flow rate [Pa]

Modelica definition

function computeBalancingPressureDrop "Compute the design pressure drop of a balancing valve" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_nominal "Design mass flow rate (target)"; input Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dp_nominal "Pressure drop of equipment in series at design flow rate"; input Buildings.Templates.Components.Data.PumpSingle datPum "Pump parameters"; input Real r_N(unit="1")=1 "Relative revolution, r_N=N/N_nominal"; output Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpBal_nominal "Pressure drop of balancing valve at design flow rate"; protected Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpPum_nominal = Buildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Characteristics.pressure( V_flow=m_flow_nominal / datPum.rho_default, r_N=r_N, d=Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.splineDerivatives( x=datPum.per.pressure.V_flow, y=datPum.per.pressure.dp), dpMax=max(datPum.per.pressure.dp), V_flow_max=max(datPum.per.pressure.V_flow), per=Buildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Characteristics.flowParametersInternal( n=size(datPum.per.pressure.V_flow, 1), V_flow=datPum.per.pressure.V_flow, dp=datPum.per.pressure.dp)) "Pump head at target design flow"; algorithm dpBal_nominal := dpPum_nominal - dp_nominal; end computeBalancingPressureDrop;