Building Controls Virtual Test Bed
sendClientError.m File Reference

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id gov: ('Warning:Cannot close socket in closeIPC(%d) because argument is negative', sockfd fprintf)


function retVal

Function Documentation

id gov: ( 'Warning:Cannot close socket in closeIPC(%d) because argument is negative'  ,
sockfd  fprintf 

Variable Documentation

else retVal
Initial value:
= sendClientError(sockfd, flaWri)
% SENDCLIENTERROR - Sends an error flag to the BCVTB.
% retVal = sendClientError(sockfd, flaWri) sends flaWri
% to the BCVTB through the socket with file descriptor sockfd.
% Set flaWri to a negative value when calling this function.
function sockfd
function sockfd will be a positive integer for the socket file descriptor In case of error
function if the BCVTB library can be loaded and if sockfd is not a negative then this function sends signal to the socket If sending a message to the socket was successful
Definition: processError.m:1
function[retVal, flaRea, simTimRea, dblValRea]
function retVal

Definition at line 1 of file sendClientError.m.