Building Controls Virtual Test Bed
establishClientSocket.m File Reference

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id gov: (id getBCVTBLibName)
if ~libisloaded (BCVTBLIB) loadlibrary(BCVTBLIB ='Error. Failed to load BCVTB library.'
 throw (ME)
end Establish the socket
connection if 
and (libisloaded(BCVTBLIB),(status==1)) sockfd
else disp ('Could not load library establishClientSocket.m')


function sockfd
function sockfd will be a
positive integer for the
socket file descriptor In case
if bcvtb
 status = -1

Function Documentation

end Establish the socket connection if and ( libisloaded(BCVTBLIB ,
else disp ( 'Could not load library establishClientSocket.m'  )
id gov: ( id  getBCVTBLibName)
throw ( ME  )
end if ~libisloaded ( BCVTBLIB  ) ='Error. Failed to load BCVTB library.'

Variable Documentation

if bcvtb

Definition at line 22 of file establishClientSocket.m.

function sockfd will be a positive integer for the socket file descriptor In case of error

Definition at line 1 of file establishClientSocket.m.

Initial value:
= MException('BCVTB:ConnectError', ...

Definition at line 26 of file establishClientSocket.m.

Initial value:
= establishClientSocket(socketConfigurationFile)
% ESTABLISHCLIENTSOCKET - Establishes the client connection to the socket
% sockfd = establishClientSocket('socket.cfg') connect MATLAB to
% the BCVTB. This function will read the file socket.cfg to get
% information for how to connect to the BCVTB.
function sockfd
function described below The Simulink Library Browser needs to know which libraries in your Blockset it should and what names to give them To provide this information
Definition: slblocks.m:1
function if the BCVTB library can be loaded and if sockfd is not a negative then this function sends signal to the socket If sending a message to the socket was successful
Definition: processError.m:1
function[retVal, flaRea, simTimRea, dblValRea]

Definition at line 1 of file establishClientSocket.m.

Referenced by closeBSDSocket(), establishclientsocket(), exchangeDoublesWithBSDSocket(), and main().

else status = -1

Definition at line 29 of file establishClientSocket.m.

Referenced by first().