LBNL releases Modelica "Buildings" library 1.3 build 1 and BuildingsPy 1.1.2

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
LBNL releases version 1.3 build 1 of the Modelica "Buildings" library and version 1.1.2 of the "BuildingsPy" Python package.

LBNL releases version 1.3 build 1 of the Modelica "Buildings" library and version 1.1.2 of the "BuildingsPy" Python package.In Buildings 1.3 build 1, models for direct evaporative cooling coils with multiple stages or with a variable speed compressor have been added. This version also contains improvements to the fan and pump models to better treat zero mass flow rate. Various other improvements have been made to improve the numerics and to use consistent variable names.For a detailed list of changes, see BuildingsPy 1.1.2, a bug has been fixed that caused an error if parameters of type string were modified.For more information and download, visit