
Package with type definitions


This package contains type definitions.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.ExteriorConvection ExteriorConvection Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for exterior surfaces
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.InteriorConvection InteriorConvection Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for interior surfaces
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Types.SurfaceRoughness SurfaceRoughness Enumeration defining the surface roughness

Types and constants

  type ExteriorConvection = enumeration(
      Fixed "Fixed coefficient (a user-specified parameter is used)",
      TemperatureWind "Wind speed and temperature dependent")
    "Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for exterior surfaces";
  type InteriorConvection = enumeration(
      Fixed "Fixed coefficient (a user-specified parameter is used)",
      Temperature "Temperature dependent")
    "Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for interior surfaces";
  type SurfaceRoughness = enumeration(
      VeryRough "Very rough",
      Rough "Rough",
      Medium "Medium rough",
      MediumSmooth "Medium smooth",
      Smooth "Smooth",
      VerySmooth "Very smooth") "Enumeration defining the surface roughness";


Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for exterior surfaces


This enumeration is used to set the function that is used to compute the convective heat transfer coefficient for exterior (outside-side facing) surfaces.

Modelica definition

type ExteriorConvection = enumeration( Fixed "Fixed coefficient (a user-specified parameter is used)", TemperatureWind "Wind speed and temperature dependent") "Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for exterior surfaces";


Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for interior surfaces


This enumeration is used to set the function that is used to compute the convective heat transfer coefficient for interior (room-side facing) surfaces.

Modelica definition

type InteriorConvection = enumeration( Fixed "Fixed coefficient (a user-specified parameter is used)", Temperature "Temperature dependent") "Enumeration defining the convective heat transfer model for interior surfaces";


Enumeration defining the surface roughness


This enumeration is used to define the surface roughness which may be used to compute the convective heat transfer coefficients of building construction.

The surface roughness will be used to compute the wind-driven convective heat transfer coefficient in Buildings.HeatTransfer.Convection.Exterior. The possible surface roughness are

Roughness index Example material
VeryRough Stucco
Rough Brick
MediumRough Concrete
MediumSmooth Clear pine
Smooth Smooth plaster
VerySmooth Glass

Modelica definition

type SurfaceRoughness = enumeration( VeryRough "Very rough", Rough "Rough", Medium "Medium rough", MediumSmooth "Medium smooth", Smooth "Smooth", VerySmooth "Very smooth") "Enumeration defining the surface roughness";