
Performance data for ice tank model


This package contains data records that characterize the performance of ice storage tanks. See Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Tank for the definition of the charging and discharging coefficients.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.EnergyPlus EnergyPlus Performance curve obtained from EnergyPlus example
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Experiment Experiment Performance curve obtained from onsite experiment
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic Generic  

Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.EnergyPlus Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.EnergyPlus

Performance curve obtained from EnergyPlus example


The performance curves are obtained from the EnergyPlus example idf file: 5ZoneDetailedIceStorage.idf.

Extends from Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic.


SpecificEnergyHf333550Fusion of heat of ice [J/kg]
TemperatureTFre273.15Freezing temperature of water or the latent energy storage material [K]
MassmIce_max Maximum mass of ice in the tank [kg]
RealcoeCha[nCha]{0.0,0.09,-0.15,0.612,-0.324...Coefficients for charging curve
RealcoeDisCha[nDisCha]{0.0,0.09,-0.15,0.612,-0.324...Coeffcients for discharging curve
RealdtCha3600Time step of curve fitting data
RealdtDisCha3600Time step of curve fitting data

Modelica definition

record EnergyPlus = Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic ( coeCha={0.0,0.09,-0.15,0.612,-0.324,-0.216}, dtCha=3600, coeDisCha={0.0,0.09,-0.15,0.612,-0.324,-0.216}, dtDisCha=3600) "Performance curve obtained from EnergyPlus example";

Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Experiment Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Experiment

Performance curve obtained from onsite experiment


The performance curves are obtained from experiments demonstrated in the following reference.


Pradhan, Ojas, "Development and Validation of a Simulation Testbed for the Intelligent Building Agents Laboratory (IBAL) using TRNSYS." ASHRAE Transactions 126 (2020): 458-466.

Li, Guowen, et al. "An Ice Storage Tank Modelica Model: Implementation and Validation." Modelica Conferences. 2021.

Extends from Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic.


SpecificEnergyHf333550Fusion of heat of ice [J/kg]
TemperatureTFre273.15Freezing temperature of water or the latent energy storage material [K]
MassmIce_max2846.35Maximum mass of ice in the tank [kg]
RealcoeCha[nCha]{1.76953858E-04,0,0,0,0,0}Coefficients for charging curve
RealcoeDisCha[nDisCha]{5.54E-05,-1.45679E-04,9.28E...Coeffcients for discharging curve
RealdtCha10Time step of curve fitting data
RealdtDisCha10Time step of curve fitting data

Modelica definition

record Experiment = Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic ( mIce_max = 2846.35, coeCha={1.76953858E-04,0,0,0,0,0}, dtCha=10, coeDisCha={5.54E-05,-1.45679E-04,9.28E-05,1.126122E-03,-1.1012E-03, 3.00544E-04}, dtDisCha=10) "Performance curve obtained from onsite experiment";

Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Data.Tank.Generic


Performance data for ice tank charging and discharging curves. See Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Ice.Tank for the definition of the charging and discharging coefficients.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).


SpecificEnergyHf333550Fusion of heat of ice [J/kg]
TemperatureTFre273.15Freezing temperature of water or the latent energy storage material [K]
MassmIce_max Maximum mass of ice in the tank [kg]
RealcoeCha[nCha] Coefficients for charging curve
RealcoeDisCha[nDisCha] Coeffcients for discharging curve
RealdtCha Time step of curve fitting data
RealdtDisCha Time step of curve fitting data

Modelica definition

record Generic extends Modelica.Icons.Record; constant Modelica.Units.SI.TemperatureDifference dT_nominal = 10 "Nominal temperature difference used for performance data"; constant Integer nCha = 6 "Number of coefficients for charging characteristic curve"; constant Integer nDisCha = 6 "Number of coefficients for discharging characteristic curve"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.SpecificEnergy Hf = 333550 "Fusion of heat of ice"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TFre = 273.15 "Freezing temperature of water or the latent energy storage material"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Mass mIce_max "Maximum mass of ice in the tank"; parameter Real coeCha[nCha] "Coefficients for charging curve"; parameter Real coeDisCha[nDisCha] "Coeffcients for discharging curve"; parameter Real dtCha "Time step of curve fitting data"; parameter Real dtDisCha "Time step of curve fitting data"; end Generic;