Package with obsolete discrete blocks
Package that contains obsolete models for discrete controls.
Package Content
Name | Description |
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Discrete moving mean of a sampled input signal |
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Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |
Discrete moving mean of a sampled input signal
Block that outputs the sampled moving mean value of an input signal. At each sampling instant, the block outputs the average value of the past n samples including the current sample.
At the first sample, the block outputs the first sampled input. At the next sample, it outputs the average of the past two samples, then the past three samples and so on up to n samples.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel (Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | n | Number of samples over which the input is averaged | |
Time | samplePeriod | Sampling period of component [s] |
Type | Name | Description |
input RealInput | u | Continuous input signal |
output RealOutput | y | Discrete averaged signal |
Modelica definition
block MovingMean "Discrete moving mean of a sampled input signal"
extends Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel;
parameter Integer n(min=2)
"Number of samples over which the input is averaged";
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time samplePeriod(min=1E-3)
"Sampling period of component";
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Interfaces.RealInput u "Continuous input signal";
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Interfaces.RealOutput y "Discrete averaged signal";
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time t0(fixed=false) "First sample time instant";
Boolean sampleTrigger "Trigger samples at each sampling instant";
Integer iSample(start=0, fixed=true) "Sample numbering in the simulation";
Integer counter(start=0, fixed=true)
"Number of samples used for averaging calculation";
Integer index(start=0, fixed=true) "Index of the vector ySample";
discrete Real ySample[n](
each fixed=true)
"Vector of samples to be averaged";
initial equation
t0 = time;
y = u;
sampleTrigger = sample(t0, samplePeriod);
when sampleTrigger then
index := mod(iSample, n) + 1;
ySample[index] := u;
counter := if counter == n then n else counter + 1;
y := sum(ySample)/counter;
iSample := iSample + 1;
end when;
end MovingMean;