Package with base class models
This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).
Package Content
Name | Description |
![]() |
Partial model for an unbalanced PV source |
![]() |
Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source |
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Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable |
![]() |
Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source with neutral cable |
![]() |
Base model for an unbalanced PV source without neutral cable |
![]() |
Base model for an unbalanced PV source with neutral cable |
![]() |
Base model for an unbalanced wind power source without neutral cable |
![]() |
Base model for an unbalanced wind power source with neutral cable |
Partial model for an unbalanced PV source
This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced PV power sources.
The model has boolean parameters plugPhase1
, plugPhase2
and plugPhase3
that can be used to connect the PV in an
unbalanced configuration.
The model has an array areaFraction[3]
that is used to determine how
to partition the power of the PVs on the three-phase. By default it is assumed
a uniform partition areaFraction[3] = {1/3, 1/3, 1/3}
Extends from Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced (Partial interface for unbalanced loads), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPvBase (Partial model with basic parameters for PVs), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters (Partial model that contains basic parameters for a DC/AC conversion system).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | plugPhase1 | true | If true, phase 1 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase2 | true | If true, phase 2 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase3 | true | If true, phase 3 is connected |
Area | A | Net surface area [m2] | |
Real | fAct | 0.9 | Fraction of surface area with active solar cells [1] |
Real | eta | 0.12 | Module conversion efficiency [1] |
Real | areaFraction[3] | ones(3)/3 | Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase |
PVSimple | pv_phase2 | pv_phase2(pf=pf, eta_DCAC=et... | PV phase 2 |
PVSimple | pv_phase3 | pv_phase3(pf=pf, eta_DCAC=et... | PV phase 3 |
PVSimple | pv_phase1 | pv_phase1(pf=pf, eta_DCAC=et... | PV phase 1 |
AC-Conversion | |||
Real | pf | 0.9 | Power factor |
Real | eta_DCAC | 0.9 | Efficiency of DC/AC conversion |
Nominal conditions | |||
Voltage | V_nominal | Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
output RealOutput | P | Generated power [W] |
Modelica definition
Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source
This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced wind turbine power sources.
The model has boolean parameters plugPhase1
, plugPhase2
and plugPhase3
that can be used to connect the wind turbines in an
unbalanced configuration.
The model has an array scaleFraction[3]
that is used to determine how
to partition the power of the wind turbines on the three-phase. By default it is assumed
a uniform partition scaleFraction[3] = {1/3, 1/3, 1/3}
Extends from Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced (Partial interface for unbalanced loads), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters (Partial model that contains basic parameters for a DC/AC conversion system), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialWindTurbineBase (Base class for turbine model that contains basic parameters).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | plugPhase1 | true | If true, phase 1 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase2 | true | If true, phase 2 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase3 | true | If true, phase 3 is connected |
Real | scale | 1 | Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table |
Boolean | tableOnFile | false | true, if table is defined on file or in function usertab |
Real | table[:, 2] | [3.5, 0; 5.5, 0.1; 12, 0.9; ... | Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power) |
String | tableName | "NoName" | Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation) |
String | fileName | "NoName" | File where matrix is stored |
Real | scaleFraction[3] | ones(3)/3 | Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase |
WindTurbine | wt_phase2 | wt_phase2(pf=pf, eta_DCAC=et... | Wind turbine phase 2 |
WindTurbine | wt_phase3 | wt_phase3(pf=pf, eta_DCAC=et... | Wind turbine phase 3 |
WindTurbine | wt_phase1 | wt_phase1(pf=pf, eta_DCAC=et... | Wind turbine phase 1 |
AC-Conversion | |||
Real | pf | 0.9 | Power factor |
Real | eta_DCAC | 0.9 | Efficiency of DC/AC conversion |
Wind correction | |||
Real | h | Height over ground | |
Height | hRef | 10 | Reference height for wind measurement [m] |
Real | nWin | 0.4 | Height exponent for wind profile calculation |
Type | Name | Description |
input RealInput | vWin | Steady wind speed [m/s] |
output RealOutput | P | Generated power [W] |
Modelica definition
Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable
This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced voltage sources without neutral cable connection.
Type | Name | Description |
Terminal_p | terminal | Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems |
Modelica definition
Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source
with neutral cable
This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced voltage sources that have a neutral cable.
The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.
Type | Name | Description |
Terminal4_p | terminal | Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable |
Modelica definition
Base model for an unbalanced PV source without neutral cable
This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced PV power sources without neutral cable.
Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV (Partial model for an unbalanced PV source), Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource (Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | plugPhase1 | true | If true, phase 1 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase2 | true | If true, phase 2 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase3 | true | If true, phase 3 is connected |
Area | A | Net surface area [m2] | |
Real | fAct | 0.9 | Fraction of surface area with active solar cells [1] |
Real | eta | 0.12 | Module conversion efficiency [1] |
Real | areaFraction[3] | ones(3)/3 | Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase |
PVSimple | pv_phase2 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P... | PV phase 2 |
PVSimple | pv_phase3 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P... | PV phase 3 |
PVSimple | pv_phase1 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P... | PV phase 1 |
AC-Conversion | |||
Real | pf | 0.9 | Power factor |
Real | eta_DCAC | 0.9 | Efficiency of DC/AC conversion |
Nominal conditions | |||
Voltage | V_nominal | Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
output RealOutput | P | Generated power [W] |
Terminal_p | terminal | Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems |
Modelica definition
Base model for an unbalanced PV source with neutral cable
This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced PV power sources with neutral cable connection.
The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.
Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV (Partial model for an unbalanced PV source).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | plugPhase1 | true | If true, phase 1 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase2 | true | If true, phase 2 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase3 | true | If true, phase 3 is connected |
Area | A | Net surface area [m2] | |
Real | fAct | 0.9 | Fraction of surface area with active solar cells [1] |
Real | eta | 0.12 | Module conversion efficiency [1] |
Real | areaFraction[3] | ones(3)/3 | Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase |
PVSimple | pv_phase2 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P... | PV phase 2 |
PVSimple | pv_phase3 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P... | PV phase 3 |
PVSimple | pv_phase1 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P... | PV phase 1 |
AC-Conversion | |||
Real | pf | 0.9 | Power factor |
Real | eta_DCAC | 0.9 | Efficiency of DC/AC conversion |
Nominal conditions | |||
Voltage | V_nominal | Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
output RealOutput | P | Generated power [W] |
Terminal4_p | terminal | Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable |
Modelica definition
Base model for an unbalanced wind power source without neutral cable
This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced wind turbine power sources without neutral cable.
Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine (Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source), Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource (Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | plugPhase1 | true | If true, phase 1 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase2 | true | If true, phase 2 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase3 | true | If true, phase 3 is connected |
Real | scale | 1 | Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table |
Boolean | tableOnFile | false | true, if table is defined on file or in function usertab |
Real | table[:, 2] | [3.5, 0; 5.5, 0.1; 12, 0.9; ... | Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power) |
String | tableName | "NoName" | Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation) |
String | fileName | "NoName" | File where matrix is stored |
Real | scaleFraction[3] | ones(3)/3 | Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase |
WindTurbine | wt_phase2 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W... | Wind turbine phase 2 |
WindTurbine | wt_phase3 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W... | Wind turbine phase 3 |
WindTurbine | wt_phase1 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W... | Wind turbine phase 1 |
AC-Conversion | |||
Real | pf | 0.9 | Power factor |
Real | eta_DCAC | 0.9 | Efficiency of DC/AC conversion |
Wind correction | |||
Real | h | Height over ground | |
Height | hRef | 10 | Reference height for wind measurement [m] |
Real | nWin | 0.4 | Height exponent for wind profile calculation |
Nominal conditions | |||
Voltage | V_nominal | V_nominal(start=480) | Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
input RealInput | vWin | Steady wind speed [m/s] |
output RealOutput | P | Generated power [W] |
Terminal_p | terminal | Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems |
Modelica definition
Base model for an unbalanced wind power source with neutral cable
This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced wind turbine power sources with neutral cable connection.
The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.
Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine (Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | plugPhase1 | true | If true, phase 1 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase2 | true | If true, phase 2 is connected |
Boolean | plugPhase3 | true | If true, phase 3 is connected |
Real | scale | 1 | Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table |
Boolean | tableOnFile | false | true, if table is defined on file or in function usertab |
Real | table[:, 2] | [3.5, 0; 5.5, 0.1; 12, 0.9; ... | Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power) |
String | tableName | "NoName" | Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation) |
String | fileName | "NoName" | File where matrix is stored |
Real | scaleFraction[3] | ones(3)/3 | Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase |
WindTurbine | wt_phase2 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W... | Wind turbine phase 2 |
WindTurbine | wt_phase3 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W... | Wind turbine phase 3 |
WindTurbine | wt_phase1 | redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W... | Wind turbine phase 1 |
AC-Conversion | |||
Real | pf | 0.9 | Power factor |
Real | eta_DCAC | 0.9 | Efficiency of DC/AC conversion |
Wind correction | |||
Real | h | Height over ground | |
Height | hRef | 10 | Reference height for wind measurement [m] |
Real | nWin | 0.4 | Height exponent for wind profile calculation |
Nominal conditions | |||
Voltage | V_nominal | V_nominal(start=480) | Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
input RealInput | vWin | Steady wind speed [m/s] |
output RealOutput | P | Generated power [W] |
Terminal4_p | terminal | Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable |