
Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models


This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.CorrectedConvection CorrectedConvection Example model for undisturbed soil temperature with surface convection correction
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.CorrectedNFactors CorrectedNFactors Example model for undisturbed soil temperature with n-factors correction
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.UndisturbedSoilTemperature UndisturbedSoilTemperature Example model for undisturbed soil temperature

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.CorrectedConvection Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.CorrectedConvection

Example model for undisturbed soil temperature with surface convection correction



This example model showcases the use of the convection coefficient correction, which allows to specify the heat transfer rate between the air and the surface temperature.

Extends from UndisturbedSoilTemperature (Example model for undisturbed soil temperature).


IntegernSoi4Number of probed depths
Lengthdep[nSoi]{0,2,5,9}Probed depths [m]

Modelica definition

model CorrectedConvection "Example model for undisturbed soil temperature with surface convection correction" extends UndisturbedSoilTemperature(TSoi(each useCon=true, each hSur=5)); end CorrectedConvection;

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.CorrectedNFactors Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.CorrectedNFactors

Example model for undisturbed soil temperature with n-factors correction



This example model showcases the use of n-factors, which are used to correct the surface temperature given the ratio of freezing/thawing degree days (FDD/TDD) between the air and the ground.


The values used in this example are equivalent to the use-case presented in the "Heat Transfer at Ground Surface" section of the District Cooling Guide (ASHRAE, 2013).

Extends from UndisturbedSoilTemperature (Example model for undisturbed soil temperature).


IntegernSoi4Number of probed depths
Lengthdep[nSoi]{0,2,5,9}Probed depths [m]

Modelica definition

model CorrectedNFactors "Example model for undisturbed soil temperature with n-factors correction" extends UndisturbedSoilTemperature( TSoi(each useNFac=true, each nFacTha=1.7, each nFacFre=0.66)); end CorrectedNFactors;

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.UndisturbedSoilTemperature Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.Examples.UndisturbedSoilTemperature

Example model for undisturbed soil temperature



This example model illustrates how the undisturbed soil temperature model decreases seasonal temperature oscillations and increases delay as depth is increasing.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


IntegernSoi4Number of probed depths
Lengthdep[nSoi]{0,2,5,9}Probed depths [m]

Modelica definition

model UndisturbedSoilTemperature "Example model for undisturbed soil temperature" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter Integer nSoi = 4 "Number of probed depths"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length dep[nSoi] = {0,2,5,9} "Probed depths"; Buildings.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.UndisturbedSoilTemperature TSoi[nSoi](dep=dep, each cliCon=cliCon, each soiDat=soiDat) "Undisturbed soil temperatures"; protected replaceable parameter ClimaticConstants.Boston cliCon "Surface temperature climatic conditions"; replaceable parameter Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Soil.Generic soiDat( k=1.58,c=1150,d=1600) "Soil thermal properties"; end UndisturbedSoilTemperature;