
Package with type definitions used in solar collector data records


This package contains type definitions used in solar thermal collector models.

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Fluid.SolarCollectors.Types.Area Area Enumeration to define the area type used in solar collector calculation
Buildings.Fluid.SolarCollectors.Types.NumberSelection NumberSelection Enumeration of options for how users will specify the number of solar collectors in a system
Buildings.Fluid.SolarCollectors.Types.SystemConfiguration SystemConfiguration Enumeration of options for how the panels are connected

Types and constants

  type Area = enumeration(
    Gross   "Gross area",
    Aperture   "Net aperture area")
    "Enumeration to define the area type used in solar collector calculation";
  type NumberSelection = enumeration(
    Number   "Number of panels",
    Area   "Total panel area") "Enumeration of options for how users will specify
      the number of solar collectors in a system";
  type SystemConfiguration = enumeration(
    Parallel   "Panels connected in parallel",
    Series   "Panels connected in series")
    "Enumeration of options for how the panels are connected";


Enumeration to define the area type used in solar collector calculation


Enumeration used to define the different types of area measurements used in solar collector testing.

Modelica definition

type Area = enumeration( Gross "Gross area", Aperture "Net aperture area") "Enumeration to define the area type used in solar collector calculation";


Enumeration of options for how users will specify the number of solar collectors in a system


Enumeration used to define the different methods of declaring solar thermal system size.

Modelica definition

type NumberSelection = enumeration( Number "Number of panels", Area "Total panel area") "Enumeration of options for how users will specify the number of solar collectors in a system";


Enumeration of options for how the panels are connected


Enumeration used to define the different configurations of solar thermal systems.

Modelica definition

type SystemConfiguration = enumeration( Parallel "Panels connected in parallel", Series "Panels connected in series") "Enumeration of options for how the panels are connected";