
Package for calibration of heat pump models


This package contains runnable models that are used to calibrate the heat pump models in Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.UtilitiesPackage (Icon for utility packages).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Calibration.ScrollWaterToWater ScrollWaterToWater Calibration model for scroll water to water heat pump
Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Calibration.BaseClasses BaseClasses Base classes for calibration of heat pump models

Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Calibration.ScrollWaterToWater Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Calibration.ScrollWaterToWater

Calibration model for scroll water to water heat pump



Calibration model for the calibration of models for water to water heat pump with scroll compressor.

Source and load temperatures and flow rates are read from an external time table.

This model is called from the Python code that computes heat pump model parameters from the performance data. Heat pump model parameters are obtained through an optimization procedure that minimizes the difference between the modeled and tabulated (from the manufacturers) capacity and power input of the heat pump.

The optimization is done using a Python implementation of the heat pump model, found in Buildings/Resources/src/fluid/heatpumps/calibration/. Heat pump model parameters are verified using this modelica model after their evaluation by the Python code.

Documentation for the Python code is in the directory Buildings/Resources/src/fluid/heatpumps/calibration/doc/build/html.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples), Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Calibration.BaseClasses.PartialWaterToWater (Partial model for calibration of water to water heat pumps).


replaceable package Medium1PartialMediumMedium model at the condenser side
replaceable package Medium2PartialMediumMedium model at the evaporator side
replaceable package refR410ARefrigerant model
MassFlowRatem1_flow_nominal1.42Nominal mass flow rate on condenser side [kg/s]
MassFlowRatem2_flow_nominal1.42Nominal mass flow rate on evaporator side [kg/s]
Pressuredp1_nominal1000Pressure drop at nominal mass flow rate on condenser side [Pa]
Pressuredp2_nominal1000Pressure drop at nominal mass flow rate on evaporator side [Pa]
ThermalConductanceUACon12000.0Thermal conductance of condenser [W/K]
ThermalConductanceUAEva12000.0Thermal conductance of evaporator [W/K]
RealvolRat2.0Built-in volume ratio [1]
VolumeFlowRateV_flow_nominal0.009Refrigerant volume flow rate at suction [m3/s]
MassFlowRateleaCoe0.03Leakage coefficient [kg/s]
EfficiencyetaEle0.696Electro-mechanical efficiency of the compressor [1]
PowerPLos500.0Constant part of the compressor power losses [W]
TemperatureDifferencedTSup10.0Superheating at compressor suction [K]


replaceable package Medium1Medium model at the condenser side
replaceable package Medium2Medium model at the evaporator side

Modelica definition

model ScrollWaterToWater "Calibration model for scroll water to water heat pump" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Calibration.BaseClasses.PartialWaterToWater ( redeclare package Medium1 = Buildings.Media.Water, redeclare package Medium2 = Buildings.Media.Water, redeclare Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.ScrollWaterToWater heaPum( datHeaPum( etaEle=etaEle, PLos=PLos, dTSup=dTSup, UACon=UACon, UAEva=UAEva, volRat=volRat, V_flow_nominal=V_flow_nominal, leaCoe=leaCoe), energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.SteadyState, enable_temperature_protection=false), calDat(tableName="ManufacturerData", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://Buildings/Resources/src/fluid/heatpumps/calibration/manufacturerData.txt")), UACon = 12000.0, UAEva = 12000.0, m1_flow_nominal=1.42, m2_flow_nominal=1.42); parameter Real volRat(min = 1.0, unit = "1") = 2.0 "Built-in volume ratio"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate V_flow_nominal(min = 0) = 0.009 "Refrigerant volume flow rate at suction"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate leaCoe(min = 0) = 0.03 "Leakage coefficient"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Efficiency etaEle = 0.696 "Electro-mechanical efficiency of the compressor"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Power PLos(min = 0) = 500.0 "Constant part of the compressor power losses"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.TemperatureDifference dTSup(min = 0) = 10.0 "Superheating at compressor suction"; end ScrollWaterToWater;