Collection of validation models
This package contains validation models for the classes in Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.
Note that most validation models contain simple input data which may not be realistic, but for which the correct output can be obtained through an analytic solution. The examples plot various outputs, which have been verified against these solutions. These model outputs are stored as reference data and used for continuous validation whenever models in the library change.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).
Package Content
Name | Description |
![]() |
Validation with EnergyPlus model for Merkel's cooling tower |
Validation with EnergyPlus model for Merkel's cooling tower
This model validates the model Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.Merkel by comparing against results obtained from EnergyPlus.
The EnergyPlus results were obtained using the example file
, with the cooling tower evaluated as
the CoolingTower:VariableSpeed:Merkel
model from EnergyPlus.
The difference in results of the cooling tower's leaving water temperature
and TLvg.EP
during the middle and end of the simulation is because the mass flow rate is
zero. For zero mass flow rate, EnergyPlus assumes a steady state condition,
whereas the Modelica model is a dynamic model and hence the properties at the
outlet are equal to the state variables of the model.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | denWat | MediumWat.density(MediumWat.... | Default density of water [kg/m3] |
PressureDifference | dp_nominal | 6000 | Nominal pressure difference of cooling tower [Pa] |
VolumeFlowRate | VWat_flow_nominal | 0.00109181 | Nominal volumetric flow rate of water (medium 2) [m3/s] |
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | VWat_flow_nominal*denWat | Nominal mass flow rate of water (medium 2) [kg/s] |
Real | ratWatAir_nominal | 1.61599 | Nominal water-to-air ratio |
Temperature | TAirInWB_nominal | 18.85 + 273.15 | Nominal outdoor wetbulb temperature [K] |
Temperature | TWatIn_nominal | 34.16 + 273.15 | Nominal water inlet temperature [K] |
Temperature | TWatOut_initial | 33.019 + 273.15 | Nominal water inlet temperature [K] |
HeatFlowRate | Q_flow_nominal | -20286.37455 | Nominal heat transfer, positive [W] |
ThermalConductance | UA_nominal_EP | 2011.28668 | Nominal heat transfer, positive [W/K] |
Power | PFan_nominal | 213.00693 | Nominal fan power [W] |
Real | r_VEnePlu[:] | {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0... | Fan control signal |
Real | r_PEnePlu[:] | {0,0.020982275,0.027843038,0... | Fan power output as a function of the signal |