
User's Guide


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The package Buildings.Controls.OBC contains the Control Description Language (CDL) and models for building control that are implemented using CDL. Both have been developed in the OpenBuildingControl project, see

The control sequences, which include the HVAC airside system control Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36_PR1, the outdoor lighting control Buildings.Controls.OBC.OutdoorLights, and the shading device control Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade, are composed of the elementary blocks from the package Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.

The package also contains models for unit conversions, Buildings.Controls.OBC.UnitConversions, and utilities models, such as Buildings.Controls.OBC.Utilities.OptimalStart, which output the optimal start time for an HVAC system.

The Control Description Language (CDL) can be found in Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL and its specification is at

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Controls.OBC.UsersGuide.Conventions Conventions Naming conventions in OBC package

Buildings.Controls.OBC.UsersGuide.Conventions Buildings.Controls.OBC.UsersGuide.Conventions

Naming conventions in OBC package


The Buildings.Controls.OBC package follows the naming conventions of the Buildings Library, see Buildings.UsersGuide.Conventions. The table below shows some examples of commonly used names. Note that the names are generally composed as follows:

Generally, we strive for short names, and therefore often prefix or postfix are omitted if the type of the variable is clear from the context. For example, a room temperature thermostat may simply use T as an input as it is clear that this will be the room temperature.

Instance names
TOut (hOut) Outdoor air temperature (enthalpy)
TZonHeaSet (TZonCooSet) Zone heating (cooling) set point temperature
VDis_flow Measured discharge airflow rate
dpBui Building static pressure difference, relative to ambient
uOpeMod Zone group operating mode
uResReq Number of reset requests
uSupFan Current supply fan enabling status, true: fan is enabled
uSupFanSpe Current supply fan speed
uDam Measured damper position
uHea (uCoo) Heating (cooling) loop signal
yPosMin (yPosMax) Minimum (maximum) position
yHeaCoi (yCooCoi) Heating (cooling) coil control signal
Parameter names
Name Comments
use_TMix Set to true if mixed air temperature measurement is used
have_occSen (have_winSen) Set to true if the zone has occupancy (window) sensor
AFlo Area of the zone
VDisHeaSetMax_flow (VDisCooSetMax_flow) Zone maximum heating (cooling) airflow set point
VOutPerAre_flow (VOutPerPer_flow) Outdoor airflow rate per unit area (person)
V_flow_nominal Nominal volume flow rate
VOutMin_flow Calculated minimum outdoor airflow rate at design stage
pMinSet (pMaxSet) Minimum (maximum) pressure set point for fan speed control
TSupSetMin (TSupSetMax) Lowest (Highest) cooling supply air temperature
TOccHeaSet (TUnoHeaSet) Zone occupied (unoccupied) heating set point
TZonCooMax (TZonCooMin) Maximum (minimum) zone cooling set point when cooling is on
retDamPhyPosMax (outDamPhyPosMax) Physically fixed maximum position of the return (outdoor) air damper
samplePeriod Sample period
zonDisEffHea (zonDisEffCoo) Zone air distribution effectiveness during heating (cooling)
kCoo Gain for cooling control loop signal
TiCoo Time constant of integrator block for cooling control loop signal
TdCoo Time constant of derivative block for cooling control loop signal

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).

Modelica definition

class Conventions "Naming conventions in OBC package" extends Modelica.Icons.Information; end Conventions;