
Shading control sequences


This package contains shade control sequences.

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Shade_H Shade_H Shade controller with solar irradiation as input
Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Shade_T Shade_T Shade controller with temperature as input
Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Validation Validation Collection of validation models

Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Shade_H Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Shade_H

Shade controller with solar irradiation as input



Block that outputs a shade control signal y ∈ {0, 1} as follows:

Shade control chart


RealHHighHHigh(final quantity="Irradi...if y=0 and H>=HHigh, switch to y=1 [W/m2]
RealHLowHLow(final quantity="Irradia...if y=1 and H<=HLow, switch to y=0 [W/m2]


input RealInputHMeasured irradiation [W/m2]
output RealOutputyControl signal [1]

Modelica definition

block Shade_H "Shade controller with solar irradiation as input" parameter Real HHigh( final quantity="Irradiance", final unit="W/m2") "if y=0 and H>=HHigh, switch to y=1"; parameter Real HLow( final quantity="Irradiance", final unit="W/m2") "if y=1 and H<=HLow, switch to y=0"; CDL.Interfaces.RealInput H(final unit = "W/m2") "Measured irradiation"; CDL.Interfaces.RealOutput y( final min = 0, final max = 1, unit="1") "Control signal"; protected CDL.Continuous.Hysteresis hys( final uLow=HLow, final uHigh=HHigh) "Hysteresis block"; CDL.Conversions.BooleanToReal booToRea "Boolean to real converter"; equation connect(H, hys.u); connect(hys.y, booToRea.u); connect(booToRea.y, y); end Shade_H;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Shade_T Buildings.Controls.OBC.Shade.Shade_T

Shade controller with temperature as input



Block that outputs a shade control signal y ∈ {0, 1} as follows:

Shade control chart


RealTHighTHigh(final quantity="Thermo...if y=0 and T>=THigh, switch to y=1 [K]
RealTLowTLow(final quantity="Thermod...if y=1 and T<=TLow, switch to y=0 [K]


input RealInputTMeasured temperature [K]
output RealOutputyControl signal [1]

Modelica definition

block Shade_T "Shade controller with temperature as input" parameter Real THigh( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "if y=0 and T>=THigh, switch to y=1"; parameter Real TLow( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "if y=1 and T<=TLow, switch to y=0"; CDL.Interfaces.RealInput T(final unit = "K") "Measured temperature"; CDL.Interfaces.RealOutput y( final min = 0, final max = 1, unit="1") "Control signal"; protected CDL.Continuous.Hysteresis hys( final uLow=TLow, final uHigh=THigh) "Temperature hysteresis"; CDL.Conversions.BooleanToReal booToRea "Boolean to real converter"; equation connect(T, hys.u); connect(hys.y, booToRea.u); connect(booToRea.y, y); end Shade_T;