
Package with base class models


This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance BaseImpedance Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl BaseLoadCtrl Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controllers
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.Impedance Impedance Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance without neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.Impedance_N Impedance_N Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance with neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl LoadCtrl Partial model of a three-phase load with voltage controller without neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N LoadCtrl_N Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controller and neutral cable

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance

Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance



This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced impedance.

The model can be configured in order to represent different type of impedances as well as configurations.

The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose.

The model has three impedances that can be either connected in Y or D configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose. The Boolean parameter inductive can be selected to specify the type of impedance.

The impedances on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3. These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.

The values of the impedances are computed starting from the parameters R, L, and C. Depending on the values of the boolean flag inductive some of these parameters may be disabled. There are additional flags use_R_in, use_L_in, and use_C_in that can be used to specify time varying impedances.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced (Partial interface for unbalanced loads).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
Impedanceload1load1( inductive=inductive...Load 1
Impedanceload2load2( inductive=inductive...Load 2
Impedanceload3load3( inductive=inductive...Load 3
LoadConnectionloadConnBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Type of load connection (Yg or D)
BooleaninductivetrueIf =true the load is inductive, otherwise it is capacitive
ResistanceR1Resistance [Ohm]
InductanceL0Inductance [H]
CapacitanceC0Capacitance [F]
Variable load
Booleanuse_R_infalseif true, R is specified by an input
ResistanceRMin1e-4Minimum value of the resistance [Ohm]
ResistanceRMax1e2Maximum value of the resistance [Ohm]
Booleanuse_C_infalseif true, C is specified by an input
CapacitanceCMin1e-4Minimum value of the capacitance [F]
CapacitanceCMax1e2Maximum value of the capacitance [F]
Booleanuse_L_infalseif true, L is specified by an input
InductanceLMin1e-4Minimum value of the inductance [H]
InductanceLMax1e2Maximum value of the inductance [H]


input RealInputy_RInput that sepecifies variable R
input RealInputy_CInput that sepecifies variable C
input RealInputy_LInput that sepecifies variable L

Modelica definition

partial model BaseImpedance "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance" extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced; replaceable Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load1( inductive=inductive, R=R, L=L, C=C, use_R_in=use_R_in, RMin=RMin, RMax=RMax, use_C_in=use_C_in, CMin=CMin, CMax=CMax, use_L_in=use_L_in, LMin=LMin, LMax=LMax) if plugPhase1 "Load 1"; replaceable Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load2( inductive=inductive, R=R, L=L, C=C, use_R_in=use_R_in, RMin=RMin, RMax=RMax, use_C_in=use_C_in, CMin=CMin, CMax=CMax, use_L_in=use_L_in, LMin=LMin, LMax=LMax) if plugPhase2 "Load 2"; replaceable Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load3( inductive=inductive, R=R, L=L, C=C, use_R_in=use_R_in, RMin=RMin, RMax=RMax, use_C_in=use_C_in, CMin=CMin, CMax=CMax, use_L_in=use_L_in, LMin=LMin, LMax=LMax) if plugPhase3 "Load 3"; parameter Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection loadConn= Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg "Type of load connection (Yg or D)"; parameter Boolean inductive=true "If =true the load is inductive, otherwise it is capacitive"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance R(start = 1,min=0) = 1 "Resistance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance L(start=0, min=0) = 0 "Inductance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance C(start=0,min=0) = 0 "Capacitance"; parameter Boolean use_R_in = false "if true, R is specified by an input"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance RMin(start = R, min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the resistance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance RMax(start = R, min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the resistance"; parameter Boolean use_C_in = false "if true, C is specified by an input"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance CMin(start = C, min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the capacitance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance CMax(start = C, min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the capacitance"; parameter Boolean use_L_in = false "if true, L is specified by an input"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance LMin(start = L, min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the inductance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance LMax(start = L, min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the inductance"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_R(min=0, max=1) if use_R_in "Input that sepecifies variable R"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_C(min=0, max=1) if use_C_in "Input that sepecifies variable C"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_L(min=0, max=1) if use_L_in "Input that sepecifies variable L"; Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta wyeToDelta if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta) "Wye to delta load connection"; Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wyeToWyeGround if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg) "Wye to grounded wye connection"; protected Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaDel if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta) "Adapter"; Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaWye if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg) "Adapter"; equation // Conditional connections to load 1 if plugPhase1 then if use_R_in then connect(y_R, load1.y_R); end if; if use_C_in then connect(y_C, load1.y_C); end if; if use_L_in then connect(y_L, load1.y_L); end if; end if; // Conditional connections to load 2 if plugPhase2 then if use_R_in then connect(y_R, load2.y_R); end if; if use_L_in then connect(y_L, load2.y_L); end if; if use_C_in then connect(y_C, load2.y_C); end if; end if; // Conditional connections to load 3 if plugPhase3 then if use_R_in then connect(y_R, load3.y_R); end if; if use_C_in then connect(y_C, load3.y_C); end if; if use_L_in then connect(y_L, load3.y_L); end if; end if; // Connection of the single loads to the 3phases connector if plugPhase1 then connect(load1.terminal, adaDel.terminals[1]); connect(load1.terminal, adaWye.terminals[1]); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(load2.terminal, adaDel.terminals[2]); connect(load2.terminal, adaWye.terminals[2]); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(load3.terminal, adaDel.terminals[3]); connect(load3.terminal, adaWye.terminals[3]); end if; connect(adaDel.terminal,; connect(adaWye.terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wyeg); end BaseImpedance;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl

Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controllers



This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced load.

The loads on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3. These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.

The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose.

Each load model has the option to be controlled by a voltage controller. When enabled, the voltage controller unplugs the load for a certain amount of time if the voltage exceeds a given threshold. Mode information about the voltage controller can be found here.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced (Partial interface for unbalanced loads).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
LoadConnectionloadConnBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Type of load connection (Yg or D)
Loadload1load1( redeclare package P...Load 1
Loadload2load2( redeclare package P...Load 2
Loadload3load3( redeclare package P...Load 3
Modeling assumption
BooleanlinearizedfalseIf =true introduce a linearization in the load
LoadmodeBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Parameters that specifies the mode of the load (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)
Nominal conditions
PowerP_nominal0Nominal power (negative if consumed, positive if generated) [W]
VoltageV_nominalV_nominal( ...Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]
Voltage CTRL
BooleanvoltageCtrlfalseThis flag enables the voltage control
RealvThresh0.1Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)
TimetDelay300Time to wait before plugging the load again after disconnection [s]
InitModeinitModeBuildings.Electrical.Types.I...Initialization mode for homotopy operator


input RealInputy1Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow1Power consumed [W]
input RealInputy2Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow2Power consumed [W]
input RealInputy3Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow3Power consumed [W]

Modelica definition

partial model BaseLoadCtrl "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controllers" extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced; parameter Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection loadConn= Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg "Type of load connection (Yg or D)"; parameter Boolean linearized = false "If =true introduce a linearization in the load"; parameter Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load mode( min=Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state, max=Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input)= Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state "Parameters that specifies the mode of the load (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Power P_nominal=0 "Nominal power (negative if consumed, positive if generated)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start = 480) "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"; parameter Boolean voltageCtrl = false "This flag enables the voltage control"; parameter Real vThresh(min=0.0, max=1.0) = 0.1 "Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tDelay = 300 "Time to wait before plugging the load again after disconnection"; parameter Types.InitMode initMode=Buildings.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current "Initialization mode for homotopy operator"; replaceable Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.Load load1( redeclare package PhaseSystem = Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase, redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal, final linearized=linearized, final mode=mode, final P_nominal = P_nominal, final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3), final initMode=initMode) if plugPhase1 "Load 1"; replaceable Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.Load load2( redeclare package PhaseSystem = Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase, redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal, final linearized=linearized, final mode=mode, final P_nominal = P_nominal, final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3), final initMode=initMode) if plugPhase2 "Load 2"; replaceable Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.Load load3( redeclare package PhaseSystem = Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase, redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal, final linearized=linearized, final mode=mode, final P_nominal = P_nominal, final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3), final initMode=initMode) if plugPhase3 "Load 3"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y1 if plugPhase1 and mode == Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input "Fraction of the nominal power consumed"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow1(unit="W") if plugPhase1 and mode == Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input "Power consumed"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y2 if plugPhase2 and mode == Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input "Fraction of the nominal power consumed"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow2(unit="W") if plugPhase2 and mode == Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input "Power consumed"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y3 if plugPhase3 and mode == Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input "Fraction of the nominal power consumed"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow3(unit="W") if plugPhase3 and mode == Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input "Power consumed"; Buildings.Electrical.Utilities.VoltageControl vCTRL_1( redeclare package PhaseSystem = Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase, redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal, vThresh=vThresh, tDelay=tDelay, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl "Voltage controller for load 1"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product cmd1 if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl "Block that impose voltage ctrl"; Buildings.Electrical.Utilities.VoltageControl vCTRL_2( redeclare package PhaseSystem = Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase, redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal, vThresh=vThresh, tDelay=tDelay, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl "Voltage controller for load 2"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product cmd2 if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl "Block that impose voltage ctrl"; Buildings.Electrical.Utilities.VoltageControl vCTRL_3( redeclare package PhaseSystem = Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase, redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal, vThresh=vThresh, tDelay=tDelay, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl "Voltage controller for load 3"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product cmd3 if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl "Block that impose voltage ctrl"; Interfaces.WyeToDelta wyeToDelta if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta) "Wye to delta load connection"; Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wyeToWyeGround if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg) "Wye to wye grounded connection"; protected Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaDel if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta) "Adapter"; Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaWye if (loadConn == Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg) "Adapter"; equation // Connections enabled when the input provided is y (between 0 and 1) if mode==Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input then if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl then connect(cmd1.y, load1.y); connect(cmd1.u2, y1); end if; if plugPhase1 and not voltageCtrl then connect(y1, load1.y); end if; if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl then connect(cmd2.y, load2.y); connect(cmd2.u2, y2); end if; if plugPhase2 and not voltageCtrl then connect(y2, load2.y); end if; if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl then connect(cmd3.y, load3.y); connect(cmd3.u2, y3); end if; if plugPhase3 and not voltageCtrl then connect(y3, load3.y); end if; end if; // Connections enabled when the input provided is the power if mode==Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input then if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl then connect(cmd1.y, load1.Pow); connect(cmd1.u2, Pow1); end if; if plugPhase1 and not voltageCtrl then connect(Pow1, load1.Pow); end if; if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl then connect(cmd2.y, load2.Pow); connect(cmd2.u2, Pow2); end if; if plugPhase2 and not voltageCtrl then connect(Pow2, load2.Pow); end if; if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl then connect(cmd3.y, load3.Pow); connect(cmd3.u2, Pow3); end if; if plugPhase3 and not voltageCtrl then connect(Pow3, load3.Pow); end if; end if; // Connections enabled when phase 1 is plugged and voltage ctrl activated if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl then connect(load1.terminal, vCTRL_1.terminal); connect(vCTRL_1.y, cmd1.u1); end if; if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl then connect(load2.terminal, vCTRL_2.terminal); connect(vCTRL_2.y, cmd2.u1); end if; if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl then connect(load3.terminal, vCTRL_3.terminal); connect(vCTRL_3.y, cmd3.u1); end if; // Connection of the single loads to the 3phases connector if plugPhase1 then connect(load1.terminal, adaDel.terminals[1]); connect(load1.terminal, adaWye.terminals[1]); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(load2.terminal, adaDel.terminals[2]); connect(load2.terminal, adaWye.terminals[2]); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(load3.terminal, adaDel.terminals[3]); connect(load3.terminal, adaWye.terminals[3]); end if; connect(adaDel.terminal,; connect(adaWye.terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wyeg); end BaseLoadCtrl;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.Impedance Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.Impedance

Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance without neutral cable



This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced impedance without neutral cable.

The model can be configured in order to represent different type of impedances as well as configurations.

The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose.

The model has three impedances that can be either connected in Y or Delta configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose. The Boolean parameter inductive can be selected to specify the type of impedance.

The impedances on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3. These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.

The values of the impedances are computed starting from the parameters R, L, and C. Depending on the values of the boolean flag inductive some of these parameters may be disabled. There are additional flags use_R_in, use_L_in, and use_C_in that can be used to specify time varying impedances.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance (Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
Impedanceload1redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 1
Impedanceload2redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 2
Impedanceload3redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 3
LoadConnectionloadConnBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Type of load connection (Yg or D)
BooleaninductivetrueIf =true the load is inductive, otherwise it is capacitive
ResistanceR1Resistance [Ohm]
InductanceL0Inductance [H]
CapacitanceC0Capacitance [F]
Variable load
Booleanuse_R_infalseif true, R is specified by an input
ResistanceRMin1e-4Minimum value of the resistance [Ohm]
ResistanceRMax1e2Maximum value of the resistance [Ohm]
Booleanuse_C_infalseif true, C is specified by an input
CapacitanceCMin1e-4Minimum value of the capacitance [F]
CapacitanceCMax1e2Maximum value of the capacitance [F]
Booleanuse_L_infalseif true, L is specified by an input
InductanceLMin1e-4Minimum value of the inductance [H]
InductanceLMax1e2Maximum value of the inductance [H]


input RealInputy_RInput that sepecifies variable R
input RealInputy_CInput that sepecifies variable C
input RealInputy_LInput that sepecifies variable L
Terminal_nterminalElectrical connector

Modelica definition

partial model Impedance "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance without neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance; Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal "Electrical connector"; equation connect(terminal, wyeToDelta.wye); connect(terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wye); end Impedance;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.Impedance_N Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.Impedance_N

Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance with neutral cable



This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced impedance with a neutral cable. The current in the neutral cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents in the loads.

The model can be configured in order to represent different type of impedances as well as configurations.

The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose.

The model has three impedances that can be either connected in Y or Delta configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose. The Boolean parameter inductive can be selected to specify the type of impedance.

The impedances on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3. These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.

The values of the impedances are computed starting from the parameters R, L, and C. Depending on the values of the boolean flag inductive some of these parameters may be disabled. There are additional flags use_R_in, use_L_in, and use_C_in that can be used to specify time varying impedances.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance (Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
Impedanceload1redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 1
Impedanceload2redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 2
Impedanceload3redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 3
LoadConnectionloadConnBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Type of load connection (Yg or D)
BooleaninductivetrueIf =true the load is inductive, otherwise it is capacitive
ResistanceR1Resistance [Ohm]
InductanceL0Inductance [H]
CapacitanceC0Capacitance [F]
Variable load
Booleanuse_R_infalseif true, R is specified by an input
ResistanceRMin1e-4Minimum value of the resistance [Ohm]
ResistanceRMax1e2Maximum value of the resistance [Ohm]
Booleanuse_C_infalseif true, C is specified by an input
CapacitanceCMin1e-4Minimum value of the capacitance [F]
CapacitanceCMax1e2Maximum value of the capacitance [F]
Booleanuse_L_infalseif true, L is specified by an input
InductanceLMin1e-4Minimum value of the inductance [H]
InductanceLMax1e2Maximum value of the inductance [H]


input RealInputy_RInput that sepecifies variable R
input RealInputy_CInput that sepecifies variable C
input RealInputy_LInput that sepecifies variable L
Terminal4_nterminalElectrical connector

Modelica definition

partial model Impedance_N "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance with neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance; Interfaces.Terminal4_n terminal "Electrical connector"; Interfaces.Connection3to4_n connection3to4 "Connection from three-phase and neutral to three-phase"; equation connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToDelta.wye); connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToWyeGround.wye); connect(connection3to4.terminal4, terminal); end Impedance_N;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl

Partial model of a three-phase load with voltage controller without neutral cable



This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced load without neutral cable.

The loads on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3. These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.

The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose.

Each load model has the option to be controlled by a voltage controller. When enabled, the voltage controller unplugs the load for a certain amount of time if the voltage exceeds a given threshold. Mode information about the voltage controller can be found here.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl (Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controllers).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
LoadConnectionloadConnBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Type of load connection (Yg or D)
Loadload1redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 1
Loadload2redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 2
Loadload3redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 3
Modeling assumption
BooleanlinearizedfalseIf =true introduce a linearization in the load
LoadmodeBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Parameters that specifies the mode of the load (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)
Nominal conditions
PowerP_nominal0Nominal power (negative if consumed, positive if generated) [W]
VoltageV_nominal Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]
Voltage CTRL
BooleanvoltageCtrlfalseThis flag enables the voltage control
RealvThresh0.1Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)
TimetDelay300Time to wait before plugging the load again after disconnection [s]
InitModeinitModeBuildings.Electrical.Types.I...Initialization mode for homotopy operator


input RealInputy1Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow1Power consumed [W]
input RealInputy2Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow2Power consumed [W]
input RealInputy3Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow3Power consumed [W]
Terminal_nterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems without neutral cable

Modelica definition

partial model LoadCtrl "Partial model of a three-phase load with voltage controller without neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl; Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems without neutral cable"; equation connect(terminal, wyeToDelta.wye); connect(terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wye); end LoadCtrl;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N

Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controller and neutral cable



This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced load with neutral cable. The current in the neutral cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents in the loads.

The loads on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3. These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.

The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration. The parameter loadConn can be used for such a purpose.

Each load model has the option to be controlled by a voltage controller. When enabled, the voltage controller unplugs the load for a certain amount of time if the voltage exceeds a given threshold. Mode information about the voltage controller can be found here.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl (Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controllers).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
LoadConnectionloadConnBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Type of load connection (Yg or D)
Loadload1redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 1
Loadload2redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 2
Loadload3redeclare Buildings.Electric...Load 3
Modeling assumption
BooleanlinearizedfalseIf =true introduce a linearization in the load
LoadmodeBuildings.Electrical.Types.L...Parameters that specifies the mode of the load (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)
Nominal conditions
PowerP_nominal0Nominal power (negative if consumed, positive if generated) [W]
VoltageV_nominal Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]
Voltage CTRL
BooleanvoltageCtrlfalseThis flag enables the voltage control
RealvThresh0.1Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)
TimetDelay300Time to wait before plugging the load again after disconnection [s]
InitModeinitModeBuildings.Electrical.Types.I...Initialization mode for homotopy operator


input RealInputy1Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow1Power consumed [W]
input RealInputy2Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow2Power consumed [W]
input RealInputy3Fraction of the nominal power consumed
input RealInputPow3Power consumed [W]
Terminal4_nterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable

Modelica definition

partial model LoadCtrl_N "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controller and neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl; Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal4_n terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"; Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Connection3to4_n connection3to4 "Connection from three-phase and neutral to three-phase"; equation connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToDelta.wye); connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToWyeGround.wye); connect(connection3to4.terminal4, terminal); end LoadCtrl_N;