
Package with base classes for Buildings.Media.Examples


This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in Buildings.Media.Examples.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Media.Examples.BaseClasses.FluidProperties FluidProperties Model that tests the implementation of the fluid properties
Buildings.Media.Examples.BaseClasses.TestTemperatureEnthalpyInversion TestTemperatureEnthalpyInversion Model to check computation of h(T) and its inverse


Model that tests the implementation of the fluid properties


This example checks thermophysical properties of the medium.


replaceable package MediumModelica.Media.Interfaces.Pa... 
TemperatureTMin Minimum temperature for the simulation [K]
TemperatureTMax Maximum temperature for the simulation [K]
PressurepMedium.p_defaultPressure [Pa]
MassFractionX[Medium.nX]Medium.X_defaultMass fraction [1]


replaceable package Medium 

Modelica definition

partial model FluidProperties "Model that tests the implementation of the fluid properties" replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TMin "Minimum temperature for the simulation"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TMax "Maximum temperature for the simulation"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p = Medium.p_default "Pressure"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[Medium.nX]= Medium.X_default "Mass fraction"; Medium.Temperature T "Temperature"; Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits.Temperature_degC T_degC "Celsius temperature"; Medium.ThermodynamicState state_pTX "Medium state"; Medium.ThermodynamicState state_phX "Medium state"; Medium.ThermodynamicState state_psX "Medium state"; Modelica.SIunits.Density d "Density"; Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificInternalEnergy u "Specific internal energy"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy g "Specific Gibbs energy"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy f "Specific Helmholtz energy"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hIse "Isentropic enthalpy"; Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.IsobaricExpansionCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient"; Modelica.SIunits.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility"; Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.DerDensityByPressure ddpT "Density derivative w.r.t. pressure"; Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.DerDensityByTemperature ddTp "Density derivative w.r.t. temperature"; Modelica.SIunits.Density[Medium.nX] dddX "Density derivative w.r.t. mass fraction"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity"; Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda "Thermal conductivity"; Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure pMed "Pressure"; Medium.Temperature TMed "Temperature"; Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass MM "Mixture molar mass"; Medium.BaseProperties basPro "Medium base properties"; protected constant Real conv(unit="1/s") = 1 "Conversion factor to satisfy unit check"; function checkState extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Medium.ThermodynamicState state1 "Medium state"; input Medium.ThermodynamicState state2 "Medium state"; input String message "Message for error reporting"; algorithm assert(abs(Medium.temperature(state1)-Medium.temperature(state2)) < 1e-8, "Error in temperature of " + message); assert(abs(Medium.pressure(state1)-Medium.pressure(state2)) < 1e-8, "Error in pressure of " + message); end checkState; equation // Compute temperatures that are used as input to the functions T = TMin + conv*time * (TMax-TMin); T_degC = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.to_degC(T); // Check setting the states state_pTX = Medium.setState_pTX(p=p, T=T, X=X); state_phX = Medium.setState_phX(p=p, h=h, X=X); state_psX = Medium.setState_psX(p=p, s=s, X=X); checkState(state_pTX, state_phX, "state_phX"); checkState(state_pTX, state_psX, "state_psX"); // Check the implementation of the functions d = Medium.density(state_pTX); eta = Medium.dynamicViscosity(state_pTX); h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(state_pTX); u = Medium.specificInternalEnergy(state_pTX); s = Medium.specificEntropy(state_pTX); g = Medium.specificGibbsEnergy(state_pTX); f = Medium.specificHelmholtzEnergy(state_pTX); hIse = Medium.isentropicEnthalpy(p, state_pTX); beta = Medium.isobaricExpansionCoefficient(state_pTX); kappa = Medium.isothermalCompressibility(state_pTX); ddpT = Medium.density_derp_T(state_pTX); ddTp = Medium.density_derT_p(state_pTX); dddX = Medium.density_derX(state_pTX); cp = Medium.specificHeatCapacityCp(state_pTX); cv = Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(state_pTX); lambda = Medium.thermalConductivity(state_pTX); pMed = Medium.pressure(state_pTX); assert(abs(p-pMed) < 1e-8, "Error in pressure computation."); TMed = Medium.temperature(state_pTX); assert(abs(T-TMed) < 1e-8, "Error in temperature computation."); MM = Medium.molarMass(state_pTX); // Check the implementation of the base properties assert(abs(h-basPro.h) < 1e-8, "Error in enthalpy computation in BaseProperties."); assert(abs(u-basPro.u) < 1e-8, "Error in internal energy computation in BaseProperties."); end FluidProperties;


Model to check computation of h(T) and its inverse


This model computes h=f(T0) and T=g(h). It then checks whether T=T0. Hence, it checks whether the function T_phX is implemented correctly.


replaceable package MediumModelica.Media.Interfaces.Pa... 
TemperatureT0273.15 + 20Temperature [K]


replaceable package Medium 

Modelica definition

partial model TestTemperatureEnthalpyInversion "Model to check computation of h(T) and its inverse" replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T0=273.15+20 "Temperature"; Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T "Temperature"; Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy"; Medium.MassFraction Xi[:] = Medium.reference_X "Mass fraction"; equation h = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pTX(p=101325, T=T0, X=Xi); T = Medium.temperature_phX(p=101325, h=h, X=Xi); if (time>0.1) then assert(abs(T-T0)<1E-8, "Error in implementation of functions.\n" + " T0 = " + String(T0) + "\n" + " T = " + String(T)); end if; end TestTemperatureEnthalpyInversion;