

This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in Buildings.Experimental.DistrictHeatingCooling.SubStations.VaporCompression.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Experimental.DistrictHeatingCooling.SubStations.VaporCompression.BaseClasses.getPeakLoad getPeakLoad Function that reads the peak load from the load profile
Buildings.Experimental.DistrictHeatingCooling.SubStations.VaporCompression.BaseClasses.Validation Validation  


Function that reads the peak load from the load profile


Function that reads a double value from a text file.

This function scans a file that has a format such as

#Some other text
#Peak space cooling load = -383165.6989 Watts
#Peak space heating load = 893931.4335 Watts
double tab1(8760,4)

The parameter string is a string that the function searches for, starting at the first line. If it finds the string, it expects an equality sign, and returns the double value after this equality sign. If the function encounters the end of the file, it terminates the simulation with an assertion.

See Buildings.Experimental.DistrictHeatingCooling.SubStations.VaporCompression.BaseClasses.Validation.GetPeakLoad for how to invoke this function.


Stringstring String that is written before the '=' sign
StringfilNam Name of data file with heating and cooling load


RealnumberNumber that is read from the file

Modelica definition

function getPeakLoad "Function that reads the peak load from the load profile" input String string "String that is written before the '=' sign"; input String filNam "Name of data file with heating and cooling load"; output Real number "Number that is read from the file"; protected String lin "Line that is used in parser"; Integer iLin "Line number"; Integer index = 0 "Index of string 'string'"; Integer staInd "Start index used when parsing a real number"; Integer nexInd "Next index used when parsing a real number"; Boolean found "Flag, true if 'string' has been found"; Boolean EOF "Flag, true if EOF has been reached"; String del "Found delimiter"; algorithm // Get line that contains 'string' iLin :=0; EOF :=false; while (not EOF) and (index == 0) loop iLin:=iLin + 1; (lin, EOF) :=Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine( fileName=filNam, lineNumber=iLin); index :=Modelica.Utilities.Strings.find( string=lin, searchString=string, startIndex=1, caseSensitive=true); end while; assert(not EOF, "Error: Did not find '" + string + "' when scanning '" + filNam + "'." + "\n Check for correct file syntax."); // Search for the equality sign (del, nexInd) :=Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanDelimiter( string=lin, startIndex=Modelica.Utilities.Strings.length(string)+1, requiredDelimiters={"="}, message="Failed to find '=' when reading peak load in '" + filNam + "'."); // Read the value behind it. number :=Modelica.Utilities.Strings.scanReal( string=lin, startIndex=nexInd, message="Failed to read double value when reading peak load in '" + filNam + "'."); end getPeakLoad;