
Package with logical blocks


Package with blocks for elementary mathematical functions for boolean variables.

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.And And Logical 'and': y = u1 and u2
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.And3 And3 Logical 'and3': y = u1 and u2 and u3
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Change Change Output y is true, if the input u has a rising or falling edge (y = change(u))
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Edge Edge Output y is true, if the input u has a rising edge (y = edge(u))
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.FallingEdge FallingEdge Output y is true, if the input u has a falling edge (y = edge(not u))
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Latch Latch Maintains an on signal until conditions changes
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.LogicalSwitch LogicalSwitch Logical Switch
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.MultiAnd MultiAnd Logical MultiAnd, y = u[1] and u[2] and u[3] and ...
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Nand Nand Logical 'nand': y = not (u1 and u2)
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Nor Nor Logical 'nor': y = not (u1 or u2)
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Not Not Logical not
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.OnOffController OnOffController On-off controller
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Or Or Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Or3 Or3 Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2 or u3
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Pre Pre Breaks algebraic loops by an infinitesimal small time delay (y = pre(u): event iteration continues until u = pre(u))
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Switch Switch Switch between two Real signals
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Timer Timer Timer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Toggle Toggle Toggles output value whenever its input turns on
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TriggeredTrapezoid TriggeredTrapezoid Triggered trapezoid generator
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueDelay TrueDelay Delay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge.
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueFalseHold TrueFalseHold Block that holds an output signal for at least a specified duration
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueHoldWithReset TrueHoldWithReset Block that holds a true signal for at least a requested duration
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Xor Xor Logical 'xor': y = u1 xor u2
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.ZeroCrossing ZeroCrossing Trigger zero crossing of input u
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Sources Sources Package with blocks that generate source signals
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Validation Validation Collection of models that validate the logical blocks of the CDL

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.And Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.And

Logical 'and': y = u1 and u2



Block that outputs true if all inputs are true. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block And "Logical 'and': y = u1 and u2" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = u1 and u2; end And;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.And3 Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.And3

Logical 'and3': y = u1 and u2 and u3



Block that outputs true if all inputs are true. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu3Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block And3 "Logical 'and3': y = u1 and u2 and u3" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u3 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = u1 and u2 and u3; end And3;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Change Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Change

Output y is true, if the input u has a rising or falling edge (y = change(u))



Block that outputs true if the Boolean input has either a rising edge from false to true or a falling edge from true to false. Otherwise the output is false.


Booleanpre_u_startfalseStart value of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Change "Output y is true, if the input u has a rising or falling edge (y = change(u))" parameter Boolean pre_u_start=false "Start value of pre(u) at initial time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; initial equation pre(u) = pre_u_start; equation y = change(u); end Change;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Edge Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Edge

Output y is true, if the input u has a rising edge (y = edge(u))



Block that outputs true if the Boolean input has a rising edge from false to true. Otherwise the output is false.


Booleanpre_u_startfalseStart value of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Edge "Output y is true, if the input u has a rising edge (y = edge(u))" parameter Boolean pre_u_start=false "Start value of pre(u) at initial time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; initial equation pre(u) = pre_u_start; equation y = edge(u); end Edge;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.FallingEdge Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.FallingEdge

Output y is true, if the input u has a falling edge (y = edge(not u))



Block that outputs true if the Boolean input has a falling edge from true to false. Otherwise the output is false.


Booleanpre_u_startfalseStart value of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block FallingEdge "Output y is true, if the input u has a falling edge (y = edge(not u))" parameter Boolean pre_u_start=false "Start value of pre(u) at initial time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; protected Boolean not_u=not u; initial equation pre(not_u) = not pre_u_start; equation y = edge(not_u); end FallingEdge;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Latch Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Latch

Maintains an on signal until conditions changes



The block maintains a true output signal until the input u0 switches to false. When the latch input u switches to true, the output y becomes true and remains true, even if u turns false, until the clear input u0 becomes true. When the clear input u0 becomes true, then the output y becomes false.

The table below shows the different scenarios.

Scenario clear input u0 latch input u output y Description
1 false from false to true true If u0=false and latch switches from false to true, then y=true.
2 false from true to false true If u0=false and latch switches from true to false, then remain y=true.
3 from true to false from true to false false If u and u0 switch from true to false at same time, then y=false.
4 false true true Initially, if u0=false and u=true, then y=true.
5 false false false Initially, if u0=false and u=false, then y=false.
6 true true or false false If u=true, then y=false.



Booleanpre_u_startfalseStart value of pre(u) at initial time
Booleanpre_y_startfalseValue of pre(y) at initial time


input BooleanInputuLatch input
input BooleanInputu0Control input
output BooleanOutputyOutput signal

Modelica definition

block Latch "Maintains an on signal until conditions changes" parameter Boolean pre_u_start=false "Start value of pre(u) at initial time"; parameter Boolean pre_y_start=false "Value of pre(y) at initial time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Latch input"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u0 "Control input"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Output signal"; protected Integer scenario "scenario index"; initial equation pre(y) = pre_y_start; pre(u) = pre_u_start; pre(u0) = pre_u_start; pre(scenario) = 0; equation when (not u0) and (pre(u) <> u) and (pre(u) == false) then scenario = 1; elsewhen (pre(u0)==u0) and (not u0) and (pre(u) <> u) and (pre(u) == true) then scenario = 2; elsewhen (pre(u0)<>u0) and (not u0) and (pre(u) <> u) and (pre(u) == true) then scenario = 3; elsewhen (not u0) and u then scenario = 4; elsewhen (not u0) and (not u) then scenario = 5; elsewhen u0 then scenario = 6; end when; if (scenario == 1 or scenario == 2) then y = true; elseif (scenario == 3) then y = false; elseif (scenario == 4) then y = true; elseif (scenario == 5) then y = false; elseif (scenario == 6 and u) then y = false; else y = false; end if; end Latch;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.LogicalSwitch Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.LogicalSwitch

Logical Switch



Block that is a logical switch.

If the input signal u2 is true, the block outputs y = u1. Otherwise, it outputs y = u3.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu3Connector of third Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block LogicalSwitch "Logical Switch" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u3 "Connector of third Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = if u2 then u1 else u3; end LogicalSwitch;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.MultiAnd Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.MultiAnd

Logical MultiAnd, y = u[1] and u[2] and u[3] and ...



Block that outputs y = true if and only if all elements of the input vector u are true. The dimension of the input vector u is automatically enlarged when a new connection is made.

If no connection to the input connector u is present, the output is y=false.

See Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Validation.MultiAnd for an example.


input BooleanInputu[nu]Connector of Boolean input signals
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block MultiAnd "Logical MultiAnd, y = u[1] and u[2] and u[3] and ..." parameter Integer nu(min=0) = 0 "Number of input connections"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u[nu] "Connector of Boolean input signals"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; protected Boolean uTemp[nu] "Temporary variable"; equation if size(u, 1) > 1 then uTemp[1] = u[1]; for i in 2:size(u, 1) loop uTemp[i] = u[i] and uTemp[i-1]; end for; y = uTemp[nu]; elseif (size(u, 1) == 1) then uTemp[1] = u[1]; y = uTemp[1]; else y = false; end if; end MultiAnd;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Nand Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Nand

Logical 'nand': y = not (u1 and u2)



Block that outputs true if at least one input is false. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Nand "Logical 'nand': y = not (u1 and u2)" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = not (u1 and u2); end Nand;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Nor Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Nor

Logical 'nor': y = not (u1 or u2)



Block that outputs true if none of the inputs is true. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Nor "Logical 'nor': y = not (u1 or u2)" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = not (u1 or u2); end Nor;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Not Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Not

Logical not



Block that outputs true if the input is false, and false if the input is true.


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Not "Logical not" Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = not u; end Not;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.OnOffController Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.OnOffController

On-off controller



Block that represents and on/off controller.

The block outputs true when the input signal u falls below the reference signal minus half of the bandwidth. It sets the output signal to false when the input signal u exceeds the reference signal plus half of the bandwidth. The parameter pre_y_start is used to initialize the previous value of the output pre(y).


Realbandwidth Bandwidth around reference signal
Booleanpre_y_startfalseValue of pre(y) at initial time


input RealInputreferenceConnector of Real input signal used as reference signal
input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal used as measurement signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Real output signal used as actuator signal

Modelica definition

block OnOffController "On-off controller" parameter Real bandwidth(min=0) "Bandwidth around reference signal"; parameter Boolean pre_y_start=false "Value of pre(y) at initial time"; Interfaces.RealInput reference "Connector of Real input signal used as reference signal"; Interfaces.RealInput u "Connector of Real input signal used as measurement signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Real output signal used as actuator signal"; initial equation pre(y) = pre_y_start; equation y = pre(y) and (u < reference + bandwidth/2) or (u < reference - bandwidth/2); end OnOffController;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Or Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Or

Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2



Block that outputs true if at least one input is true. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Or "Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = u1 or u2; end Or;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Or3 Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Or3

Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2 or u3



Block that outputs true if at least one input is true. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu3Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Or3 "Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2 or u3" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u3 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = u1 or u2 or u3; end Or3;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Pre Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Pre

Breaks algebraic loops by an infinitesimal small time delay (y = pre(u): event iteration continues until u = pre(u))



This block delays the Boolean input by an infinitesimal small time delay and therefore breaks algebraic loops. In a network of logical blocks, in every closed connection loop, at least one logical block must have a delay, since algebraic systems of Boolean equations are not solvable.

This block returns the value of the input signal u from the last event iteration. The event iteration stops once both values are identical, i.e., if u = pre(u).


Booleanpre_u_startfalseStart value of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Pre "Breaks algebraic loops by an infinitesimal small time delay (y = pre(u): event iteration continues until u = pre(u))" parameter Boolean pre_u_start=false "Start value of pre(u) at initial time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; initial equation pre(u) = pre_u_start; equation y = pre(u); end Pre;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Switch Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Switch

Switch between two Real signals



Block that represents a logical switch.

If the input u2 is true, the block outputs the input u1. Otherwise it outputs the input u3.


input RealInputu1Connector of first Real input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of Boolean input signal
input RealInputu3Connector of second Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block Switch "Switch between two Real signals" Interfaces.RealInput u1 "Connector of first Real input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.RealInput u3 "Connector of second Real input signal"; Interfaces.RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal"; equation y = if u2 then u1 else u3; end Switch;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Timer Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Timer

Timer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true



Block that represents a timer.

When the Boolean input u becomes true, the timer is started and the output y is the time from the time instant where u became true. The timer is stopped and the output is reset to zero, once the input becomes false.


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block Timer "Timer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true" Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal"; protected discrete Modelica.SIunits.Time entryTime "Time instant when u became true"; initial equation pre(entryTime) = 0; equation when u then entryTime = time; end when; y = if u then time - entryTime else 0.0; end Timer;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Toggle Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Toggle

Toggles output value whenever its input turns on



The block toggles output value whenever input turns ON. For instance, when the toggle input u turns ON, the output y turns ON and remains ON when the input u turns OFF again. When the input u turns back ON, the output turns OFF. When the clr input turns ON, the output turns OFF.

Scenario clr input u0 toggle input u output y Description
1 OFF from OFF to ON ON If clr OFF, toggle switches from OFF to ON, previous output is OFF, then output ON.
2 OFF from OFF to ON OFF If clr OFF, toggle switches from OFF to ON, previous output is ON, then output OFF.
3 OFF from ON to OFF OFF If clr OFF, toggle switches from ON to OFF, previous output is OFF, then remain output OFF.
4 OFF from ON to OFF ON If clr OFF, toggle switches from ON to OFF, previous output is ON, then remain output ON.
5 OFF OFF OFF Initially, if clr OFF and toggle OFF, then output OFF.
6 OFF ON ON Initially, if clr OFF and toggle ON, then output ON.
7 ON ON or OFF OFF If clr ON, then output OFF.



Booleanpre_u_startfalseStart value of pre(u) at initial time
Booleanpre_y_startfalseValue of pre(y) at initial time


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal: toggle input
input BooleanInputu0Connector of Boolean input signal: clr input
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Real output signal used as actuator signal

Modelica definition

block Toggle "Toggles output value whenever its input turns on" parameter Boolean pre_u_start=false "Start value of pre(u) at initial time"; parameter Boolean pre_y_start=false "Value of pre(y) at initial time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal: toggle input"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u0 "Connector of Boolean input signal: clr input"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Real output signal used as actuator signal"; protected Integer scenario "Scenario index"; initial equation pre(y) = pre_y_start; pre(u) = pre_u_start; pre(u0) = pre_u_start; pre(scenario) = 0; equation when (not u0) and ((pre(u)<>u) and (pre(u) == false)) and (pre(y) == false) then scenario = 1; elsewhen (not u0) and ((pre(u)<>u) and (pre(u) == false)) and (pre(y) == true) then scenario = 2; elsewhen (not u0) and ((pre(u)<>u) and (pre(u) == true)) and (pre(y) == false) then scenario = 3; elsewhen (not u0) and ((pre(u)<>u) and (pre(u) == true)) and (pre(y) == true) then scenario = 4; elsewhen (not u0) and (not u) then scenario = 5; elsewhen (not u0) and u then scenario = 6; elsewhen u0 then scenario = 7; end when; if scenario == 1 then y = true; elseif scenario == 2 then y = false; elseif scenario == 3 then y = false; elseif scenario == 4 then y = true; elseif scenario == 5 then y = false; elseif scenario == 6 then y = true; elseif scenario == 7 then y = false; else y = false; end if; end Toggle;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TriggeredTrapezoid Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TriggeredTrapezoid

Triggered trapezoid generator



Block that represents a triggered trapezoid.

The block has a Boolean input and a Real output signal and requires the parameters amplitude, rising, falling and offset. The output signal y represents a trapezoidal signal dependent on the input signal u.

The behaviour is as follows: Assume the initial input to be false. In this case, the output will be offset. After a rising edge (i.e., the input changes from false to true), the output is rising during rising to the sum of offset and amplitude. In contrast, after a falling edge (i.e., the input changes from true to false), the output is falling during falling to a value of offset.


Note, the case of edges before expiration of rising or falling is handled properly.


Realamplitude Amplitude of trapezoid
Timerising0Rising duration of trapezoid [s]
TimefallingrisingFalling duration of trapezoid [s]
Realoffset0Offset of output signal


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block TriggeredTrapezoid "Triggered trapezoid generator" parameter Real amplitude "Amplitude of trapezoid"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time rising(final min=0) = 0 "Rising duration of trapezoid"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time falling(final min=0) = rising "Falling duration of trapezoid"; parameter Real offset=0 "Offset of output signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal"; protected discrete Real endValue "Value of y at time of recent edge"; discrete Real rate "Current rising/falling rate"; discrete Modelica.SIunits.Time T "Predicted time of output reaching endValue"; equation y = if time < T then endValue - (T - time)*rate else endValue; when {initial(), u, not u} then endValue = if u then offset + amplitude else offset; rate = if u and (rising > 0) then amplitude/rising else if not u and ( falling > 0) then -amplitude/falling else 0; T = if u and not (rising > 0) or not u and not (falling > 0) or not abs( amplitude) > 0 or initial() then time else time + (endValue - pre(y))/ rate; end when; end TriggeredTrapezoid;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueDelay Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueDelay

Delay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge.



Block that delays a signal when it becomes true.

A rising edge of the Boolean input u gives a delayed output. A falling edge of the input is immediately given to the output.

Simulation results of a typical example with a delay time of 0.1 s is shown in the next figure.



TimedelayTime Delay time [s]


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block TrueDelay "Delay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge." parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time delayTime "Delay time"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; protected parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time t_past(fixed=false) "Time before simulation started"; Modelica.SIunits.Time t_next; initial equation t_past = time - 1000; pre(u) = false; pre(t_next) = time - 1000; equation when initial() then t_next = t_past; y = u; elsewhen u then t_next = time + delayTime; y = if delayTime > 0 then false else true; elsewhen not u then t_next = t_past; y = false; elsewhen time >= pre(t_next) then t_next = t_past; y = u; end when; end TrueDelay;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueFalseHold Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueFalseHold

Block that holds an output signal for at least a specified duration



Block that holds a true or false signal for at least a defined time period.

Whenever the input u switches, the output y switches and remains at that value for at least duration seconds, where duration is a parameter. After duration elapsed, the output will be y = u. If this change required changing the value of y, then y will remain at that value for at least duration. Otherwise, y will change immediately whenever u changes.

This block could for example be used to disable an economizer, and not re-enable it for 10 minutes, and vice versa.

The image below shows the implementation with a state graph in which each transition is only triggered when the input has the corresponding value, and the current state has been active for at least duration seconds.

Input and output of the block

Simulation results of a typical example with duration = 1000 seconds.

Input and output of the block


TimetrueHoldDuration true hold duration [s]
TimefalseHoldDurationtrueHoldDurationfalse hold duration [s]


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Modelica definition

block TrueFalseHold "Block that holds an output signal for at least a specified duration" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time trueHoldDuration "true hold duration"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time falseHoldDuration = trueHoldDuration "false hold duration"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Boolean output signal"; protected Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueDelay onDel1( delayTime=falseHoldDuration) "Output true when timer elapsed the required time"; Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueDelay onDel2( delayTime=trueHoldDuration) "Output true when timer elapsed the required time"; inner Modelica.StateGraph.StateGraphRoot stateGraphRoot "Root of state graph"; Modelica.StateGraph.StepWithSignal outputFalse(nIn=2) "State for which the block outputs false"; Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal toTrue "Transition to true"; CDL.Logical.Not notU "Negation of input"; Modelica.StateGraph.StepWithSignal outputTrue(nIn=2) "State with true output signal"; Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal toFalse "Transition to false"; CDL.Logical.And and2 "Check for input and elapsed timer"; CDL.Logical.And and1 "Check for input and elapsed timer"; Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep initialStep(nIn=0, nOut=2) "Initial state"; Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal toTrue1 "Transition to true"; Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal toFalse1 "Transition to false"; equation connect(outputTrue.outPort[1], toFalse.inPort); connect(, y); connect(outputFalse.outPort[1], toTrue.inPort); connect(toFalse.outPort, outputFalse.inPort[1]); connect(,onDel2. u); connect(notU.y, and2.u2); connect(and2.y, toFalse.condition); connect(,onDel1. u); connect(u, and1.u2); connect(and1.y, toTrue.condition); connect(u, toTrue1.condition); connect(toTrue1.outPort, outputTrue.inPort[1]); connect(toTrue.outPort, outputTrue.inPort[2]); connect(toFalse1.outPort, outputFalse.inPort[2]); connect(initialStep.outPort[1], toTrue1.inPort); connect(initialStep.outPort[2], toFalse1.inPort); connect(notU.u, u); connect(notU.y, toFalse1.condition); connect(onDel1.y, and1.u1); connect(onDel2.y, and2.u1); end TrueFalseHold;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueHoldWithReset Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueHoldWithReset

Block that holds a true signal for at least a requested duration



Block that holds a true input signal for at least a defined time period.

At initialization, the output y is equal to the input u. If the input u becomes true, or is true during intialization, a timer starts and the Boolean output y stays true for the time period provided by the parameter duration. When this time is elapsed, the input is checked again. If it is true, then the timer is restarted and the output remains true for another duration seconds. If the input u is false after holdTime seconds, then the ouput is switched to false, until the input becomes true again.

The figure below shows the state chart of the implementation. Note that the transition are done in zero time.

Input and output of the block

The figure below shows an example with a hold time of 3600 seconds and a pulse width period 9000 seconds that starts at t=200 seconds.

Input and output of the block

The figure below shows an example with a hold time of 60 seconds and a pulse width period 3600 seconds that starts at t=0 seconds.

Input and output of the block

The next two figures show the same experiment, except that the input u has been negated. The figure below has again a hold time of 3600 seconds and a pulse width period 9000 seconds that starts at t=200 seconds.

Input and output of the block

The figure below has again a hold time of 60 seconds and a pulse width period 3600 seconds that starts at t=0 seconds.

Input and output of the block


Timeduration Time duration of the true output signal hold [s]


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Modelica definition

block TrueHoldWithReset "Block that holds a true signal for at least a requested duration" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time duration "Time duration of the true output signal hold"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Boolean output signal"; protected inner Modelica.StateGraph.StateGraphRoot stateGraphRoot "Root of state graph"; Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueDelay onDelay( final delayTime=duration) "Delay for the on signal"; Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep initialStep "Initial step"; Modelica.StateGraph.StepWithSignal outputTrue "Holds the output at true"; Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal toOutputTrue "Transition that activates sending a true output signal"; Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal toInitial "Transition that activates the initial state"; equation connect(initialStep.outPort[1], toOutputTrue.inPort); connect(, y); connect(toOutputTrue.condition, u); connect(toInitial.outPort, initialStep.inPort[1]); connect(, onDelay.u); connect(toOutputTrue.outPort, outputTrue.inPort[1]); connect(outputTrue.outPort[1], toInitial.inPort); connect(onDelay.y, toInitial.condition); end TrueHoldWithReset;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Xor Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.Xor

Logical 'xor': y = u1 xor u2



Block that outputs true if exactly one input is true. Otherwise the output is false.


input BooleanInputu1Connector of first Boolean input signal
input BooleanInputu2Connector of second Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Modelica definition

block Xor "Logical 'xor': y = u1 xor u2" Interfaces.BooleanInput u1 "Connector of first Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput u2 "Connector of second Boolean input signal"; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; equation y = not ((u1 and u2) or (not u1 and not u2)); end Xor;

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.ZeroCrossing Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.ZeroCrossing

Trigger zero crossing of input u



Block that detects zero crossings.

The output y is true at the time instant when the input u becomes zero, provided the input enable is true. At all other time instants, the output y is false. If the input u is zero at a time instant when the enable input changes its value, then the output y is false.

Note, that in the plot window of a Modelica simulator, the output of this block is usually identically to false, because the output may only be true at an event instant, but not during continuous integration. In order to check that this component is actually working as expected, one should connect its output to, e.g., component Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Discrete.TriggeredSampler.


input RealInputu 
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal
input BooleanInputenableZero input crossing is triggered if the enable input signal is true

Modelica definition

block ZeroCrossing "Trigger zero crossing of input u" Interfaces.RealInput u; Interfaces.BooleanOutput y "Connector of Boolean output signal"; Interfaces.BooleanInput enable "Zero input crossing is triggered if the enable input signal is true"; protected Boolean disable=not enable; Boolean u_pos; initial equation pre(u_pos) = false; pre(enable) = false; pre(disable) = not pre(enable); equation u_pos = enable and u >= 0; y = change(u_pos) and not edge(enable) and not edge(disable); end ZeroCrossing;