
Package with type definitions


This package contains type definitions.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Fluid.Types.EfficiencyCurves EfficiencyCurves Enumeration to define the efficiency curves
Buildings.Fluid.Types.CvTypes CvTypes Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient
Buildings.Fluid.Types.HeatExchangerConfiguration HeatExchangerConfiguration Enumeration for heat exchanger construction
Buildings.Fluid.Types.HeatExchangerFlowRegime HeatExchangerFlowRegime Enumeration for heat exchanger flow configuration
Buildings.Fluid.Types.InputType InputType Input options for movers

Types and constants

type EfficiencyCurves = enumeration(
    Constant "constant",
    Polynomial "Polynomial",
    QuadraticLinear "quadratic in x1, linear in x2") 
  "Enumeration to define the efficiency curves";
type CvTypes = enumeration(
    OpPoint "flow coefficient defined by m_flow_nominal/sqrt(dp_nominal)",
    Kv "Kv (metric) flow coefficient",
    Cv "Cv (US) flow coefficient",
    Av "Av (metric) flow coefficient") 
  "Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient";
type HeatExchangerConfiguration = enumeration(
    ParallelFlow "Parallel flow",
    CounterFlow "Counter flow",
    CrossFlowUnmixed "Cross flow, both streams unmixed",
      "Cross flow, stream 1 mixed, stream 2 unmixed",
      "Cross flow, stream 1 unmixed, stream 2 mixed",
      "Constant temperature phase change in one stream") 
  "Enumeration for heat exchanger construction";
type HeatExchangerFlowRegime = enumeration(
    ParallelFlow "Parallel flow",
    CounterFlow "Counter flow",
    CrossFlowUnmixed "Cross flow, both streams unmixed",
    CrossFlowCMinMixedCMaxUnmixed "Cross flow, CMin mixed,   CMax unmixed",
    CrossFlowCMinUnmixedCMaxMixed "Cross flow, CMin unmixed, CMax mixed",
      "Constant temperature phase change in one stream") 
  "Enumeration for heat exchanger flow configuration";
type InputType = enumeration(
    Constant "Use parameter to set stage",
    Stages "Use integer input to select stage",
    Continuous "Use continuous, real input") "Input options for movers";