
Package with base classes for Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Validation.BESTEST


This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Validation.BESTEST.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Validation.BESTEST.BaseClasses.DaySchedule DaySchedule Schedule that repeats every day

Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Validation.BESTEST.BaseClasses.DaySchedule Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Validation.BESTEST.BaseClasses.DaySchedule

Schedule that repeats every day



Time schedule that is used for set points.

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable (Table look-up with respect to time and linear/periodic extrapolation methods (data from matrix/file)).


Table data definition
BooleantableOnFilefalse= true, if table is defined on file or in function usertab
Realtable[:, :]fill(0.0, 0, 2)Table matrix (time = first column; e.g., table=[0,2])
StringtableName"NoName"Table name on file or in function usertab (see docu)
StringfileName"NoName"File where matrix is stored
BooleanverboseReadtrue= true, if info message that file is loading is to be printed
Table data interpretation
Integercolumns[:]2:size(table, 2)Columns of table to be interpolated
SmoothnesssmoothnessModelica.Blocks.Types.Smooth...Smoothness of table interpolation
Extrapolationextrapolationif size(table, 1) == 1 then ...Extrapolation of data outside the definition range
Realoffset[:]fill(0, size(table, 2) - 1)Offsets of output signals
TimestartTime0Output = offset for time < startTime [s]
TimetimeScale1Time scale of first table column [s]


output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals

Modelica definition

model DaySchedule "Schedule that repeats every day" extends Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable( final tableOnFile=false, final tableName="NoName", final fileName="NoName", final columns=2:size(table, 2), final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.LinearSegments, final extrapolation=if size(table, 1) == 1 then Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation.HoldLastPoint else Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation.Periodic, final offset=fill(0, size(table, 2)-1), final startTime=0); end DaySchedule;