Package with correlations for cooling tower performance
This package contains the performance curve for the Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.YorkCalc cooling tower model.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty (Icon for property classes).
Package Content
Name | Description |
![]() |
Cooling tower performance correlation for YorkCalc model |
![]() |
Coefficient data record for properties of York cooling tower model |
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Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |
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Package with base classes for Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.Correlations |
Cooling tower performance correlation for YorkCalc model
Correlation for approach temperature for YorkCalc cooling tower model. See Examples/ for the graph.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | TWetBul | Air wet-bulb inlet temperature [K] | |
MassFraction | FRWat | Ratio actual over design water mass flow ratio [1] | |
MassFraction | FRAir | Ratio actual over design air mass flow ratio [1] | |
Nominal condition | |||
TemperatureDifference | TRan | Range temperature (water in - water out) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
TemperatureDifference | TApp | Approach temperature [K] |
Modelica definition
function yorkCalc "Cooling tower performance correlation for YorkCalc model"
input Modelica.SIunits.TemperatureDifference TRan
"Range temperature (water in - water out)";
input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TWetBul "Air wet-bulb inlet temperature";
input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction FRWat
"Ratio actual over design water mass flow ratio";
input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction FRAir
"Ratio actual over design air mass flow ratio";
output Modelica.SIunits.TemperatureDifference TApp "Approach temperature";
Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits.Temperature_degC TWetBul_degC
"Air wet-bulb inlet temperature";
Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction liqGasRat "Liquid to gas mass flow ratio";
constant Real c[:] = {-0.359741205, -0.055053608, 0.0023850432,
0.173926877, -0.0248473764, 0.00048430224,
-0.005589849456, 0.0005770079712, -0.00001342427256,
2.84765801111111, -0.121765149, 0.0014599242,
1.680428651, -0.0166920786, -0.0007190532,
-0.025485194448, 0.0000487491696, 0.00002719234152,
-0.0653766255555556, -0.002278167, 0.0002500254,
-0.0910565458, 0.00318176316, 0.000038621772,
-0.0034285382352, 0.00000856589904, -0.000001516821552}
"Polynomial coefficients";
TWetBul_degC :=Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.to_degC(TWetBul);
// smoothMax is added to the numerator and denominator so that
// liqGasRat -> 1, as both FRWat -> 0 and FRAir -> 0
liqGasRat := Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax(x1=1E-4, x2=FRWat, deltaX=1E-5)/
Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax(x1=1E-4, x2=FRAir, deltaX=1E-5);
TApp := c[1] +
c[2] * TWetBul_degC +
c[3] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC +
c[4] * TRan +
c[5] * TWetBul_degC * TRan +
c[6] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * TRan +
c[7] * TRan * TRan +
c[8] * TWetBul_degC * TRan * TRan +
c[9] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * TRan * TRan +
c[10] * liqGasRat +
c[11] * TWetBul_degC * liqGasRat +
c[12] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * liqGasRat +
c[13] * TRan * liqGasRat +
c[14] * TWetBul_degC * TRan * liqGasRat +
c[15] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * TRan * liqGasRat +
c[16] * TRan * TRan * liqGasRat +
c[17] * TWetBul_degC * TRan * TRan * liqGasRat +
c[18] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * TRan * TRan * liqGasRat +
c[19] * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[20] * TWetBul_degC * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[21] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[22] * TRan * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[23] * TWetBul_degC * TRan * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[24] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * TRan * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[25] * TRan * TRan * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[26] * TWetBul_degC * TRan * TRan * liqGasRat * liqGasRat +
c[27] * TWetBul_degC * TWetBul_degC * TRan * TRan * liqGasRat * liqGasRat;
end yorkCalc;
Coefficient data record for properties of York cooling tower model
This data record contains the bounds for the YorkCalc cooling tower correlations.
Extends from Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.Correlations.BaseClasses.Bounds (Coefficient data record for properties of cooling tower model).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | TAirInWB_min | 273.15 - 34.4 | Minimum air inlet wet bulb temperature [K] |
Temperature | TAirInWB_max | 273.15 + 26.7 | Maximum air inlet wet bulb temperature [K] |
Temperature | TRan_min | 1.1 | Minimum range temperature [K] |
Temperature | TRan_max | 22.2 | Minimum range temperature [K] |
Temperature | TApp_min | 1.1 | Minimum approach temperature [K] |
Temperature | TApp_max | 40 | Minimum approach temperature [K] |
Real | FRWat_min | 0.75 | Minimum water flow ratio |
Real | FRWat_max | 1.25 | Maximum water flow ratio |
Real | liqGasRat_max | 8 | Maximum liquid to gas ratio |
Modelica definition
record BoundsYorkCalc
"Coefficient data record for properties of York cooling tower model"
extends Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.Correlations.BaseClasses.Bounds
(TAirInWB_min = 273.15-34.4,
TAirInWB_max = 273.15+26.7,
TRan_min = 1.1,
TRan_max = 22.2,
TApp_min = 1.1,
TApp_max = 40,
FRWat_min = 0.75,
FRWat_max = 1.25,
liqGasRat_max = 8);
end BoundsYorkCalc;