Package with SRCC rating information for tubular solar thermal collectors
Package with data describing tubular solar collectors. All models in the Tubular pacakage use ASHRAE93 test data.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).
Name | Description |
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T - AMG Collectra AG, OWR 20 |
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T - Jiaxing Diyi New Energy Co., Ltd., DIYI-C01-30 |
T - AMG Collectra AG, OWR 20
Ratings data taken from the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation website. SRCC# = 2012018A.
The ratings provided for dp_nominal
were suspicious
so 100 Pa is used instead.
Extends from SolarCollectors.Data.GenericSolarCollector (Generic data record providing inputs for specific collector data records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Area | ATyp | Types.Area.Gross | Gross or aperture area |
Area | A | 3.457 | Area [m2] |
Mass | mDry | 73 | Dry weight [kg] |
Volume | V | 3.5/1000 | Fluid volume [m3] |
PressureDifference | dp_nominal | 100 | Pressure drop during test conditions [Pa] |
Real | mperA_flow_nominal | 0.0201 | Mass flow rate per unit area of collector [kg/(s.m2)] |
Real | B0 | 0.5722 | 1st incident angle modifier coefficient |
Real | B1 | -0.0052 | 2nd incident angle modifier coefficient |
Real | y_intercept | 0.446 | Y intercept (Maximum efficiency) |
Real | slope | -1.432 | Slope from rating data [W/(m2.K)] |
Real | IAMDiff | 0 | Incidence angle modifier from EN12975 ratings data |
Real | C1 | 0 | Heat loss coefficient from EN12975 ratings data |
Real | C2 | 0 | Temperature dependence of heat loss from EN12975 ratings data |
Irradiance | G_nominal | 1000 | Nominal solar irradiance specified in ratings data [W/m2] |
TemperatureDifference | dT_nominal | 10 | Nominal temperature difference specified in ratings data [K] |
T - Jiaxing Diyi New Energy Co., Ltd., DIYI-C01-30
Ratings data taken from the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation website. SRCC# = 2012036A.
The ratings provided for dp_nominal
were suspicious
so 100 Pa is used instead.
Extends from SolarCollectors.Data.GenericSolarCollector (Generic data record providing inputs for specific collector data records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Area | ATyp | Types.Area.Gross | Gross or aperture area |
Area | A | 4.650 | Area [m2] |
Mass | mDry | 95 | Dry weight [kg] |
Volume | V | 1.7/1000 | Fluid volume [m3] |
PressureDifference | dp_nominal | 100 | Pressure drop during test conditions [Pa] |
Real | mperA_flow_nominal | 0.0142 | Mass flow rate per unit area of collector [kg/(s.m2)] |
Real | B0 | 1.4564 | 1st incident angle modifier coefficient |
Real | B1 | -0.9136 | 2nd incident angle modifier coefficient |
Real | y_intercept | 0.388 | Y intercept (Maximum efficiency) |
Real | slope | -1.453 | Slope from rating data [W/(m2.K)] |
Real | IAMDiff | 0 | Incidence angle modifier from EN12975 ratings data |
Real | C1 | 0 | Heat loss coefficient from EN12975 ratings data |
Real | C2 | 0 | Temperature dependence of heat loss from EN12975 ratings data |
Irradiance | G_nominal | 1000 | Nominal solar irradiance specified in ratings data [W/m2] |
TemperatureDifference | dT_nominal | 10 | Nominal temperature difference specified in ratings data [K] |