This package contains new types used within the Electrical package
Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).
Name | Description |
CableMode | Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized |
CharacteristicReactance | Reactance per unit length |
CharacteristicResistance | Resistance per unit length |
InitMode | Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model |
Load | Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load. |
LoadConnection | Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems |
PerUnit | Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value |
VoltageLevel | Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level |
type CableMode = enumeration( automatic "Select automatically the size of the cable", commercial "Select the cable from a list of commercial options") "Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized";
type CharacteristicReactance = Real (final quantity="Reactance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m") "Reactance per unit length";
type CharacteristicResistance = Real (final quantity="Resistance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m") "Resistance per unit length";
type InitMode = enumeration( zero_current "Assume i=0 during homotopy initialization", linearized "Uses linear model during homotopy initialization") "Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model";
type Load = enumeration( FixedZ_steady_state "Fixed Z, steady-state", FixedZ_dynamic "Fixed Z, dynamic", VariableZ_P_input "Variable Z, P input", VariableZ_y_input "Variable Z, y input") "Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load.";
type LoadConnection = enumeration( wye_to_wyeg "Wye to wye grounded", wye_to_delta "Wye to delta") "Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems";
type PerUnit = Real (final quantity="Per unit", final unit="1", min=0) "Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value";
type VoltageLevel = enumeration( Low "Low voltage", Medium "Medium voltage", High "High voltage") "Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level";