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Package with base class models


This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV BaseUnbalancedPV Partial model for an unbalanced PV source
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource PartialSource Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource_N PartialSource_N Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source with neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedPV UnbalancedPV Base model for an unbalanced PV source without neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedPV_N UnbalancedPV_N Base model for an unbalanced PV source with neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine UnbalancedWindTurbine Base model for an unbalanced wind power source without neutral cable
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine_N UnbalancedWindTurbine_N Base model for an unbalanced wind power source with neutral cable

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV

Partial model for an unbalanced PV source



This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced PV power sources.

The model has boolean parameters plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3 that can be used to connect the PV in an unbalanced configuration.

The model has an array areaFraction[3] that is used to determine how to partition the power of the PVs on the three-phase. By default it is assumed a uniform partition areaFraction[3] = {1/3, 1/3, 1/3}.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced (Partial interface for unbalanced loads), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPvBase (Partial model with basic parameters for PVs), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters (Partial model that contains basic parameters for a DC/AC conversion system).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
AreaA Net surface area [m2]
RealfAct0.9Fraction of surface area with active solar cells [1]
Realeta0.12Module conversion efficiency [1]
RealareaFraction[3]ones(3)/3Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase
PVSimplepv_phase2redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 2
PVSimplepv_phase3redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 3
PVSimplepv_phase1redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 1
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
Nominal conditions
VoltageV_nominal Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]


output RealOutputPGenerated power [W]

Modelica definition

partial model BaseUnbalancedPV "Partial model for an unbalanced PV source" extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced; extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPvBase; extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480) "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"; parameter Real areaFraction[3](each min=0, each max=1.0) = ones(3)/3 "Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase"; replaceable OnePhase.Sources.PVSimple pv_phase2( pf=pf, eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC, A=A*areaFraction[2], fAct=fAct, eta=eta, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase2 "PV phase 2"; replaceable OnePhase.Sources.PVSimple pv_phase3( pf=pf, eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC, A=A*areaFraction[3], fAct=fAct, eta=eta, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase3 "PV phase 3"; replaceable OnePhase.Sources.PVSimple pv_phase1( pf=pf, eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC, A=A*areaFraction[1], fAct=fAct, eta=eta, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase1 "PV phase 1"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 sumBlock "Sum of the generated power on each phase"; protected Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput G_int "Total solar irradiation per unit area"; equation assert(abs(sum(areaFraction)-1) < Modelica.Constants.eps, "Model that extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV, has an invalid value for the vector areaFraction[:]. The sum of the elements has to be equal to 1.0.", level=AssertionLevel.error); if plugPhase1 then connect(pv_phase1.G, G_int); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(G_int, pv_phase2.G); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(G_int, pv_phase3.G); end if; if plugPhase1 then connect(pv_phase1.P, sumBlock.u1); else sumBlock.u1 = 0; end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(pv_phase2.P, sumBlock.u2); else sumBlock.u2 = 0; end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(pv_phase3.P, sumBlock.u3); else sumBlock.u3 = 0; end if; connect(sumBlock.y, P); end BaseUnbalancedPV;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine

Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source



This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced wind turbine power sources.

The model has boolean parameters plugPhase1, plugPhase2, and plugPhase3 that can be used to connect the wind turbines in an unbalanced configuration.

The model has an array scaleFraction[3] that is used to determine how to partition the power of the wind turbines on the three-phase. By default it is assumed a uniform partition scaleFraction[3] = {1/3, 1/3, 1/3}.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced (Partial interface for unbalanced loads), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters (Partial model that contains basic parameters for a DC/AC conversion system), Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialWindTurbineBase (Base class for turbine model that contains basic parameters).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
Realscale1Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table
BooleantableOnFilefalsetrue, if table is defined on file or in function usertab
Realtable[:, 2][3.5, 0; 5.5, 0.1; 12, 0.9; ...Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power)
StringtableName"NoName"Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation)
StringfileName"NoName"File where matrix is stored
RealscaleFraction[3]ones(3)/3Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase
WindTurbinewt_phase2redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 2
WindTurbinewt_phase3redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 3
WindTurbinewt_phase1redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 1
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
Wind correction
Realh Height over ground
HeighthRef10Reference height for wind measurement [m]
RealnWin0.4Height exponent for wind profile calculation


input RealInputvWinSteady wind speed [m/s]
output RealOutputPGenerated power [W]

Modelica definition

partial model BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine "Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source" extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced; extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters; extends Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialWindTurbineBase(V_nominal(start = 480)); parameter Real scaleFraction[3](each min=0, each max=1.0) = ones(3)/3 "Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase"; replaceable OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase2( pf=pf, eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC, scale=scale*scaleFraction[2], h=h, hRef=hRef, nWin=nWin, tableOnFile=tableOnFile, table=table, tableName=tableName, fileName=fileName, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase2 "Wind turbine phase 2"; replaceable OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase3( pf=pf, eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC, scale=scale*scaleFraction[3], h=h, hRef=hRef, nWin=nWin, tableOnFile=tableOnFile, table=table, tableName=tableName, fileName=fileName, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase3 "Wind turbine phase 3"; replaceable OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase1( pf=pf, eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC, scale=scale*scaleFraction[1], h=h, hRef=hRef, nWin=nWin, tableOnFile=tableOnFile, table=table, tableName=tableName, fileName=fileName, V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3)) if plugPhase1 "Wind turbine phase 1"; Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 sumBlock "Sum of th epower generated on each phase"; equation assert(abs(sum(scaleFraction)-1) < Modelica.Constants.eps, "Model that extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine, has an invalid value for the vector scaleFraction[:]. The sum of the elements has to be equal to 1.0.", level=AssertionLevel.error); if plugPhase1 then connect(wt_phase1.P, sumBlock.u1); else sumBlock.u1 = 0; end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(wt_phase2.P, sumBlock.u2); else sumBlock.u2 = 0; end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(wt_phase3.P, sumBlock.u3); else sumBlock.u3 = 0; end if; connect(sumBlock.y, P); connect(vWin, wt_phase1.vWin); connect(vWin, wt_phase2.vWin); connect(vWin, wt_phase3.vWin); end BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource

Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable



This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced voltage sources without neutral cable connection.


Terminal_pterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems

Modelica definition

partial model PartialSource "Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable" Interfaces.Connection3to4_p connection3to4 "Connection between three to four AC connectors"; OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground "Ground reference"; Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems"; equation connect(connection3to4.terminal3,terminal); connect(ground.terminal,connection3to4. terminal4.phase[4]); end PartialSource;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource_N Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource_N

Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source with neutral cable



This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced voltage sources that have a neutral cable.

The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.


Terminal4_pterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable

Modelica definition

partial model PartialSource_N "Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source with neutral cable" OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground "Ground reference"; Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"; equation connect(ground.terminal, terminal.phase[4]); end PartialSource_N;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedPV Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedPV

Base model for an unbalanced PV source without neutral cable



This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced PV power sources without neutral cable.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV (Partial model for an unbalanced PV source), Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource (Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
AreaA Net surface area [m2]
RealfAct0.9Fraction of surface area with active solar cells [1]
Realeta0.12Module conversion efficiency [1]
RealareaFraction[3]ones(3)/3Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase
PVSimplepv_phase2redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 2
PVSimplepv_phase3redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 3
PVSimplepv_phase1redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 1
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
Nominal conditions
VoltageV_nominal Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]


output RealOutputPGenerated power [W]
Terminal_pterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems

Modelica definition

model UnbalancedPV "Base model for an unbalanced PV source without neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV; extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource; equation if plugPhase1 then connect(connection3to4.terminal4.phase[1], pv_phase1.terminal); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(connection3to4.terminal4.phase[2], pv_phase2.terminal); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(connection3to4.terminal4.phase[3], pv_phase3.terminal); end if; end UnbalancedPV;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedPV_N Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedPV_N

Base model for an unbalanced PV source with neutral cable



This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced PV power sources with neutral cable connection.

The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV (Partial model for an unbalanced PV source).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
AreaA Net surface area [m2]
RealfAct0.9Fraction of surface area with active solar cells [1]
Realeta0.12Module conversion efficiency [1]
RealareaFraction[3]ones(3)/3Fraction of area occupied by the PVs of each phase
PVSimplepv_phase2redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 2
PVSimplepv_phase3redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 3
PVSimplepv_phase1redeclare OnePhase.Sources.P...PV phase 1
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
Nominal conditions
VoltageV_nominal Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]


output RealOutputPGenerated power [W]
Terminal4_pterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable

Modelica definition

model UnbalancedPV_N "Base model for an unbalanced PV source with neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedPV; Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"; Interfaces.Connection3to4_p conn3to4 "Connection between 3 to 4 wire"; equation if plugPhase1 then connect(pv_phase1.terminal,conn3to4.terminal3.phase[1]); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(pv_phase2.terminal,conn3to4.terminal3.phase[2]); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(pv_phase3.terminal,conn3to4.terminal3.phase[3]); end if; connect(conn3to4.terminal4, terminal); end UnbalancedPV_N;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine

Base model for an unbalanced wind power source without neutral cable



This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced wind turbine power sources without neutral cable.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine (Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source), Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource (Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
Realscale1Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table
BooleantableOnFilefalsetrue, if table is defined on file or in function usertab
Realtable[:, 2][3.5, 0; 5.5, 0.1; 12, 0.9; ...Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power)
StringtableName"NoName"Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation)
StringfileName"NoName"File where matrix is stored
RealscaleFraction[3]ones(3)/3Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase
WindTurbinewt_phase2redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 2
WindTurbinewt_phase3redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 3
WindTurbinewt_phase1redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 1
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
Wind correction
Realh Height over ground
HeighthRef10Reference height for wind measurement [m]
RealnWin0.4Height exponent for wind profile calculation
Nominal conditions
VoltageV_nominalV_nominal(start=480)Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]


input RealInputvWinSteady wind speed [m/s]
output RealOutputPGenerated power [W]
Terminal_pterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems

Modelica definition

model UnbalancedWindTurbine "Base model for an unbalanced wind power source without neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine; extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource; equation if plugPhase1 then connect(connection3to4.terminal4.phase[1],wt_phase1.terminal); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(connection3to4.terminal4.phase[2],wt_phase2.terminal); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(connection3to4.terminal4.phase[3],wt_phase3.terminal); end if; end UnbalancedWindTurbine;

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine_N Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine_N

Base model for an unbalanced wind power source with neutral cable



This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced wind turbine power sources with neutral cable connection.

The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine (Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source).


BooleanplugPhase1trueIf true, phase 1 is connected
BooleanplugPhase2trueIf true, phase 2 is connected
BooleanplugPhase3trueIf true, phase 3 is connected
Realscale1Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table
BooleantableOnFilefalsetrue, if table is defined on file or in function usertab
Realtable[:, 2][3.5, 0; 5.5, 0.1; 12, 0.9; ...Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power)
StringtableName"NoName"Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation)
StringfileName"NoName"File where matrix is stored
RealscaleFraction[3]ones(3)/3Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase
WindTurbinewt_phase2redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 2
WindTurbinewt_phase3redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 3
WindTurbinewt_phase1redeclare OnePhase.Sources.W...Wind turbine phase 1
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
Wind correction
Realh Height over ground
HeighthRef10Reference height for wind measurement [m]
RealnWin0.4Height exponent for wind profile calculation
Nominal conditions
VoltageV_nominalV_nominal(start=480)Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0) [V]


input RealInputvWinSteady wind speed [m/s]
output RealOutputPGenerated power [W]
Terminal4_pterminalConnector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable

Modelica definition

model UnbalancedWindTurbine_N "Base model for an unbalanced wind power source with neutral cable" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine; Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"; Interfaces.Connection3to4_p conn3to4 "Connection between 3 to 4 wire"; equation if plugPhase1 then connect(wt_phase1.terminal,conn3to4.terminal3.phase[1]); end if; if plugPhase2 then connect(wt_phase2.terminal,conn3to4.terminal3.phase[2]); end if; if plugPhase3 then connect(wt_phase3.terminal,conn3to4.terminal3.phase[3]); end if; connect(conn3to4.terminal4, terminal); end UnbalancedWindTurbine_N;

Automatically generated Mon Jul 13 14:23:23 2015.